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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Caption Contest

  2. I like that, Karmicdebt! But, once again, I have no clue.... :unsure:
  3. "It's Now or Never" Elvis Presley - Da Man!
  4. I *think* that they have required "staff" to have a credit union account and direct deposit through the credit union. Dunno if that's ethical or legal, but if that's what I had to do, I'd have it and then immediately transfer it to some bank where my spending habits are mine and not privy to the eyes of TWIts.
  5. I'm just going to repost Bliss's post since I think it sums things up nicely. :)
  6. Belle

    Possessive Dog

    Radar is the Pug lover. :wub: I have the same kind of dog as our beloved Jim's Rusty.....a Border Terrier. IMNSHO, the greatest breed of dogs in the world! She is spoiled rotten, but she also gets tons of attention since since it's just her and me. She's also my hobby. We train during commercials at home and take different training classes together. I love talking dogs and will post more later, but not much time tonight.
  7. You got it Green Man! Was that too easy or did you watch the same PBS show I did? :)
  8. Okay - here's one and if anyone watched a recent PBS show it will be a cinch to guess: People dancing, people laughing A man selling ice cream Singing Italian songs
  9. Belle

    Possessive Dog

    There are several ways to handle the situation. Regardless, consistency is the key. If they eventually get their way then they learn that there's a breaking point. ANY attention is good attention and yelling at them just sounds like another "bark" to them. With Vixen I consistently told her "not right now" when she would try to get attention at an inappropriate time. Now, when she comes up to me and I tell her "not right now", she huffs and goes to her bed or gets a toy as if trying to entice me to come play with her and her toy. :wub: If you consistently ignore them they will eventually give up and go away. As soon as they do, you need to reward them to teach them that that is the correct behavior. Because they have been allowed to get away with it for a long time, the behavior will get worse before it gets better. The KNOW it's worked in the past and will try that much harder because it's gotta work! ;) Another option is to teach them to "go to your place" - Vixen has a crate in the living room. I can say "Kennel up" from anywhere in the house and she will go to her crate. If she's especially annoying at times, I tell her to "Kennel up" and she'll go lay in there - sometimes she stays and takes a nap, other times she'll sneakily crawl out, but not bother me. Since she's not bothering me and she initially went to the crate, I let her get away with it. She was crated as a puppy, so she heard that command several times a day every day. To teach it to a dog as a new command - have a bed, a mat, crate, something that can be designated as the dog's "place". Sit someplace near the "place" so you can toss treats to it. (Dogs have short attention spans, so I do things like this during the commercials when I'm watching a show.) - Toss a treat onto the bed - say "Go to your place" - or whatever command you're going to use - When they go to get the treat praise them lavishly and with enthusiasm - Call them to you - "Come here" - Give a treat and praise - Toss a treat onto the bed - Say "Go to your place" - Praise lavishly! Do this about five or six times then take a break. If your dog knows "stay" then you can add that command to the bed once you have them reliably going to the bed/place on command. If the dog does not know "stay" then that will need to be taught, but, your dog could be like Vixen and just need the command "Go to your place" to know that really means - go to your place and then leave Mom alone. I'm heavily involved with training with Vixen - we have our Championship Conformation Title - we're hoping to get our Junior Earthdog Title this week-end and we'll be competing for our Agility, Obedience and Canine Good Citizen Award Titles this year as well. I took this past year off from training because of the divorce and leaving TWI - I didn't do much of anything, but we've been training again pretty consistently the past few months.
  10. Belle

    I did it!

  11. Belle

    Hello All

    THIRD SNOW OF THE SEASON???? Oh geeze!!! That's way tooo much!! You should move down here....no snow at all and there's so many displaced northerners that you'll feel right at home. ;)
  12. This is a first, isn't it? I think WW should get it since he knew the band. :blink:
  13. Belle

    Hello All

    Ahhhhh, Sudo knows the true dividing line of the North and South!! Don't listen to the rabble about the food fights, Sunny......It's all lies, I tell you! *passes the pea shooter and potato sling shot to CoolChef* David, Snow?? SNOW??? ALREADY???? :o And I thought we were having a cold front down here gettig down to the 60's at night.....
  14. Belle

    Hello All

    Welcome, Sunny! There's lots of Floridians on here! I'm from O-Town. I look forward to reading more of you. :P Raf usually serves the coffee; may I offer you a danish or some fruit?
  15. I hope that's it, Karmicdebt. I have no clue! I like the quote, though.
  16. I have a friend who's married to a Lebanese man. I learned a lot of Lebanese recipes from her and got on a kick where I ate nothing but Lebanese food for practically every meal..... One day I called her singing: "I think I'm turning Lebanese I think I'm turning Lebanese I really think so!" That's not the song, though, it's "I think I'm turning Japanese" (at least I *think* that's the name of the song) and I believe it's by The Talking Heads?
  17. This is from ye old archives and seems to fit.... Sorry, I don't know the author..... Jeez...you couldn't call him Craig? They would have loved me. The first time I ever met I called him an egotistical, self-centered @#%$ to his face. In front of a group of Way Corps who were on their interim Fourth Corps year. I had no idea who this jerk was. I was relatively new in the ministry. I was at the Limb Home in Greeneville, NC (pirate1974, this was back when Doug Emerson was the LC...you should remember that place) and I overheard this twit saying that the biggest problem with the ministry was that people needed to be more like him. I said, "Spoken like a good little, egotistical, self-centered Southern Baptist @#%$." I had left the Baptist church because I could not stomach that attitude and here it was popping up in a ministry that I thought was nothing like the Baptists. Ah, well...out of the mouth of babaes and all that. Needless to say, he and I had a less than friendly, but not quite adversarial relationship after that. It's one of the major reasons I never went into the Corps. I did not want that jerk, or anyone like him, having that much control over my life. I had a tough enough time putting up with the rules of the WOW program. I was out WOW in a city that was literally right next to a city where a cousin of mine was getting married that year. They would not let me go because my "committment" was to stay in "my" city. They had let me go visit with her one day on my day off, but 6 months later I couldn't go to her wedding because I had already left the city once to visit her. I should have told the morons I was going witnessing and gone anyway. Doulos... I'll do you one better. I crossed the county line with another believer one year when I was out WOW, with permission from both the FC and the AC, and STILL got reprimanded when the dumb ....s realized the place they said I could go (an apple orchard that sold cider... oooohh what an evil place) was 4 or 5 miles past the city limits. I ask, they say yes, and I STILL get yelled at. I just stood there and looked at the fool with an expression that said "Amazing! You ARE more stupid than you look!" Oh yeah, and am I the only one who had a problem with having to get up at the crack of dawn on our DAY OFF?? Man that ....ed me off.
  18. I wish I could remember who wrote this - but it's awesome, imo! A long time ago in a place far far away lived the king mogfot. His subjects all gave him their absolute obedience, and those that didn’t were cast out of the kingdom. Because he was king, all the women were his to do with as he pleased, because all in the kingdom belonged to the mogfot. One day, it came to pass that the treasury was getting a little skimpy, so he decreed that all should give him anything over what their true need to live was. Since he was the mogfot, all the subjects obeyed without question, for they supposed it was the will of the supreme God.. Long ago, there was a prince of the supreme God who loved the subjects and ruled fairly, but the kindly prince was driven away by the jealous king mogfot. The kindly prince wanted to come back, but many subjects would rather have the king instead. To further extend his power into other kingdoms, the mogfot made junior mogfite of his most trusted slaves who swore their allegiance to him. They became the mogfot in their kingdoms given to them by the King mogfot. There they ruled their subjects with the iron fist of the king, and of course being the mogfot for the area, the subjects had to swear absolute obedience to them. And of course all the women of the area, and all that the subjects had, was the mogfot’s to do as he wished, unless the king of mogfots wanted it for himself. Luckily, this kingdom is shrinking daily as the once captive subjects have sought their freedom from the false king. The king however is very unhappy with the exodus from his kingdom, and threatens their deaths if they leave. He also grows meaner day by day as he realizes his kingdom will soon be no more. The kindly prince Jesus rejoices in the captives regaining their freedom, and awaits them coming back to him and the loving arms of his Father, the supreme God.
  19. Actually these questions are from 2000 shortly after the lawsuit was announced. My ex refused to allow me to ask some of them, had me reword others, but wanted answers to them just the same. When we didn't get answers, he decided that we didn't need to know. I decided that they were hiding way more than just what they got caught with their pants down on already. Most people STILL don't know the answers to these questions and STILL haven't seen any changes in these areas.....This is from the year 2000. Think TWI's changed? Think again.... Is Craig receiving any money from the ministry or is he completely self-supporting? Where is Donna living? Are they working things out? Is she dropped from WC? What is being done to find out who knew about these affairs of Craig’s and to handle the confrontation (or lack of confrontation) of it? How long before the lawsuit did Rosalie, John Reynolds, Dr. Don, Howard Allen and others named in the lawsuit know about these infidelities? What is being done to safe-guard against this sort of thing happening again? Will there be any teaching about adultery and infidelity and the marriage commitment? What is being done about the WC dropped from active status on his watch? Are any of these being re-evaluated? How are we, The Way Ministry, the only true household of God? We’re better than everyone else? Where does it say that if someone decides they no longer want to attend ministry functions they are spiritually condemned. Not those who denounce GOD, but rather those who choose to go someplace else for spiritual nourishment and fellowship. Mentioning the theme at every teaching – seems to be overkill Are there plans to reduce the number of meetings? With all the 1x/month branch meetings and phone hook-ups we're still meeting 3x/week. Why is leadership so tired all the time? Always looks stressed/uptight? Dr. W and Dr. Don dying very young. Doesn’t seem to be enough time to study on our own. Way Magazine, STS Tape, Theme week teaching, trying to teach to the needs of those in our fellowship.
  20. I'm feeling lucky today.....bring it on!
  21. Will Smith Men in Black Tommy Lee Jones BTW - my Daddy is also Mr. Jones and he looks similar to Tommy Lee Jones. B) *no extra charge for the trivia*
  22. Okay, I'm here! Gimme a lyric....
  23. They won't admit to making any mistakes and year after year of these "mistakes" they never changed one thing. That's selfish, irresponsible and totaly antithetical to how "Godly' leaders should take care of people. Yes, carnally and selfishly used followers to recruit for them. TWIs only objective was to get more people to take the class to get more money. It's the people who went WOW with pure hearts who were doing what they thought God wanted them to do. TWI perverted, abused and took advantage of these good-hearted people. but you're never gonna get that, OM. I'm really sorry. I think you must be a very lonely, very isolated man with not many loved ones in your life.
  24. Jet, there's a lot of things that craig taught that are off the wall ridiculous, but we swallowed it hook, line and sinker. This is but one of them. Like WW said, the archives are full of the b.s. we learned from that dude and that TWI continues to teach.
  25. OMG, that's a name from the past in the first post. ;) It's also common knowledge that some of the 6th WC women slept with each other, including Donna and Marci@ Gre*ne.
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