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Everything posted by Belle

  1. New Tune - New Lyric: Don't be embarrassed if you know this one right away. :P Morning just another day Happy people pass my way
  2. No takers, eh? Here it is: You know, the whole wide world gonna know Oh Lord, I'm your Hoochie Coochie man Yes, you know I'm here Everybody knows I'm here Steppenwolf - Hoochie Coochie Man
  3. That's precious, Kit!!! :P
  4. Then, I ask again, OM --- Why sit around waiting for an invitation? Sounds like an excuse to me when you know darn well all you have to do is call and tell them that you'd like to return to fellowship. I'm one of them. John Riches*n is one of them - did you forget about his letter that was posted on WayDale and GSpot? Paul All*n was one of them. My former LC is one of them. Another three WC couples in my area tried. Wayne Cl*pp. Walter C*mmings. John N*ssle. MANY posters here at GSpot... Your memory is selective. There is a whole slew of people who confronted leadership in TWI and wanted to see changes but were kicked out.
  5. How many people is enough, OM? Hundreds and probably Thousands have already done that and been asked to leave..... Why sit around waiting for an invitation? Sounds like an excuse to me when you know darn well all you have to do is call and tell them that you'd like to return to fellowship.
  6. Nope. The band that sang this was mentioned earlier in the thread, but not too long ago. ;) If no one gets it by lunch time, I'll post another song lyric. And George: I'd LOVE to hear that story!
  7. Beautiful sentiments, Kit! You always have the right words to say. :wub: A hearty "Thank You!" to our veterans!
  8. I, too, am so thankful, grateful and awed at the strength, resolve and selfless service of our veterans. My grandfather was one of seven brothers who fought in WWII. Most of them were in some pretty awful battles and two were killed. One of my great uncles refused to talk about his service and experiences until just a few years ago. I hang onto every word he says because those are things I want to remember and to be able to share with my children. My favorite neighbor served in the Korean War and he, too, shares some incredible stories. I could go on and on about veterans I know and highly respect. Incredibly strong men and women..... Thanks, Ron!
  9. I know here in Orlando we're still waiting for that meteor to hit and destroy us because of Gay Days and other Gay activities and organizations allowed to meet and bring their millions of dollars to the city. Five or six years ago he warned us to be on the look out for it. :blink:
  10. It's only cause I wasn't here, George. ;) I'd have gotten it. Here's a few more lyrics for ya to chew on... I tell you on the seventh month, child Hey, the seven doctors say Now he was born for luck
  11. Mostly only those kids of leadership, TC. The average Joe Believer can't afford it and can't take out a loan to pay for it. ;) Ricky, have you read the Blue Book study and the PFAL Study published here? These men and women have done a marvelous job of dissecting the teachings and showing where there are blatant errors. Would the young guns care about all that? What if you could show that gal where TWI teaches so much doctrinal and practical error? Would it make a difference to her? I'm not trying to be a sh1t, I'm genuinely and sincerely asking.
  12. I probably have the STS tape if it was on one of those. Which week do you think it was? I remember that Columbine happened because they had rejected the word that the WOWs had held forth there on numerous occasions..... :unsure:
  13. Welcome, RickyG! I have fresh homemade raspberry danishes dusted with confectioners sugar today. Would you care for one? I also have mint juleps handy, but I'll need to check your ID before I can serve you one of those. ;) Thank you for the information on the young guns of TWI. I'm happy to hear that they are motivated and not oblivious to the problems with TWI. I am pretty confident, however, that they will be "disappointed in their expectations." Ya know how some people move into a house and they don't do any landscaping, they chain smoke inside, fry lots of foods, never fix the leaky faucets or running toilet, let the animals run wild in the house and never clean up after them? They have termites and bugs move in, but don't call an exterminator... Cat spray, smoke, fried foods, trash, dog poop, mold, rotten drywall, peeling wallpaper, filthy carpet, scratched and ruined linoleum, windows so dirty you can hardly see out of and dead trees, plants and nothing but weeds outside.... That's what TWI has become. The only way those good-hearted kids will be able to make a difference is to tear the whole thing down and start from scratch. It's really a seemingly impossible task given all the bad publicity and horror stories you can find about TWI all over the internet. The people inside TWI may be able to cover it up, ignore it and pretend it never happened, but outside TWI - people know, people will know and people will avoid it regardless of the advertisement and persuasive tactics used by these young guns. ESPECIALLY with many of the same names in authority. These young guns seem to dismiss the decptive practices of VPW and his plagarism. They also seem to take lock, stock and barrel everything that was taught to them as being correct, accurate and truly God breathed revelation. The poor gal that you talked to considers all those things THE most important aspects of life - the Word and being a "believer" or Christian.... She's right - most churches don't. They focus more on the teachings of Jesus and the "turn the other cheek", "do good unto ALL men", "love the unloveable", "help your fellow man", "love", "peace", "grace" and other things that TWI hardly if ever teaches. There ARE places that teach and believe those things - Especially CFF, CES and some of the off-shoots. There are other churches who teach more accurately than TWI and, therefore, do NOT teach some of the things TWI teaches. There are churches who have small home fellowships, who operate manifestations - even if it's not entirely like TWI... There's actually a LOT of options out there, but if one is going to be close-minded and defensive about TWI, then they aren't going to see the beauty and peacefulness and grace that those places offer. :) I'm glad you're here! Please, enjoy the danish and I look forward to reading more from you.
  14. That sounds like a blast, Moony! Perfect location for a concert and private bathrooms nearby. Looks like it's the Moony & Belle Show today. :P Here's my lyric: On the seventh hour Oh Lord, on the seventh dayz
  15. Never Been to Spain - Three Dog Night Last concert I went to at Mud Island in Memphis before moving to Florida when I was 20. AWESOME CONCERT!! Well, till I found out that my date was 38 years old and had a daughter MY AGE! :o He looked young - I guess I looked old. :( John Kaye and Steppenwolf played, too. Both bands totally rocked!!!
  16. DANG! I didn't know there was another country music fan on here. ;) Most excellent taste in music, Moony! Yer tern!
  17. I always knew you were a romantic, George! What a lucky wife you have! She must be awfully special to have reeled you in. :) So you were in tight with Vince and the Valiants? That's cool!! I remember Elvis's version because, well, because I'm from Mississippi and only about an hour south of his hometown! Okay - here's my lyric: We talk about your work how your boss is a jerk We talk about your church and your head when it hurts We talk about the troubles you've been having with your brother About your daddy and your mother and your crazy ex-lover
  18. Sucks, doesn't it, Bliss? Creative does NOT only mean "creating something from nothing" in the Modern English Vernacular. TWIts are too narrow-minded because of how we were "imprinted" linguistically by TWI. One thing that helped me, I think, is intentionally using words that were verbotten by TWI. I consciously brought those words into conversations over and over again till I could quit wincing when I heard them. For me, it started with words like: Christmas Easter Create Hope Lucky Bet - I'll bet he says.... Fortunate Unfortunate "Available" still sounds like fingernails on a chalk board to me. There are some phrases that make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, but it's getting better every day. BTW - I'm not Catholic, but I bought a necklace containing three different Catholic Saints on it. I also, unintentionally, bought a Rosary in Mexico. It was just a beautiful pearl & hematite necklace for a bargain price of $1.00 to me. When I found out it was a Rosary I just laughed and wear it with that much more pride! :D Yep, I'm a sh1t.
  19. I have to laugh about the "oldies" show. A band came to Ashland, KY to play at a festival they have there and one of the lead singers went into Daddy's bank to cash a check and the young teller was being polite and dripping with southern hospitality as southerners are want to do. She asked him why he was in town (obviously did not recognize him). He said he was there with a band to perform at the festival. She asked the name of his band and he told her "The Monkees" - she giggled and said "What a cute name for a band!" It was Davy Jones. LOL! She had never even heard of him or the band.
  20. ROFLMAO - They're using Go Daddy?? LOL! I hope they aren't going to allow "interaction" with any account numbers or other private information.
  21. Well, it only took them five years to pick out a new phone system..... Maybe they don't know what an interactive website really is. :blink:
  22. Belle

    Possessive Dog

    Thanks, Digi, I agree, but I'm completely biased. :P There are NO dumb questions! And I'll talk dogs all day happily - in case you can't tell. ;) Her tail is not cropped, they are medium length, thick carrot-like tails. The purpose for them is to be able to grab the dog by the tail and pull him out of a fox hole - or other critter hole - when necessary. They were bread to go underground to catch or chase the foxes out of their holes on fox hunts so that the men and the fox hounds could continue the hunt. They also went underground to catch and rid the farmer's land of other vermin like badgers and such. In fact, I've been trying to find a picture of a Fox Hunt that actually shows the Border Terrier running with the Fox Hounds. Because the Border Terriers were owned by the farmers and used primarily on the farm, they weren't considered the "upper class" dog that the Fox Hounds were. As a result of that they aren't usually included in the pictures. :( Border Collies are the herding dogs and, yes, they are very, very smart! They also do agility and those are the dogs you usually see winning the top awards for agility. Dobies are awesome dogs and I just love Shar Pei's! They are so regally goofy. :)
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