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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Our fellowship wrote a bunch of scripture verses down - you know, like "choose life or choose death" and "woe unto the man who does not hearken to the word of God"....those kinds of uplifting things that really get people's attention.....We put them in a bunch of helium balloons and sent them up into the wild blue yonder....THAT'S when the word went over the world.
  2. "Fuggers", George, is what I've seen on the lyrics and what I sing when I'm playing it. :P This is one of my all time favorite songs!
  3. Here ya go! Frustrated women (I mean they're frustrated) Have to be in by twelve o'clock
  4. Johnny, I'm so sorry! I've never been involved with anything remotely similar to this so I have no words of wisdom to share. I know that this woman is already blessed tremendously by you and your wife's love, support and prayers. I'll pray for the strength that you need to help her and know that you two will continue to have the right words for her. Mo, excellent post.....as usual. :)
  5. Belle

    Alphabet Dog

    Awwww, thanks so much, y'all! :wub: I know it's kind of silly to get all excited about these things, but I just can't help it! It's just awesome seeing your dog "wiggle but t" excited about something she was bred to do and doing it very well. She was so excited and yet so tired Saturday night that she was snoring within minutes of us getting to the hotel. It's a great time of bonding and working together as a team, which is totally different from our daily walks, games of fetch and hide-and-go-seek. I also love the border terrier community and have made many friends through these competitions and trials. They've been very supportive and helpful during my transition this past year even though they know hardly anything except that I got divorced. LG, she definitely is a "cat dog" as well. :P I can't walk her anywhere without her being on the look out for cats under cars, in the bushes, on the fences, etc. She's caught her share of them and one has part of its tail missing thanks to Miss Vixen. :unsure:
  6. Bonnie Raitt - Something to Talk About?
  7. Is this your writing or do you need to provide documentation of where and whom you copied it from? What do you want us to do with this? Your point?
  8. I'm sorry Revel, this is all way too long for me to read. Seeing as how you only have two posts here and it's these two about seven holy days, could you please provide a synopsis and the point of your post? Thanks!
  9. Yeppers! I was an official member of the International Barry Manilow Fan Club when I was in Middle School.
  10. Wow! I didn't think it would be THIS hard.... Here's part of the chorus: You came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away.
  11. Belle

    Remind you of anyone?

    ROFLMAO!!! My co-worker who thinks all Christians are like her is going to LOVE watching this!!
  12. I had no clue so I looked him up and now I'm surprised I didn't know his name. Guess my attention span was too short. ;)
  13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Reservoir Dogs - actually, I LOVE anything by Quentin Tarantino. :P Yes, I have a sick mind. I haven't seen the parallels, but I'll certainly give it some brain time..... My all time favorite movie - of ALL movies, not just Tarantino movies - is "True Romance" with Christian Slater and Rosanna Arquette. It's got Dennis Hopper in it and you KNOW anything with Hopper in it is gonna rock! Val Kilmer does an awesome job as an evil pimp and Bronson Pinchot is absolutely hilarious! It's got the Tarantino humor and violence in it. No parallels to anything TWI, but I saw the title of the thread and thought I'd throw in my two cents worth. I hope you don't mind.
  14. A little more of the same.... Looking in their eyes, I see a memory I never realized how happy you made me.
  15. I relate all to well to this. After getting sucked in and altruistically wanting to help people, I became the judge and jury condemning people and pointing out how pathetic their walk for God was because they lacked the head knowledge that I had and the discipline of TWIt involvement. :huh: I became a totally different person, but the great thing is that once I figured out how to escape from Hotel California, I "snapped" back into the person I was before becoming entrenched with and oppressed by TWI.
  16. To each his own. If that's where you feel comfortable and that's what lifts your spirit and makes you happy, then that's exactly where you need to be. :)
  17. Isn't it illegal to REQUIRE your "employees" to use a certain bank and to use direct deposit?
  18. Belle

    Alphabet Dog

    If I may...... After a long drive Friday night and early Saturday morning to Marietta, GA, Vixen and I arrived at a sunny park full of barking dogs, lots of dirt and awesome rat smells. We were fourth in line for the Junior Earthdog bracket of the trials and Vixen was chomping at the bit to have her shot at those rats! She was so eager to go that I had to carry her up to the release point or she would have choked herself on her lead. As soon as I set her down she zoomed into the hole and got to the rats who were 30 ft. and three 90 degree turns away underground in approximately 17 seconds. She barked and dug and "worried" the rats for a full 90 seconds and impressed the judge with her aggressive digging and barking. Out of 32 dogs who competed in the Junior bracket on Saturday, Vixen and Gwen, another border terrier, were the only two dogs to pass the test. This was Vixen's second time to pass the test so she also earned the title Junior Earthdog after her AKC name. She is now officially known as CH Beverlea Fox Hollow Vixen JE. :wub: Yes, I'm one proud mama! Sunday was our first time to compete at the Senior level. The wind was blowing hard and the scent was a little more difficult to follow. The hole was about twenty feet away, whereas it's only ten feet away in Junior. She lost the scent and never found the hole to go after the rats. She did, however, find the rat steward and the back-up stock of rats - the judge sitting on top of the rats she was supposed to find from underground, and some killer smells behind me in the woods.... :blink: The nose and the brain were definitely working! We have more trials coming up in February and March, so hopefully we'll be able to change that JE to an SE sometime during those trials. After that, it's on to Master Earthdog! In the meantime we continue training for Agility, Obedience, Canine Good Citizen and Rally titles.... Having a smart, fun dog as a kid and hobby sure is the bomb! For those not familiar with Earthdog: You follow the scent of the rat down into a small tunnel. It's 9x9 inches, the dog has to duck and crawl along, but he fits. You go through the tunnel and at the end is a caged rat and you have to bark and dig at it. There are four tests, Intro to Quarry, Junior earthdog, Senior earthdog and Master earthdog, and only three titles. You don't get a title for the Intro to Quarry.
  19. Happiest of Birthdays, TCat! Hope it's absolutely wondermous!!
  20. Belle


    I love freecycle! I've used it to give away stuff, but I'm still waiting for someone to need to get rid of a futon.
  21. Belle

    The Cone of Silence

    Famous last words................... :P
  22. And yet a third time, OM, I ask: I'd love to see you lead those youngsters in doing what you so heartily endorse and claim can and should happen.
  23. When taking a multiplication test on 9's you can number one column: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Right Next to it number another column: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 And there you have it - your 9's multiplied to 10!
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