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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    I'm a Barnies snob, myself. I LOVE Santa's White Christmas coffee and have no problem filling my "frequent flier" card with them on a regular basis. I usually buy 1/2 lb. of non-flavored and 1/2 lb. of flavored at a time. I buy so frequently that they pull out the "blends" menu for me when I come in. My favorite of late is a "Sumatra Mandling" with "Java Kalisat" blend and my flavored blend is "Decadent Dark Chocolate" with "Hazelnut" - YUMMY!! I've given up cream (REAL cream), but still use Splenda. My office loves it when I recharge because I usually buy a pound or two for the community pot here as well. I made a ton of Peppermint Crescent Cookies this week-end for a cookie swap - and brought back over ten dozen cookies. Would y'all like some to go with the coffee? :) Note: these are not the actual cookies I brought back from the party.
  2. Very keen observation, Oak and very true. The people who see little to no errors in PFAL and general TWI doctrine have a totally different view from: - those who have re-evaluated everything and come to the conclusion that PFAL was riddled with errors but that the Bible is still the God-breathed word and inerrant in nature which is a different view from: - those who still believe in God, but recognize and admit that the Bible isn't the end all and be all of religion, beliefs and God. I think the first two groups are most likely to either be in or to have started spin-offs and to maintain their involvement there. Those in the first group are most likely to still hold the arrogant, egotistical attitude that we were taught so well. These are the ones who attack those who don't believe like they do and the ones who scare me the most.
  3. Mee, too, Eagle! I had a blast sending out Christmas Cards this year!
  4. Will it move us up on the Google index when people do searches related to The Way International, Weirwille, Martindale, etc? I mean, is this a good thing, or just normal business as usual for Google?
  5. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    Bow, your mom sounds like one great lady. Now I know where your great sense of humor comes from! Mama is 5’4”, so she’ll love the Short Woman line. :D Very poignant, Catcup! Means a lot to my family these days. LOL! Karmic!! ((((excathedra)))) I wish your daddy had been as loving and wonderful as you deserve for him to have been. Ron, you’ve got me cracking up! I remember that “tuff titty” line from somewhere, but I can’t imagine it came from my Daddy. LOL! I think I’ve actually heard Daddy say that one!! Good one doojable!
  6. Beautiful!! Thanks so much! Cowgirl, that picture is absolutely precious!
  7. Thanks, Mo! I've missed you around and was just about to PM you this week-end. Happy Everything to you, too!
  8. Belle

    Santa Sez

    Waltz Dance Dance with the Doll Ho Ho Ho Give me a present Kiss me PIggy Back Ride Show your butt Pick your nose cough Smoke a joint Do pushups Cartwheel Okay.....I have too much time on my hands, but it was FUN!! He really likes getting to drink that beer!
  9. TLB, your questions are very good ones, but I'm afraid you won't get answers from any of them. Not straight ones anyway. They only know how to insult people, their beliefs and call people names. They don't know how to answer questions directly.
  10. Rascal, Sharon and Janet did take off together and came to the Sunshine State. Someone actually sent me their address and phone number once in case I wanted to confront Janet for how horribly she treated my ex.
  11. Moony, I"m looking you up if I get to your neck of the woods sometime!! I was on a cruise and we stopped in the Bahamas for a day of shopping - Belle went shopping alright - shopping for FRESH MADE BEFORE YOUR EYES CONCH FRITTERS! :P They were everywhere! We ate at one little place where the guy was pulling the conch out of the shells and sneding them to the kitchen to be made into fritters. YUMMY!!! :wub:
  12. Lorna, I'm curious. How do you know for a fact and why should we take your word over the ones who posted contrary information per WordWolf's post above?
  13. Absolutely Awesome, Skyrider!! That's an excellent description and explanation of how TWI worked on us.
  14. I tried :( It asked for a 10 digit code to view the card.
  15. Belle

    Plasma or LCD

    Hills, do you watch NASCAR? <_< <_< <_< :P
  16. Refresh our memory, Lifted. :P Is he the one who resigned for cheating on his wife with his male assistant? So, Chef, what does one fix for a politician who has policies one doesn't agree with? ;)
  17. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    HA HA HA, David! The boss might not appreciate it, but my co-workers surely will!!
  18. Keanu, good to see you on here! Thank your dad for letting you edu-ma-cate us. ;) I'm not around kids, teens or anywhere I could learn about these unless they're used in a song on the radio, but I don't listen to the radio much, so I'm frequently "pedestrian" when it comes to the latest slang. It's fun to read these!
  19. Belle

    Possessive Dog

    The top picture I posted is not Vixen. It's CH Orenburg Inkling and it was wrong for me to paste that picture instead of one of Vixen in my post. I apologize. I wanted to paste a picture to show the entire dog and do not have one of Vixen except for her Conformation Show photos and those are framed and hanging in the house. Vixen has been mistaken for this dog at a few shows and has the same lines, color ticking and look which is why I chose that picture to post. Rascal can confirm that Vixen does look almost identical to the picture. If I can get one of her conformation show pictures scanned, I will. I do have lots of pictures of Vixen posted on a couple of other websites, but couldn't figure out how to link to them since they don't have picture addresses. If someone would like to see those for fun or to compare, feel free to PM me and I'll gladly give you the website addresses. I didn't think it was a big deal. Regardless of which, it was wrong. Digi pointed this out to me last night and I want to set the record straight. Thank you and I hope that y'all can forgive me.
  20. DMiller, I'm also sorry. The holidays are never the same, but those first ones are the hardest. Likeaeagle, I have all my presents packaged, wrapped and shipped home so that they would be there for my arrival in Mississippi. I wouldn't have the room or spare weight to take them on the airplane. The only things I have left are two bluejean purses I'm making for my teen cousins and the 365 Day Jars I'm making for Mama, Daddy and the Grandparents. A co-worker is making a Warhol-ish print from one of our family pictures for me to give my daddy, but he hasn't done it yet. I'm kinda hoping he comes through cause I don't have a back-up plan if he doesn't. :unsure: If I had Photoshop on one of my puters I'd attempt it myself, but I'm afraid of what it might look like since I don't know anything about that creative, artistic stuff. I used to wait till the last minute, but this year it wasn't an option and I must say it's kinda nice to not have that stress this year.
  21. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    I like both of those! Paw, I'm afraid I might have to use that line with my boss sometime.... :unsure: Not sure how it'll be received, though. Hopefull, that's a great way of putting it! I'll remember that one for sure! Thanks, y'all!
  22. I just learned today that when someone says "you really put your foot in it" that it's a GOOD thing. :blink: I thought they were saying I put my foot in my mouth (which is not so unusual) but in this case I was pretty sure I hadn't. Glad I was wrong!
  23. True, but you also can't go to a tree that produces acorns and say that it's at least fifty years old. ;) That's what made me question that line in Sam's post. I know my tree isn't that old and I know that it produces a motherload of acorns every year. Her post says nothing about full production or maturity level, so naturally I was curious and wanted to look it up. Like I said, I've no doubt that perhaps some species take fifty years, just that not all do. The tannin information is neat. Thanks for sharing it. It's pretty wild that it's that strong yet still safe for animals to eat. I know Vixen love those acorns and probably frustrates the pea turkey out of the squirrels by finding their hiding spots for them. :D
  24. Ahhh, Jonny, I used to work for a magazine called "Fish & Game Finder" - I was a typesetter, graphic artist among other things. I loved seeing pictures of beautiful fish and awesome game every day. Ted Nugent regularly sent in photos from his expeditions. I would crop the game out of the pictures and hang him up in my work station. I was born and raised in NE Mississippi, where there IS no seafood to be found unless you count fried fish sticks from the grunchy store. :P I've been in the Orlando, FL area since 1991 and I *thought* we had good raw oysters down here till I visited a very dear friend in the Boston area and found out what I had REALLY been missing out on! Lobster, Steamers, Oysters ordered by the area where they were harvested.....I could go on and on and on..... OMG! FL seafood can't hold a candle to what I had in Bawston! Now I'm ruined for FL seafood. It's still good, but it only makes me wish I could afford to eat NE area seafood all the time. :unsure: Maybe if I win the lottery one day.......... I LOVE Snow Crab! In fact, my favorite restaurant on Daytona Beach has really good Snow Crab and you can sit ON the beach to eat them. They have good scallops, too. In fact, the first year I was down here I was so broke I couldn't afford a tree, much less decorations for it. My office gave me the one we had put up in the office for free after we closed for the holiday. We all went to an all you can eat scallop dinner and I saved everyone's scallop shells. I borrowed a hot glue gun from a co-worker, she gave me some red ribbons and I made scallop shell decorations for my tree, strung popcorn and made a big bow for the top of it. Not bad for a Charlie Brown tree. :P I've saved some of those ornaments to remind me of where I came from and love to add them to the tree each year. But I digress.... Would Coon Stripe Shrimp be anything like Tiger Shrimp? We have Rock Shrimp down here which have hard shells like lobsters on them and they're good, but can tear your fingers up if they aren't fixed right. I am a huge salmon fan, but all we get down here are farm-raised salmon and they aren't as flavorful as the "natural" ones. :) My favorite way to fix it is with a honey-ginger-lime marinade and glaze. Yummy!!! Oh, there IS a Caribbean lady at the Farmers Market downtown who sells THE best conch fritters I've had outside da islands. I don't know that I've ever had smoked fish of any kind. Sounds good, though! I grew up on "southern" seafood - crawfish, fried shrimp, fried catfish and hushpuppies.... ;) Now that I'm totally starving and craving some raw oysters and cold beer - I'm outta here....... :D
  25. ROFLMAO, HCW!!! Sounds like y'all really did have a blast! I can see, with super times like that, how it must be very hard to reconcile the ugliness. Thank you for sharing your memories with us here. I do so love to read them and you're an incredible writer. I feel like I'm there with you when I'm reading your tales. :)
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