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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Deleted -- Mentioning a relative of a poster
  2. Belle


    I wouldn't wish anyone to have to relive the terrible things that happened to them. I'm GLAD there wasn't a lawsuit. If I was a rape victim - and especially one who was raped and abused over a long period of time - I would not want to have to relive that much less have to face my abusers (plural) and those women who were instrumental in ruining my life. But then again, I'm not a lowlife who feeds and takes pleasure in hearing the awful details of someone's nightmare.
  3. Most of the lawsuits require that no information be shared regarding the actual settlement packages, however, I would imagine there are millions of dollars missing from the TWIt coffers these days. Hopefully its in the TENS OF MILLIONS - I wish it was in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS, though. :P Someone else may be able to shed a bit more light on this, though. IF....IF....IF TWI was an honest up-standing Christian organization their followers would be privvy to this information and TWI would really make sure that said followers knew what was happening with the money they send to NK. I'm guessing that "Soup to Nuts" statement by Rico Spaghetti doesn't include gold nuggets and paper. ;)
  4. Belle


    As a DIRECT RESULT of the lawsuit many, many people: - Gained their freedom - Gained their sanity - Escaped all manners of abuse - Learned they were not alone - Reconciled with Family and Friends - Gained Financial Security - Rebuilt Careers - Finished educational goals - Acquired reliable automobiles - Acquired control of their lives - Acquired a peacefulness not known in years - Acquired healthy self-esteems - Acquired TRUE answers in life - Acquired healthy, supportive relationships - Improved their lives beyond any empty promises TWI made I'd say they won and not just for themselves, they won for a whole bunch of us! TWI will never have the power and control over so many people again. They will never be able to hide how evil they are and people who decide to get involved and stay involved will do so knowing full well (if they so choose to know) all the atrocities, evil, lies and manipulative ways found within the walls of TWI.
  5. Is your sister going on Ho Ho Relo, OM? What's her assignment this year?
  6. Belle

    Seen this?

    Actually, I remember my HFC's telling me that they went into the WC because it was merely to teach people how to be HFC's. That's it - A lifetime of service to them meant serving God's word to people. It meant teaching people in their homes and giving of their time as they saw fit - it had absolutely NOTHING to do with being assigned to live in a specific location or region - it had absolutely NOTHING to do with being on TWIt payroll - it was simply to learn how to be a Twig Coordinator and to take that learning back to their home and run twig. There was no commitment to be a twig coordinator for the rest of their lives, just that they were now equipped to do so. It was expected that they would run a twig for a while, but no mention of that being for the rest of their lives, much less for TWI to dictate where or how they lived and it NEVER meant to them that they would be put on TWI payroll or under any other obligation to TWI. It was simply a voluntary program for those who, at that time, wanted to learn how to be twig coordinators.
  7. Belle

    What is Heaven?

    I'd love to discuss this tomorrow if anyone is watching it.
  8. Oh! Thanks, Lifted! I had forgotten who that was. :) Chef, probably was the best dang pasta & sauce they've had! ;)
  9. Oh this is so much FUN! I love reading what y'all are doing! Thanks for starting the thread, Shaz. I love doing that, too, Socks. In fact, Vixen and I will be doing that with some hot apple cider tonight (she'll get milk, though). If I had known you could get trees cheap, I sure would have put my order in with you! Oak, I'd love to learn more about Yule when you feel like explaining it. I could Google it, but it wouldn't be as much fun. :) Jard, I love the Charlie Brown tree! Must be related to my first tree. :D Sudo, that tree is beautiful. The elves look so happy to be helping, too! Moony, you'll have to teach us the proper organizsation of ornaments some time. ;) WW, I'm pleasantly surprised that it really does look real and that the lights came already on it. It doesn't need watering either. I miss the smell and, I suppose, the motions of driving, picking it out and all that's involved with that, but this will be a new familiar routine before too long. I've adjusted surprisingly well considering I thought it was going to be so anti-climatic and un-Christmas-y. Being the first year I've really done anything since leaving and getting divorced, having the new ornaments helps, too. Thank you!!
  10. Belle

    CHAT feedback

    Didn't want this to get lost. I LOVE the new chat room!
  11. Belle

    words women use

    You don't have to get me anything
  12. Belle

    Santa Sez

    That's what I' talking about!
  13. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    Jonny, you're on a roll!!
  14. Belle

    Recipe Help

    Thank you so much! LG, I never did learn how to eliminate words in my searches. Thank you!! I also looked and that second link looks EXACTLY like what I was looking for. The sauce I had definitely had the cucumber mixed into the sauce, kind of like tzatziki (sp?) sauce. Mary Poppins, thank you and that does look delicious!! I am very active with the Border Terrier community and every year we have a Border Terrier "Specialty" where all the border owners in America get together for all kinds of events and competitions from conformation to earthdog, rally, flyball, obedience and agility. Since Border Terriers are from Scotland and the UK, we have a lot of people from their on our online community, so we always have "virtual" picnics while waiting for results and pictures from the Specialty. Everyone tells what they are going to bring and give the recipe for it. I've gotten some great recipes from our ladies across the water! The fun part is trying to figure out what some of the items are and how to translate some of the measurements - especially from the Aussies. LOL! Thank you for taking the time to post that recipe.
  15. Belle

    Live Chat

    Paw, this is NO GOOD!!! NO GOOD AT ALL!!! I can get into this room from work :o Should I just see if I can add "Live Chat" to my MBO's for 2006??
  16. Belle

    Recipe Help

    I'm looking for a recipe for a Cucumber-Wasabi Sauce to serve with seared tuna. I find it on all kinds of restaurant menus on Google, but no flipping recipe. It's smooth creamy-like and not chunky like the one Ginger-Cucumber-Wasabi dip that I found. Anyone know how to make this yummy stuff? Thank you!!
  17. Belle


    And if you can see through it, it's TEA - not coffee.
  18. You know, Oak, you're right. I guess I didn't say it the way I meant. I really and truly have nothing good to take away from my time with TWI. I didn't have any true friends while I was involved. I didn't meet anyone who enriched my life or made it better. I didn't learn anything that I use today - especially not anything that I couldn't have learned somewhere else. I didn't really have any great times associated with any TWI functions. I didn't even have true love while I was involved. I didn't get closer to my family as promised. I didn't get closer to God as promised. I didn't come out better than I went in. I even wasted the money my daddy had saved up for me to have my dream wedding. I wasted eight years trying to love someone who didn't really love. I wasted my "fertile" years by not having the children I desperately wanted. I wasted the time I could have enjoyed getting to know my young cousins who don't know me now and really don't care. I wasted time at stupid functions instead of attending holiday celebrations, weddings, graduations and family reunions with the people who really do love me. I really have absolutely NOTHING good to say about my time in TWI. BUT, I suppose how I deal with this ten year stint with heroin is by trying to turn it into something I can use to keep others off heroin and to help those who are addicted get free from it. You did the same thing for me and for that I am eternally grateful!
  19. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    Y'all are cracking me up!! Jonny, some of those are going in my uncle's jar. :P Going in the gals' jars.
  20. MORE MORE MORE!!! (when you get time :P ) I'm fascinated! I had no idea all this was going on behind the scenes and all that you were dealing with. :huh:
  21. Justloafing - ROFLMAO!!! themex, I'm possessed. Just ask anyone involved with TWI in Florida or the UK. The new "ambASSadors" over there confirmed it. :blink:
  22. I experienced all of this. I was first paranoid about getting possessed and having horrible things happen to me and to my "earthly" family because of my "disobedience" to TWI. I was worried about getting some awful disease or in a debilitating car crash, etc. I was in constant fear as I started doubting TWI and recognizing its effect on my mental, emotional and physical health. Then, because I really had a hard time with people not liking me, I was hesitant to leave or make waves for fear of the labels and ugliness that I knew would follow along with everyone talking about me behind my back, as TWIts (especially leadership) are wont to do. Finally, I realized that the five years I had spent trying to stay in TWI to salvage my marriage and to try to get my ex to see TWI for the evil that it is, was moot. If he would leave me because I left TWI, then it really wasn't a loving, strong marriage to begin with. A husband who would choose a group of people over his wife couldn't have really married for love - for better or worse - under every situation and in every condition... and so I shouldn't continue making myself sick and miserable trying to salvage something that wasn't there to begin with. Once I got past all those hurdles - which was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life - I was able to leave it all behind and start all over. I am so much more peaceful, happier, healthier and I truly believe that a bad day outside the oppression of TWI is much better than a good day in the midst of all that ever was.
  23. Belle

    words women use

    HOW TIMELY! I got this today: Eight Words with two Meanings 1. THINGY (thing-ee) n. Female...... Any part under a car's hood. Male..... The strap fastener on a woman's bra. 2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj. Female.... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another. Male.... Playing football without a cup. 3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n. Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner. Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys. 4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n. Female.... A desire to get married and raise a family. Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one. 5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n. Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book. Male...... Anything that can be done while drinking beer. 6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n. Female.... An embarrassing byproduct of indigestion. Male...... A source of entertainment, self-_expression, male bonding. 7. MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n. Female...... The greatest _expression of intimacy a couple can achieve. Male.. Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it. 8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n. Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another. Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.
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