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Everything posted by Belle

  1. (((((((THELMA))))))))) I have SOOOOO missed you!!! I reckon we need to make another date to catch up! I'll call you tomorrow to set a date. :) UNLESS your phone number has changed --- if so, e-mail or call me. :P Mark O'Malley, You truly are a class act! Thank you for posting here!
  2. Bringing this to the top for a lurker.
  3. This needs to come back to the top.
  4. Skyrider, I love everything that you post and that thread turned into an octopus of topics. :D It's fine! No apology necessary. You said: Gee, ya think that might be tied to the change of definition applied to that "lifetime of service" advertisement? :huh: I do!! I remember craiggers yelling to the WC at the top of his lungs that their life was no longer their own!! Doesn't sound like anything anyone knowingly would have signed up for.....turning their lives over lock, stock and barrell to TWI? WORSE - to craigger's idiotic whims!
  5. Belle

    Seen this?

    I think you missed what I said. I said that "not everyone is going to appreciate" your Bible verses. :) Go ahead and post them because that's what seems to comfort you and it also may comfort others - in fact, I know a few people on here who probably WILL appreciate them. I've not limited or attempted to limit anything you say. I don't do that with anyone. I may disagree with someone or think for me personally that their posts hold no value, but I was not telling you what to post or what not to post and I'm sorry if you read it that way. I also stand 100% behind MY post. :D
  6. I love you Excie! Thank you for being so strong and for sharing so much of your life on here despite the rations of sh1+ some people fling.
  7. To the top for MaryPoppins and PowerFilled
  8. To the top for PowerFilled and MaryPoppins. :)
  9. Belle

    Seen this?

    I would recommend reading WordWolf's post at the top of this About the Way Forum. ;) The reason some people are here is to talk about TWI, the evil and bondage and to help others who need it. That means talking about the bad stuff. :) If that's not what someone else wants to talk about they are more than welcome to do so, but to tell others where they should be in their recovery and to set limits on what they talk about is wrong, in my opinion. We got through that here every once in a while. There are people leaving TWI every day and there are people finding GSpot every day - some of those people have been out for a long time and are shocked and relieved to find GSpot and the information, commonality and answers to things they've been dealing with for years and sometimes decades. Not everyone on here is a Christian and GSpot is NOT a Chrisitan forum. (Allan will gladly point who believes what, but be aware that he is frequently MORE negative than what you've read here that got you upset.) Just quoting Bible verses is what made some people sick of the Bible - it doesn't really help some people, especially non-Chrisitans... It also is empty words to others when a personal word and concern are what helps. Those scriptures just sound like the TWIts when they would say, "just believe God" or "you gotta believe bigger" - it's so generic and doesn't really help. That's great if that's what comforts you and helps you, but realize that not everyone is going to appreciate the fact that there's a Bible verse for everything. We do have "positive" threads on here. I'll try to bring a few up for you to peruse.
  10. Littlehawk, I'll take you up on that offer!!! BTW, when are you and Cory going to be in this neck of the woods? I"m leaving Friday and will be back on Tuesday. I have an extra bedroom if you gentlemen can make your way through O-Town and would like to kick yer boots off fer a bit. I'd sure love to see y'all agin! I make a mean pitcher of iced tea and it'd be fun to have a couple o' guinea pigs for that awesome seared tuna recipe variation you got my mouth waterin' with. ;)
  11. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    LOL! Act2, I really like those! Daddy will get the bank one, of course. He'll definitely like it and wish he had known that one when we were growing up. I think the one about giving and taking, which is very cool, will go to Mama and Grandma. Sounds like something they would say and I can let them know with that what a good job they did of teaching me how to do both. :) :) Brother Speed! So glad you're back on US soil and I sure as heck hope you're birthday is going along smashingly today! I know my Mama will really like the homework quote. She's always said that she's glad my little brother & I got Daddy's intelligence. :P And.... Honest Injun!! I really like your personal quote! Being out of TWI that quote speaks louder and truer than ever, I think. I'm gonna give that one to Daddy and Paw Paw and I'll make sure I credit our beloved Brother Speed with being the author of it! ;) Thank you both!! I still have about 80 to go! :o Who'd a thunk it's be so hard to do this?? Actually, it's just the time factor - but I WILL get it done. I'm determined! And y'all have all been sooo wonderful and helpful - I seriously doubt I could have done it - or certainly not nearly as well - if it hadn't been for you wonderful Greasespots.
  12. I sure hope it's a super birthday befitting the wonderful man that you are!
  13. Belle

    What is Heaven?

    I really liked this special! It was very interesting to hear all the different views, beliefs and teachings that people have about Heaven. I was kinda put off by the "celebrity" interviews about Heaven - I hate the way people give someone credibility just because they are a celebrity. Although, I did enjoy watching Richard Geer and he came across much better to me than I expected, though. I was fascinated to hear the people speak who died and think they went to heaven. I don't have enough information to decide either way on it, but I can tell those people believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that it happened (and I loved that the one lady said there were dogs & cats all up and down the staircase going up into the light of Heaven.) I thought the Quest camp for kids was really neat and liked how they teach the kids logical thinking techniques. I've been reading "Why People Believe Wierd Things" and the beginning of the book is about logical thinking and deductions. Some of it was over my head, but I learned a great deal and wish I had learned these sorts of things when I was younger. I did enjoy watching her with the Dali Lama and was really "surprised" (?) at his laid back nature and really liked his answers. It was very enlightening about him and his religion as I had been very wrong in a lot of the things I thought they believed. I thought I was going to be out when it came on and had started to tape it but turned it off when I realized I was going to be home. I wish now that I had taped it anyway. I'd like to watch it again.
  14. Belle

    Rainbow Bridge

    Thanks, Justloafing! I love the story about the Rainbow Bridge! It gives me goosebumps to think of being reunited with our beloved pets. Here's the poem I first read that introduced me to the Rainbow Bridge and I dread the day Vixen crosses it, but know that Doobie and Dutchess will be there to play with her till I get there. I just can't imagine a loving God that wouldn't reunite us with those beloved pets. The Rainbow Bridge inspired by a Norse legend By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill, Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still. Where the friends of man and woman do run, When their time on earth is over and done. For here, between this world and the next, Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest. On this golden land, they wait and they play, Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day. No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness, For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness. Their limbs are restored, their health renewed, Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued. They romp through the grass, without even a care, Until one day they start, and sniff at the air. All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back, Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack. For just at that instant, their eyes have met; Together again, both person and pet. So they run to each other, these friends from long past, The time of their parting is over at last. The sadness they felt while they were apart, Has turned into joy once more in each heart. They embrace with a love that will last forever, And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together. © 1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky. All Rights Reserved.
  15. Belle

    Thank You Jesus

    I don't know about him looking like Jesus, but he sure could eat crackers in my bed anytime! :P :wub:
  16. Oh GREAT, Moony! I should have read this before I posted my joke today!
  17. Things that are difficult to say when you're drunk... a) Innovative B) Preliminary c) Proliferation d) Cinnamon e) Aluminum Things that are VERY difficult to say when you're drunk... a) Specificity B) British Constitution c) Passive-aggressive disorder d) Transubstantiate Things that are DOWNRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE to say when you're drunk... a) Thanks, but I don't want to sleep with you. B) Nope, no more drinks for me, I've reached my limit. c) Sorry, but you're not really my type. d) Please take the shooters back; let's have water. e) Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight? f) I'm not interested in fighting you. g) Oh, I just couldn't - no one wants to hear me sing. h) Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have zero coordination. i) Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to vomit in the street. j) I must be going home now as I have work in the morning. k) Look, it would be great! To have sex with you, but I hardly know you and we will only feel really embarrassed and awkward in the morning. l) That guy is looking at my girlfriend but I am sure it's just because he knows her or something. m) That chair looks wobbly and dangerous and I certainly wouldn't try balancing on it with this short skirt on in case I fell off. n) I must get to my bed, as I could never have a really good sleep in that hedge.
  18. Johniam, I could write a book of my sins, but why? I'd rather write a book of all the good things I've done. ;) Or maybe the FUN things I've done....but that might include SOME sins.... Not sure I get your point, though. <_<
  19. Belle


    WN!, unfortunately he is neither acting nor kidding. :blink:
  20. Would be nice if all the believers who gave money to that outfit were able to get it back. I'd much rather that money be in the hands of those who have the bravery to stand against that evil organization than in the retirement funds and lush lifestyle of those who decieve, abuse and destroy God's people.
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