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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Sorry, this is all way too far over my head (political stuff just confuses the dickens out of me), but wasn't Lt. Col. Sam Graham considered WC but allowed to be exempt from the full time staff mandate because he was on the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
  2. ROFLMAO!!! Ain't that the truth!! I'm surprised to even see Christ printed on anything associated with TWI. They aren't "mission statements", Skyrider, they're "vision and direction" -- isn't that the terminology they use? LOL! That way it sounds more "word"ly.
  3. Indeed she does. Thanks for posting, WW! Bramble, I'm so glad that your situation ended up better than mine. :) I'm afraid I'm with Oak on the situation with my marriage. If I had known that Meister would never even consider honoring his commitment before God to his wife and that he loved TWI more than he loved me, I would have done more, more quickly. We were only married eight years and five of those were spent trying to get him to see the lies, errors and abuse that TWI was so good at dishing out. The first year was really the only super year we had as a married couple. The next two we were so busy as HFC's and jumping through TWI hoops that it wasn't as great a marriage as it could have been despite being in love. TWI commitments and demands kept coming inbetween us.
  4. MISQUOTING JESUS by Bart D. Ehrman From One Spirit (www.onespirit.com): Someone suggested that I read this. I was wondering if anyone had heard of it or read it yet. There's no review on the website and usually there's at least one or two. Thanks!
  5. Belle

    Old Boy Scout Book

    Yeah, and I can't get into the NAACP (wrong color), the local country club (not enough money) or enter the Miss Hispanic America beauty pageant (wrong country of origin) either, but you don't hear people whining about that. ;) I suspect that the observation was made by many and after much experience. Frequently those older books where being PC is not an issue were bang-on in their deductions. Ron, have the techniques for skinning, tanning and all that other stuff changed much since the book was published? I'd think there may be more "chemicals" to make the process easier, but that the original techniques taught in that book are still the best today.
  6. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    LOL, Sushi! Thanks, Socks. We DO have a grand ole time when we get together. I'm especially blessed to have a super family full of love and laughter AND to have everyone healthy and alive all the way out to the farthest reaches of the extended family (this includes third cousins twice removed, for you Southern folk. ;) )
  7. Holy Cow, Paw! I had no idea all that was going on! Bless your heart!! I think I probably would have given up on trying to get the site up. I didn't think it was possible to care about you and respect you any more than I do, but - geeze! - I'm shocked and even more thankful for what you've done for us!
  8. Ron, I had to look up masonite. You've taught me something new today! I suspect that with that medium it's especially nice since it's not your average paper or canvas painting. Sounds really cool to paint on, too! Do you make your own or buy them at a craft store?
  9. Belle

    E-mail Scams

    I just keep getting e-mails offering to increase the size of something I don't have. :blink: :o
  10. Thanks, David. Does sound like he's not really getting off scott free, then. That's good. I also think you're especially right about; And that can be the worst kind of punishment there is.
  11. Belle

    Newbee says hi

    Welcome indeed, FreeIndeed! Glad to have you here!
  12. Belle

    Favorite Quotes

    I want to thank y'all so much for your help. The jars brought laughs and misty eyes as I passed them out. I'm excited for the new year to get here for them to start pulling the quotes out of them. There is much of Greasespot in those jars and they will bring lots of grins, smile, laughs and ponderings. BTW, here's the picture that BOWTWI was able to get done for me. Daddy was totally shocked when he opened my present.....I had rolled it into a tube that we had gotten a TWI Poster in, so we teased him about getting a TWI poster for Christmas. LOL! Then when he opened it and unrolled it, he said, "Are you kidding me??" Laughed and said, "This is really neat! I can't believe you did this!" Everyone oooohhhed and aaahhhhhed all over it.....I was so so sooooo Happy to have gotten that done for him. Just tickled to pieces, especially so that he loved it so much.
  13. These are awesome, y'all!! I'd love to read it! Isn't it wonderful getting things back that TWI took away or killed in us? Good for you, listening to that still small voice. :) Doojable, I don't think MStar mentioned it, but he hides things in his stained glass for kids and others to find if they look hard enough. ;) Ron, I really like your art. I didn't realize you were so artistic as well. Is that watercolor? I love both of them for different reasons. Socks! I'm very impressed! Those are beautiful, peaceful pictures and the composition is superb. Ex10, I sure could use some help in my house! I'm still moving things around and trying to figure out what should go where. LOL! 2Life, those are really cool pictures! I suspect Kit Sober would be especially tickled with the Elvis section. :P Hiway, I didn't realize you created the Noid! We LOVED the Noid in my circle of friends! You've got some great stuff on there. Amber is beautiful!! I'll have to tell you my experience with the Hallowed Grounds of Dodger Stadium some time. LOL! I would LOVE to say that I, too, am an artist, but sadly I only got a C in art class by the grace of my professor who had pity for me. I don't think he really believed anyone could be so bad. He surely didn't want me to tell anyone I had taken a class under him. I wanted to be able to draw or paint so bad, but, alas, I'm pretty pathetic. :blink: I'm just an art groupie! I appreciate and enjoy the art I do get to see and experience. I LOVE art shows and frequently travel to the really good ones in the area. Excellent topic, Doojable! Thanks for starting it!
  14. Happy Birthday ye of an angel's voice! Sorry I missed this thread. I hope it was absolutely awesome and sweet as you are!
  15. Hey !'s! Good to hear from you and glad to hear things are going well for the whole gang. Looks like Christmas was a jackpot! Thanks for sharing a bit of yourselves with us.
  16. Awwwww, Rascal! :wub: Having met your kids I'm not surprised at Abby's generosity, but I can only imagine how absolutely tickled to pieces Aaron was! I can just see him jumping around grinning from ear to ear. How absolutely cool!! You really do have a truly awesome family. :) Hopefull, I"m so glad that you were with family. Those first years are the roughest. Enjoy your spa day and all the pampering they do there. That's a really neat gift that will give you memories for years to come. Linda, so glad your mom is doing better. That's a real blessing, I'm sure. Raf, every single year growing up Santa always put an onion and a potato in our stockings to remind us that we weren't THAT good all year long. Needless to say, my little brother and I very seldom even tried to get to the bottom of the stocking since we already knew what was there. :unsure:
  17. LOL! That's what I thought when I saw the topic. So Cinnamon helps with cholesterol, eh? I may have to start adding that to my diet. I LOVE fresh ginger and cook with it all the time. That's a neat article. Thanks for sharing it, FortunateOne.
  18. Belle

    Christmas Wishes

    Paw, I'm tickled to pieces for you!! I just know this will probably rank in the Top 10 Christmases list for you. :) That's just awesome!! I hope everyone had a super Christmas. George, you're welcome to join my family at Christmas....heck, you can join us anytime! ;)
  19. Belle

    Old Boy Scout Book

    Times indeed have changed, haven't they? That kind of political incorrectness would not get published these days. Very interesting, Ron. Thanks for sharing it!
  20. Awwwww, such great replies! George, I'm sorry your holiday was less than great. Those first few years are always the hardest. David, I'm sorry you didn't get to go home. This year part of my gift was having my plane ticket paid for so I could fly instead of drive home. My little brother also got a plane ticket home. My Daddy's whole family was here and it was superb! My Mama's family came by while we're in town to visit, too. We got to see everyone, play games, visit, etc. That's the best present, imo! Especially so now as my grandmother says she doesn't expect Paw Paw to make it to next year. The second best present was surprising, shocking and tickling my Daddy with the last thing he would have expected - a poster size print of the family custom designed and absolutely awesome!!! (((Thanks to BOWTWI and her ex))) He was so shocked!! I wrapped it in a TWI Annual Poster Tube, so we got a big kick out of that, too. I told him I bought him this year's poster to hang in the living room... Physical presents, I racked up! I got the Harry Potter 3-DVD box set, a book on Mary Magadlene, Svarowski Crystal bracelets, money and a some other really nice things. Last night was the annual trip to the movie theater. This year Narnia was the movie of choice. Twas a good flick.
  21. I LOVE IT!!! That's great, David! We do air grievances pretty well around here. :unsure: WW, I really admire your logical thinking and the way you keep the subjects straight and are able to counter discussions while including the original quote. You're a wonderfully sharp wolf! Chef, your posts are delightful and always so nice. Your willingness to share and help with your expertise is very much appreciated. Jim, thanks for the link for those who were never addicted to Seinfeld like I was. :) You are always there with the information needed to keep a subject clear. You have a superb sense of humor and most excellent taste in pets! ;) David, You have one great big heart and are one of the most compassionate, kind, loving people I think I've ever met. You spread rays of sunshine all around GSpot and it's very noticed. Happy Festivus! Very Merry Christmas! And I'm especially thankful to BOWTWI and her ex for helping me get Daddy's picture done! He worked hard and sent me several wonderful examples to choose from. This is the picture that I was able to print into poster size and give to Daddy for Christmas. He was speechless (which is VERY unusual) and very surprised at the picture. He's already decided where he's going to hang it when they get home. ((((BOWTWI))))
  22. Belle

    It's Finally Time

    We loved it, Sudo! My mom especially... "Click on that one!" "Now click on that one!" Giggle....giggle....giggle..... "Okay, click on that one!" Thanks for the giggles!
  23. What a beautiful picture! Merry Christmas, Sudo! Merry Christmas, Greasespotters!
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