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Everything posted by Belle

  1. WW, I hear ya! I have been getting a few of those, but not too many (hopefully it'll stay that way). Thanks for the heads up, though! I'd be glad to read about that if I didn't pay for the service. I do pay for the text message option, but it seems as though there should be some way for the cell phone companies to block incoming text messages if someone doesn't subscribe to that service. But then again, what do they care - it's just more money in their pockets..... Pity.
  2. Thanks, y'all! George, I agree with the skepticism, I really do! I also tug with the idea that so much was repressed and hidden by organized religion and politics that some things are now coming to light because of people like this dude and because of the information age where we have access to so much more information than we have ever had before. It's also easier to find and learn of things that we might otherwise have never found in a small town library or church. TLB, you have really studied and read a lot, haven't you??? My little brother gave me a book on Mary Magdalene this year for Christmas and I'm looking forward to reading it. I feel like a kid in a candy store being able to read all this stuff that was verboten in TWI and, moreso, because I had never heard of any of it before even though it's been around forever. David, Oakspear, Lost Christianities sounds like a good read, too. That seems to be the conclusion that I keep running into with the things I've been looking at. BTW, I was talking to my brother about your return to the Celtic background and beliefs and he thinks that's totally cool! He has been studying a lot about Celtic history lately and is fascinated with it. :)
  3. Belle

    Newbee says hi

    Freeindeed, I surely hope that you don’t consider TWI material “God’s word”. Confidence in God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Where’s Christ in all this?? Why is it THE WORD? Where’s the worship? Seems to be a book, not God, doncha think? That’s such b.s. it’s laughable. Freeindeed, have you never heard vee pee ask for money? Did you never have to give to TWI to “get” something? Buying indulgences was wrong, but at least they didn’t lie about it being required. Again, isn’t that a bunch of hooey? It’s all lies, FreeIndeed. Surely you know people who were kicked out – excommunicated – slandered and dragged through the mud. Mark and Avoid was a common, everyday occurrence when I was involved and they didn’t just make it up, vee pee taught it. My theory on why they never had any members is because they didn’t want to be accountable to anyone. If they had “members” they would have to share what they were doing with our money; they would have to submit to the wishes of the “members” – with the way vee pee set it up, he could make all the rules and no one could say a d@ m n thing about it. Which set up is more Godly? ;) Another lie. Actors can cry on demand too, but I suspect he was really crying because his coffee cup was empty and there was no more Drambuie to refill it. Well he may have pegged it, but he definitely perfected it! His “administration” is a superb example of that hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism. Darlin’, God’s Word DOES live on, but it’s not in TWI and it’s not in anything taught in TWI. The true love and fruit of the spirit can only be found outside of TWI doctrine, religion and legalism. You’re absolutely right that we can have fun learning and helping people, but that comes from the heart and God is right there in the center of it…..not His word, not some teachings from corrupt men, not from some group of people….It’s a personal thing and it gets so much better when it’s one on one and outside the confines that TWI put on it. You have a wonderful heart and it shouts joy and concern. Keep that pure heart and learn what the good parts of TWI were so that you can toss out the rotten. There was SOME truth taught in TWI, but remember “the value of the counterfit increases according to the likeness of the original.”…..TWI is counterfit. The genuine is outside those walls and those books, tapes and magazines. :) You too! Glad you’re here.
  4. Belle

    Teaching Tapes

    How's about Biblical research outside of the TWI-ordained literature? ;) I don't know how long you've been out, but I would recommend putting aside everything TWI for a bit and reading from others who were never involved with TWI. It would give you a greater perspective and perhaps a greater relationship with GOD instead of your Bible. :) I've been reading about the Nag Hammadi scrolls, Elaine Pagels, for example. I'm looking into getting the book about Misquoting Jesus, which I asked about on here. Others are more experienced and have awesome foundations in the non-TWI stuff they've read since leaving. I'm learning a great deal from them. The Doctrinal Section on here is a great place to read and learn as well as to learn what some of the sources are that helped others. I've only been out just over a year, so I've a long way to go, but getting my focus off TWI-related material has been a huge help.
  5. And all this time I thought the answer was 42.....
  6. Belle

    What is Heaven?

    Here's an interview with Barbara regarding the TV special: What is Heaven I found it interesting that 69% of people believe that those who have a faith different from theirs can go to Heaven too.
  7. Belle

    Lame Humor

    :blink: Ron, I think those are called "groaners"
  8. Happy New Year to You, Too, Themex! No alcohol, no homos, no coke, no playboy, no porno, no table dance????? SAY IT AIN'T SO, THEMEX!!! :o ;) Seriously, I don't know of a church that DOESN'T teach people to get born again. Maybe it's a Mexican thing that people aren't taught correctly how to make Jesus lord in their lives. Pity if that's the case. Glad to hear that you agree that people can be born again without SIT-ting. :)
  9. I never knew about the suicides in TWI till WayDale. I suspect that many, many other people in TWI never did either. I *think* my ex talked about a suicide or two when we were married, but I can't really remember. However, his mindset about people who committed suicide was that they were so fooled by the adversary and so "out to lunch" that the world was better off without them. :(
  10. My first thought is that Walter must have taught this, because I find it really hard to believe that vee pee did. Nevertheless, it's a perfect example of how different sides and angles of a teaching can be taught by the same leadership in TWI and some, all or none could be documented, but some people won't believe it unless there is a direct written quote somewhere....but that's another story for another thread. ;) I can tell you that T*dd Cenc1ch told my ex that he needed to "test drive the car" before he bought it referring to me and our impending engagement. It wasn't outside of the marriage bed, but it was before there was one. And I agree with Hope that many leaders in TWI (The Moneyhands particularly) and many leaders in the off shoots knew and know about the abuse and adultery but never once did anything about it. That's just as guilty as doing it in my book.
  11. I believe rosie amassed her fortune from her husband's family, not because of anything she did.
  12. All the churches I have been to teach people to get born again and I can't remember if they all teach Romans 10:9,10 specifically, but they do teach confessing Jesus as lord and believing that God raised him from the dead. Is that what you're asking? ;) If they don't speak in tongues does that mean they aren't born again?
  13. RG, I would be interested in purchasing parts of your collection that aren't personal to you. :) My family never saw HQ and I've only been once. It's hard for them to picture and I know they'd love to see it as much as I would.
  14. Yeppers, Bliss is right! Nevermind that they used to say the fox was a prophetess.... <_< :ph34r: The fact that they acknowledge this and claim to be waiting for someone to "rise up" and take the lead just goes to show what's at the center of TWI - it's MAN - A MAN (as opposed to a woman) ;) - the Bible has momentarily come to the prominent #1 position from it's latest ranking of #2. Before I left I heard people talking about waiting for someone to "rise up" and really lead the ministry. The fox was said to be a "business woman" and not a "teacher", so she was like a CEO while they were still in need of a "teacher" like craig was. I just got a receipt for my rag subscription, so maybe they'll have more information in the next issue. ;)
  15. Wow! Thanks RG! Why the ropes around Timothy? Is that supposed to represent that we're in some museum with priceless art or something? Were people clamoring to touch him?
  16. Hey, does anyone have the Way Rag article by Bob Moneyhands on Godly Sorrow? My ex took all the rags with him when he moved out and I can't even remember what year it was, but it would have been 1997 or later. (I know, that really narrows it down. :P ) I'd like to see a copy of it and can give someone my fax number.
  17. Just curious, how many is “many others”? Do they stay? How do you know this and can you tell us how many people are involved with TWI these days? Ahhh, see, here’s the caveat. Is it REALLY calmer or are they just controlling people in a more subtle way? In what ways is it calmer? I have a lot of problems with this paragraph, TL:1 – God’s cleansing power is NOT enough – and that’s taught by TWI, even! So they do not feel apologies are necessary? They think they can just ignore this part of God’s word? Doesn’t that send a red flag up for you? 2 – I got wooded out because there was something wrong with me anyway? How do you know this? Isn’t this just TWIt propaganda justifying why people left or were excommunicated? HOW DARE YOU (and I do mean YOU) insinuate such a thing about so many people you have no knowledge of!! It seems to me that TWIt elitism is alive and well, thereby NOT participating and contributing to the WHOLE BODY of Christ as the Bible teaches. That’s an important change that has not occurred. ;) 3 – So we have to forgive past wrongs (which are NOT minor wrongs) even though not one person in TWI has asked us to forgive? Not one person in TWI has admitted to these wrongs? “Just IGNORE it” is what it seems you are saying. 4 – What miracles are you talking about? Actual miracles you’ve seen personally? Can you give some examples beyond getting that killer parking spot at the mall? Since you claim to not be a perpetrator it’s okay to continue with a ministry that has destroyed lives (and I’m not exaggerating)? You condone the evils that were done by continuing to support this organization that promotes, harbors and protects adulterers, liars, child molesters, and worse? No thanks, “the boys” are the ones who ruined people and ran people off from God. “The boys” still don’t share their money with people who really need it. “The boys” don’t share information on what they do with my hard earned money like all other churches do. “The boys” are very dangerous wolves in sheep’s clothing, but the seams are coming unraveled and those who have eyes to see are all too aware of it.
  18. Its cause we love your Rottie, RottieGrrrl. Actually, we miss you when you're gone and always glad to see you when you visit. :P Lilbit, I didn't know you were imbus, either! But I do want to say that your posts on WayDale, or was it early GSpot days?, anyway, your posts helped me bunches and bunches!! I admire your courage and tenacity and thank you for the time you spent with us. Best wishes to you!!
  19. Silly me. I thought the goal was to teach everyone about GOD and JESUS CHRIST – not to teach them to worship the Bible, vee pee, craig or TWI…. No wonder I never “got it”. And its still rotting because the bad apples have been allowed to stay in control. ;) Do you really think that’s why people die? Maybe that should be another thread….. If they were true WC and truly served because of their love for God, they would refuse a building on every street corner to commemorate their love and sacrifice. Why would someone want to continue with a group of evil doers who treat God’s pastors and ministers that way? And it’s that loss of the love of GOD in TWI that has caused the demise of TWI. It continues to decline because they are still on the wrong path and worshipping the wrong god. Think maybe they would return if there was a true cleansing and true repentance and reparations made for the destruction of lives? Perhaps, but we all know that will never happen and that alone is enough proof for me that God is nowhere near the heart of TWI and never will be again. Now THAT’S HYSTERICAL!! TWI does not value anyone! Just look at what they did to Mrs. Wierwille and many other long-standing, long-supporting people in TWI when they were no longer useful. People aren’t stupid and the Internet has made it possible for them to avoid the heartache and abuse that the rest of us experience. That’s a TWIt sounding statement if I ever heard one. Sorry, Thin Lizzy, I think you’ve been fed a load of crap and it was so sugar coated that you can’t even recognize it for what it is.
  20. Thanks, George. I didn't think to check Amazon for reviews. I'll read them. I'm also wary of people who NOW have the truth that's been hidden and mis-understood for years. ;) Did reading the reviews, if you did, change your opinion?
  21. Belle


    For a particular lurker. ;)
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