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Everything posted by Belle

  1. OCM, Don't think I welcomed you to the GSpot yet....WELCOME!!! Lurkers is a term that we use because it's universally known to mean those who read but don't post and oftentimes you don't really know they're there. It's not mean to be derogatory - in fact - most of us who found WayDale or GSpot before leaving TWI were at one time lurkers ourselves. ;) I lurked for a very long time and am usually communicating with a "lurker" via PM's. *edited to add* The WAYGB is the term we use in reference to those who are in TWI who are reading GSpot in order to "spy out the liberty" we have in Christ. They try to identify who is posting - especially those still "in" TWI. Then they M&A that person because they are not allowed on the internet and because they teach that you will get possessed if you post on sites like GSpot. The term WAYGB is[/b] a derogatory term. We know that Mr. Linder and probably my ex-husband are regular lurkers. Hey Mr. Linder! :D Hey Meister! I doubt you'll get many people to change their use of the term, but offer some suggestions for alternatives and if they're good enough, maybe we can pick one and start a grassroots campaign to change the term. Would you care for some fresh baked cookies? Paw just took these out of the oven.....
  2. LOVED IT!!! I couldn't believe the makeup on the Ice Queen - AWESOME job on that one!!
  3. You got it, Raf! Bocephus it is! I went to see him every year at MSU from the time I was in Jr. High School. Awesome concerts! Awesome memories!
  4. DJS – welcome to the spot! What about the people who caused these innocent, good people to get hurt? What about the people who allowed women to be raped by LCM and vpw? What about the people who carried out “all the anal stuff”? They ARE still in power in TWI. Do you know that D*ttie M*ynihan actually counselled women raped by vpw and craig martindale FOR DECADES and not once did she do anything to stop it. In fact, she denied having any knowledge of it to someone’s face until she got caught in her lie. Do you know that RFR lied on the stand and that the judge stated that there was sufficient cause to believe that she was responsible for luring women into having sex with craig? I’d say a lot of really good people had their lives ruined by those who are still in charge at TWI and they haven’t shown any Godly remorse for what they’ve done. Does it seem like any organization that’s truly of God would have to go through something they have to “stick it out”? What kind of “fruit” is that? Is that what they’re telling you? Have they told you how much of your ABS they’ve spent on all that legal stuff? Have they told you about all that legal stuff, or do you have to come here to read it? BUT this “church” IS getting into people’s private biz and that’s “off the word”, is it not? Why follow a group who is obviously ignoring what God says in the Bible? Why follow a group who is obviously twisting some scripture to justify their action? What happened to “One Body” and all being like-minded? Has that been thrown out the window after so much “chapter and verse” teachings on it? DJS, there doesn’t have to be yelling involved for the abuse to be there. :( Have you read “The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse”? I highly recommend it! TWI does more to manipulate, oppress, control and abuse people than just by yelling at them. What has TWI said about M&A? Are we all now all of a sudden no longer possessed and evil? Have people been encouraged to contact long lost buddies, family and friends or are y’all doing this on your own? Just a few more questions, if I may? - When is Rosie stepping down? Wasn’t there something about the Pres. only serving for five years? - Are they opening their financial books for everyone to see what’s really going on with YOUR ABS? All the churches I know allow any and every member to see their financial statements and budget at least once a year. - Are you still restricted from taking the advanced class if you are in debt according to TWI standards? - How many new people are coming? - How many people are in the WC and going WD this year? - Do you like Valentine’s Day cookies? (Are you allowed to say “Valentine”?) These are fresh from the oven!
  5. Oh gosh! So many memories!! I vividly remember fighting with my ex about where to hang that d@mnd poster the last couple of years we were married. I told him that he could hang it in the office on the wall beside the doorway where no one could see it unless they were completely and fully entered into the office. He wanted it prominently displayed in the living room. Nope. NO WAY! I told him we were no longer going to decorate our houses with posters from TWI, but rather we would hang REAL art in our house. It was a brutal battle, but I won that one. We had the coffee table book and he bought all those freaking wallet size pictures, but could only lay them down on one of the shelves in the office because I wouldn't allow him to use them to decorate our home. We went to visit some TWIts when we were in Mississippi one year and their living room looked just like every other TWIt living room we had ever visited - old, worn, hand me down garage sale furniture and all. It was cool at the time, but now it's kinda eery to think about it. Meister also was on "house patrol' with our HFC one year and two couples got put on probation because their houses were "filthy" according to HFC standards and one couple's youngest was sick all the time....had to be them durn devil spirits ya know.
  6. What timing! I didn't even get involved till November 1993!
  7. To me, the fact that they have not publicly stated that they did "X" and it was WRONG so now they are doing "Y". They realistically CAN'T contact people individually, but they CAN make a blanket public apology on a STS or in the Way Rag or here on GSpot. It should come from the top, too. We know that won't happen, though, and the reason it won't happen is because they aren't sorry. They don't care and those in charge with RFR at the helm are the ones primarily responsible for all the evils, wrongs and procuring victims for vee pee and craig. This part of Catcup's post bears repeating:
  8. Ya know, I've pretty much just gotten to the point where I don't care what or how other people believe and I don't worry about whether or not they're going to heaven and are "born again" according to how I may think someone is to get born again. Who am I to worry about others and what they believe? I have enough problems and things in my own life that deserve attention. I really like the answer someone gave Barbara Walters on her "What is Heaven?" show. They said, "That's up to God, not me. I'm doing what I think is best and others do what they think is best. Everyone is doing the best they can and it's not my place to judge." I believe in warning people about the dangers and the obvious errors in the things that are taught and the horrible abuse of people - spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially - in TWI and any other place where I have direct experience. I was never involved with the Catholic church, but I know some wonderful, kind-hearted people who are. I also know that not all their priests were the pastors of God's flock that they should have been, but it seems as though the public is now aware of those things and hopefully it never happens again. BTW, at my grandfather's funeral last week the minister made a big deal about him being born again. When I was telling this to my neighbor, she asked what "born again" meant. She's Episcopalian or Presbyterian - actually...I don't know what she is but I do know that she is a wonderful lady and I'm so glad to know her. If anyone is going to Heaven I would think it would be her!
  9. What's the deal, Zshot? Somebody cut you off in traffic today? Exchange your coffee with decaf? You're not normally this ornery. There's nothing wrong with his original post. He's entitled to his opinion and to share how he feels about marriage and living together. He's not directly attacked anyone or mentioned any names either.... *shrug*
  10. JKB, I talked with Graham at an AC Special in 1997 or 1999. He was, at that time, retired from service and running a fellowship. I think he was living in Texas, but can't really remember. I would suspect that since he was so sheltered and such a "celebrity" in TWI's eyes that he was oblivious to a lot of the abuses and, therefore, still around. That's just a guess, though.
  11. OFM, I'll definitely take you up on your offer to cook, but you'll have to have your finger out of your ear by then! ;) Oh, Ted, I can hardly wait to hear those!! Will Locked In For Three Days The Baby Is Due 2-2007 explain how that can happen when it's 100 degrees outside with 100% humidity? The only think I can figure is those parents musta been some of the few with power or a generator. We can put sleeping bags down on the floor in the living room and the Florida Room and just have one huge slumber party, too! There's TONS of Floridians on the board here and who wouldn't want to come to Florida for a bonafide Hurricane Party? Now, the 6th is on a Tuesday....would we rather do it the week-end before or the week-end after instead?
  12. That's really neat, Roy. Thank you for sharing it with us and thank your friend for allowing you to. It's hard to forget a loving God like that when He's blessed you so much in your life, isn't it? Rather than saying that God cursed him by having all those challenges, he looked at the good that came from the situation. There's a quote by Condaleeza Rice that I like very much: It is a dangerous thing to ask why someone else has been given more. It is humbling and indeed healthy to ask why you've been given so much. Your story made me think of it.
  13. Mark, that's just AWFUL!! So pathetic. I was going home from work one day and saw a gal on the side of the road and she looked pretty upset. Had her hood up and the doors to the car open. It was a typical scorching hot day in Florida and traffic was creeping along at about 5 miles per hour. As I got close enough to her, I pulled over and told her I was mechanically stupid, but that I did have a cell phone and some water in my car. She said that I was THE FIRST car out of the thousands that had creeped by to stop and see if she was okay or needed any help. :( She had already called someone to come help her with the car, but gladly took the water jug that I offered her. THEN, as I was trying to get back into traffic not one idiot would even let me back in. I sat there laughing with her at the insensitivity and selfishness of all those commuters. Took me a good 15 minutes and waving down a co-worker coming by to let me in. Pretty sad when you think about how rude people are these days.....
  14. :D Here's my lyric: I am very proud Of my Daddy's name Although his kinda music And mine ain't exactly the same
  15. Moony, that sounds like a WONDERFUL idea!! I'll even host it! I know the perfect band to invite! Hurricane Party - Belle's House - 06/06/06 - 06:06pm *edited to reduce image size*
  16. Thanks so much, Diazbro! My mother was reading this at Christmas because her "book club" frequently reads Oprah-endorsed books. She was totally fascinated by the dude. I hate to be the one to burst her bubble, but I sent her the link. How'd he even think for a minute that he would get away with so much fabrication? I suppose he was smarter than I am since he DID get away with it.
  17. Belle

    GOT IT!!!

    ROFLMAO!!!! excie, that was priceless!!! Happy New Year to you, too, Them ex!
  18. Oh my! I'm speechless. :( I am sooo sorry for what y'all had to go through. Thank you for sharing it here with us. I know there are lurkers here and many people are helped by these posts but never get the chance to say "thank you". Dot, that was beautiful!
  19. You shut your mouth, how can you say I go about things the wrong way? How Soon is Now? by Everclear Charmed, I'm sure.
  20. Belle

    GOT IT!!!

    LOL! Y'all crack me up! There is more to this article but I had to go out of town unexpectedly and now am swamped making up for lost time at work. Hopefully I'll get to it this week and then we can look at a summary/outline of what Boob and Dootie have taught us to see if TWI is actually practicing what they preach.
  21. Belle

    the GOOD napkins

    PRICELESS!!! It's these true stories that beat all those e-mail jokes any day of the week for me. We all have them in our families and I never tire of them. Thanks so much for sharing this one with us, Jade!
  22. Is there gonna be a party? If there's not gonna be any party then I don't really care. Is this like Cinco de Mayo only Seis de Junio? Should we start a new tradition?
  23. (((((WWJLA))))) Sooooo good to see you and glad to hear that you are still happily seeing your sweetie. Give him a hug for me. I will not get married again until I have lived with him for a while. Don't know how long "a while" is, but long enough to decide whether our individual idiosyncracies can co-exist. Maybe I'm petty, but eight years of fighting over the temperature on the thermostat got real old real fast and having to load the dishwashwer a certain way, fold towels a certain way, vacuum a certain way and other nit-picky things became too many issues to make being at home comfortable. There were other problems, too, but I've also lived with people who have compatible habits or are willing to compromise and negotiate. These are things you don't really see or know about until you DO live with someone. Everyone can be on their best behavior for a few overnight stays. It's how someone lives when they AREN'T trying to impress that I want to know about. For me it's a crucial "test" so to speak. I think it's getting to know someone better before making that lifetime commitment and, thankfully in this culture, it's no longer verboten. I would want to make sure that there's an understanding that this is considered a next step toward marriage, though. If it's not then why waste my time? If you have any doubts or concerns about making that move, then don't. WWJLA, you have to feel 100% sure that it's the right thing for YOU, not for him, but for WWJLA. Take care of her first and foremost.
  24. Sorry I missed it, Alfakat! Happy belated birthday!
  25. Happy Birthday, Chuck!! I didn't know you and Bugs were the same age!!
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