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Everything posted by Belle

  1. The Jan/Feb Rag: Focused Believing Action by John Reynolds Standing on Solid Ground by Brenda Mullins Renewed to Righteousness by Robin Magnelli Mary Believed! By Sandi Oeding Advanced Class at HQ, June 18-July 1 AC Grads and WC ad for Work Study program during the class. *** What article would you like to see next? *** I was going to start with JR’s article, but upon a cursory view of it, it appears to be the exact same thing he taught several years ago before I left TWI. :yawn: My notes are in italics. If you're playing the drinking game, you better have plenty to drink handy. ;) It starts with him getting witnessed to by WOW’s in the mall. He says that even though he didn’t know it at the time, he had been operating the principle of believing. He says that if there’s a category in live where we have a lack of abundance and power, one where God says it’s possible to have these qualities, then focused believing action is the key to getting those needs met and obtaining our heart’s desire. He then talks about getting “clear” and “concerned”. He then quotes from the blue book and to eat, drink, sleep on the desired outcome. It’s not that we concentrate on ourselves and our need (wait! He just said we do do that in the paragraph above!) We are supposed to focus on God and His solution. We make His word top priority and fellowship daily with like-minded believers. looks like same old-same old to me Confessing and believing the word are the keys to appropriating the promises God gives us. Then he uses Romans 10:9-10 as an example of this. Homologeo as “to same the same thing as one another” Believing comes from and takes place in our heart – kardia. Prov 23:7 – “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Positive or negative, good or bad. That’s why we are exhorted to “Keep your heart with all diligence” Keep means….. Phil 4:8 – “For whatsoever things are true….” God exhorts us to concentrate our thinking on these things and that’s what keeps or tends our heart by feeding it the greatness of God’s word. like I said, same-old, same-old Prov 21:5 – “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness….” He then goes into the dictionary meaning of diligent…Diligence builds the word into our thinking guards, keeps and protects our heart, thereby bringing results or issues of abundance and power into our lives. he’s using “thereby” and “abundance and power” quite a bit in this teaching….is this foreshadowing of this new class? Examples throughout the word that show God’s people diligently focusing their believing action…. Three examples – first, the woman with the issue of blood. Mark 5:25-26 – The woman would have been aware of Jesus’ ministry…had a great need and burning desire to be healed. She also had great mental distress because women with an issue of blood were considered unclean…. Quotes the OT scriptures to this affect… She continued to grow worse. Despite her physical weakness she kept pressing forward and doing the best she knew to do. This became her habit, her heart. Without funds, but not believing. Luke 4:18 “….he hath anointed me to preach….to heal…to preach…recovering sight to the blind…liberty…bruised….” She could have made excuses to not consider that this was her opportunity to be delivered. She was weak and sick but did not make excuses to stay home feeling sorry for herself. I can see this being used to make people come to fellowship when they didn’t “feel like it” Mark 5:28 – “for she said, if I may touch but….” Look at her positive, bold confession. She was believing to receive total deliverance…. Instead of giving way to negative thoughts that would have undermined her believing, she confessed health and wholeness. Her thoughts were on the solution, not her problem. She kept saying to herself, the promise that she would be whole if she but touched his garment. Is 50:7 – “….face like a flint…” The gospels do not say the woman was quoting scripture to herself, but they do indicate that she was repeating to herself what she believed God was making available to her…. Mark 5:29, 34 – “….fountain of her blood was dried up….” What a tremendous record! (puke} JC operated focused believing action on God’s word when he was tempted of the devil in Matthew 4. This was before he opened his public ministry, which we read about in Luke 4:18. He said to the adversary, “it is written” and then quoted the scripture that he had put in his heart by memorization. This is the concept behind retaining the word in our memory that we call “scripture retemory” The retemories used in DTA are designed to give us the right word to address attacks, temptations or needs in categories of life such as actions, emotions, attitudes and thoughts. Another example is Abraham and his wife, Sarah. They were believing to have a son. The problem – Abe unable to have a child with Sarah. Romans 4:20-21 – “he staggered not….” Abe & Sarah would have had to ignore the compelling senses logic that their bodies were too old to have children. In place of the negatives they would need to focus on the promise of God with clearness and concern. It took years for Abe to bring the promise to pass. No matter how long it takes for us to rise up to what God makes available we take Him as His word, sty the course and resfuse to give up. If we falter, we pick ourselves up, get our attention focused back on the promise and press forward…. So, it’s our fault if we’re not getting what we we want? Next? Mark 2 – where it’s utmost important lesson is being like-minded with another person, several, a spouse or a household fellowship, or prayer partner. This is the record of the guy let down through the roof for healing. “they” uncovered the roof – “they” let down the bed. We are part of a household of loving and capable disciples who can help support us in our time of need. These records remind him of Life Lines…”the bolder your believing, the higher your success” (This is unique to TWIts because if you are not a TWIt and you prosper, then it comes from the devil and not from believing.) Believing is a verb….how many times do we have to hear that in a month? Sometimes to receive the promises of God we have to be bold and unshakable in mind and action. Besides healing the man received forgiveness of sins. Sin-consciousness obstructs believing. When we get the right-divided word into our hearts, we can rise above sin-consciousness. The bolder our believing the higher our success. The chapter “The Law of Believing” in the blue book has this noteworthy and life-changing wisdom: How you think about the problem with which you are confronted at this very moment will determine the outcome. If you doubt its success, you have, by your own believing, determined its unsuccessful outcome. Apply the positive method of the law of believing to every situation in life, to every problem that comes your way, for ‘if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.’” Embarking on new frontiers of believing can give us a great sense of accomplishment and enhance the quality of our lives. This helps us to also support others in their believing. The man with the palsy had to believe, but he also had his friends great desire and belief to see him delivered. Each of us is unique and so some things are easier for us to believe that may be difficult for others to believe. The amount of time it takes to receive the promise of God is not as important as staying the course…. As followers of The Way in our day and time, we fellowship daily, enjoying the abundance and power we have available in our ministry. If we become aware of a need in our life, one in which we have a hunger for God’s solution, we find the promise of God that addresses our need. We confess what the word says as we focus with clearness and concern on that promise. As we rise up in our believing we receive God’s solution and then we can help others rise up too.
  2. THAT, I can believe! :D TWI believing? Hogwash and B.S.
  3. And Bliss and ex10, I'm always glad to see folks like you raising your hands in church. :D Makes me happy to see people really comfortable, touched, moved and enjoying the service. Something we never experienced in TWI. I'll be the one behind you with no rhythm swaying and bouncing on the balls of my feet.
  4. VELLY-VELLY COOL!!! You two sound so professional and articulate. It's great to listen because it's quicker than reading and some people will be more likely to share information they don't have to type out or fear will be too long for someone to read. Thanks so much, Paw!! Thanks to you, too, Chas!
  5. Belle

    The Cone of Winter

    Vixen kicked butt this week-end in Atlanta! Saturday was freezing, windy, muddy rainy and absolutely miserable weather. The dogs didn't notice and had a blast running through tunnels and chasing rats. Vixen did well on Saturday but Mom gave an extra command and caused us to fail the Senior Earthdog Trial. On Sunday, though, both Mom and Vixen were bang on (in the SNOW!!!!) and Vixen earned one leg toward getting her Senior Earthdog title. She needs three legs to earn the title Senior Earthdog and then we move up to the Master Earthdog trials for the title of Master Earthdog. *grin* We will be home this week-end for Agility, but have earthdog in Alabama the next week-end and then in Sloans Ridge, FL (near Brooksville) the week-end after that. Hopefully we'll earn the Senior Earthdog title during these upcoming week-ends. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go since Mama was in town till right before I left. That's why I didn't tell anyone I was going. Turns out - it was probably a good thing. I didn't get any sleep Friday night driving up there and getting a hotel room right next door to a bachelor party (I was too tired to complain but still not able to get any sleep). Saturday, after a late lunch at Cracker Barrell, I crashed and slept from 6pm to 6am. Got up in time to go kick boo-tee and then hit the road back home. I'm still tired, but exhilerated from the excitement of the week-end. Thanks for asking, Rascal! :love: They were much more organized this time, so I think they'll be doing them more often up there, now. You'll have to bring the crew to the next one. I'll let you know when that is once it's scheduled. :D
  6. Hmmmmm........I dunno exactly...it was a series of things, really. I was never really very solidly involved until I got engaged really. THEN, I was at every effen thing. I cried all the way through my bridal shower and, looking back, I think it's because I knew it was a mistake. I knew that this was not where I wanted my life to be heading, but didn't know how to stop the merry go round. After a few years of being good little married TWIts, I was ready to start a family and really wanted to buy a home seeing how much rent was and how much wiser it would be to start paying that toward the roof over our head that we would need long term. My ex couldn't afford for me to be a stay at home mom as TWI "strongly suggested", so he decided we weren't going to have kids because he wasn't going to let "the world" raise 'em. I was increasingly frustrated with how much TWI demanded of our time and how tired I was all the time. I was always annoyed with the micromanagement of our lives and the incessant teachings that we weren't good enough for God. My self-esteem went through the basement and I couldn't even make the simplest decision on my own. I was tired of feeling stupid, helpless and so dependent on my ex and TWI for everything. THEN the Allen lawsuit was announced. They told us to stay off the internet and that's when I KNEW there was more to the story than they were telling us. I automatically went to the internet and found WayDale - then GSpot - then, finally five years later - I came to the realization that my ex didn't love me - he loved TWI and if it were to come to a choice between the two of us, TWI would win. I sent Chris Jordan's research on debt to a friend at HQ who had been forced to stay on staff a year longer. I did it anonymously because....well, I don't know why....but TWI and the Moneyhands traced the letter back to me through the Pitney Bowes machine (yes, I know, stupid me). I was "allowed" to quit going to fellowship and shortly thereafter my ex decided that I was an "unbeliever" and no longer "pleased to dwell" with him, the believer. He said there would be more freedom for both of us if we were to divorce. So, that's how I left, but I think it was a compilation of things over the past eight years. Sorry for the ramble, but I don't know how to shorten it to just one thing....
  7. Belle

    The Cone of Winter

    It snowed in Hot Lanta this week-end! Saturday was rainy, windy, freezing cold and muddy as all get out at earthdog trials. Sunday was even colder, but with snow instead of rain. This Florida gal was prepared for COLD weather but not for EFFEN COLD weather. :blink: Thank goodness the dogs didn't care! I was hoping for a WARM reception at the Florida State Line, but, alas, the cold followed me all the way down to Orlando. :(
  8. Belle


    Thank you so much! Now, maybe people will be able to unnerstan me better. :D :D
  9. Satori gave this excellent description of TWI:
  10. Rascal on one of the many PFAL discussions:
  11. ROFLMAO!! Garth & Rhino - you two are priceless!! Rascal, I think that's a fitting end and reply to any and everything Mike posts.
  12. ((((HOPEFULL))))) I'm soooo sorry!! I know exactly how you feel. Maybe hearing about my first year alone (no hubby & no TWI) will give you a good laugh and let you know that it will get better.... Week 1 - Sick as a dog - literally thought I was going to die - I've never felt so bad in my life Week 2 - Hurricane Charlie - scariest night of my life (no power for four days) Week 3 - Car crash - not my fault, but major inconvenience (this story alone is hilarious...now :D If you want details let me know) Week 4 - Hurricane Frances - 2nd scariest night of my life (no power for two days) Week 5 - Fell and sprained my right ankle and my left foot really, really bad - STILL having problems with my foot. Week 6 - Hurricane Jeanne - I'm getting to be a pro at these. Week 7 - The company wants us to use our "vacation & sick days" for the days the company was closed because of the hurricanes. (Small company and it would have seriously hurt our bottom line to pay everyone for those 8-10 days AND pay for vacation/sick time, too) Week 8 - Can it GET any worse? (said in my best Chandler Bing impersonation) I get the most vicious, venomous, hate-filled letter from my ex husband with all kinds of accusations and attacks. I was getting ready to have a meltdown. I just wanted to curl up and die, but I couldn't and the world wouldn't stop spinning for me either. What I did do was: - Go see my therapist every week - Found things to laugh at about this horrible string of events (and it IS kinda funny when it's not you...) - Reminded myself how very thankful I am for being so lucky to have so many good friends to lean on - Posted a lot more at GSpot - Read some light, funny books - Walked the dog - a lot! - Picked up an old hobby that I love - Wrote "just because" letters & sent funny cards to unsuspecting friends & family - Reminded myself that sh1t happens and it really stinks when it all happens at once, but that I'll get my good sh1t happening when this is over and I'll be stronger and better for surviving this bad time (and the good stuff has been happening for a while now. :) ) Mama has always said, "this too shall pass" and it does (the good and the bad times). We're on a journey and there are more roadbumps on some parts of the path than others, but we can batten down the hatches and keep telling ourselves that the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a freight train. If you ever need/want to vent, chat or cry on a shoulder, please feel free to contact me. You've helped me a lot on here and I'd be so happy to return the favor.
  13. David, I concur! :D I remember when I first found WayDale and how scared I was to even be reading the things I was reading. I was scared to death that I was going to get possessed - that my husband would "know" - that I would get M&A and lose my husband - that I would get cancer or something horrible was going to happen. It was a paralyzing fear and I was petrified, but I couldn't stop reading. The people who were posting were confirming my fears, my concerns, and telling me even more than I ever imagined. If there wasn't a WayDale (and then GSpot), I might STILL be involved and I hate to think of how mentally unstable, unhealthy and miserable I would be by now. If y'all weren't posting and telling your stories and discussing all the things that you were discussing about TWI there wouldn't be a WayDale or GSpot. I have seen the same topics come up so many times and people don't complain about it because it's new ears and eyes. It's too important, imo, to leave it to the new people to go looking through the archives. Most wouldn't, but for people to willingly discuss these things in the present, is the best way to help those who need it. Besides that, some of us change our opinion, have more insight than we did the first time we discussed or learned something new and have a chance to share it. :) I just remember how scared I was - how confused - how hurt and you helped me. So many of you helped me that don't even realize it or know. I should tell you, but now there are so many of you, I couldn't possibly, besides that, words just don't seem to convey enough how very thankful I am that you posted and that you continue posting. I also relish the freedom, now, to get involved in the "fun" aspects of GSpot. When I had to hide my identity I couldn't participate in Weenie Roasts, GSpot meetings and parties, personal prayer requests, etc. Like Raf said, I like y'all.....BUNCHES!! I want to give back now that I'm in a position to be able to. I want to help those who are just getting here and starting the journey back to their authentic selves and to peace, joy and happiness because those things just aren't "available" in TWI. I'm still learning, growing and figuring things out, but I have to give now whereas all I could do for years was take from here.
  14. Happiest of Birthdays, Radar!! I'm so glad to know you!! I'm eternally grateful for your support and help through the years!! You're a true gem of a lady, Radar O'Reilly!
  15. Awww, Groucho, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad. No apology necessary and I'm sorry that you felt like you needed to! It was a lame attempt at humor. I WAS a numbskull and did give TWI control lock, stock and barrell over my life. I can't believe I was that gullible and stupid seeing as how rebellious I have been my whole life. Hi, Mom! I call 'em TWIts and I was one, too and freely admit it. Not proudly, mind you - just freely. When I talked to my daddy about the debt teachings he asked for a copy of the TWI financial statements and was shocked that they didn't make them public like every other church in the world does. That was one of the first red flags for me. He then, like you so aptly mentioned, stated that what I do with my money is my business and nobody else's. It's wild how that seems so logical and common sensical now that I'm out, but I didn't see it when I was still involved. That's why, I think, it's so hard for people to understand what it's like being in a cult like TWI unless they've been there personally. Kin I buy you a drink, Friend? And, Chef, thank you!! ;) I think I owe you a few drinks by now!
  16. Belle

    TWI Creed

    Zoltan, I can't wait to read more. :) Welcome! May I offer you a cinnamon roll? They're fresh from the oven.
  17. Okay, I’m just starting to look at this, so this is by no means comprehensive, but it does appear to me that the raising of hands is/was fairly common in worship and praise and even in the temple and during worship – Dancing, too!. It appears to even have been commanded by God, if one believes that the Bible is the word of God. I think that to forbid or to discourage/demean or otherwise scorn people who do like to raise their hands during the music part of a service is wrong. To say that it is wrong for them to be raising their hands has no foundation that I can find so far in the Bible. It would be much like the Jehovah'’ Witnesses saying that they don't celebrate birthdays because it’s not celebrated in the Bible. TWI uses the fact that the tithe is not “officially” recanted in the grace administration as justification for requiring the tithe of their people. One can also say that the raising of hands in praise, worship and glory to God is also not recanted in the NT anywhere, therefore, it is still a commandment and desire of God’s that we do raise our hands in praise to him. Just my two cents worth, ymmv. 1Ti 2:8 - I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. Psa 28:2 - Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle. Ecc 3:4 - A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Jer 31:13 - Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow. Psa 30:11 - Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; Psa 63:3-4 - Because thy lovingkindness [is] better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. Neh 8:6 - And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and worshipped the LORD with [their] faces to the ground. Neh 8:11-12 - So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day [is] holy; neither be ye grieved. And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words that were declared unto them. Luk 19:39-40 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Act 3:8 - And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. Galatians 2 – is all about Paul confronting Peter on trying to make the Gentiles live according to the law of the Jews. Psa 141:2 - Let my prayer be set forth before thee [as] incense; [and] the lifting up of my hands [as] the evening sacrifice. Lam 3:41 - Let us lift up our heart with [our] hands unto God in the heavens. Psa 134:2 - Lift up your hands [in] the sanctuary, and bless the LORD. Gen 14:22 - And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, Rev 10:5 - And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, Psa 68:31 - Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto the Lord; Selah: Isa 1:15 - And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. 2Ki 11:12 - And he brought forth the king's son, and put the crown upon him, and [gave him] the testimony; and they made him king, and anointed him; and they clapped their hands, and said, God save the king. (This is in the temple) Psa 47:1 - [[To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah.]] O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Psa 149:3 - Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Psa 150:4 - Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Ezr 3:10-13 - And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David king of Israel. And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the LORD; because [he is] good, for his mercy [endureth] for ever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, [who were] ancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy: So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off. 2Ch 29:27, 28 - And Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offering upon the altar. And when the burnt offering began, the song of the LORD began [also] with the trumpets, and with the instruments [ordained] by David king of Israel. And all the congregation worshipped, and the singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded: [and] all [this continued] until the burnt offering was finished. Isa 24:8 - The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth. Psa 30:4 - Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. Psa 33:1-ff - Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: [for] praise is comely for the upright. Jam 5:13 - Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.
  18. I second that! Mark, you are definitely a superb uber asset around here! :) Sunny, isn't it great to have those TWIt blinders off and more able to recognize those subtle attempts at manipulation, control and condescension? I also think your musings about vee pee and the purpose for doing away with baptism warrant more time in my wee widdle think tank. It could be a good thread all on it's own, imo.
  19. Bliss, trust me on this one....You'll be soooooo glad you did! Welcome, Simple Dude! May I offer you something yummy to eat? Hmmmmmm.....what goes with champagne that we might have here at the cafe? Some fresh strawberries, maybe? or Caviar?
  20. edited because it was posted on the wrong dang thread.
  21. Welcome, Seeker! I'm not sure of the paper you're looking for, but there's one by Chris Jordan on Debt that's really good. I have a link to it somewhere around here, I'll see if I can find it. May I offer you a cinnamon roll?
  22. Belle

    Twisted Logic

    Believe me, this hurts you worse than it does me. Get your hose off the foot.
  23. Thanks, Groucho. I haven't been called enough names today and was actually starting to feel good about myself. Actually, I do wish I hadn't been a gutless wonder and I would LOVE for those who are still in to realize that they do not have to turn their lives over to TWI for them to tell them what to do with their time, minds, finances, things, families, etc.... So many, especially those who were raised in TWI, don't realize that other churches don't do this. Heck, they don't even think it's odd that TWI doesn't allow anyone to see the financial statements and books to know where their ABS goes. It's just not as easy for some of us as it seems to have been for you.
  24. BUSTED!! You caught me. No ABS and I left my magic eight ball at home. The crystal ball has gotten foggy and my Tarot cards are lost. Tis true, which is why I haven't totally written off Christianity. :) Besides that, the thought of writing off God who very well may exist and who could kick my @$$ is a pretty scary thought. But also, there are very good qualities and moral values in non-Christians as well. Nothing wrong with that, imo. It peeves some people off to no end, but I think there's still good that can come from it. Experience is what we have, which is why I have problems struggling to understand the experiences people have where they claim to have seen God, died on the operating table and come back to life, seen angels, dead relatives, phenomena. They really believe they experienced those things....who am I to tell them they didn't just because it contradicts some book people call "The Bible"? ;)Science is easy, but how do you really accurately and consistently measure how life works? If people can put a few things together and glean some truths from the Bible, maybe they are way ahead of me. Living well is maybe the best way to "figure IT out". Too much emphasis on translating estrangelo aramaic probably just leads to a false sense of superiority.And even science is growing these days and people are still learning new things by leaps and bounds. I agree with you on living well while trying to figure IT out. I'm tired of emphasizing the estrangelo, aramaic and other gnats.....just give me my wine - my jubilee year type wine and save me a seat next to you at the bar. :D
  25. Dissenter here. I think it's ridiculous to make lay ministers like the WC on the field who are not full time, live without debt if it's necessary and manageable. Foxes may have holes and birds may have their nests, but WC ministers are NOT called to be the Son of God but TWI expected them to be. How does a minister truly minster to people if he's constantly having to move, constantly needing to buy things to take care of his family that he can't afford? If he's unable to stay in an area long enough to get to know the people and to build a reputation in the community? How can his life and the life of his kids be a witness to others if they are constantly uprooted, moving, changing schools and spending far more money on rent than they would on buying a house? What kind of job can you get when your resume shows you moving every few years? How much of a retirement nest egg are you able to build? How can he preach and promise "the more abundant life" if he lives in a tiny apartment with college dorm room furniture and a piece of trash car that the whole family has to share? He shouldn't live lavishly, but he should be allowed to buy a typical middle class house, drive safe, reliable automobiles and not rely on curb alerts for his furniture. TWI laughs at the poverty mindset of the Catholics, when, in reality, they live 10,000 times better than the average WC on the field (with the exception of full time WC). That's the primary reason I never wanted to go into the WC training. I did NOT want to live like a pauper and when one signs up for the WC that's what they are signing up for. I asked time and time again to tell us HOW to pay cash for a house. Moneyhands started avoiding me because he knew I was going to ask WHEN we were going to hear a retraction on the teaching that they knew was wrong. He knew I was going to ask HOW we were supposed to pay cash for a house since that's what TWI was saying we had to do. He didn't have an answer and he knew I already knew the answer given my Daddy's background (and our e-mail correspondence I've posted previously). Daddy taught me to pay cash for everything and to not live beyond my means. HOWEVER, cars and houses are NOT beyond our means when we buy within our means to pay them off. It's "managing your debt" that's the key to living within your means. When I bought my first car Daddy and I looked at how much money I made and how much my living expenses were. We considered the cost of insurance on a new car and the current interest rate for auto loans. From there we figured out how much of a monthly payment I could afford and, with that information, how much car I could afford to buy (not much!!) I went into the finance office armed with my negotiated price and knowing full well what my payment would be each month. When the finance officer tried to pull one over on me, I was able to fight back and get the proper price and finance charge. I was in debt for my car, but it was a debt I could easily and comfortably pay each month. Same thing for my house. I drove the car for 220,000 miles and during that time saved up enough money to pay cash for my next car. My house has appreciated nearly $200K in value since I bought it. TWIts will never experience this kind of financial freedom because TWI won't let them and because the TWIts continue to allow TWI to tell them what to do with their time, their money, their minds, their lives. It's so sad, really.
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