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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    You must be so proud, Oen! That's just awesome!!
  2. This is a great thread, Dot! I love reading the responses. Chas, that's a very touching story. I'm sure it was beautiful and moving. I think I want to have a keg party for my funeral, and start with "Mississippi Queen" :D JL, you are such a great story teller! You could write a very successful, entertaining book of Mark Twain-ish short stories about all these things you've posted on here.
  3. I really like it when y'all share these things about your training and experiences. Thanks for taking the time to type them up for us. :) Socks, you definitely have a way with words and I'd gladly buy your book to help you make billiions. Maybe it'll get you a sturdier soapbox. ex10, your description of your first years "on the field" and the hamster wheel you found yourself running on is exactly how I felt. It started with one or two things and snowballed into never having any time for a life outside of doing TWIt things. We got married and came back from our honeymoon to move the very next day. THEN, we were still trying to settle in to our new home together BUT Moneyhands was having a limb meeting over an hour away. We didn't have any money to stay in a hotel nearby and really didn't have the time, energy or desire to go since we were newlyweds. BUT we were told it was the most spiritual event of the year in our area and it was spiritually vital for our lives that we be there. Being the good little wayfers that we were, we shuttled back and forth dog tired and it wasn't anything significant. I was peeved. THEN we were asked to be HFC assistants, then we had meetings 3x/week, HFC meetings 1x/week, witnessing 1x/week and prayer partners every day in addition to all the paperwork and reports on all these activities we had to do. We tried for TWO YEARS to step down as assistants, but my ex always caved when they would say "but we REALLY need you" or there was some "spiritual crisis" they needed us to handle. There just wasn't any time to think, breathe or sleep. On top of this I was living in "Sleeping with the Enemy" and had to keep the house white glove test clean 24/7. It's a wonder I didn't have a nervous breakdown in the midst of all that. I WAS having panic attacks and trouble breathing. Our HFC and Dootie Moneyhands recognized it as stress, but didn't offer any help, suggestions or concern, afterall, I was still jumping through their hoops..... Shoulda been a clue....
  4. Dooj: The articles ARE a rehash, but I don't think they are meant to be. When I was still involved, just under two years ago, we had to teach from the ragazine at every other fellowship. The alternating ones required us to teach from the STS tape. They weren't presented as witnessing material only. Of course, every TWI publication was presented as witnessing material, but the rag was also the "meat of the word" for the believers in addition. Depending on how legalistic your fellowship was, you just might be allowed to read a sentence or two from the rag and then proceed off topic to teach what you really wanted to teach. ;)
  5. Thanks, Mark. :) I'm really surprised that I'm still going, since, as a lot of former wayfers I'm sure, I went in looking for a reason to quit going. <_< I still haven't found one. The ministers ARE real. They share their foibles, idiosyncracies and everyday challenges that so many of us can relate to. They laugh, they have fun, they're just real live down to earth people who love God and His people. They love what they do and it shows. edited to add: I can't recall standing when they enter a room, either. ;)
  6. Really good points here. Excellent thread, Lindy. Something that always gets to me and has for the longest time is the use of "The Word" for the Bible. I still catch myself saying it and I want to bite my tongue off when I say it. Hey, WordWolf, is that on the list for the TWI Drinking Game?
  7. No derail, Sky. :) I wanted to post these, but didn't know what kind of direction the thread would take. I think it's good for people to know vee pee was just as malicious and brutal as craiggers. He was just "smarter" about it....if you can call it that. I remember my ex proudly telling me about how vee pee once jumped down some girl's throat because he asked for THREE ice cubes in his drink and she put FIVE. How DARE this young lady blow off his direction!! He was so awed by the precision and exactness of his instructions and his resolve to hold her to the high standard he set and expected from everyone. Toppers, those letters from craiggers on the homo purges are in the WayDale documents section. I also have them, but didn't type them up because I thought they were already on here. Here's links to the two that are on the site: Open Season Declaration of War It cracks me up how he always starts his rantings of a madman with "God bless you!" or some other syrupy greetings and ends with "I Love You", "Sincerely" or some other blather.....note, too, there's more p.s. sections! What's with the freaking p.s.??? Can't you just put it in the letter? It's not like they don't have word processing software at TWI, is it?
  8. Belle

    Who Would Play You?

    Don't you ladies look loverly? Rascal, I love it!! BOWTWI - looking good, Lady! ;) diazbro, my sincerest apologies. I totally mis-read the tone in your post.
  9. ex10, what's really sad about that letter from Bobby is that the poor guy DID do all the things required of Bobby and was "allowed" back into the fold only to be kicked out yet again to jump through all the hoops again to be able to come back. :( Last I heard, the poor chap had sold a successful business he built from scratch to go Way Disciple. He needed a place to stay the last week before going out WD and not one person - including all the WC in our area - would allow him to stay with them. Cancha just feel the love? Poor guy.
  10. That was just the intro, Garth. I'm still typing up an un-plagarized version of the article. :) But this next part puts to rest any question about TWI's worshipping of the Bible, imo. ****************** Let’s start in II Tim 3:16 where we find a basic foundation on which to build our trust in God. All scripture is given by inspiration of God…. “All” in II Tim 3:16 means every single word, she says. Each word of God’s word is significant, important and adds to the whole truth needed to live successfully. We know that God’s love is huge since he gave us his only begotten son for our redemption. But God went beyond that to give us His word. BUT…like the bible is more important than JC? He gave us his word so that we might know how to believe and live rightly. Knowing how to believe and live rightly yields success in life. God desires for us to have success in life. She repeats the standard…not only is all scripture God-breathed and profitable, but we read in II Peter 1:20 AND 21 that it is of no private interpretation and it did not come by the will of man. Instead, she tells us, holy men of God wrote it down as God revealed it to them. Because it did not originate with man, the original God-breathed word is completely true, perfectly pure and faithfully sure. It has integrity. Jesus Christ, as God’s son, spoke many truths of his father’s written word. These truths help to build in our minds and hearts the integrity and trustworthiness of the word. Jesus Christ declared that God’s word is truth. John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. She starts with telling them the truth of God’s word is the information center, the resource, the dictionary or encyclopedia on life that we utilize to gain answers to questions (sometimes even those questions we didn’t know we had). She says the word gives vision for our lives and direction for our feet on any subject in life. According to her, God is the author of life, and he loved us enough to give us a written manual on how to live it. Look at what JC proclaimed about the word. John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickenteth; the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. The word is life! Another wonderful truth JC taught about the word he spoke for God can be found in Luke 21:33: …but my words shall not pass away. The recorded words of JC have longevity. His words were sure and vital when he spoke them, and they are equally sure and vital today. She also loves the truth spoken by God’s son in John 10:35 …scripture cannot be broken. There’s no fixing, adjusting, repairing, remodeling, patching, overhauling, or altering that needs to be done. These truths and promises aid us in building a stronger basis on which to walk in life. To further build TWIt minds this trustworthiness of God’s word, let’s take a look at what God declares of himself and his word. Isaiah 46:11 …yeah, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. What a magnificent promise this is. God has spoken and purposed his word for us. What love, what care, what concern! He will do his word and will bring it to pass. That is an absolute. He did not say “maybe” or “might”, but “will”. He will bring to pass those promises he has written in his word. In Psalm 138 the psalmist shows the magnituted and majesty of God’s word by describing the importance God places on it. Psalms 138:2 …for thou has magnified thy word above all thy name. still to be continued
  11. Jonny Lingo, that was MY typing. It started as a typo and then I decided I liked it better that way so I continued. There weren't any typos in craiggers' letters that I saw, but there was one in Moneyhands'. :blink: And he's just as anal as craiggers was about that kind of thing.
  12. This is by the infamous Brend@ Mull*ns: Standing on Solid Ground She starts with how when she started walking she had to wear white high-top shoes with steel plates built in on the instep side. They didn’t bother her until some of the kids began to tease her about wearing “baby shoes”. She asked her dad if she could have “regular” girl shoes and promised that if she had them, she could walk with her ankles upright. Her father considered this and took her to the shoe store where she was fitted with regular shoes. With her new shoes she took the time to walk deliberately, setting her foot down heel to toe, bearing her weight on the outside edge of her feet. That indeed helped keep her ankles in place. Clumsiness came later at the age of twelve or thirteen, and life seemed slippery to her. She fell frequently and tended to bump into things. Walking with a heavy step, she definitely didn’t glide but rather clomped; so her mom decided she should take a local class called Finishing Touches. One of the skills she gained with much practice was the ability to walk gracefully. Part of the training included keeping a book balanced on her head through a day’s activities, such as dressing, eating meals, doing chores, walking up and down stairs and getting in and out of the car. This disciplined walk changed the awkwardness and clumsiness into a flow with ease of movement. Although she could walk with her head up and move in fluid motion, her corrected physical walk did nothing to resolve the doubt, worry, fear and conflicting answers she had regarding how to carry herself in life. She did not know at the time that she was longing to walk with God. She was frustrated by not having solid, dependable answers to stand on. She wanted answers that were firm, that were certain, that did not change or shift on her. Where could she walk that was right and sure? Where was that solid ground? She received answers after having been invited to a home fellowship of TWI. In a short period of time, she was in “our” ministry’s foundational class (Note she doesn’t say PFAL) learning the answers to her questions. Learning that god’s word is his will gave her a path to walk on that is clear and distinct. Then her walk in life changed again, this time by God’s great love and grace. It became a wonderful walk on solid ground where the path is always sure and trustworthy. God’s word is the firm foundation on which to walk as we make decisions and conduct our lives daily. She says that we can have great confidence in its trustworthiness. She says we’ll look at why the word is trustworthy and how walking on God’s word establishes our ways. She says we’ll also consider examples of some believing disciples who decided to walk on the solid ground of God’s word and received deliverance in life. to be continued
  13. I don't understand either, ex10. Ya know what's really sad? I didn't even get involved till 1993 and wasn't really and truly sold out till 1995 or so. Stupid Belle!! Stupid, Stupid Belle!! Letters like this, hopefully, shed a little more light on the b.s. we were subjected to and how horrible it really was. Hopefully, too, people who can't believe we were afraid to leave can see a little better why.
  14. Awww, shucks.....thanks, Themex. I think you're pretty cool yerself. :)
  15. Belle

    Who Would Play You?

    Strange One, you can be anyone you want to be! I'd take a snow cone from you any day, even if you wanted to be played by The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
  16. I, also, think it's a refreshing change from the way TWI keeps TWIts in the dark like mushrooms. They won't even answer questions when you ask about things. Their definition of keeping their people informed "from soup to nuts" is definitely different from the rest of the world's. This church has so much transparency that it's a major adjustment for me. They print the budget in the weekly newsletter they provide. It tells how many people were at church last week and how that compares to a year ago. They tell how much money they received and how that compares to a year ago, as well as how that affects the budget - e.g. if there is a surplus or deficit and how much. They have committees made up of volunteers to assess and investigate issues and decisions as they come up and the committee provides the information for the rest of the church and, as you see in the letter, there is an open meeting for all congregants to come listen, share their views, etc. and vote. I don't know much about the Methodist religion being raised Southern Baptist, but I do so like the church, the sermons, the many things they do in the community, with other churches and on their own. Everyone is so kind and it seems to be a genuine kindness, not the fake syrupy sweet saccharine kindness of TWI. I've been able to share and ask questions (sometimes hard questions) without offending people. If I seem to disagree with something they say, then I'm allowed to share that too - and I have, but not in an offensive way and not in a way that derails or detracts from the meeting. I'm still welcome and still treated just as nicely as everyone else is. :) We discuss things - what a concept! Sometimes I change my mind or we just move on. They have a website that's state of the art, imo, and shockingly so since it is a pretty small church. The sermons are e-mailed to me each week and I can watch the sermon from the previous services on the web by Monday morning. They just do so many things right! It's exciting to me and the doctrinal issues are so minor and since I'm re-evaluating everything anyway, it's not a big deal. *shrug* The love of God is there and very evident. People are truly happy, blessed, free and living the more abudant life better than I ever saw in TWI.
  17. Belle

    Who Would Play You?

    It's just a silly game and a silly question. I didn't mean for it to have rules. Every answer is a good answer. Geeze!
  18. From the church I currently frequent: LAITY COUNCIL UNANIMOUSLY APPROVES PARSONAGE STUDY TEAM RECOMMENDATION The Laity Council at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday evening, March 13th approved by unanimous vote the proposal by the Parsonage Study Team to move forward on finalizing a proposal to a Church Conference to sell the two church owned parsonages and move to an annual housing allowance for the pastors. After a presentation on the intensive work and investigation of this proposed change by the Study Team, and the conclusion that it is financially neutral to the church incurring no additional expenses to the budget, nor will it in future years, the Laity Council voted to move the proposal forward to a church vote. The recommendations still must go through an approval process by the District, but that is expected to take place within the next couple of weeks. A date for a church-wide conference will be set for some time in late April where all church members will be allowed to discuss and vote on the proposal. In the meantime, materials will be made available to help answer any questions that you might have about this transition. The Study Team will also make itself available in the weeks to come to meet with church members after morning worship services to answer any questions or concerns that you might have. This is an open process. Please feel free to call any of the members on the Study Team, or email or call me. Your opinion is very important and we want to insure that all points of view are being respected. I am asking that you please pass this information along to anyone who does not receive the Pastor’s Weekly Email. Information and “Q&A” sheets on the project will be available on the table in the church Narthex beginning this Sunday. Parsonage Study Team Members: Pcccccc, Lay Leader Pccccccccccccccc Staff Parish Chair Dccccccccc, Finance Lcccccccccccc, Trustees Ncccccccccccccccccc, Church Administrator Pccccccccccccccc, Trustees and Study Team Chair PARSONAGE PROJECT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1) Why is Asbury considering selling our parsonages and implementing housing allowances for our pastors? There is a trend in the United Methodist Church in general and in our own Florida Conference in particular in moving from church ownership of parsonages for our appointed pastors to a comparable housing allowance. This is gently being encouraged by our Conference, and they have established a protocol for local churches to follow in considering just such a step. 2) What are the advantages for our pastors? The proposed change allows pastors to have a more permanent “home of their own” rather than sometimes being perceived or thinking of themselves as “guests” in the church’s home. A housing allowance allows pastors to select a home that is consistent with the size and needs of their family. It means that pastors can determine the location of their homes. The location of a spouse’s employment and/or the school district that best fits the needs of the pastoral family may be factors in this decision. A housing allowance permits pastoral families to decorate and furnish their homes in a manner consistent with their own style and tastes. A housing allowance can enable pastors to start building equity for the future. Asbury has been very fortunate in having had appointed Senior Pastors who may very well serve out the remaining time of their active service with us. The parsonage system presents a problem for them at the end of their tenure as they then must move on to a home for the retirement years with no equity to put towards its purchase. IRS rules on housing allowances for pastors make it much more advantageous for them to own their own homes. 3) What are the advantages for our church? In addition to being consistent with our strong desire to implement housing arrangements which further the best interests of our pastors, the proposal would eliminate the following issues: a) The costs of maintaining a parsonage are considerable and do not always enhance the sales value of the parsonage. While the true market cost of maintaining Asbury’s parsonages has been substantially “hidden” due to the work of dedicated volunteers, we should not rely on these conditions continuing indefinitely. (b) Needs for major parsonage maintenance/repair/replacement often are unbudgeted and challenge our church finances. © As parsonages deteriorate over time, we could face a huge financial investment to remodel an existing parsonage or to sell an existing parsonage and purchase a better one. (d) If the Annual Conference adopts new parsonage standards that raise mandatory expectations, we may find that upgrading a parsonage does not make economic sense. (e) We typically paint, plaster, tile, recarpet, and otherwise renovate for each new Pastor and his/her family – repairs that go beyond what most homeowners would do on a regular basis. (4) What is the process that must be undertaken to consider such a change? There are many steps required by our Annual Conference if a local church wishes to consider changing from parsonages to housing allowances. In keeping with these protocols, the Laity Council established a Study Team consisting of the Lay Leader and representatives from the Board of Trustees, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee and the Finance Committee. The Study Team undertook a very deliberate study of the financial feasibility of such a proposal and presented their findings at the March meeting of the Laity Council. The Laity Council unanimously approved the recommendations of the Study Team. The proposal next must be presented to two committees at the District level (District Committee on Clergy Housing and District Committee on Church Location). Assuming that these committees approve, a meeting would be scheduled for the congregation to have additional questions addressed. Following this, a Church Conference would be called to enable all of Asbury’s members to vote on the proposal. (5) Who will make the final decision? If the proposal is approved by the appropriate District committees, the Discipline of the United Methodist Church requires that a Church Conference be called and that all members of the church be allowed to vote on the proposal. We are a democratic organization, and we believe that all members should have a voice in the direction of their church. (6) How is the value of the parsonages being determined? This is being determined in much the same way as any of us would set a selling price for our home. The Study Team has reviewed market analyses for each of the parsonages provided by a well-established real estate company, and additional studies were commissioned from an independent residential property appraiser. Asbury has been very blessed in that we have had these professional services provided without cost to the church. In our financial analysis, the Study Team has used the average of the two estimates which we have received for each of the parsonages. While we believe that such a conservative approach is most appropriate for analytical purposes, the resulting figure will not be the price at which we will offer the properties for sale as we will strive to obtain the highest sale price possible for each parsonage. (7) How is the dollar amount for the housing allowances being established? Housing allowances are a component of pastoral compensation and officially are recommended to a church’s Annual Charge Conference by the Staff-Parish Relations Committee. However, the Study Team needed to suggest housing allowance amounts for our financial analysis. The Annual Conference has detailed guidelines for the local church in setting the housing allowances. The primary factors considered by the Study Team in proposing a housing allowance are “pure” housing costs and the costs for utilities, lawn service, and insurance which are currently being paid for the pastors while in the parsonages. Prevailing rental rates for homes, condos, and apartments in the general area have been used to establish housing costs. We have used the utilities/lawn service costs in Asbury’s 2006 budget. Finally, we have approximated property/liability insurance rates based on actual experience by Study Team members. In addition, the Study Team reviewed data on actual housing allowances currently in place throughout the Florida Conference and has considered input from our own District. (8) How do we know that such a step makes financial sense for our church? The financials of the proposed change has been the primary focus for the Study Team and was a major consideration of the Laity Council. Likewise, it will be a primary concern at the District committees and ultimately at the Church Conference. All of us are committed to keeping our church budget in line with our income. The Study Team’s detailed analysis appears to indicate that such a change would be financially neutral to our church. How have we arrived at this conclusion? First, the rules of the United Methodist Church indicate that the proceeds from the sales of our parsonages may only be used for certain restricted purposes. Thus we have assumed that the net proceeds from the parsonage sales would be set aside as an “endowment” and placed in long-term investment accounts, the interest on which would significantly fund the housing allowances. Next, we have considered monies which our church would not be spending if we no longer owned parsonages. These include costs for utilities/lawn service, insurance, maintenance, upgrades, and the like. Our conclusion is that the total funds available each year exceed the proposed housing allowances. Recognizing as well that housing allowances likely would change over time, we have sought to use highly conservative assumptions throughout our analysis. Based on our analysis, we have concluded that the proceeds from the sale of the parsonages and the savings resulting from monies that would not be spent will fund the proposed housing allowances. (9) If this proposal is approved, what would be the timing of the sales of the parsonages? Our goal would be to place the parsonages on the market for the prime selling season of late spring to early summer. (10) How do our pastors feel about this project? Our pastors have been informed regularly on the progress of this project, and both are highly desirous of such a change.
  19. Well, now that this thread is totally derailed. I'll bow out completely. I apologize, Lindy.
  20. **************************** WC Letter May 1994 After so many challenging situations in placements, including the dismissal of T*m and Brend@ M*llins from the meetings, I was too exhausted to put myself deeply into the word well enough to handle corps night properly… As many times as I’ve done placements, I can’t remember any recent time being as demanding, exasperating, and sometimes befuddling as this one….Seeing much of the lack of resolve and sound thinking in some of the WC, however, cut me deeply. How could it happen that those serving on full salary for these years could have their hearts so hardened to the word of God and their minds so dulled to the basic logic of life and living, I don’t understand. Their “state of being” necessitated the BOT confronting them and telling them to just pack up and go home because they were so far below the minimum spirituality required to help us in placements. .. The next challenge that requires much effot and believing from us trustees is the amoung of debt that so many of you have developed over the years. It has required so much to wake many of you up to real action. Many want to cover bad habits with cultural cliches that justify slothfulness and stupidity. Well, there are some of us who have our eyes wide open and our lives well set on “IT IS WRITTEN” (as the WC should!). We will not be fooled by worldly illogic. Either wake up and believe God and get yourself on the Word in your financial lives, or the only alternative is “Dropped from Active Corps.” Is that a threat? Not really…just a promise and a resolve! We also decided to drop many who have continued to be unproductive in the WC household. Many of these are corps married to non-corps….exhorted for several years now that our “spouse corps coupes” get themselves in residence….Most of these couples seem resolved to ignore the invitation. Remember, the WC is a leadership household. Anyone who doesn’t lead is not ACTIVE CORPS! Many became “dead weight” by their unproductiveness. As we bagan to clean things out after the “fog years,” the most obvious place first was to clean out those who manifested rampant and destructive evil. Then came those who manifested a more subtle and harassing evil, and now I trust we’re getting to the most subtle category, which is evil that is unproductive. Evil is still evil, no matter how it manifests itself. Therefore I really have no sympathy toward those we have dropped. … Their salt has lost its savor. We leadership are responsible to God to keep the leadership household pure and on the way of holiness. I am ultimately responsible. … IF any of these dropped corps are awakened from the “iron lids” of their spiritual sleep and activated by this decision, then we leaders will require a period of time for them to prove they mean business before reinstatement can happen. Back to the debt slothfulness – over 100 corps have been “busted back” from their responsibilities, basically due to debt. Some, however have made a notable dent in their debt … showing they mean business…we allowed them to stay in some responsibilities …. others on a type of “probation” period to prove they still want to be corps. 1) To get your attention that God means business… 2) to give you the time necessary to drive yourself and discipline yourself... 3) to show the spiritual partners that you as leadership have to live up to the word of God or we will not back you up and support you. How are you going to teach people to get out of debt and respond to God’s call to abundance if you lethargically and hard-heartedly wallow in it? … Debt is sin. To look at it any other way is rationalization and old-man thinking; so make up your mind …. If you disagree with this heart and logic, then you should honestly drop yourself from active WC. If you cannot stand with me and our leadership in one accord on our thinking regarding God’s standards of life and living in the physical realm, you have no business representing yourself as leadership in TWI. That adds to your sin by treachery and lying; so at least have the honesty to drop yourself and spare us the trouble of rooting you out, because we will do so if you don’t mean business. That’s a promise. It’s time to salt up with double doses! Keep your mind on that level on a daily basis. p.s. Any questions, check with your local leadership first. Yet another PS. Accompanying this is a list of people dropped from the WC.
  21. Would everyone please report offending posts like this? If it's only a few people who report the callous, personal, uncalled for attacks like this, then they are allowed to continue. If people like OM are allowed to continue like this, people will quit posting and sharing their lives - which posts could actually be helping someone. In Rascal's case, I KNOW that her posts have helped people because they contact me via PM's because they are too afraid to post publicly, but they would really like to. They just aren't able to handle this kind of abuse.
  22. In a letter from October 1995 to all "Way Believers" - italics and bold are as they appear in the actual letter: The last ministry year has certainly been eventful in terms of God's Call to Abundance. We have especially seen His abundance to us in our growth in knowledge and understanding of His wonderful Word and in the guideance He's given us concerning where to build the ministry in the days ahead, including the new classes on The Way of Abundance and Power that will be available to our standing PFAL graduates in the months ahead. In this light, we've also changed the former WOW program to the Disciples of the Way Outreach Program for graduates of the new Advanced Class who are going forth witnessing and confronting our country and the world with teh greatness of the Word. Recent Sunday Night SErvices have unveiled great depth of illumination on our times, especially "Word Over the World Redefined" (July 16, #1803), and "The Graduation of the Twenty-third Way Corps and the Family Way Corps XIX" (July 30, #1805), where I set for the ministry the new light and direction on the Corps program. I'd certainly encourage you to put your head and heart into these teachings and truths to keep yourself current in heart and believing with us. God's grace and mercy have blessed our ministry abundantly over these 53 years. I'm daily thankful for the Wierwille family and the founding trustees of the ministry for their stand over the years so we could have this ministry today. I'm sure you'll want to enjoy seeing the new life-size bronze of our Founding President, vee pee, which is now set in the lobby of The WOW auditorium. It was unveiled at our July 16 SNS and that video (#1803) is available if you haven't had the opportunity to see it - or get here to headquarters to view the bronze yourself! I love you all abundantly and thank God for the physical and financial abundance reaped in the lives of our people as they have heeded God's clarion call to get out of debt, get in control of their lives and finances, and allow Him to bless them in ways they never dreamed of. I love you. Let's have a great 1995-96 year Living Sanctified!
  23. **************************** Here’s a letter dropping a WC couple from FL. I am not giving the names because I personally don’t know the couple. My ex must have since he has a copy of the letter. (the phrases in quotes are how they appear in the letter – any bold type is my emphasis – italics are my comment) Dear XXXX and XXXX; It is obvious from your letters back to me, via Don’s request, that you don’t “have a clue” as to how hard-hearted both of you happen to be. XXXX’s letter, especially, is venomous and coldhearted tward any attempt of ours to try and wake you two up as to how inactive you really are as WC. How wonderful of you to readily admit that you have made no effort to be a part of Corps Night this year (that alone should necessitate your being dropped), or that XXX did not take the Rise and Expansion seminar (which I have stated on several occasions on crops nights that it is one of the most important spiritual events of our ministry year), or that you have made no plans to be a part of the new Advanced Class (which you seem to be proud of for some stupid reason), or that in essence you say that you are perfectly happy with the way you are living your lives and you don’t give a d@mn what Don or I think. Well, I don’t give a hoot what you two think. You are wrong. You are not active and committed and passionate for the truth as WC. You do about as much as would be required for an “active believer”, but certainly not anything close to what should be expected from WC. I suppose you think you can stay apiritually on top of these things by not giving any effort toward getting into the crops nights and seeing what’s on my heart and direction to the WC. You are so far behind spiritually that I doubt if you can catch up even if you wanted to….which you apparently don’t want anyway. I’m sure you think you’re right. I’m sure you think you’re doing everything you can. You’re wrong in both cases. It’s also obvious that you’re doing what some of our other Corps have done this year to God and the ministry, and that is using your child as an excuse not to be a part of what you should be a part of. These are not just “functions”! These are key events where the household of God is getting together, and you flip it off like it’s just some kind of jaycee of little league meeting in your minds. Well, the hitchhiking days are over. I’m tired of the rest of us carrying you two spiritually as WC because you haven’t carried your weight for several years. So, consider this your “dropped from active WC” status letter. The only thing that would change my mind would be total, unabashed and genuine apology to the BOT, but I seriously doubt that can happen real soon. Some day if you really mean business about being committed and salted overseers in the church, then you might want to approach the WC again and reenlist and go through the program. You’ve forgotten so much and learned wit live with such bad, watered-down habits that nothing short of going in residence again could possibly help you wake up to the degree of “saltness” that you have to be. Sorry about it, but you’ve painted yourselves into the corner, and I’m just calling before God the honest status you deserve and have earned. Ps. (Why do they always have a p.s.???) It’s also very clear from your letters and from your lives that XXXX is not the spiritual head of his family. That sin alone would necessitate being dropped from the WC. I don’t know who you all think you are, but you better wake up. Also, you are considered “inactive clergy” with no rights or responsibilities in The Way Ministry household as ordained clergy. Now, didn’t craiggers claim that the gifts and callings of God are without repentance and that HE is still clergy even after all the crap and filth he got caught hiding?? ** edited to correct spelling **
  24. Will do, Mr. Strange. :) From Moneyhands to someone in our area. For some reason we got a copy of the letter. The underlined parts were underlined in the letter. May 1996 Dear XXXX: Due to your lack of concern for the present truth in your personal life, I am informing you of the following: You have eliminated yourself from fellowship in the faithful househodl of The Way Ministry. You are not welcome to continue in the Advanced Class on Power for Abundant Living graduate weekends. You have not made this material your own, and there is no indication that you want to do so. It has been recommended that you establish a program for yourself so that you may recover yourself from the snare you are in. You may contact me or P@ul Bro0ks August 1 if you establish yourself with a program for deliverance and faithfully follow it. With regard for the truth, Boob Moneyhands p.s. should you decide to put yourself on a program, send the outline for study, retermorization, prayer, etc. addressed to the Limb by June 1. Then keep daily logs of how you have carried out this plan.
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