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Everything posted by Belle

  2. The only good that came from my experience with TWI was getting to meet y'all after the fact. I didn't learn anything of value in TWI and have had to throw a lot of it out with the help of an expensive therapist and anti-depressants. I honestly can't find one d@mn good thing about the time I was involved. It wasn't the people because they weren't real friends or they'd still be around despite my choice to leave. It wasn't my husband because he wasn't really in love with me or he'd still be around despite my choice to leave. It wasn't my family because I lost years with them because of my obedience to TWI doctrine. It wasn't the doctrine because I've tossed out all the doctrine I did learn in TWI; the doctrines I do hold to are the same ones I had before TWI. I still have the same questions I had going in. I've met some great people since leaving and I've been able to help others because of my experience, but I'd much rather be able to help them without having "been there - done that". <_<
  3. Actually, ckmkeon reminds me of how I was in TWI and how I was as a teen. I was selective in who I attributed "smart" status to and actually listened to. My judgement wasn't always the best in that regard and if someone said something I didn't want to believe or acknowledge I would just ignore them or dismiss what they said....usually it was my parents I did this to. They're much smarter nowadays, though. I was talking to my therapist once about the Holocaust and how I listened to Corrie Ten Boom talk about hiding Jews in the walls of their house; see the pictures she and her sister shared from that time; read the Diary of Ann Frank; talk to actual survivors of the concentration camps, etc. Then here comes some leader from TWI telling me that the Holocaust didn't really happen. It was exaggerated. It was a RC conspiracy. It was all a farce and I threw out all that knowledge I had and all the experiences I had with reliable, respected experts to adopt the TWI stance on the Holocaust. I've come full circle and I still don't know why I threw out all that I had learned growing up to merely take someone at their word. Illogical. Idiotic. Unnatural. As a youngster we don't always check our facts and we don't always make the right choice on who to believe. Heck, most adults don't even do that. Look at all the Urban Legends that continue to get passed along in e-mails just because people are too lazy to check out the facts when Snopes.com lays it on the line in one neat little place where it only takes a few seconds to verify the rumor before passing along bogus information. We have some of those folks here and when confronted with the truth they get mad at the people pointing it out. Coming from TWI and the deception some of us have learned the lesson all too well and are maybe more thorough and more skeptical in our responses to information than the average bear. Good for us! But we also have to remember that others may not be there yet and some may never get there. I'll climb off the soapbox and pass it back to Socks. The velvet is really nice and comfy, Mo. Thanks for sharing it. :)
  4. Y'all, I KNOW that's the standard on the airlines. I think craiggers USED that as proof for his point that the parents' lives are more important than the children's. IF the parents are dead, what use are they to the child's? He used that as a legitimizing of abortion and of choosing YOUR LIFE over the life of a child - whether it was born already or not. Granted, TWI taught that if it didn't breath on it's own it wasn't a child and it wasn't a human being, soul to even be considered..... :unsure: That ranting just shocked and stood out to me, that's why I remember it so vividly. Sorry, Sky. I'm done. :) I never went through the corps training but have the highest respect for y'all that did. I do enjoy hearing about the good, bad and ugly of your experiences. :)
  5. Actually, it probably would have won more brownie points asking for Johnny Walker Red since Dottie Moneyhands comes from that family, no? I know Boob calls her "Walker" all the time and she comes from the illustrious inheritance that comes with that name.
  6. Well, I do remember Mrs. Owens talking about how y'all HAD to be put to work and taught "proper manners" because some of you MUST have been raised in a barn. <_< But didn't they put some of you in a barn to live?? :blink:
  7. To the memory of Miles Ryan who must have been as wonderful as his little brother! ex, I work with a bunch of Vietnamese. It's wild. All the signs in the plant are in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. I can tell people to put their feminine hygiene products in the brown wrappers and not to flush them in three different languages. I also get really good egg rolls and the Christmas and Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinners. One had a child born during Hurricane Charlie. Someone asked him if he named his son Charlie after we all came back to work. He laughed and said that would never happen for a couple of reasons. ;) One being the hurricane another the Vietnam War.
  8. No derail, CW. I think it's important for people to know that TWI blatantly enabled, supported and covered for a pedophile, homosexual contrary to everything they put in writing or may have printed. I'm very, very thankful and admirable of you and MO and others who so willingly share your personal experiences, even in the face of callous dismissal and attacks on you by ignorant souls.
  9. :( :( :( Belle lives right around the corner from Spring Training Grounds....
  10. Belle

    Nationally Ranked

    Oh Bummer Zshot!! I know you must have been excited and looking forward to playing with some great competition and kicking some AZ singles butt there, too! That's the pits!! Did it at least happen late in the first game? When's the next tournament? Will you be healed up by then? Feet and ankles seem to take too friggin long to heal up even if you know some good docs with some good drugs. I feel yer pain and I'm so sorry! We know you kick butt and you'll still get to do so once that ankle is healed, but I truly understand how sickening that must be to get all fired up and ready to go only to have to lay out of the rest of the tournament after the first match.
  11. Belle

    march madness

    I'll contact my Daddy this week-end. From what Mama tells me he's picked all the wrong schools so far and is none too happy about it. I can find out which other picks he has so you can avoid those. I hope he doesn't have too much money on the line....that's my inheritance he's playing with! :blink:
  12. Is that wine green? I think I might go out for some green beer and not wear any green just in case someone wants to pinch me.
  13. I remember hearing craiggers yell about it. Even on the airplane you put the oxygen mask on yourself before putting it on the kid. What good is that kid going to be and what kind of life is the kid going to have if the mother or father is gone and not there to raise them? And think of the burden that would be for whoever was "stuck" raising the d@mn thing! Just paraphrasing craiggers as best I can remember. He most likely learned that from someone he idolized and I don't think that's his own flesh & blood daddy.... Welcome, kierkegaard!! Great first post! We had to ignore a lot in TWI, didn't we? "If you don't talk about it, it didn't happen." "If you don't talk about 'copped out' loved ones, you can't miss them..." Pathetic - utterly pathetic - especially so for you who were raised in that environment. On a lighter note: Danish? edited to fix a pet peeve grammatical error: their is possessive there is a location
  14. Sprawled Out, here is a link to the 2nd page of WordWolf's thread where he has a great observation regarding the snow vision: Word Wolf's Thread The snow storm in Tulsa that vee pee talked about has been proven to be a lie.
  15. Thanks for the P.S., my friend. ;) I wonder if any WC grads from the mid 1990's or later would even have that much "good" to post. :blink: It seems such a waste that people in training at Gunnison were surrounded by all that beauty and nature and never got to explore or enjoy it, much less on their own and on their own time. Weren't the only ones who got to go elk hunting the "elite"? Seems I remember hearing that somewhere, but can't recall perzackly.
  16. Doesn't WordWolf's thread show that the snow phenomenon was stolen? Something..... <_< I'm gonna have to go look, I can't remember.....
  17. ((((Cool)))) (((((ck))))) - Y'all didn't do anything wrong. I'm glad ck went and was able to see the good and the bad. Naturally we're going to question anything "odd" that TWI does and there's plenty of that to question. Next thing you know they'll be putting up metal detectors and scanning people with wands before they let them in the services. What kind of impression ya think those things give to visitors? Obviously it seems a little odd, even to people already somewhat familiar with TWI's military-style control of people. ck, there's just so many places out there that teach the things you want to hear and that have so much more to offer than TWI does. Not all churches lie to their people and keep them in the dark about important matters or tell them what to do with their money and their lives. However, if that's where you want to be and the group of people that you want to spend your time with, more power to ya. And, please know that we will be here when/if you experience the same heartbreak that we did.
  18. 1983-87 was so long ago, too. Why even bother? Could anyone get the link to work in her resume for that website? I couldn't.
  19. He didn't tell the truth about anything, including the things he allegedly wrote, why would he be telling the truth about that? BTW, good answer, Mo.
  20. Pretty close-minded, imo, to think that there's only one right church or religion. Many churches readily admit that they don't have the corner market on the truth. That's why I like the church that I attend. I don't necessarily know which religion is "right" and I happen to think most of them have some things right. Who am I to judge who's right and who's wrong? God is the judge. I'm doing the best I can with what I have and I like to think that everyone else is doing the same thing and that God honors that since he supposedly looks on the heart.
  21. Belle

    Who Shot JFK?

    I think I read somewhere that it was an alien, but I can't be sure of the source. Seriously, I have no clue and haven't really paid attention. I just didn't want your thread to get lost in all my verbose-ness this morning. :)
  22. As I Roved Out And who are you, me pretty fair maid And who are you, me honey? And who are you, me pretty fair maid And who are you, me honey? She answered me quite modestly: I am me mother's darling. cho: With me too-ry-ay Fol-de-diddle-day Di-re fol-de-diddle Dai-rie oh. And will you come to me mother's house, When the sun is shining clearly ( repeat ) I'll open the door and I'll let you in And divil 'o one would hear us. So I went to her house in the middle of the night When the moon was shining clearly ( repeat ) Shc opened the door and she let me in And divil the one did hear us. She took me horse by the bridle and the bit And she led him to the stable ( repeat ) Saying "There's plenty of oats for a soldier's horse, To eat it if he's able." Then she took me by the lily-white hand And she led me to the table ( repeat ) Saying: There's plenty of wine for a soldier boy, To drink it if you're able. Then I got up and made the bed And I made it nice and aisy ( repeat ) Then I got up and laid her down Saying: Lassie, are you able? And there we lay till the break of day And divil a one did hear us ( repeat ) Then I arose and put on me clothes Saying: Lassie, I must leave you. And when will you return again And when will we get married ( repeat ) When broken shells make Christmas bells We might well get married. Happy St. Patrick's Day to ye!!
  23. Belle

    Who Would Play You?

    Sushi, I can see that. diazbro, Just for you! Thanks. Now, playing by your rules, I suppose I'd have to have Lucille Ball play me. I totally identify her characters. I do dye my hair red, so I 'spose it might not be too much of a stretch.
  24. Awesome, Jonny! I loved it! I really hope you follow through with getting your work published. Thanks for sharing with us! I had to google the gaboon viper. It is beautiful and scary looking for sure!
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