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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I'm really sorry, Mark. I would love to chat with you real time some. :)
  2. Belle

    american idol

    Tonto, Ace IS very nice eye candy! But Taylor stole my heart. I'm afraid I got Mama addicted to Survivor while she was down here. Now I get e-mails from her about the show. LOL! Kelly actually reminds me of me when I was bout her age (accent and all). At least she realizes she's naive and missing exposure to a lot of things. I was like her, but I still thought I was soooo sharp.
  3. Because I can. Actually, Mark, I log in invisible because I generally pull GSpot up on my puter and leave it up all day with my e-mail and a few other places I frequent on the web. When I'm running a subroutine or waiting on something to finish, I can hop on and look around, but I don't want people to think I'm on here when I really may not be. For example: if I get a private message. The person may think I'm ignoring them or wonder why, if I'm online, I haven't responded to their message. Same thing with threads. I 'spose I could be overly sensitive or being silly, but it makes me feel better to think I'm not hurting anyone's feelings. I do the same thing on other forums I participate in for the same reasons. As for being in chat.....well, if I'm in chat then I'm there to chat and if someone comes into chat because they see that I'm in the room, then I'm happy to have them to chat with me. If it's someone I don't want to chat with, then I just leave the room. :)
  4. When I was in college, I heard that a quarter (1/4 oz) was $40 and that an ounce was $120. Dime bags were really just a small handfull that would give you maybe two small or one fattie and nickle bags were unheard of. I never heard of a "key" or a "lid" either. But when people said they were going to "walk the dog" you knew to follow them..... I also heard that those prices were the same through the early 90's. Of course, like the Toms, this is not first hand information.
  5. I LOVE HGTV! Flip This House is soooo cool! I recently updated my guest bathroom. New fixtures, new toilet seat, new shower curtain and fresh paint. I added some sandy-like stuff to the paint and it gave the room an awesome textured look. I discovered, though, that I'm not real good at coloring between the lines. Sooooo, my project this week-end is to paint over the missed lines so the room doesn't look like a 3 year old painted it. I got a great sewing machine recently but can't figure out how to thread the darn thing. I've been looking for an online manual, but can't find one for free. (yes, I'm a cheapskate) I have lots of killer material and lots of dreams of what to do with it - shower curtains, pillows, duvet covers..... I'd LOVE to have them come take over my yard like Curb Appeal. My yard is in desperate need of some professional help. New flooring, re-doing the kitchen and the master bathroom are the next things on my list, though. Saving up to do these one at a time.
  6. Wooo Hooo!! Break out the Bermuda Shorts, MStar! We got to nearly 90 yesterday. It's way too early for that kind of weather!
  7. Ahhhh, Mark the Lurker, eh? I like knowing who else is in the room because we sometimes discuss very personal things in there and the WayGB is still alive and well. If they could lurk and watch, they would. They keep files on us, you know? They've been known to print out postings that people have made on here and use them against people. There are some things I won't discuss if certain people are in the room, but if it's people I trust and respect, I'll share a lot more stuff with them. :)
  8. Belle

    american idol

    Hi, my name is Belle and I'm an AI addict. Survivor and CSI, too.... Actually, in my office, you have no one to talk to in the mornings if you haven't watched AI the night before. I'm actually surprised we don't have an office pool going. My picks: Mandisa, Taylor, Chris, Paris I fell in love with Taylor from the very beginning. How could you not love his sunny disposition, superb grin, awesome voice and talent? Chris - just keeps getting better and better! I got goosebumps listening to him last night. Mandisa - Get used to that name cause I have a feeling we'll be hearing it a lot in the years to come. Paris - Absolutely adorable and a superb talent. I got a kick out of her last night saying that she thinks she shocked Barry because he expected her to sing like she talks. LOL! I enjoy the show - it's comical at the beginning of the season and I'm amazed that people who sing that horribly really think they have talent. Where are those people's real friends???? I can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it, but I sing better than some of those folks. Last night was awesome - everyone really stepped up to the plate. I think Bucky or Lisa will be the ones to go tonight. Chicken Little has GOT to go!! I'm afraid, though, that he's the favorite for the AI haters on that website encouraging people to vote for the worst person.
  9. Belle

    Nationally Ranked

    Awww, Z, I hope you don't have to have surgery. It sucks how long it takes feet & ankles to heal. I had surgery on my ankle a few years ago and while I was up and at 'em a couple of days afterwards, it was the longest time before it felt "normal" again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)
  10. Belle

    Way Weddings

    Dang, Patriot - I forgot about the seating arrangement requirements. Yes, we had to have Bob & Tootie at our table instead of our parents. Yet one more way they alienated us from our families.
  11. :lol: Also, I have to say that my last HFC was ordained and insisted that we call him by his first name - not Reverend something or other - he also insisted that we NOT stand when he was around. Really nice guy, that man, his wife, too. Very real and down to earth - I'm shocked they lasted as long as they did in TWI given how genuine they were.
  12. Aaaahhhhhhh........David, I USE Firefox and have HATED Flash Chat because of the sluggishness. I type too darn fast for the program to keep up and I also keep getting booted. <_< I don't have Safari, but you think if I used IE instead that would solve most of my problems? Could that be your puter's problem, too, CW? What do you use to get on? And last night was a blast! I had so much fun chatting with everyone.
  13. Belle

    Way Weddings

    Oh, and I forgot to add the man who's only responsibility for the whole day was to keep my ex's father away from Moynihan cause he didn't like ex's daddy.
  14. Does anyone remember vee pee saying that if he were to walk into a room where the President of the United States was, that the President was required by protocol to stand for vee pee? Naw, he couldn't possibly have started TWI for selfish reasons..... <_< And those who clawed their way to the top and expect people to kiss their feet don't love those seats in the high places either.....
  15. Let's see..... TWI taught that lying is wrong - oh wait - they didn't really - LCM used the women in Egypt who were supposed to be killing the firstborn son of all the Jews as an example of it being okay to lie.... I don't think you're going to be able to find it on TWIt letterhead anywhere though. TWI doctrine is two-faced, just wait long enough and they'll pervert whatever they may happen to get correct the first time. What I want to know is - how do you "manifest" something that was given to you? Isn't righteousness a state of being? If you are made into the state of being righteous by God, then there's nothing to "do" - nothing to "manifest" - you are what you are. And then, if you are supposed to manifest your righteousness, then isn't that doing works? Wouldn't that be like "justifying" your righteousness? How is that any different from what they slam the "other churches" for doing? edited cause I forgot to blue my type ^_^
  16. mebbe so, WTH, but not everyone has been around here that long and it's good, I think, to talk about stuff again - sometimes people remember things they didn't remember then, perceptions change too. Besides that, if someone wants to discuss a topic it's way more fun and productive to do it in live time rather than someone telling them to just read the old threads. If'n yer bored with the "same-o, same-o", why bother?
  17. Weeellll.....I didn't even think about the implications of that when I posted it. I'm still homesick and would love to do that, though. Sorry for the derail, CW! But I know you enjoyed it. ;)
  18. LOL! Templelady, you'd be surprised to hear some of the political b.s. he would spout from the pulpit. I have some tapes....will have to see if there's anything worth transcribing on them some day. Patriot! Give my love to Mrs. Patriot and the cutie pies, too!
  19. Belle


    (((((Nena))))) I adore your mom and just yesterday was wondering how she's doing! Please do tell her she's loved and missed around here. :) WordWolf has given you loads of information there and he's the resident index guru of the site, imo. I'll type some answers up for you later as well, but those sections that WordWolf recommended will have lots of different input on the questions you asked. Those are all good questions and all things we've talked about quite a bit on here.
  20. Belle

    Way Weddings

    Major sore spot for me. Major heartbreak for me. :( Moynihan married my ex and me. We had the requisite pre-marital counselling and it was way more involved than I had ever imagined. I vividly remember sitting in Moynihan's office with him talking about standing up in front of our 'unbelieving parents'. I corrected him as my ex's parents are devout Catholic and my parents good little Southern Baptists and Sunday School Teachers for cripes sake. <_< But no, they are referred to as "unbelievers" because "we can't be sure since we've never heard them speak in tongues" :blink: We can't let them be very involved with the wedding and none of our 'unbelieving' friends and family should be invovled either because "when you get unbelievers involved it brings out the worse in them and they always screw something up." So, nix my best girlfriend for my whole life being my bridesmaid. :( Nix my cousin singing at the wedding. Nix anyone in my family being in the wedding party. My ex has always wanted an outdoor wedding but Bob nixed that idea right away. Bobby hates outdoor weddings. We had to find a place and we couldn't rent it till Bob approved it. We had to wait for Bob to tell us what date we could get married (Brian and Kristin got married the week-end after we did - we had to wait for them to set a date first). We had to have a couple "coordinate" our wedding and meet with them on a regular basis to keep them updated on what the plans were. He had a timeline for everyone who was helping with the wedding and where they were supposed to be and when. OK - That was a pretty cool idea and worked very well. We had to have the songs approved that would be used in the wedding. We had to find a photographer who would be willing to come to the rehearsal. We had to have the rehearsal on the same day as the wedding because if Bob was going to give up his whole day to do our wedding (and weddings take up the whole day, Bob says) then we're going to do the rehearsal right before the wedding instead of taking up two of his days. Our wedding party only had one of my ex's sisters in it and the rest were ministry folk - only three of whom really meant something special to us. One of the groomsmen was kicked out & M&A shortly before the wedding, so we had to get a replacement at the last minute..... We had put so many restrictions on my mother that she was only permitted to have one bridal shower for me.... That don't fly in the South..... I had one shower alright - it was four hours long, had fifteen hostesses, I stood in the receiving line the entire time, we didn't have time to play any games or open any of the presents because the whole town came through the home where the shower was held. They just had no idea what they were doing when they tried to put boundaries on southerners and their weddings. ;) On my wedding day, my mother was constantly corralled and they tried to keep her away from me the whole time. She had brought pictures of us together when I was a kid and other very sweet and sentimental stuff for me to have around me while I got ready, but they wouldn't let her put it out because "it might cause negative thoughts, fear or unbelieving". :unsure: I can't tell you how un little girl dream wedding-ish my wedding was or how much it breaks my heart to think about all the people I alienated during that time and left out of what was supposed to be the happiest, most memorable day of my life. Next time - If I get to have a next time - It's gonna be a JOP and a huge keg party BBQ!! p.s. (cause I can :) ) A year later Bob allowed a couple to have a ceremony on the beach.
  21. Belle


    absolutely ridiculous, Dmiller! I'llbe happy t =o send you some............:D
  22. Ok, just for fun....or to make Toppers go Think maybe Moses had integrity and was never found guilty of drugging and raping women, plagarizing or lying on multiple occasions? Think just maybe Moses had a much better reputation and avoiding all appearance of evil as is required if one subscribes to the Bible as the word of God? ;)
  23. Belle


    Hi, I'm sure a lot of us would be able to help if you wanted to post some specific questions. It's kind of hard to know what you're asking with such a general topic and post. :) This is where you can find where people have already posted their story: My Story Section of the Forums We'd love to help, but need more specifics of what you're looking for. And....WELCOME!!!
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE ST. GEORGE!!!! I hope it's truly wonderful and befitting for a strong, kind green man like yerself. :)
  25. Thanks, Vyctorya911. My recollections of all the yelling craiggers did about that are vague too. That's why I'm so glad we have archives here and many others helping fill in the gaps. :) I remember, too, craiggers yelling about how the Jews today aren't the bloodline Jews talked about in the Bible and that they are so deceived and greedy and sold out to the devil that it's pathetic. And, of course, he reminded us that they are all going to HE11 anyway since they don't believe Romans 10:9,10.
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