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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Excellent, CW! To me, it's just focusing on the details as a way to avoid facing the truth of the bigger picture.
  2. Safari, I think WordWolf was about ck specifically and, in general, to make sure everyone was aware that this thread was dragged up from the depths of the pages. :) We drag things up all the time, so that's really not an issue. Sometimes a subject comes up and one of us will remember a former thread and hunt it down and bring it back to the top for the new, fresh eyes. There was absolutely no purpose for this one being brought up except that ck must have been scouring the pages trying to find something he could use to insult us. He's a stoopid kid, so I continue to hope that he'll wisen up, but stunts like this make me wonder... <_< WW, most likely wanted to make sure that people recognized that the topic is old before rumors and speculation started regarding this as new news and fresh changes. That's all. Tone of voice doesn't carry very well in cyberspace. You make great points and I would be floored if they actually allowed their own people to - gasp - vote! OMG, what a concept. *snicker* :P I wonder....would they actually vote for the most ethical out of the bunch or the one with the best personality? Those services are awfully boring these days.... would be tempting...
  3. Belle

    Table Wine

    Hi, my name is Belle and I'm a wino - not to be confused with whine-o, but I'm guilty of that sometimes too. My cabinet is stocked with Yellow Tail - My favorite is the Shiraz~Grenache blend in the pink bottle, but I also love all their red wines - Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet and they have a couple of blends of those too that are really good. Big bottle is about $12 and the small bottle is about $8. Winn Dixie has sales on their wines sometimes for 25% off and I stock up when that's going on. I'm also partial to my local winery - Lakeridge Winery. They make muscadine wine and it's only $7/bottle and you get 10 cents credit for every empty bottle you bring back. My favorites of those are the Southern Red and Southern White, but those are sweet wines and really more like dessert sipping wines. All the wines they make are excellent, though. Black Swan also makes very good wine. They have a Merlot~Shiraz blend that I like - it's in a bottle with a purple label and I can't always find it. Lindemanns Bin 50 or something like that is also good. Now, if Oen hasn't had a heart attack reading about all these cheap wines, he'll be able to provide an expert opinion. :)
  4. Belle

    Moving Day

    Let us know when the move is, if it happens, Shellon. Mebbee we can all show up at your house, have some prayer & manifestations, get a course in back safety and.... Oh wait! We don't have to do those things anymore, do we? :P Okay - cold beer is always a good motivator. I'll come help you and I'll bring the beer. Moony & Ted - how far are y'all from Orlando? I don't have a truck, but I have a jack AND I'm willing and able to help you. :B)
  5. * takes the paper towels from Rascal * I think we're gonna need a shovel, first. I've got one right here and will gladly help clean that crap up. What a load of crap that is, too! Lesseee, I've been around since, 2000 or 2001, can't remember perzackly. I remember trembling as I started reading all the horrible things on WayDale and not being able to sleep for months. I've gone through quite a bit with y'all and in many ways feel like I've grown up in here. I'm very comfortable and I miss people when they're gone or away for a while....I spose I should let them know that their presence is missed. I've gone from Way brained TWIt to learning how to apply logic and reason to things. I've gone from unhappily married to free and single. From being very, very needy to being able to help others who are where I was. I've had the awesome priviledge of meeting not a few of you in person and it's like seeing long, lost cousins that you don't get to see nearly enough. I've developed very tight friendships over the phone with some of you. Heck, I dated one of you for a bit. And I'm glad we're still very good friends. Yes, it's been extremely therapeutic and way beyond priceless! My mother sincerely feels that she owes Pawtucket and all the posters here millions of dollars and thanks and hugs for helping her little girl get free and without having a major meltdown. She will tell you that she doesn't think all the therapy in the world could do the good that's been done here. Daddy does too, but he's not as vocal about it. He says those things with money sometimes....like paying for all the kids to go to the caverns. Those who got to meet my parents, I think, know this is all a major understatement. Okay, I don't want to go and get alll mushy on y'all....so I'll just say, "Thanks for all the Snow Cones, the Amazing Sea Monkeys, the laughs, snorts, giggles and, of course, our beloved THE"
  6. And we still have no PROOF otherwise, Georgio. :) I'm inclined to believe you over someone who makes accusations but can't back them up. ;)
  7. Pro 13:22 A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner [is] laid up for the just. Pro 19:14 House and riches [are] the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife [is] from the LORD. :unsure:
  8. I find one post that they made and then click on their name to bring up their profile. Once their profile is up on the screen, click on the button in the top right corner that says "options" The first option is "find member posts" :) Hope that helps!
  9. hee hee hee - WordWolf - you definitely have a way with words. And I love reading 'em. :) rickgy, how's about answering the parts about how TWI is bigger, better and not boring people to sleep? Got some facts on THOSE things? doubt it.....
  10. Sprawled Out, you crack me up!
  11. There's good and bad in everything... there were good and bad clergy in TWI. I'm glad that there are people who were TWI clergy who post here. :) NOW I get to really learn from them. NOW I don't usually know if they are clergy or not and I usually can't remember who is even when they post it. terrible memory I have when it comes to titles I haven't found any on here that I can recall ever being haughty about it. If they were before when they were involved, I suspect that those who are still here would gladly apologize if they were to hear that they hurt someone one here. I think these days we are all "one body" with different functions and abilities and that titles aren't necessary or required. What a concept! My great uncle was a lay minister for over forty years at the same little country church. He worked full time for the post office and that's all I ever knew him as. I only just found out about ten years ago that he was ordained clergy. LOL! He never bragged, never expected any special treatment and never acted "bad" in any way. He just called himself "the old fart who preaches every sunday down the hill." Never even got a paycheck for all those Sundays. Never wanted one. The post office was his "job" - the church was his "calling". IMO, that's the way it should be.
  12. You can trust your personal experiences if they line up with TWIt doctrine. If they don't, THEN you have the problem. They WANT you to talk about how you were healed by sitting through one of their classes. How some TWIt prayed for you and you got a check for $100 in the mail so you could pay to take the class. They DON'T want you to talk about how you were raped by one of their ministers. They DON'T want you to talk about how you experienced severe depression from trying to jump through all the hoops they put in front of you. It's all in the "context", keeeds. Sprawled Out And LOVE the icon!!!! If your dead grandpa shows up at the foot of your bed and tells you to sign up for "the class" you can trust that experience. If your dead grandpa shows up at the foot of your bed and tells you to get the he11 away from TWI you can NOT trust that experience. See? It's a very simple concept. :)
  13. Actually, this is funny to me, rickyg, because of a website that I frequent about people off their rockers. Thanks for the giggle this morning. I'm very well aware of that and even know some journalists who write about these good kids. What's funny to me, as WordWolf has so nicely clarified for you, is that these kinds of activities used to be verboten (see the other posts on this thread by any chance? ;) ) Furthermore, the other kids in NK and the surrounding area who are just as good, if not better, than the TWIt kids are getting NO PRESS WHATSOEVER....what am I supposed to think? Doesn't sound "fair and balanced" to me; sounds like someone's on a mission to get press for these TWIts. (pssst....HCW verified this if you read the links I posted.) You're absolutely correct - there is nothing new! It doesn't tear at me, though. It would bore me to tears if I had to sit through the same drivel and listen to the same teachings over and over again - being read instead of having any animation or personal liberty with their own teachings. I do get the rag every other month and that is boring and proof enough for me that there is definitely nothing new, in fact the nothing new has gotten even more bland than it was when I was still involved. Doing better how? I haven't seen any evidence of that and I have first hand accounts from people still involved and people recently gone from TWI that further enforces the fact. rickg, here's a secret that you might not know....THEY HAD TO PUT OUT A NEW CLASS!!! The former teacher was a rapist, a liar and a bigot. :unsure: You did know that, didn't you? The OLD CLASS is also chock full of errors and b.s. that had to be eliminated from the teachings. Besides that, the already overworked free labor was tired of all the time it took to prepare and give teachings about things that they don't agree with, don't believe and can't possibly document as true. Reaching people? Oh, you mean going out and talking to people...maybe bringing them once or twice to a fellowship and then having them run away once they find out what a farce TWI is? Once they find out that they're going to be told to sell their house and their car because they're "in debt" and can't reach the pinnacle of spirituality unless they forsake all logic regarding finances, retirement and security? If'n it's soo dandy in TWI these days, why aren't there ever any numbers published about new students or how many people the Way DUH-ciples have faithfully attending fellowships and how many classes they're running and how the people are just flocking through the doors of TWI fellowships? Can ya gimme some verifiable numbers here? THEN you tell me how TWI is growing. ;) Tell me how many people come to the AC spay-shuls and why they moved it to HQ. It's because they can't guarantee the attendance that they could in the past. Those discounts they were getting don't come with a very small percentage of the original attendance they USED to have. Besides that, it must be awfully embarrassing to have to talk to those kind folks at the Wyndham knowing that they know what a farce TWI is, what LCM did and what's all over the internet about TWI. That you know about, Grasshopper. Stay tuned, you'll find out here before TWI tells you. That information alone that you mention would be enough for any logical, NORMAL brain functioning individual to run for the hills far, far away from anything associated with TWI. Your standards are too low if you're still involved and that stuff doesn't bother you. Actually, I have Google alerts for anything TWI that shows up in the news. It's a pretty cool function, I recommend it. Actually, you ARE correct on this one part of your post. I believe it's called the Public Relations Dept. Is Rico Spaghetti still informing all the folks "from soup to nuts" like he lied about previously? Show me the money - and I'll recant. For now, I stand firmly behind my posts.
  14. These are great!! Thanks so much, y'all!
  15. It's all one huge cluster .... they don't know jack about the "real world" and the ones "on the field" are either so blinded by TWI tit that they can't see how detrimental that policy is for people OR they don't care because they feel like they are safe from those concerns. What's pathetic is those who really believe that TWI is going to take care of them when they reach their "golden years" and start having doctor bills, pharmacy charges, surgery needs, etc.... Once those folks can't "produce" for TWI anymore they're going to be kicked to the curb so fast they won't know what hit them. Moneyhands said that TWI told him they would take care of him and that he believed them. HA! But he also has "Walker's" inheritance that they're sitting on. Thing is, if he's depending on TWI to take care of them, he has to continue jumping through the hoops and kissing the crusty, cheese filled toes of Rosie and can't just "retire" when he wants to. It's got to be killing Dottie to not be able to see those grandbabies very much. I dunno if Rosie's gonna allow the young Moneyhands the spending money to fly to the UK very often. Once the Martindale kids are all through college I'm willing to wager that college education costs are going to be stripped from any budget concerns for those on TWI's payroll. Are they still scrutinizing your "need" basis and family budget to decide how much to pay you? It's a sham. They support the banks and they gladly make money off other people's money, but they discourage their people from buying stocks because it's the "equivalent to gambling." They already have all their property paid for by the debts Uncle Harry went into, the money from us and by stealing it from under Mrs. Wierwille's family. Heck, vee pee himself didn't even leave his wife or family anything....so much for laying up an inheritance like the Bible says, eh? I think, though, that even IF they were currently in debt for those buildings and properties that they'd find some way to spin it to still keep their own flock in bondage.
  16. I believe every time someone votes it brings the thread to the top again whether or not they post a comment. But I'm jest guessing.....
  17. Belle

    american idol

    I agree, CW - The whole show had a bad vibe or something. It wasn't even fun to watch last night. <_< I did feel that Bucky redeemed himself - country is definitely his thing and that's what he should stick with. Paris? Sorry, I just wasn't all that impressed. :( Ace - LOL! What was with that???? Don't they have mirrors backstage? Elliott - :blink: He just doesn't do it for me. I also hate his hair and wish he'd get rid of the bowl cut look. Katharine - was painful to watch and listen to. Taylor - He's my man!! :wub: It's anybody's call. I have no clue how the voting is going to go after that debacle of a show.
  18. WOO HOO!!! Quck! Close the Poll - Live Chat is ahead again! GreasyHacker, you're not helping us Live Chatters by enabling the Flash Chatters. Do we need to have BOWTWI send some St. Paulie girls to you? Jardinero, I rolled up my sleeves and pulled out Grandma's recipe box. I've put together a few days worth of menus for our very beloved ex10. Baked some homade from scratch oatmeal ~ raisin cookies, fluffy biscuits & gravy, homemade maple syrup and prime rib ready to send ex10. Think that will help our case any? ex10, the goodies are going to be delivered by one of the cabana boys from the most exclusive beach resort here in Florida. He says he'll massage your feet and fan you while you relax and enjoy the goodies and the scenery. ;) Now, can we talk about that vote?
  19. Is this a clue to why the Moynihans have been sent to England? :ph34r:
  20. I'm sure I speak for Jardinero when I say that we will gladly sacrifice our time to help count chads. We understand that it's very important for the count to come out correctly. *paid for by the "Vote Live Chat" committee of Belle and Jardinero
  21. Belle


    Glad they made, Cool! You don't need to send me anything. I'm happy to send 'em to you! I just hope you like 'em as much as we do!
  22. I dunno, if I"m going to watch someone change clothes that much, I'd like more exciting outfits than that....
  23. If David has changed his mind, doesn't that count? That would be SIXTEEN for Live Chat! Quick! Close the Poll!! *paid for by the "Vote Live Chat" committee of Belle and Jardinero
  24. George, you left out www.Snopes.com Imagine, Tom! Word over the World could be a - gasp - reality! And affordable since it's all online. Goey, thank you so much! Those look awesome! I'm especially interested in the Christian Classics link. Can't wait to go there. :) djs, I forgot about Crosswalk. Thanks! George, I forgot to mention...I've been reading "Why People Believe Weird Things" written by one of the guys who founded Skeptic.com and the magazine. I've really enjoyed it and love how he explains the logic part of it in terms this dummy can understand.
  25. Belle


    LOL, JL! I *wish* it was a fun story like that but, alas, I could swear my mother always called it "Tony Crackers" and I never really paid attention to the name other than to recognize it and buy it. We use it all the time - have for eons. One week-end while visiting my Cajun relatives in LA, we were eating breakfast and I asked my Great Uncle to pass the "Tony Crackers". He just smiled and asked me to repeat what I wanted. I knew right then I had said something wrong but had no clue what.... The whole table busted into giggling and they made me say it again - "Tony Crackers". By then they were busting a gut laughing so hard. I told them it's what Mama called it and swore up and down it was the "common" name for it among us non-Cajuns. Tried desperately to defend myself..... Later that week-end when my parents showed up, we all asked my mom what she called it. She said, "Oh, I just call it 'Tony's'" ^_^ Me: Are you sure? You dont' call it something else? :unsure: Mom: No. I don't know how to say all those Cajun names, so I just call it "Tony's". Everybody knows what I'm talking about, so why bother with trying to say that last name? So now the whole family teases me about it, but I am my Father's child and so I still call it "Tony Crackers".
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