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Everything posted by Belle

  1. What's really sad, Patriot, is that TWIts today who may have received an inheritance have spent it and are in no position to leave any inheritance for their children....much less their children's children. <_< So much for the more abundant life and so much for "doing the word".... Pro 13:22 A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner [is] laid up for the just.
  2. that's all good and well, David, but doncha think that with all the CES supporters that are supposedly on these threads and, especially those who pop in every once in a while, that there should be at least one person here to answer these questions? I mean, really, all you're doing is nothing better than those who merely quote scriptures or if Mo was to merely post links to LDS sites? What I was expecting was some real "dialog" with CES supporters....not some generic, anonymous links....... <_<
  3. Yeah, well, sorry, mj/pond....you're opinion doesn't carry much weight or integrity with me. <_<
  4. Rhino, I think you were laying down and worrying about that dog too much. ;)
  5. I'm seriously surprised to see this thread ignored by CES supporters.
  6. Not much of a track record, eh, Mo? I wonder if the folks who are staunch defenders of TWI and those teachings have the same track record.... <_< methinks they do. :ph34r: So much for leading by example....
  7. What if one is wishing they were laying awake at night? :unsure:
  8. Continuing to help those who just recently left and those who may be lurking and thinking of leaving....
  9. I'm bringing this up again. Someone has contacted me privately who just left TWI and they are having a difficult time. I don't know if you who were in TWI 1 can relate, but in TWI II and, I gather, TWI III too - there is so much control over every friggin detail of your life that a person can become paralyzed with fear at making the smallest, inconsequential decision. You're not only afraid of becoming a "greasespot" but you're also afraid to think for yourself....heck, most of us forgot how to think for ourselves we were under so much pressure to conform. Please contribute anything that has helped you. :) I can only help so much and, honestly, I'm usually quoting one of y'all from here anyway. :P I know I'm getting better every day. I'm feeling more in control of my life and my future and my mind. My mother was here visiting and said it was time to stop rebelling about having to keep my house clean enough to pass the white glove test, though. I'm working on it, but I kinda like that part of my rebellion.
  10. Steve, the other names don't ring a bell, but Mary Kriz lived here for a while in 94 or 95.... She and a girl named Kat, can't remember Kat's last name, moved to Orlando from the coast to live near the "hot singles" in Orlando. The singles here weren't all that hot, but those two came in like a whirlwind and really organized some great times for all of us. I liked both of them very much. They were only here about a year and both of them went WD and left the area. Kat ended up in CA and Mary in either TX, NV or AZ. She got married in either 97 or 98, but that's the last I heard from her.
  11. FOUND IT!!!! It was Ted Ferrell here: craig makes an @$$ out of himself
  12. Mo, I'm trying to find that story about craig royally screwing up in trying to heal, but haven't found it yet. I did come across this beauty of a post from Lightside, though: vpw Healingpjroberge: from the same thread Linda Z and ex10 also have accounts of vee pee healings. and OrangeCat (God Bless him whereever he is!):
  13. And another one bites the dust..... For my lurking new buddy newly free from the bondage of kool-aid!
  14. How Cool!!! ex10, that's just awesomely neat! I'd be on an all time high for weeks after that! I'm sure she was perfectly gracious just like her Mama and they walked away thinking, "what a sweet young lady." Very cool story!
  15. Oh Heidi's is still on, y'all! Have no fear!! We've just run into a bit of trouble with the authorities..... :unsure: Seems someone alerted them to the dangers of having all us wimmin' from here in one place. So we're having to get a "Party Permit" or something like that...and now the cops want to make sure that we know the proper procedure for placing dollar bills in thongs. There's a class we have to take where they strip and assess our pay placing techniques to make sure we don't go crazy and mob the poor guys. LOL! Tom, I tell people I'm as plain vanilla as you can get.
  16. Yes, Rhino. I'm not sure when, but TWI had all their staff sign waivers to not have SS withheld from their paychecks. Not sure if you can do that anymore these days and the folks do now have it withheld from what I understand, but by not contributing during those years means less that you get when you qualify. Perhaps someone with more knowledge and a better memory than mine can weigh in on that one. I know that, for me, growing up with a banker as a Daddy, I learned the value of money and the importance of compounding interest and saving NOW so that I can live comfortably LATER. My ex didn't have anything saved up, had not a penny to his name when we got married. We lived off my paycheck for six months while he went back through the Police Academy to get back into law enforcement. I always made more money than he did, but he wanted me to lower my 401K withholding so that we would have more money NOW to live on. I lied and told him I did. It was one of the dumbest things he told me to do. He fought me tooth and nail about buying a house, but once TWI came out with the "we do not have a policy on debt" he was a wee bit more receptive to the idea. I jumped on it and we bought a house very, very quickly. When we got divorced, though, he didn't hesitate to ask for his half of the equity in the house - the house he didn't want to buy - the house I pitched a fit for - the house my Daddy paid the closing costs on..... Daddy said I had to do that, but to make sure he didn't get a penny of my 401K and he didn't. Since the ex follows TWIt investment advice, I'm sure he hasn't grown that nest egg he did get from me and will be in the same dire predicament as so many other TWIts. It's sad, actually.
  17. They personally contacted the family members of every single person on that plane and asked for permission and support to produce the film. Very honorable, imo. I think people NEED to be reminded of 9-11. I think people get too complacent and too easily take things forgranted. This isn't done without taste, compassion and consideration for the folks involved, their loved ones and those who will be watching it. From what I can tell based on the media reports....that is. I support it. I won't go see it, but that's because I'm a cheapskate and will wait for the DVD. ;)
  18. Thelma!!! You know I'd love to be there!! Problem is, I'm part Smith, Brown, Jones and Williams and have vowed to never miss another family reunion if there's any way at all that I can be there. I missed too many of them when I was a TWIt and married to one. Now I'm saving my vacation days and spending money for those events. The Jones Reunion is tentatively set for June 10th week-end The Smith Reunion is June 23-26 The Brown Reunion is July 7-10 Haven't heard from the Williams side yet Don't plan around me, but know that if there's any way I can be there, I will.
  19. Well, I, for one, have given up on ck. It's obviously an effort in futility to expect him to respond maturely and intelligently.
  20. JumpinJive, I read something similar to your post about all the murders - in the name of God; all the death - in the name of God; all the legalism imposed on people - in the name of God. How on earth can all these people do, allow and justify all those horrible things - in the name of God? If that's God - then I want nothing to do with it. It was a serious wake-up call for me. Like the illogic was right there plain as day and I never acknowledged it. Those terrorists and insurgents are doing what they do - in the name of God. The Spanish Inquisition was done - in the name of God. The Crusades were carried out and people were murdered - in the name of God. Anti-abortion folks are bombing abortion clinics - in the name of God. And they all justify other horrendous, evil acts as well. There's just too much illogic and unexplained "stuff" for me to buy into the whole thing anymore. I don't have the answers, but I don't think typical Christians do either. Difference is, they won't admit it but neither can they explain it. T-Bone, no need to apologize. This is the place where we get to think out loud, muse thoughts over and share ideas, opinions and ask questions. Thankfully most of the people on here realize that and will not get offended. Some may disagree, but they will maturely and respectfully share why they disagree. I know, at least with me, they've been patient and I've done lots of thinking out loud on here....oodles of it...some downright ridiculous thinking in my part, but I've always been handled, treated and replied to very reasonably and very kindly. I think you're right about the folks buying into the brochure and then spend their whole lives trying to make their life fit into that brochure when clearly it doesn't live up to all the hype despite all their effort. Some give up, others continue living in la la land and still others close their eyes and ears because it's too painful to admit. I know that doesn't cover the gamut of reasons/opinions, but it's more for illustration than anything. I always used my parents as an example when arguing with my ex about TWIt doctrine. My parents do the exact opposite of what TWI teaches in so many ways and they are rich (but weren't always), happy, secure, loved, respected and the cream of the crop in our hometown and in the town they've only been in a few years. All because of how much they cheerfully give, do and get involved with people's lives and the community itself. It's so much more than following a recipe, imo. I see the same thing with my grandparents and many of my other relatives. They truly have the "more abundant life" TWI promised but couldn't deliver. Does God have anything to do with that? I dunno. I know they love Him and they live according to the two laws Jesus laid out - Loving God and Loving your neighbor. Whether or not God has anything to do with that is anybody's guess, imo. But I know how they live and I'm endeavoring to do that....I just don't know where God fits into that picture anymore.
  21. Well, Mo, there is that one story I read on here about craiggers trying to heal some guy's heart when it was his leg that caused him to fall.
  22. Don't give up, jaylawt! A lot of times when those rumors come around it's because they ARE thinking of leaving or have started making noises. Before people leave, especially leadership, they appear to tow the company line just like always. Sometimes it's so they can keep that open door to share with others. Sometimes it's because it's so rote just going through the motions till the tie that binds finally breaks.
  23. Looks like him. He and Michelle had a little girl and she is probably 6 or 7 now. Todd was a salesman for the Yellow Pages and had won a cruise from the company for being top salesperson. That guy could sell anything. What a hoot he was! Steve, I'm in the Orlando area and may be able to help. I've been out about a year and a half, but if any people stayed in the area that were WOWs with you, I may know them.
  24. Dude, don't you have anything better to do than follow Mo around bullying her? Jeepers Creeps, get a life, would ya?? Most of us have you on ignore because you post the same crap over and over again and none of it ever contributes to the discussion. You don't want to discuss anything. For some sick reason all you seem to be here for is to attack people with beliefs different from yours and to serve as an example of why not one person would EVER want to attend any kind of church or fellowship with you. Why DO you post here? What on earth do you hope to accomplish? Life's too short to be so angry, spiteful, mean and tacky..... If you could actually discuss a topic and stay on the subject instead of spewing your hate, ignorance and illogic, you just might garner some respect from others. As it is you're just an annoying little gnat that we can't seem to swat away. ********************** NOW, to the topic.... Mo, I can't think of any prophecy from vee pee, nor craiggers for that matter, that ever came to pass. In fact, craiggers started teaching about how prophecy can change. He went on about that, giving examples and dwelling on it for a long time. I think this was right before he came out with the "revelation" that the WC needed to go back to working the jobs they had given up to be full time TWIt employees.
  25. I sure thought there were more CES folks on here. I wonder where they are and why they aren't sharing.... :unsure:
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