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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Forget the kool-aid....they're boring them to death!
  2. Why did David lie? Did he lie just so some people would kiss his a$$ and screw him in his coach? Context and, if one subscribes to TWIt doctrine.....motivation of heart seem to be left out of this comparison. <_<
  3. Well....lesseee....my ex is 44 this year. He had a few years on the low end of the totem pole shortly after college when he was a deputy sheriff.....then he quit all that and went WOW for a year, then into WC training where he was dropped (unjustly) after two years just weeks before graduating.....then worked a series of odd jobs - most very close to minimum wage - lived off my paycheck for nearly a year so he could get back into law enforcement .... FINALLY he started making a decent paycheck after climbing his way to some level of seniority .... THEN left all that hard work behind to go work as "security" at HQ and live in a dorm making maybe $8/hour. :huh: His SS statement that lays all that out has him receiving about $400/month if he keeps up this pace. WTF!! If he stays at HQ like this he's going to be living on the streets when his body starts to fall apart, he gets ailments and has too many doctor bills and needs for TWI to want to take care of him anymore.
  4. This bears repeating! Those poor folks working for minimum wage; having to get part time jobs outside TWI and living without insurance, retirement, savings and a permanent, guaranteed roof over their heads should seriously consider this. THIS, folks, is The ministry of God?? THIS is how God wants his flock taken care of? Take 'em for all you can, Peelers!!! I maintain that TWI's god is not a god I ever want to worship again.
  5. Belle


    For a friend of mine.
  6. Belle

    2006 Cones

    Oooohhhh, Tom! Like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans! I'll have a Cranberry Rum Snow Cone, please.
  7. Persecute: 1. To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs. 2. To annoy persistently; bother. **************** I don't know about anyone on here, but I feel persecuted. <_< How dare some kid come on here and berate, persecute and ridicule people who have had their lives ruined, destroyed and shattered by this pseudo religious group?? It would be one thing if he was open to discussions, learning about what people went through and actually research and re-evaluate what he was taught. A closed mind is no better than the Dead Sea and it's a waste of breath and energy to even try to reason with him. I honestly tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and to give him a chance to actually see and acknowledge the truth about TWI and the teachings. I've given up on trying to help him.
  8. Chocolate bunny ears Filling my mouth with sweet sin Poor deaf animal
  9. Bliss said: How many part time jobs are there in those small towns? How does that look to the residents who have been watching TWIt behavior for years? TWIts are allowed to buy houses, make fair wages and be part of the community TWIts are then told to sell their homes and move into the DORMS and cheap trailer parks on TWIt grounds TWIt pay is cut to "need basis" having said "need" determined by TWIt leadership and not to include savings, medical or extra curricular activities, much less vacations. TWIts work around the clock for TWI - most of it being for free TWIts begin getting "fair wages" thanks to lawsuits and exposure of their ridiculous practices TWIts are then "allowed" to move off grounds, but still unable to buy. TWIt kids are encouraged to start getting involved in activities and the community TWIts are not allowed to be required to work ridiculous hours thanks to lawsuits and exposure TWIts are now told to go get jobs because TWI isn't going to pay those fair wages for anyone that they don't have to....I wonder if that's tied to the benefits and laughable retirement fund they offer..... If you're not considered full time, do they then get to drop you from insurance, medical reimbursement plans and retirement funds? How much kool-aid are these folks going to drink before they drown or wake up to the ruin and sham in their lives?
  10. Belle

    2006 Cones

    :( I thought this was a list of the new snow cone flavors that Tom was going to be serving.
  11. Thanks. :) You know, it was surprisingly incredibly cathartic to talk to Paw. He is a great interviewer and makes you feel completely at ease. He asks good questions and his voice is so soothing. This was the first time I've gone through my whole story beginning to end and it dredged up a lot of things, but not necessarily in a bad way. Obviously he got way more than he bargained for getting me on the phone. I dont envy him having to listen to me live, then however much he had to in his editing process. He's probably going to be very glad to be done with this one! LOL! There are some surprises, I think, that people will be shocked to learn. I do hope it helps others. I've taken so much from everyone here that it would be nice to feel like I've given back, even if it's just a very little bit.
  12. I'm sorry, LikeanEagle. :( When I first moved to Florida nobody could understand me. I would get fries when I ordered a Sprite and all kinds of frustrating things like that. People talked to me like I was stupid and I missed a couple of promotions because of that stereotype, so I worked very hard on my enunciation. I promise it comes back after a few glasses of wine or a chat with family and friends back home. I'll gladly give you a southern drawl anytime you want to hear one; just pm me your phone number. ;)
  13. Thank you all. :) ex10, I completely agree with you on the doctrinal aspect of things being of so little importance in the whole scheme of things. I enjoy being able to come on here and toss ideas around, see other viewponts and whatnot, but for me - it all boils down to the two things Jesus said - Love God and Love your neighbor - I think if we're doing that, then that really takes care of everything else. I remember being crushed to find out that I had been taught things incorrectly and that I had believed so much b.s. It was heart wrenching to say the least. That's why I wondered about the SIT change. I always thought it was fake and that most everyone was faking it just like I was. I agree with Garth in that, if it really IS from God, then we wouldn't necessarily need to be taught it....and we sure as heck wouldn't have gotten it so "wrong". :huh:
  14. Thanks, Raf. :) How'd that go over? How did people take that? I'm just amazed....stunned...it's such a drastic change. Not that I agree or disagree, but I'm interested in how the information was received. I wonder who decided that this was the way it was supposed to be and how they felt when they started putting it together.... Kind of like us when we came to the realization on different things we were taught in TWI being wrong too, I guess...
  15. (((((Galen))))) I hope it's a totally awesome birthday befitting such a wonderful gentleman!!! You sure are special, Galen!
  16. Belle

    Table Wine

    Ooohhhh, LikeAnEagle, that sounds good!!! I may try that this week-end.
  17. Happy Birthday to someone I very much admire and respect!! I hope it's absolutely wondermous, Reikilady!!
  18. Happiest of Birthdays to you, See Me!
  19. Haven't heard of it Cool. Did it get better?
  20. I love that, Bagpipes!!! So sweet. What talent you have!
  21. Since they came from TWI, how do they reconcile this with the way it was done in TWI? Do they say they were faking it in TWI? Doesn't this kind of bring up a lot of doubts about SIT in general? David, I wanted to clarify....my apology is meant for you as well. I'm very sorry that my comments came across so crass and harsh. I'm embarrassed and wish I could delete them.
  22. I couldn't have done it without the support of GSpot. Rascal, I couldn't have said it better myself. Sprawled Out, I don't know how long you've been out or what you've done since leaving, but the world is not all black & white and people can't be put into little boxes or "one size fits all" recovery programs. We're all very individual and, while that's good advice for some, it would be detrimental for others. It's kind of like the folks who come on here and tell people to "get over it" and get impatient because THEY feel that they're alright they think everyone else should have been moving at the same pace and on the same track as them. Some of us knew who our "true self" was, we just lost touch with it while we were involved. I basically snapped back to who I was once I was free from TWI and my abusive ex. I say that, but I really think it was a slower process because my parents, Mama particularly, would send me things about "girlfriends" and remind me all the time of the fun I had with my girlfriends and the good memories we have and update me on their lives now even though I had lost touch with them. Their lives were "normal" and a part of me realized that I was never going to have that kind of "normal" life in TWI and I certainly would never have girlfriends like that while I was involved...my ex wouldn't let me out of his sight practically, so any friends really were out of the question. Didn't mean to ramble on about me.....just remember that we're all different and we all heal and handle things in the way that seems best for us. Advice is good, but be careful to not paint it as being the end all and be all fix it system for everyone. :) Patriot - you betcha! Those words are healing for everyone who leaves and sooooo true! Pity we couldn't see it while we were in the thick of the briar patch.
  23. I'm finding it to be a lot less painful than Christianity and a lot less stressful, too.
  24. Oh, thanks for the reminder!! Also in my thoughts. I hope they kick butt and take names!!
  25. Not at all, ex10! I'm sorry. That didn't come across the way I meant it. I appreciate what you're sharing and that you've joined the discussion. :) I'm just surprised since they are so vocal in other areas. It does seem that CES supporters are becoming fewer, which, I suppose, is a message in and of itself.
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