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Everything posted by Belle

  1. (((((John))))) Dunno how I missed this one!! I've been wondering how you are and hoping things are going great for you and your family!!! Back in Iraq? Need any more care packages?? I see you've still got your finger stuck in your ear, too.....we can send something, maybe KY for that!
  2. I dunno, Betty....do you know something we don't know? Actually, I think a lot of us get accustomed to our names and they actually become nick-names for us. I know that now I'm not having to hide who I am from the WayGB, there's no reason for me to change my name. I really didn't change it much before I got out, either. It's probably the geek in me, but I spend a great deal of time thinking up what handle I want to use. You can hear what a weird-o I am in that regard on the GSpot Radio interview. I am Belle here and I use another name on all the other online boards I'm on. Both of those handles have become nicknames and I wouldn't dream of changing them. When I see people in person or talk to folks on the phone that I originally met online, they always call me "Belle" or by my other online handle. I call Rascal, Rascal (so does my mom); I call BOWTWI, "Bow"; Abigail is "Abi" and Sushi is "Verb" or "Sushi" in person.... We all call Paw, "Paw" in person....most of us do, anyway...I can't imagine him using a different handle. :unsure: doesn't mean he doesn't though...
  3. And I agree, too, ex10. :) I highly respect you and know that you don't take people getting hurt lightly, but that you also saw a side of vee pee that a lot of people never did get to see. It's hard to reconcile those two images and to understand how someone who seemed so wonderful and caring could also be so vicious and evil. It's kind of like my mother's father. He was a violent raging alcoholic and she would hide in the bathroom every day when she would hear his truck on the driveway. She would wait till he talked to someone else in the house to see what kind of mood he was in. :( BUT, despite all that - he's her Daddy and she never wanted to say a bad thing about him for the longest time. I didn't know the man - hadn't seen him since I was 7 years old because of how bad a man he was. BUT, the last few years of his life, he reconciled with all the kids and they were genuinely hurt and upset when he died. I went to the funeral, not for him, but for them. I still don't like the man and resent the hell out of how much he abused my grandmother, my mom and her siblings.... It's easy for me, though. I didn't really ever know him like they did - same with vee pee. He was dead before I ever even heard of PFAL. I can totally see how someone in your situation has a very hard time with folks saying that he was evil through and through without a good cell in his body. I don't know if he did or not, but I honestly don't believe that he ever had any altruistic motives when he started his own ministry. I think he took advantage of those who did to make himself rich and successful.... That, perhaps, is the only place where we differ in our opinions. :) I understand yours, I just don't agree with it.
  4. vee pee succeeded because he had genuine ministers of God and loving, gracious folks under his reign...craiggers got rid of those folks and that's when the sheep's clothing was yanked off the wolf. vee pee wasn't good - just a good salesman who got lucky in having genuinely good folks associated with his ministry of b.s.
  5. diazbro said: I think this bears repeating. Excellent post, diazbro! vee pee may have done some things well, but he was a Dr. Jeckyll / Mr. Hyde personality. He was a charmer when it was convenient for him and I can see why people who had good personal experiences with him are torn - his kids included. My Daddy is my whole world; my Superman; my Green Lantern ;) and to find out that he may have hurt someone else - especially someone else that I love very much would just tear me up inside. I would also defend my Daddy no matter what - if someone were to attack him because I know the good parts of my Daddy. That being said - I believe that many of the "good things" that folks experienced in TWI and many of the things folks learned in TWI that were correct didn't come from vee pee - it came from Doop, Heefner, Fugit and the truly "Christian" men who were really serious about God, the Bible and helping people. vee pee used those men and their hearts to build his empire. vee pee used the research papers of others and changed them where it didn't support his evil ways and then took credit for it. If it weren't for Doop, Heefner, Wise, Frisbee, Fugit and men with genuine ministries, TWI would be nothing and not one person would have a single "victory" story or fond memory because vee pee was a fake, a wolf, a charlatan and never had a pure motive, imo. Just my opinion, ymmv. :)
  6. ROFLMAO!! Diazbro, I think you may be on to something there..... Excellor sessions this morning will center on Word of Wisdom - we will all take turns operating this manifestation. After Lunch Excellor Sessions will be devoted to Healing - please remember to bring your assigned lame person to the session so that you can heal them during the session. After which we will check to make sure everyone has their snacks that they prepared all year to bring to the class.
  7. I'm setting my SW "Ding!" to be watching for flights!! I 'spect that we don't need to waste much time on touristy things..... Knowing us gals, once we get together all we'll really want to do is sit around and visit. That's what we did at the Weenie Roast and I wouldn't have traded a second of that time for sight-seeing. You told that cop where we'd be, didn't ya, BOWTWI?? We don't want him going to the wrong address!
  8. Absolutely beautiful!!! I know being able to share my heart and soul on here has helped me work things out in my own little brain. I've thought out loud on here, blurted and posted some pretty off the wall stuff and it's helped me at least as much, if not more, than the paid therapy I also have. Post away, Bagpipes! Post away!
  9. .....and to think they laugh at the RC's for having "poverty mentality". Now they're having to justify their poverty despite teaching "abundance mentality". :ph34r: John, so glad the devil continues to prosper, protect and promote you - you greasespot, you! I suppose I should confess to being prospered by the devil, too. I've been promoted at work and now report directly to the CFO. I got a very nice raise and my health is 1000 times better than it was while I was in TWI. The value of my house has increased by over $100K in just a few short years and I pay less for my mortgage than most folks around here pay for a much smaller apartment with paper thin walls. Yeah, life sure is good outside the walls of Zion. Now, why was I afraid to leave? Why was I worshipping their god? My God is good, always!
  10. I'm all ears and eyes!! Thanks y'all!! Very cool and I'm very impressed with the wealth of knowledge on here. Not surprised at all, but it's amazing how many experts in so many areas we have around and I think it's awesome that you take the time to share what you know with us.
  11. (((((Zixar))))) Have a brownie with us and weigh in on the Global Warming thread....it's more discussion than hoax. How's life treating our beloved Astronomer??
  12. I thought it was silver bullets....or was that garlic pellets????
  13. JL, me too. The whole time I was reading the darn thing I was thinking.....okay, so where's the plan, then? I'm just a wee bit slow on the uptake today, I reckon. :ph34r:
  14. Snopes Nebbermind....it's a hoax. I shoulda checked first.
  15. ((((Orange Cat))))) (((((Zixar))))) I hope life is good for you two!!
  16. I got this e-mail today and watched the clip....interesting, but is it a hoax? ****************** This is quite amazing. Think about the fact that we never saw the plane that hit the Pentagon, or slow motion cameras that caught it hitting the Pentagon. Interesting website. Catch this before it is taken off. I have to say that this is kinda strange: Where is the airplane........that crashed into the Pentagon.........????? Where are the airplane parts??? Go to this website and watch this film.........do it quickly as it has already been pulled off several web sites already!........afterwards you'll see why! http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Main
  17. ROFLMAO!!! Cool, I'm so glad you like it! Winn Dixie around the corner from me is closing down and having a huge sale to get rid of everything. I bought about 20 cans of Ro*Tel this week-end! Those poor TWIts just don't know what they're missing.... Kinda makes ya sad for 'em, don't it? :(
  18. I remember learning about Don's death online DAYS before it was ever mentioned within the walls of TWI. They also never mentioned that he died of cancer, either. Still very hush ~ hush about that. I doubt if many TWIts even know today that he died of cancer. Even to this day my ex refuses to believe me when I tell him that vee pee died of cancer. I think the Moynihans have even lied to him about that.... <_< If they haven't out and out lied to him, they've definitely lied by omission and refusing to discuss it.
  19. I faked it. I really tried to do it right, but never "got it", so I just practiced saying what I'd heard a million and one times before in everyone else's manifestations. Ever notice how they were always the same few messages? The language was just as sophisticated as the person's vocabulary, but the message was always the same.... LOL! On the way to meetings, I'd rehearse in my head what I would say if I was called on.
  20. Benefits of Global Warming What do you think? Good or Bad? Fact or Fiction? Just a cycle that has already occurred over and over before?
  21. My choice quote from the Declaration, for you patriots.
  22. Here in Orlando, like you said - regardless of experience, they make only about $8-$10/hour. I suspect it's not even that much in the cornfields of OH. Hardly enough to garner much in the way of SS, savings and retirement. Even living in the dorms and having mandatory lunch meetings provided, still doesn't leave one with much. He's really going to regret his decision, I'm afraid. I just hope he does before it's too late...he no longer has a wife to support him getting re-certified to go back into law enforcement. I really and truly hope that these new rules are a wake-up call for him. They payoff for having someone else make all your decisions for you, including how to spend every waking minute of your day, is going to be a very high price that many can't afford to pay when they get to be too old to be of value to TWI anymore. WW, I think they are still telling their people that they are "non profit" and therefore have barely enough money in the bank accounts to support all those folks on staff. Pity they don't know that there's over $40 million of all our ABS sitting there being hoarded by the ones they are supposed to be trusting. The latest rag has ads for people to come work on staff. I'll bet they're pulling the same trick Disney does and are rotating people through so quickly that they don't have time to build up any kind of longevity level paychecks, benefits and retirement. Didn't someone say you aren't vested and qualified for their retirement b.s. till you've been on staff for 10 or 12 years? Jeepers Creeps! I'm sooooooooo glad to not have that kind of fear hanging over my head.
  23. Patriot: Yeppers! What happened to God and His Word changing not? God’s will changes? I think not. TWI’s private interpretation of God’s will is what changes.Patriot: And I bought that crap about the “spiritual adultery”. How effen stupid can someone be?? I know that’s the spin Moynihan puts on that verse. When we had that gawd awful bus trip to HQ, he talked about “building something” – a ministry that would be around for our children and our children’s children. Cause if it weren’t for TWI the word would be lost and the whole population of the world would be in darkness without the light of God’s word. Pretty lame God, doncha think? What kind of God has to depend on some self-contained, selfish, absuive group of folks to keep His presence around?? Not the all powerful, all knowing, all caring, all love, everywhere present God that the Bible speaks of. BTW, I do remember hearing as well that staff were required to have automatic deposit into the Way CU. It does sound illegal to me, too. <_< I wonder who one would contact to find out about the legality of that? I wonder how many have their paycheck deposited according to the TWIt rules and then withdraw the whole blasted thing so that TWI can't tell what and how they're spending their money.
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