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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I understand the kiddie porn and the child-like porn, but is all porn bad? For everyone? Period - end of story?
  2. I agree, Linda. It's hard to respect and think of someone having integrity who hasn't been around long enough to establish themselves. I know the folks who have been here a long time and having that estabished reputation - good or bad - lends some sort of credibility to their posts. Not that new folks don't, but the longer someone is around and the longer you read their posts, the more weight and value they have to their name. I also think, too, though, that folks who are more "connected" to GSpot and the posters in many ways, have that identity that they've built and they value it as much as those who read their posts. If I changed my name all the time - even when I was under another handle, I don't think it would have had the same impact as it did - especially to the WAYGB....but I guess you have to listen to my interviews with Paw to really understand that statement. ;) shameless plug alert!
  3. I wonder if John S's paper on Adultery is included.....I wonder if the WC thesis papers are included...especially the ones vee pee plagarized and put his name on.....which ones are included??? They tossed out all the ones from Rome City and probably from Emporia..... Think they probably tossed all the ones from the genuine researchers who were correct, honest and full of integrity to the point of leaving TWI? What's left to study of TWI materials but the b.s. and error-ridden material they have??
  4. WayferNot!, I have the same problem with Vixen and it's terribly embarrassing because Border Terriers are supposed to be friendly with every dog! They are pack animals bred to work with other dogs on the hunting field. I do a lot of AKC trials and stuff with her and have to be very careful. Her problem is my fault, though, after getting divorced and leaving TWI, I did nothing but go to work and come home and go to bed. She got out of practice being around other dogs and people. The more exposure they have to both, the better they are around them. She's ready to start going toward her Master Earthdog title, but that requires that she hunt "nicely" and "professionally" with another dog - could be a border, a doxie, a jack, bedlington....any other kind of terrier. My breeder is concerned and thinks I should hold off a bit on that. We're also getting ready to compete in agility - which means she'll be off leash and if she sees another dog she decides to attack, I'm screwed. Two incidents in any of these types of trials and she'll be disqualified from being able to compete. I've done tons of research and practice with her and am starting to see some great results. I've pretty much combined a bunch of things I've learned. I don't want to write a book here, but will be happy to talk to you or e-mail what I've been doing. There is a Yahoo! group for aggressive behavior training that I gleaned some great information from. Also, getting help from other border terrier owners.... The things I started with are....taking her walking when there will be other neighbors out walking their dogs. I use a flex because "play walks" are supposed to be fun and different from walking on the 6 ft. leash, imo. When I see a dog or cat nearby, I immediately put Vixen in a "sit" or a "down" and make her look at me. Every time she tries to get up or lunge, I put her back into the position with a very firm voice. (Like Jim said, borders are tough little buggers, but if you're too tough with them, you can break them and our bond). I practice at home with treats and make her look at me before she gets the treat...once she starts to "get it" I increase the length of time she has to "look at me". It's really cool when she starts to get it because I'll have the treat in my hand and put it down by my knee or some place away from my face.... she'll paw at it and try to get it, but eventually she'll sit back and look me straight in the eye I smile and say "good girl" and give her the threat Next time - same thing, but make her keep looking at me She'll deviate her eyes to the treat - because they are very "body language" oriented. I'll remind her to "look at me" and she does Increasing the time she has to "look at me" before she gets the treat. ****** Then I take this outside where there are distractions and do the same thing. ***** Then take her out where there are distractions and dogs around and do the same thing. ***** She's not there yet, but she's soooooo much better. ****** My neighbors have a total alpha bitch schnauzer. Two alpha bitches can be funny and frustrating beyond belief. I'll take Vixen over there and we keep them both on leashes and away from each other for a bit till they calm down and quit trying to kill each other. Then take the leash off both of them. I get Vixen in her sit and "look at me" for a bit and then eventually start visiting with my neighbors. The two dogs do NOT get along, but they just ignore each other. When my neighbors go out of town and I'm watching their schnauzer, I'll take the squirt with me and it doesn't take long for them to remember that fighting is not allowed. BUT when I sit - they'll race to get to my lap. I'll pet one while the other circles around like a shark till the other gets off my lap. Then they promptly fill the lap space - a dog version of "king of the mountain" LOL! Yahoo! Aggressive Behavior Therapy for Dogs
  5. Just tell me when and where to be and I'll be there with bells on!! Sooo looking forward to hugging necks for the first time and BOWTWI's for yet another!
  6. AWESOME, SHAZ!!! Sounds like things are going the way they are supposed to be going. :) Good for that Doc!! Pity he's had to put so much time in defending himself for doing good. :( Does he still need money?? And I'll PM you about the walk-a-thon.
  7. Belle

    Happy Birthday AHAT

  8. I'll chime in as a Camp 7c tentant Never was in TWI under vee pee. Never took PFAL millions of times. Never was raped or abused by vee pee. He was long dead by the time I was introduced to TWI and PFAL. I WAS abused at the hands of craiggers, his cronies (all former vee pee cronies) and honestly never got a single good thing from my experience with TWI. My stupid decision to get involved and stay involved caused nothing but ruin, havoc and lost dreams in my life. If vee pee had been stopped. If vee pee hadn't been allowed to flouris. If there had been some way for me to learn about vee pee, the founder of this outfit, I would like to think that I'd be out at the park with my husband, my 2.5 kids, my dog and basking in the love my parents, my grandparents and my family that I would have never put an incredible strain on and hurt so much. :( If there was any good in vee pee it was not nearly enough to offset the death and destruction in his wake. IF there was an ounce of altruism in him and his desire to help folks, it wasn't enough because the fruit of his life and his ministry clearly shows me that it wasn't enough and, I think, was totally fake. This man started something evil - something counterfeit that only appeared to be genuine. ESPECIALLY given the knowledge that he was always a lazy, lying, sneaky, charlatan scamming folks from a child....raping women in a recognizable ethical church....lying that he was kicked out for teaching about money....sorry the bad far outweighs the good in his life (and I'm really not sure about any good being in his life). I think some folks did have good experiences with him personally, but even the devil can appear "nice" when it's in his best interest. I think anything good that came from someone's involvement with TWI came from the fact that vee pee was able to acquire the assistance from some genuine folks - not because of vee pee or his stolen teachings... Sorry, this is a real sore spot for me. I don't begrudge anyone's good times and I really do enjoy hearing about those times. I just don't have them and if vee pee had been stopped - if TWI had been stopped by 1993 - my life story would be a whole lot different. I'd like to think better, but it definitely would have been a whole lot different. It's so hard for me to see any redeeming qualities in that man's life and I sure as heck (not cursing out of respect for the mods :) ) don't believe there were any genuine ones.
  9. I hear they've recovered quite nicely..... Peep Pimpin
  10. Goey, I'm so sorry!!! I'm glad the neighbor's doing right by you.
  11. I talk about mine in my interview with Paw.
  12. I figured it out!!!!! ck is Mike's child!!!
  13. Has everyone forgotten that vee pee's evil deeds started way before PFAL? He was a liar from the beginning and the reason he started his own shindig was because he was caught screwing a woman in the church where he was BEFORE starting TWI? :unsure: The guy got married and lied about it. The guy was a troublemaker as a kid if sources from NK are to be believed....WordWolf clearly documented all this stuff in his historical threads..... vee pee's evil and deception didn't start with TWI - TWI just gave him more power to do so and less accountability for it.
  14. Thanks, JL. The interview was cathartic, but very disturbing to listen to yesterday. This part of your post pretty much sums it up for me. They never had a clue and when they did it was based on snooping, intimidation and interviews.....everything BUT revelation. If it was the true God they claim to worship's ministry then he would have protected them from me. He didn't. They couldn't do anything about it. Radar's right, imo. I'll add that neither TWI nor life is as spiritual as TWI teaches.
  15. So, was vee pee trying to compare himself to Martin Luther???? :blink:
  16. Belle

    american idol

    (((((SONG))))) soooooo goood to see you!!!!
  17. .....exactly what I was thinking, Skyrider. (((((Zixar))))) soooooo good to see you back!!!! Perfect - absolutely perfect post!!!
  18. I agree, Mo, and I further state that it wasn't because of TWI or vee pee, but because of the genuine ministers and "Christians" that vee pee exploited to build his empire. It's an honor that is grossly mis-placed. Do those folks really believe that God is so impotent and non-powerful that he was limited to vee pee's outfit??? What the he11 kind of god would bring people to that kind of sh1t??
  19. I wonder if grads of PFAL and of craiggers' class can order the syllabus from the bookstore.... :unsure: I might be making a phone call tomorrow..... would be illegal to deny us, wouldn't it?
  20. Belle

    american idol

    Okay - Kelli Pickler is REAL - they just asked her what she misses most back home....she said FRIED OKRA - That's a girl after my own heart!!! I'm tellin' you --- she's not faking - this is exactly how I was when I was her age...only she knows she's naive....I, on the other hand, thought I was too big for my britches. I STILL miss fried okra like Mama Nina used to make and have only found ONE PLACE in Orlando that makes it right - "Uncle Jones BBQ - Nuthin' mo betta". When I get homesick that's where I go. My prediction for tonight is Ace will be packing his bags...he's nice to look at, but not as hot as Chris and without as much talent. I'd still let him eat crackers in my bed, though.
  21. :blink: So who else are you, Betty?
  22. Belle

    ex-or present wayer?

    Welcome, Norm! I'm guessing you haven't looked at the "home page" or many of the posts yet. ;) Look around a bit and the "ambiance" will become abundantly clear to you. Here's a few places I highly recommend that you start: GSpot Home Page Welcome! WordWolf's Intro What is The Way - Bob's Thread Given the name Norm, I'm assuming an ice cold beer and special burger is the proper first-timers entree for you. :) Hope to see you around!
  23. I don't have a clue, Chas, but I work with a bunch of mothers...a bunch of "mothers", too , but I'll ask the mothers if they've heard of it or know anything about it. :)
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