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Everything posted by Belle

  1. I don't know of any lawsuits, and the folks I know who were mailed copies of their posts directly from TWI with threats don't post here much anymore. Maybe I'll contact them to see if they'll share. I think those folks were involved in the Allen & Parker cases and so they were a threat to TWI. I certainly wouldn't put it past TWI to try something legal using the posts on GSpot as a great deal of the foundation... although, hopefully their lawyers are smarter than that. ;) I remember, too, there being some kind of uproar about someone posting about peeing in the fountain of living waters.... They certainly went to great lengths to track me down. It took them a couple of months to get the information, so I can only imagine the manpower and hours they put into trying to get that information.
  2. :wub: Love you, Thelma Darlene Louise!! :P
  3. Ahhh, no, Freud, they wouldn't tell us anything. I would ask about their relationship and would be told it's none of my business. :blink: President of this group? Lauded himself and his family as "the" perfect example of a "Christian" family? Went so far as to teach about how wonderful they were and develop a whole class around them? Who spewed everyone's dirty laundry in front of God and everybody...most of which wasn't even true? THIS man who stuck his nose in everyone else's business???? And it's none of my business whether he's divorced or not??? I was so mad!! But I could only say so much because my ex husband would quickly try to shut me up to keep us from getting into trouble. So, even today (from what I understand), they won't tell their "followers" whether or not Craig and Donna Martindale divorced. And, JK, I also heard that he has no remorse whatsoever about what he did and the lives he ruined - he's only sorry that he got caught. Tom, you're right - I shouldn't have resorted to "waybrain". I stand corrected and apologize for that - not for my post, though. ;)
  4. Belle


    By request :( Oak's link doesn't work anymore. I'm trying to find the thread now. Epiluo in the Doctrinal Dungeon Found it!!
  5. That's your problem, Diazbro. You have trouble with folks who behave differently than you think they should. I would have done the same thing Freud did if I were in his shoes. I also would have devoured all the information I could on the person and told others I was close to who also knew the person. I would have gone to the website and posted that I knew him personally and that I'm in shock to find out the person I *thought* I knew was a psychopath. I relate all too well to the things Freud has done. I can only imagine how absolutely shocked he must have been and how his heart must have sank to the bottom of his gut to find out this "nice, quiet, guy" was a stark raving psychopathic loon. Your Boston Church example doesn't fit since you don't know the leader of the church and didn't know him before finding out who he was. So, yah, why would you want to post there? This is a whole different fruit salad and you're throwing mangos into the mix with that example.
  6. Here's what he said before about this. If you have a suggestion on how he can establish his legitimacy, then post it or PM him. He follows up on them - I know. :) I'm not sharing any more beyond that, but I believe him to be legit and unless someone can prove to me that he's not - I choose to consider him and Jung "innocent until proven guilty" - Waybrain must be dug in deep to keep trying to read between the lines things that aren't there - not everyone speaks with doublespeak like TWI leadership. <_< An administrator can tell where they're posting from and would know if it was the same person...there's just lots of ways to bust up that party if'n it's not real.
  7. When craig talked about religion, what did he say? Were there specific topics he wanted to discuss? Was he sharing stuff or asking questions? Does he talk about his kids at all? I wonder how their relationship is. :(
  8. Thanks, Krys. You beat me to it. :)
  9. Belle

    A Real Hate Church

    I saw a piece on this group and there's a brigade of Harley Bikers who come to these things with huge American flags and they basically surround the area so that the families don't have to see those idiots!
  10. Nope <_< Well, that's the short answer, anyway. I honestly think he's beyond help and I'm in no way qualified to even try. I don't wish him harm or ill in any way, but I don't care to ever have anything to do with him in my life again, either. I think he's a classic Narcissist and, according to what I've read, only 1% of the population have that disorder and it can't really be treated because for it to be treated, the person has to realize that their ego is overblown and distorted and that they need help and they have to accept the help and to want to change. I'm not a psychiatrist and I don't pretend to play one on TV, but I have done a lot of reading on this disorder and Craig Martindale is a classic example of it.
  11. Belle


    You asked... Shell, some of us open our hearts too easily and too quickly. Why? We want to be loved. We don’t like to play games. We love too easily and too quickly and part of loving is opening your heart to somone. Trusting them to be as careful with yours as you are with theirs. I never experienced this part of TWI, so I can’t speak to it. Our experiences are all so varied and perceptions of those same words so different, that I’m not sure “same” is all that accurate and that’s why we have what we have here. There’s deep, very deeply rooted hurt in many lives because of that man and to see folks praise him is like salt in the wounds. My goal was to look at the lawsuit since we weren’t given a copy of it. I was NOT expecting to find what I did. Once I found it – my goal was to get out but to do it with my marriage still in place. I saw where I could get help with that, so I stayed.The longer I stayed the more mad I got at TWI, so I had a second goal of exposing all the things they didn’t want exposed. I wanted to share as much about what was going on as I could. I still have the second goal, but since I’ve accomplished (somewhat) the first goal, I no longer have direct access to what TWI is doing and telling their folks. Again, I never had any real friends in TWI, so I can’t speak to that. Yes and yes and astonishment that there are folks who condone, support and minimalize the actions of those men. Different experience – different perception – mine is very different from what you describe here. :) I think Gspot is different things for different people. WayDale and Gspot have both had times where the posts are flying – sometimes it’s all fun and games – sometimes it’s very heated discussions. We’re all passionate about our experiences and about our “feelings” and some go extremely overboard now that they are at a place outside TWI where they can really share those things. Gspot is my café – it’s where I can come and put my feet up, have a cuppa java and chew the fat in the “General” forum where it’s usually pretty tame and non-TWI related discussions. I can go to the “Just Plain Silly” forum where I laugh out loud in my cube farm and feel better because I just needed a laugh. I can muse out loud in the “Doctrinal” dungeon and know that if a couple of posters don’t show up, I’ll be treated respectfully and patiently by those who can give me answers and point me in the right direction. I can tread into the “About The Way” forum and expose something I’ve learned – learn from others and vent about my experience…..my feelings and thoughts on things TWI-related. And I can go to the chat room where we gab, get to know each other on a much more personal basis and share our lives with one another. SafariVista said it best, I think…..some folks feel free to type stuff they would never in a million years say to someone’s face. Those guys don’t participate in any other parts of Gspot – they don’t see the names on here as real people and they don’t care – and they don’t care to even try. They are here for one reason only, imo, and that’s to stir sh1t up and to attack and belittle people. Kick ‘em when they’re down kind of wimps. I try to ignore them, but sometimes it gets to be a bit too much …. I remember an e-mail you sent to me on one of those occasions. …. It’s because you and I are like family – we respect each other – we care for each other’s feelings and we may get into heated discussions – almost all of us get into heated discussions at times, but the people who have been on here a long time and who see us as family generally always work it out and we end up in one big group hug. Some we rub the wrong way and we just tend to stay out of each other’s way. We’ve agreed to disagree – so to speak. This place, these folks, are like family to me – I have a vested interest in those who fit into this “group” so to speak and that’s why I get involved in some of the dog piles on the men in the “bully group”. I also know that the integrity of my words and my consistency on the boards has given lurkers the confidence in me that they need so that they can reach out and ask me to help them privately. They may be afraid to post or afraid they can’t take the heated discussions or just not comfortable with the internet …. Oh, a myriad of reasons…. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is – lurkers can tell who’s genuine and who’s a bully pretty quickly; I think.
  12. AMEN!!! I grew up with extremely generous parents. We were always having college kids over for home-cooked meals – living in our guest bedroom because they couldn’t afford to pay rent – giving them money - going to mow an elderly person’s lawn – fixing baskets of food for families in need ….. It was just a part of life and we enjoyed every minute of it – they also gave to the church, but to other organizations, groups, individuals also… As kids we had to tithe off any money we received. In TWI those folks were not “worthy” of my time because they were wallowing in sin and what they needed was “the word”. If they didn’t want “the word” then they didn’t deserve anything from me. Now, I can give in any way, shape or form that I choose and that delights my soul to no end! I love to give where there is a true need or where it will be truly appreciated. It’s from the heart and it’s with love and that makes all the difference. I have an elderly couple in my neighborhood and we’ve adopted each other. I even call them Grandpa Bert and Gramma Mary. I take care of their dogs when they go out of town; I move heavy things for them; I fix Bert dinner when Mary’s out of town….they check on Vixen during the day for me; Mary weeds my garden and sweeps my driveway and sidewalk. Whoever is out first after the garbage men come by, we put the other’s garbage can up against the garage. I’ve put a substantial amount of money in a plain envelope and left it on the desk of a co-worker who was having major dental work done and couldn’t afford to do that and buy Christmas presents for her kids. She never knew where the money came from – I didn’t want her to – but she cried with joy and that was the greatest feeling in the world – much better than writing any check to TWI so God would spit in my direction. I also pay for some of the cars behind me when I go through the toll booth – that’s probably one of my favorite things to do… I’ll give the attendant $10 and tell her/him to go buy themselves a coke and a snack & use the rest of the money to pay for the cars behind me. TWI always quoted that verse about “doing good unto all men but especially to the household” but they never did good unto all men – it was ONLY to the household and they weren’t even very good at that. The verse that comes to mind regarding TWI is in James – they just tell people to go be warmed with a few Bible verses – no heart, no compassion, no mercy, no love. Jam 2:13-17 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. What [doth it] profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be [ye] warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what [doth it] profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
  13. T-Bone, Thank you so much!! Thank you, too, for your posts being much easier to read. :) Shaz, I never thought of the “sin” vs. “out of fellowship” euphemism, but that’s exactly what it is!! They wanted us to say “devil spirit” instead of “demon” because it diminished the evil associated with them, but then they turn around and do the exact same thing with “sin”. Yes, we all sin. It’s just easier to focus on someone else’s sin than it is to focus on mine. I’m conflicted about TWI’s teachings, though….on one hand all we seemed to do was pick out devil spirits, talk about other churches and groups and how “off” they were, but on the other hand we had to be constantly vigilant and striving for the perfection that was expected of us. It’s like everything we did was wrong or not good enough. When something bad happened we had screwed up somewhere and that was the first thing someone asked when we were sick, had a car crash, broke a leg, needed surgery…. “Where’d you miss it?” It got to where we were always thinking about where we might have “missed it” and then scared to death of what the consequences of that might be. Externally, people were “out to lunch” in the “egg sucking world” where they “couldn’t find their @$$ in the dark with a flashlight and a map”. It was so easy to see where others were so pathetic compared to us. We were allowed to be high and mighty holier than thou believers who lived much better lives because we were living in “alignment & harmony”. Those quotes in the last paragraph are things we heard craig say over and over and over again.
  14. Belle

    american idol

    Oh man! They were all sooooo good last night!! It's going to be hard to see someone go. :( I still love Taylor and he's my favorite.
  15. I'm torn between Brandy by Looking Glass, Circle by Edie Brickell and this one below - I think I'll go with it - What I Am by Edie Brickell I'm not aware of too many things I know what I know if you know what I mean Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box Religion is a smile on a dog I'm not aware of too many things I know what I know if you know what I mean Choke me in the shallow water Before I get too deep What I am is what I am are you what you are or what? I'm not aware of too many things I know what I know if you know what I mean Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks Religion is a light in the fog I'm not aware of too many things I know what I know if you know what I mean Do do ya I'm not aware of too many things I know what I know if you know what I mean Choke me in the shallow water Before I get too deep Choke me in the shallow water Before I get too deep Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep Don't let me get too deep What I am is what I am are you what you are or what? Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep Don't let me get too deep
  16. They can't come over here, Shaz..... They'll get possessed!!
  17. CW and I are Thelma and Louise....depends on the day and the mood as to who is whom. ;) Just a "girlfriend" thang.
  18. And more Rascal stories!!! I know she has lots of 'em!
  19. (((((Thelma))))) I love the heart you shared in your letter and I pray you get some response, some closure and some much deserved dialog. I'm afraid, though, that craiggers is a classic Narcissist and will never apologize to anyone because he feels he's entitled and hasn't done anything wrong. :( If he doesn't seek and get professional help, I think he'll always be sorry he got busted, but never sorry for not taking care of God's flock as was his responsibility. I hope I"m wrong, though. You certainly deserve it!! We know the WayGB reads these posts and we KNOW they know how to get in touch with him. It would do them well to pass your letter along and to encourage him to make this first step - even if it means you, him and a therapist..... Keeping you in my prayers, Love.
  20. Mo, I still have all my TWIt stuff save the things that my ex took, which were his to begin with. I don't have time to go through it right now, but this week-end I'll dig it out. I have a few ideas off the top of my head, but don't have the quotes to back it up and it could very well be CRS creeping up on me, so I'll wait till I can look it up. :)
  21. (((((Roy))))) I think you're a very sweet soul. I'm running toward the future, but I keep reminding folks of the past and stay as connected to the present state/teachings/doctrine/practice of TWI as I can to help save others from experiencing the same pain, regret and remorse that I've had to deal with. I can't dwell on the past in regards to pain, hate and judgmentalism, but the Bible shows us clearly what to look for in order to identify wolves in sheep's clothing and that's what I feel we do here. We do so much more, though. We support one another. We help each other heal. We make friendships that last deeper and longer than any influence of TWI. Heck, we've even had marriages!! We try to help prevent others from having to experience what we did. Allowing them to learn from our mistakes.... Is that what you're getting at? I'm not sure. :unsure: This place and the folks here who gave me the time, support, encouragement and whatever else I needed saved my life moreso than any therapist. I feel it's time for me to give back. It's time for me to share and give of my time. To be strong enough to help those who are where I was. Most of those folks contact me privately and never even post on the boards. But, if they didn't read my posts on the boards or listen to my GSpot Radio interview, then they wouldn't know me - wouldn't know they can contact and trust me to help them with whatever means I have available to me. BTW - I've been contacted by four - count 'em - four people who are still involved with TWI - who listened to the interview Paw did.....they want out and they are scared to death. Petrified for many reasons - most of which is due to wrong-teaching, wrong doctrine and spiritual blackmail on the part of the present TWI leadership. I'm not going anywhere as long as I can continue helping folks like that. I seriously doubt the vee pee aplogists who go around attacking folks, second guessing people who share their heart and secret pains in their lives and picking on other folks' beliefs and religions are contacted by anyone for help. It's the goodness of God that leads man to repentence.....likewise, it's the goodness of the posters and the honesty and tenderness that leads folks to them for help getting out of horrible situations in their lives - and being in TWI and wanting out is at the top of that list for those who find themselves there, imo. When I was in their shoes I contacted the folks I knew who were empathetic, good listeners, logical and had a heart to help.... not those caustic, attacking, obtuse and hard hearted judgemental folks.... I'd die if someone was to tell me I came across like that. But most of those folks seem to take pride in being considered a jerkwad. How they justify and reconcile that with their "Chrisitan" claims, I don't know. I really don't care, either. I just know I don't have to worry about anyone contacting them and getting their hearts torn apart any more than they already are.
  22. Belle

    Funny Things Kids Say

    ROFLMAO!!! These are precious!!! Out of the mouth of babes, eh? I remember asking my parents what a "sino" was. They were very confused and Daddy told me to use it in a sentence....I said, "Jesus loves me this sino...." My little brother got in trouble on the school bus one day and when the bus driver scolded him he stood up, stomped his foot, put his hands on his hips at the same time and yelled, "Bull Hockey!!" at the driver. The driver had tears in his eyes as he was calling my parents to tell them about it.
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