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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Interesting thought, Johniam, I doubt they would, though. They certainly don't have a leg to stand on since what we talk about is our experiences or opinions. Besides that, they would have to subpeona too many folks and it would really boil down to a he said - she said debate with the TWIts lying like Rosie does on the stand. It would also be impossible for the courts to believe that so many folks with so many horror stories could all be lying. Just playing a few teaching tapes and rants and raves and Donna's .wav file on here would be enough for a court to see that we were definitely in an ungodly group. I think, too, TWI does NOT want all their evil past to be brought out into the sunlight again. They prefer to sweep the manure under the carpet and pretend it isn't there. SafariVista, TWI is run by paranoid folks. They KNOW they're doing evil things, wrong things and destroying lives and they worry constantly how much we know of their horrible activities and teachings. They are very secretive and don't really care about "Word over the World" - they only want people to learn from them on their terms....their terms requiring "indoctrination" settings. They can't stand for "outsiders" to know what they're up to. They know their teachings are full of b.s., intimidation, wrong teaching and boring as he11.....they despise the fact that we know it too. Furthermore, they can't back up their doctrine. They can't prove what they teach without using private interpretation and straying from their very own keys to study. They won't debate them either.....remember how we were told, "The Word needs no defense." They just think we're wrong and won't consider or even engage in discussions where they have to defend and prove what they're teaching.....hmmm, explains ckmkeon.... Anyone who isn't subservient and blindly following TWI and their leadership is an enemy....those who left and are exposing them for what they are, are public enemy #1.
  2. What does it mean to "get over it"? Does it mean never speaking or thinking of the past? Does it mean pretending that it never happened? Does it mean no longer hurting? Who decides when someone has "gotten over it"? What's the criteria for that? Why does someone who doesn't know you even care if you've "gotten over it"? How do they feel that it's okay to tell me to "get over it"" What makes it their business anyway? Sorry, I don't know the answers to the above. I do know that I get really angry when people come on here and tell us to "get over it". Who the heck do they think they are and how the heck do they know we haven't gotten over it? I recognize usually that comments like that are due to ignorance on their part. They don't know all of us; they don't know what we've been through; they don't know how long we've been here; and apparently they don't know that there's a lot more, a whole lot more to GSpot than just talking about TWI. They don't know that some of us have been around each other for YEARS - some SEVEN YEARS and the Trancechatters, even longer than that! They don't know that we meet in person. That we've had marriages from relationships on here. They just plain don't know much at all, except that they feel justified in telling us to "get over it". Comments like this really make my blood boil: It sounds nice, but it's very judgemental and it's spoken from a place of not knowing where people are coming from and further comments bear out that because we post on here we "don't have a life". They obviously haven't read the threads where people talk about their lives, their hobbies, kids, pets, and the life they do have outside GSpot. Am I wrong? Being overly sensitive? Cause I'm really angry about those words.
  3. Garth, I agree with you. :) I'm sorry if something I posted gave an otherwise impression. I was just answering Out's question. I also know that a lot of people don't realize there was a lot more people singled out and persecuted like the Jews. I didn't know about the homosexuals until I mentioned one our threads about the holocaust to the two gay men I work with. I don't remember ever hearing of the pink patches.....and that was just this year. Talk about feeling stupid..... What's wild about that is that Hitler was a sexual pervert himself.
  4. WN, it's one of the snow cone flavors that Tom's offering this year. ;) Here's the official list: Flavors for 2006
  5. There were 5,860,000 Jewish people killed, but 11 Million Total. Most people know nothing about "the other 5 million". Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians and Catholics. Most of the remaining mortal victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.
  6. Out, it was a total hate campaign and Jews were by no means the only ones persecuted, rounded up and murdered. A lot of the folks focus on just the Jews who were subjected to that inhumane treatment - it was far more widespread and far worse than that. Here are a few quotes from Forgotten Victims of the Holocaust "Hitler had a vision of a Master Race of Aryans that would control Europe. He used very powerful propaganda techniques to convince not only the German people, but countless others, that if they eliminated the people who stood in their way and the degenerates and racially inferior, they - the great Germans would prosper. " "Neighboring Poland - The First Target: "All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles." Heinrich Himmler " " Every European country, even Germany, had those who did not believe in the Nazi ideology and who were willing to die for their beliefs. Perhaps no other group stood so firmly in their beliefs as the Jehovah Witnesses. Hitler felt particularly threatened by this strong group of Christians because they, from the very beginning, refused to recognize any God other than Jehovah. When asked to sign documents of loyalty to the Nazi ideology, they refused. Jehovah Witnesses were forced to wear purple armbands and thousands were imprisoned as "dangerous" traitors because they refused to take a pledge of loyalty to the Third Reich.." " Like the Jews, the Rom Gypsies were chosen for total annihilation just because of their race. ... The Germans believed both the Jews and the Gypsies were racially inferior and degenerate and therefore worthless. Like the Jews, the Gypsies were also moved into special areas set up by the Nazis. Half a million Gypsies, almost the entire Eastern European Gypsy population, was wiped out during the Holocaust." " Hitler wanted not only to conquer all of Europe, but Hitler also wanted to create a new religion and to replace Jesus Christ as a person to be worshipped. Hitler expected his followers to worship the Nazi ideology. Since Catholic priests and Christian pastors were often influential leaders in their community, they were sought out by the Nazis very early. Thousands of Catholic priests and Christian pastors were forced into concentration camps. A special barracks was set up at Dachau, the camp near Munich, Germany, for clergymen. A few survived; some were executed, but most were allowed to die slowly of starvation or disease." " Because Hitler's plan for a great Master Race had no room for any homosexuals, many males from all nations, including Germany, were persecuted, tortured and executed. Hitler even searched his own men and found suspected homosexuals that were sent to concentration camps wearing their S.S. uniforms and medals. The homosexual inmates were forced to wear pink triangles on their clothes so they could be easily recognized and further humiliated inside the camps. " " The Nazis decided that it was a waste of time and money to support the disabled. During Hitler's "cleansing program", thousands of people with various handicaps were deemed useless and simply put to death like dogs and cats." "Most of the Germans, who were very race conscious, despised the dark-skinned "invasion". Some of these black soldiers married white German women that bore children referred to as "Rhineland Bastards" or the "Black Disgrace". In Mein Kampf, Hitler said he would eliminate all the children born of African-German descent because he considered them an "insult" to the German nation." " Many husbands and wives of Jews in Germany were forced to choose between divorce or concentration camps. Hitler would not allow "interracial" marriages. Those that chose to remain married were punished by imprisonment in camps where many died."
  7. :lol: :D :P Duct tape fixes everything, don't it? ROFLMAO!!! Awesome, T-Bone!! Thanks for the giggles this morning. Sushi, love it!!
  8. LOL! Definitely better than snow cones, Tom. Especially that Frijoles one.
  9. Come on, Raf!!! You expect us to WORK for it??? ;) :blink:
  10. I haven't experienced this either, Roy, but, then again, I feel like I never really experienced or operated speaking in tongues and prophecy. :) Can you maybe elaborate a little more on what it is you're experiencing for those who may not get the general overview you've provided?
  11. Shouldn't these kids know that the whole ministry they base their beliefs one were founded on plaigarism, lies, deceit and devastation to people's lives....by the very same people who are in charge today? Wouldn't you want to know that?? I would! Shouldn't they know that they can go to BG Leonard's website and get more accurate information and more God-glorifying information than they can get at TWI? Shouldn't they be able to answer for changes for the better? They say "history repeats itself" and TWI itself teaches on the importance of know "where we came from" - they just aren't very honest with where "they come from". They also haven't proven themselves to have changed in the most vital ways that affect someone's life.... debt, investing, leaving TWI, the man being the head, sex is the way to take care of your husband's stress no matter what is going on with your life personally, cancer being a devil spirit, etc.....
  12. Since the announcement was made at a ministry wide event, shouldn't the recanting of such "theology" be also at a ministry wide event rather than never acknowledged, never officially recanted, never spoken of except for "that was in the past"?
  13. I'm still trying to figure out what that red thing is in the top right corner. :blink:
  14. Belle


    Dot, sometimes folks are just plain rude. My ex used to say all the time to me, "I'd rather be hungry than fat." There was a time where people were constantly asking me when I was "due". It was terribly upsetting and I'd come home in tears with nothing that would make me feel better. I finally got peeved enough to decide to give these people a lesson in manners that they would NEVER forget. I planned in depth what I would do and shared it with my ex, who was usually left to pick up the pieces after these incidents.....despite his intense dislike of body fat (except, I was okay... right....) Anyway.....after planning my attack it took a while before I had the chance to put the plan in place....but it was at the pet store on a very busy week-end and we're in line to check out. The girl behind me asks when I'm due....I start crying and loud as I can muster....I just had a miscarriage...how DARE you ask some woman you don't know when her baby is due????? She shrunk to 2mm and started stammering and apologizing. My ex put his arm around me and told her that no one should ask a woman when she's due unless she knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that the woman is actually pregnant. All this in front of a whole store full of customers. I was really crying, though....I had been working very hard on my diet and was sick and tired of people asking me that question. Since getting out of TWI and getting divorced, though, I've lost 25 lbs....easiest thing I've done since getting rid of the stress, guilt and oppression....go figure!! Maybe, when they say something to you, you should offer to buy them a copy of Amy Vanderbilt's book of manners. ;)
  15. Thanks, Krys. I definitely plan to check it out. Do they mention the poles merely shifting around on the Earth as part of the seeming paradox? I remember reading about that somewhere....ya know, that the north and south poles are shifting so that's why it's colder than normal in some places and hotter than normal in other places.....
  16. My parents and their friends have a set with the sign "Yard of the Munth" that they use for random practical jokes. I'm thinking.....
  17. AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to hear more!!! Great job both of you! And how fitting that the author of THE is the interviewer.
  18. Great, Seth!! I just don't know about any church with "tithe" in it's name. <_<
  19. WOO HOO!!!! Downloading it now! I can hardly wait!
  20. I hope Freud is poised to run just in case craig's medicine has run out or isn't strong enough.
  21. There's two people giving it to them over there.
  22. Keep looking, Suda! None of these threads have an "expiration date".
  23. Belle


    I LOVE that poem, Bagpipes!! Kevlar:
  24. When you find a picture that you want, download it and save it to your computer. This is how you do that.... Find the picture that you want Like, say the one on this page Avatari Right click on it and choose save image as Save it to your computer and remember where you saved it Then - log into GSpot Go to My Controls Go to edit avatar settings It's on the left side in the Personal Profile section near the bottom The very bottom of that window says upload a new image from your computer Click on the button that says browse It's gonna open up a window that shows the files on your computer Scroll around till you find the picture you saved in the above section Click on that file Click OK And you should be set! :) If you get an error message or something....write it down so we can tell maybe where the problem might be. If the picture is too big it'll need to be shrunk down and one of us can help with that too.
  25. I read somewhere they performed an autopsy on one bird and found a 78 year old couple from Minnetonka, Minnesota living inside. It appears to be travelling by RV. don't blame me.....BOWTWI sent it!
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