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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle


    Is the spit optional?
  2. Belle

    american idol

    OMG - OMFG!!! Total shock!! WTF OVER??? I've been sooooo wrong, too, Darlene. I thought Kat should have been gone weeks ago. But I liked Kellie Pickler, too, so what do I know? :blink: If it's anything - it's that votes do count and I'm gonna make sure mine get in from now on!
  3. It'll sure be great to see her with her family and beloved doxies in that wonderful place where no tear will dim the eyes and there's no pain, no suffering and no broken computers. A true gentle, patient, caring soul who is greatly missed. Lovely post Dove.
  4. Belle


    After the long months of cold and winter, we will soon be coming up to summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved. When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion: Routine... 1) The woman buys the food. 2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert. 3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand. Here comes the important part: 4) THE MAN PLACES THE MEAT ON THE GRILL. More routine.... 5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery. 6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with the situation Important again: 7) THE MAN TAKES THE MEAT OFF THE GRILL AND HANDS IT TO THE WOMAN. More routine..... 8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table. 9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes. And most important of all: 10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts. 11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "Her night off." And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women...
  5. From that link: I don't know if it's scary or laughable that this nutcase has managed to build a bigger base of twits than TWI. :blink:
  6. Ahhhh, Thomas, it's from TempleLady's post in Open. We played Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants Click on the link above to get the details, Mr. Fluffy ChuckleChunks!
  7. I dunno, GC. :unsure: I can see what you're saying, but I know that a lot of TWIts are hurting and have broken hearts. A lot of them cut ties with family members because that's what they were told to do. IF they do indeed come back to these family members with apologies and open arms, THEN the family's response to the TWIt will show them a million times over how much they are loved by their family members and how they've always been there for them. It could be a "heaping coals" kind of revelation for those TWIts and, perhaps, start the scales falling from their eyes. Also, there are those who are divorced and still have TWIt vs. Smart Non-TWIt fights over custody, visitation, child support, etc. This could be a great opportunity for the non-TWIt parent to have some pressure taken off and some of the difficulty of having to deal with a TWIt relieved somewhat. I know my ex was welcomed back with open arms when he approached his family. That kind of response from a family can melt the coldest of hearts whether or not the apology was sincere. I pray to God that more and more people will find healing, opening eyes and the map to the door if they decide to follow what seems to have been advised. I still pray for the total destruction of the TWIt organization, but if more and more folks can get out with lives and families as in tact as possible, I'm all for that, too. :)
  8. Excellent Post and Excellent Points, Patriot! Thanks to I Love Bagpipes and her husband Mr. Pipes for writing, sending this letter, pushing for a response and subsequently sharing it with us. :) Just goes to show you that the more things allegedly change; the more they stay the same.
  9. Happiest of Birthdays to ya!! I hope it's absolutely wonderful!!!
  10. I think the paparazzi found 'em! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  11. Looks like a wonderful organization and I know you'll defnitely make an impact. I know quite a few folks who have therapy dogs and they, too, have the most heart-warming stories. Alzheimer's patients come to life and totally light up when the dogs come in to visit the nursing homes. I can only imagine how much more comforting all kinds of therapy must be in hospice. I also think it's extremely admirable that you want to do something to help others with your incredible talents, +odd.
  12. My apologies, y'all. I re-read the thread and I can see where Sprawled Out comes across as contentious and unappreciative of your input. I suppose, since they are the same questions I've wrestled with, that I didn't read that into his responses and was really more interested in YOUR responses anyway. I also try to read folks in the best possible light whenever possible, and I kinda read his posts as a NY'er might speak. Not meaning to be offensive, just not as "polite" as, say, a southerner might try to be. I also know he's new to the site, maybe new to internet message boards and still learning how to get your point across without flaming others....there IS a difference between "face to face" communication and message boards where inflection, tone of voice, body language, etc. aren't available. New folks don't always get that right away. I know it takes a long time to think through, compose and type out responses like the ones you have, and, please know, that I honestly appreciate it. I do read and have been looking on the web as well as contemplating what you've shared. That's why I have shared when I have on here and am glad that you continue to post on this subject. I hope I haven't come across as contentious and close-minded, because I'm really not, but when you have the questions I have, it seems there's no easy way to ask them without seeming insincere or angry.
  13. Abigail, I LOVE that website!! There's an article on there about passionate disagreements and encouragement of debate and discussions that's awesome! I also see the Adam & Eve explanation as the most viable and makes the most sense so far. :) Not sure if I buy it, but it is by far the most logical. I have been chewing on the posts here and appreciate all the input as I have had the same questions as Sprawled Out for a long time. I would like to say that, he asked the questions to get input, but seems to be getting flak for not agreeing with the answers or for having more questions as a result of the answers. IMO, that's wrong. My ex used to have lots of people ask him for advice when he was at work, but he'd get peeved beyond belief if they didn't take his advice. This behavior is akin to a narrow-minded TWIt brain reaction to me. Someone who has questions or doubts may ask for input and spend time considering the input, have more questions or come up with their own conclusions, a mixture of the information, maybe change their mind or none of the above, but shouldn't it be their choice? Shouldn't we feel better for merely having had the opportunity to speak, be heard and those things seriously considered? Otherwise, why do we share on here?
  14. AWESOME!!!! Yippee!! A little mosh!
  15. Well, they had the chance to apologize to Mr. Pipes after he sent the letter I reposted in the "Letter to Rosalie" thread. They didn't so much as hint that anything was wrong, in fact, they stated that they were NOT going to change their position. And Rosie didn't even have the courtesy to respond back to him. She let his local WC handle it "verbally" and with nothing in writing. BUT, to be honest, Bob Moynihan did apologize for any wrong that he did when they were here at my house to tell me that I was "free to'take a break' from TWI for a bit". Imagine, Bob sitting back on my couch, rolling his eyes and in the most sarcastic voice he can muster, "Well, I"m sooooo sorry if I've ever hurt anybody." See, he apologized. <_<
  16. I'll wait for the DVD, but would love to read your discussion of it, if it doesn't bother anyone else waiting to go see it. :)
  17. Yeah, but he said that would happen. Awesome roundtable, Men! I hope it's not over! Please tell me there's more!!
  18. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU!! Hope it's as wonderful as you are!!
  19. Oakspear also freely discusses his beliefs and has engaged and participated in numerous discussions about why he thinks the way he does. JohnIAm, I don't recall seeing much of you posting in the Doctrinal section...could be CRS on my part, tough ;) , but that's where most of those discussions take place. You might find enjoyable, enlightening reading down there. :)
  20. I hope someone's coming down on them HARD!! I hope it's yet one more brick crumbling out from under them and getting us one step closer to turning the lights off that insidius place. Rascal, your post was right on!! 100% on the money!!
  21. Yeppers, I agree with everyone else. It wouldn't be sincere and there wouldn't be the necessary changes to prove the sincerity of any such apology and there certainly wouldn't be anything in writing, given the extreme liability they face if they were to admit even 1/100th of their wrong-doing. Even if they did do all the above, I wouldn't go back. I see the doctrine as wrong, based on lies and deception. They don't really want the "truth", if they did they wouldn't have done the things they did to those who pointed out errors in their logic. They'd have a lot of changes to make to come clean - a whole effen lot, but even if they did make all those changes, I wouldn't go back. I won't quit posting on GSpot either. This is my "hang out" and it's about far more than just TWI. And, there are still folks out there who don't know; folks who were hurt terribly; folks who had their lives destroyed by TWI and they continue to find the Cafe daily. I want to be here for them, too. They'll need to decompress, talk about their experiences, ask questions, etc. We have great discussions on doctrinal issues and similar sorts of things in the Doctrinal section. This site is not just about TWI and has so much more to offer than just "TWI bashing". To imply that that's all we do here is an extremely uninformed opinion as the least.
  22. I didn't want this to get buried in another thread. This very recent experience with Mr & Mrs Pipes, I think, is a very telling sign that nothing has changed at TWI, except that they aren't writing anything down anymore. Posted by Mr. Pipes
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