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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    Things I Like

    Jade posted this on the "Things I Don't Like" thread and it seems like a great thread all it's own. :) THINGS I DO LIKE: i LOVE kailin jade playing in the rain people who are real ice cream sundays hugs and kisses from my daughter mommy day cuz you get nice presents taco salad being loved my house to stay clean when i get into my vehicles and they smell yummy having a job where i make my own hours and i am my own boss THINGS I LIKE: Visiting and laughing heartily with my family Hearing the perfect song for my mood on the radio Playing/Cuddling with Vixen and getting my face licked off Winning AKC Titles with Vixen Listening to "the good ole days" stories from my elderly neighbors The smell of the air after rain Sitting in the back yard when the night blooming jasmine is perfuming the air Tomato Soup and FLAT grilled cheese sammiches Long phone chats with my best-est girlfriend from kindergarten through today NASCAR Working in the yard - MY yard at MY house :) Hanging out at the GSpot Cafe with some of the most wonderful folks in the world
  2. ROFLMAO!! David, my ex was a cop and I was ALWAYS nervous when he was in the car with me.... worse if he was behind me, even if he was in his own car and nowhere near his uniform. :blink: I also razzed him all the time about why they feel the need to tailgate everyone they get behind. <_< Jade, you make a great point. I think we need to start a new thread since this one may not get much more attention. :)
  3. Comments like these make it sound like you think God and the Bible are the end all and be all of healing. Fine if that’s your belief. We’re telling you that it’s not the same belief of everyone here. It also sounds as if you consider those who do speak of the evil in TWI are bitter, negative and wrong to say those things. Obviously, I’m not the only one to see the same thing. :) Maybe you didn’t mean it “that way”, but it comes across as extremely judgmental and “demeaning” of those who do talk about the bad things they saw and experienced in TWI. Thereby doing the very thing you scold us for doing. ;) Axiomatic to you. Not necessarily for everyone else and some of us are not looking for help, but sharing to help others to know that they aren’t alone. You’re making an assumption, that’s not necessarily wrong, but also not necessarily correct. And we extended our hands to you. Just be careful that you aren’t just assuming that God has told you to help someone because not everyone here believes God the same way you do and, therefore, you will be met with resistance. This comes across as more assumptions as to where we are in our lives. You seem to be lumping people into one bucket and it’s just not only incorrect, but not right to do. You’re certainly entitled to your belief, but you’re not going to get anywhere by forcing “heart healing” on people, especially those who think it’s none of your business where they are in their recovery, healing and personal lives. Furthermore, not all of us believe in “the body of Christ.” Again, your opinion and assumption. It sounds like you’re going to start pushing God on people and that’s just not going to go over very well. Besides the fact that this is NOT A CHRISTIAN FORUM. God is discussed, the Bible is discussed – in fact in the Doctrinal Section there are lots and lots of great discussions, but we do still disagree down there, too because “religion” is personal and we’re all persons with differences. We are mostly able to embrace and acknowledge those differences whereas the words you post don’t seem to do that. Under anyone’s profile is an option to see their posts. We’re all individual people here with different lives, thoughts, pains, beliefs, experiences, levels of healing and totally different personalities. Maybe you should get to know us before you start trying to help us?Here’s my quote that you responded to: IF…IF….IF… your posts indicate that’s what you’re looking for, but I’m very willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to not communicating very well what you’re really trying to say in your perceived judgment passed on GSpot Café and the posters here. More of my post: and your reply: Didja maybe miss the IF and THEN in my post? My welcome was gracious and sincere and I sincerely mean that IF you’re looking for something different than what GSpot is OR IF you think you’re going to come in here and “save” all of us or convert us all to believing God the way you do, THEN you’re sorely mistaken and will be nothing but disappointed and frustrated with us, which you already seem to be. Pity, because we’re a pretty darn good group of people.
  4. Belle

    I married Fonzi

    AMEN, Highway! VERY well said! Nobody tried to warn me before my marriage, but they were afraid to seeing how much control TWI had over my life. Mama tried to convince me once that I was fighting a losing battle and that I could indeed get divorced and still take good care of myself. Lord knows my parents have the money to help me if it ever got THAT bad and they wouldn't hesitate to give it to me before I even asked. I knew that then, too, but it was still such a scary decision. I took care of myself and made good money BEFORE TWI and marriage, but had been beaten down so low that I was afraid I couldn't do it and that I was too fat and ugly for anyone to ever give me the time of day. Pretty pathetic and discouraging when you still have hopes of having children. I wouldn't listen to my family and friends at all - first in denial and later because of shame. It took me feeling like I was having a nervous breakdown and fantasizing about dying or him getting killed in the line of duty. I could never harm or kill myself, much less anyone else, but I sure did pray for a robbery gone bad while he was working. Very, very scary to think like that!! That's when I knew it was time to do something. Getting caught sending debt research papers to TWI didn't hurt either.
  5. Happening Day JohnUAre! I hope it's absolutely wonderful!!
  6. Here are a few excerpts: He made himself obedient His life he freely gave God raised him up to his own rite hand And there he was to stay We confess the lord with our mouths And believe that he was raised We now are whole and speek the word So others can be saved We do the works of Jesus Christ As bowld ambassadors God’s written verd is our gide For keeping him our lowrd He is our lowrd Our mighty lowrd Through him we are super-conquerors We show the greatness of God’s power As we believe his word Completely, completely, complete in Christ We have this treasure within Now we destroy the devil’s works As we walk boldly in him Seated in the heavenlies Above the world we live We have his lowrdship and like a follower We love and serve and give ******************* God has authored his wonderful verd Giving us answers to life The way to walk is clearly marked to keep us living right Nothing can bless the soul of the man more than carrying out the truth Faithfully we live the word and keep our minds renewed This is the way we have chosen This is the road we will take We will live by believing For there is no other way Walk in the path that’s straight and plain Living for him day by day This is the hour Now is the time This is the way Every time our thinking is right We go from strength to strength There is no gray Just black or white His promises are what we claim Growing in gawd with discipline Continues to make us whole Moving ahead with prevailing power Is a joy to any soul *******************
  7. Shall we start a cafe pool on what his excuse is going to be this time?
  8. George Aar, BITE YOUR TONGUE!!
  9. They are still training at Gunnison, but the last WC class had like a whopping FIVE graduates or something like that. It's in the archives.....sorry....I can't remember right now. TWI does not provide numbers - not on that and not on the WD program either. They won't even advertise how many classes, much less how many students they have running at any given time. Bliss, thank goodness they did away with the "how to" videos on that!
  10. And yet, out of the OTHER side of their mouths, they say to witness by telling what TWI has done for you because nobody can argue with YOUR EXPERIENCE. :blink: Yes - lots of songs about debt.....if I can stomach it, I'll try to find and type the lyrics to some of those.
  11. Free2Love, welcome and may I suggest that you read the two threads at the top of the page: What is The Way? and Welcome to the GreaseSpot Cafe I'd also like to point out the Mission Statement from the About Us Section on the Home Page. Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees. Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery. We want people to be able to make informed decisions regarding their past, present, and future affiliations with The Way International (TWI). Whether you are standing with TWI, thinking about leaving, trying to help someone else get out, or looking for support from others who have left, we believe the information here is highly relevant and well worth considering. Sorry, Hon, but if you're looking for a Christian Forum, you're in the wrong place. If you're looking for a group of folks who are going to "gloss over" and ignore the rapes, suicides, lawsuits, destruction of lives, lies, plagarism and doctrinal errors that TWI is responsible for, then you're in the wrong place. We're not all Christians here. We're not all the same Christian religion here. We discuss ideas, we get passionate about things TWI related and non-TWI related. We talk about movies, books, sports, doctrinal issues, current events, politics, jokes, etc. To focus only on the TWI discussions is a pretty narrow-minded view of all that the Cafe contains and offers. Have some pie and hange out for a while; you just might learn something and make some friends. However, if you thought you were in a Christian Cafe, then you've gotten the wrong address. Try the next cafe down the street.
  12. (((((Cherished Child))))) It IS good to see you! I hope things are well with you. On the news this morning they were saying that the 20-somethings these days are the most educated generation we've had in the US. Those kids aren't stupid. Once they get out into the "real world" - provided they GET out into the "real world", they'll see how illogical TWIt doctrines are and how wonderful life can be and is outside the walls of TWIt-dom. It's those who are raised in TWI, who will go WD, then WC and then on staff or some other TWIt capacity, who are going to suffer the most. Look at Moneyhand's kid. He's on staff with TWI, has a wife and kids and has never worked a "real job" a day in his life. When TWI falls or when he sees his parents get screwed royally by Rosie and company, he's going to be in for a rude awakening and not much he can do about it, but keep on kissing Rosie's arse or face living way below the standard lifestyle he's accustomed to.
  13. DAY-UM!! I hate I missed those days! We were already at the two drink limit by the time I got there and, even then, if you had the full TWO allowed you were considered, ah, playing with fire. If'n y'all wanted to recreate some of the "good ole days", I'll be more than happy to participate.
  14. There was a person on here earlier who claimed to be still "in" but they haven't been back since we asked specific questions. <_< Apparently the new family class the Coulters are teaching spends some time explaining that bestiality is wrong. The new foundational class that everyone is expected to pay to take no longer teaches the Eve/Lesbian thing. They have moved the AC special to HQ and are still making people choose TWI over family at Thanksgiving, but they have added a summer "special" to the roster as well. You "get" to pay a lot of money for the special, the hotel rooms, the airfare, the rental car AND they offer to help you make sure that you have approved snacks in the appropriate volume. :ph34r: We haven't heard yet if ice cold beer is an approved "snack".
  16. Belle

    My grad

    Congratulations!!! A bright, beautiful daughter ya got there, Evan! Thank you for sharing her with us!
  17. Well, Dear Dove, now you know.
  18. Belle

    Katrina animation

    Cool Beans!! Pretty wild!
  19. Sorry I wasn't here on time, Suda! I'm glad to hear it was a great day for you!! Here's to a wonderful year full of butterflies and rainbows!!! I'm so glad you're here!!
  20. People with "Christian" bumperstickers who drive like the devil. Co-workers who not only use speaker phones in the cube farm, but have them up so friggin' loud the other side of the office can hear them. Co-workers who come to work sick, won't take any medicine or go see a doctor, but feel free to spread their germs all over the place. Not getting to work in time to get one of the "good" parking spots and having to park in BFE. People who speed through neighborhoods - especially those where kids play in the street. (At least they're where parents can see them and they aren't glued to the TV or some video game) Pet owners who don't pick up after their dog. Makes us all look bad. Not having dental floss in my purse when I REALLY need it. SafariVista, I'm with you on the underappreciated and underpaid teachers, law enforcement and firemen. That the guy who keeps flirting with me won't ask me out when it's pretty darn obvious that I would say "yes".
  21. Where's the Macarena and Electric Slide?? The Hustle? Am I dating myself? I'm afraid I've done almost all of those....never could get the Caterpillar or robot stuff down right, though.
  22. I dunno...there's some folks I relate and connect with right away and there's some I don't. It's not usually a "sex" sort of thing, but more of a "trust" sort of thing. :huh: David, I LOVE that example, though. I have found that I generally get along with men as friends moreso than with women because men are straight forward in their communication and there's no "reading between the lines" required (unless they are TWIts). Also, men get mad; blow up and then move on. Whereas us women will remember injustices forever! Now, my girlfriends from kindergarten that I'm still very close to, have plenty of injustices between all of us, but we have more good times than bad times, so those things don't come up - especially not so that we're more mature. Maybe it's just communication and attentiveness styles and not necessarily men vs women sort of thing? I don't trust people who don't smile - male or female. I don't trust people who don't make eye contact - male or female. I don't trust people who treat me like I'm stupid - male or female. The qualities I look for in people aren't necessarily "sex" related, but moreso quality of life and integrity related. *shrug* That being said - I highly value my girlfriends that I've been able to develop close, intimate relationships with, but those are few and far between whereas I tend to make friends with guys much easier for some reason.
  23. Oh goody goody gumdrops!!!
  24. And some crap don't stink. sorry - couldn't resist!
  25. Belle


    What exactly are you wearing right now? Blue top and blue jeans I haven’t been able to fit into for five years! What is your current problem? That I would much rather be at happy hour already What makes you most happy? Laughing with family and friends If you could go back in time and change something would you? Yeah – I wouldn’t have gotten involved in TWI and married my ex, but I like where I have ended up despite that pot hole. Name something obvious about you: Everything about me is loud – my voice, my laugh, my sneeze, my dog, my hair... What's the name of the song that you're listening to? No music in the cube farm….just lots of chatter :( Any celeb you would marry? Hmmmm….dunno enough about any of their personalities and personal lives to say. I am partial to Jim Belushi and John Goodman, though. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Charles Bronson Do you have a crush on someone? Yep, two someones Ever sang in front of a large audience? Yes What do you usually order from Starbucks? I’m cheap and I prefer Barnie’s Coffee. Sorry! Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yes. Jodie Foster, quite frequently, actually. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? You betcha! I love em! Do you speak any other languages? No Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo? No Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Not really Do you ever watch MTV? Not since college What's something that really annoys you? folks who hover around my cube while I’m on the phone or working on something important. Chapter 1: Nicknames: Belle, Sol, Sols, ‘Chelle Current location: Florida Eye color : blue Chapter 2: Do you live with your parents: not in a looong time Do you get along with your parents: You betcha! Are your parents married/separated/divorced: married Do you have any siblings: 1 brother, 6 years younger Chapter 3: Favorites Ice cream flavor: Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie Season: Fall Shampoo/conditioner: L’Oreal Color Vive Chapter 4: Do You Sing in the shower: sometimes write on your hand: no, but did in high school & college Call people back: sometimes Believe in love: You betcha! Sleep on a certain side of the bed: Does all over count? Have any bad habits: I don’t have to list all of them, do I? Chapter 5: Have You Ever Broken a bone: No Gotten stitches: Yes Taken painkillers: Yes Gone SCUBA diving: No Been stung by a bee: Yes Thrown up in a restaurant: in the bathroom Sworn in front of your parents: Yes Had detention: Ummmm…..yes Been sent to the principal's office: Ummm…..yes Been called a hoe: That and much worse! Been called a stank-foot mongoloid elf-tit lookin' sonofabitch? Not that I’m aware of. Chaper 6: Who/What was the last Person to text you? American Idol What did it say: Your vote has been received. Person to call you: Steve Person you hugged: Steve Person you tackled? I don’t play football. Thing you ate: Jenny Craig French Toast with Berries and Sugar Free Syrup Thing you drank: Barnies Cinnamon Butter Cookie Coffee Thing you said: Did y’all call in our lunch order yet? :P
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