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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Great pictures!! Nothing like a good girlfriend getting married and being able to help her celebrate. Glad you had a blast despite Kailin withdrawals. :)
  2. And I have a guest bedroom that you are more than welcome to use. It's a straight shot down the 417 from my house to I-4. Yes, about 45 minutes, unless you're a leadfoot.
  3. A resounding YES!! I went back to smiling at people. Back to helping people. Back to actually WANTING people to come over to the house to visit. Back to enjoying conversations with people regardless of their beliefs. Back to having no ulterior motive for meeting people. Back to having hobbies (CH Bever Lea Foxhollow Vixen JE SE being one of them). Back to being healthy. Back to having good night sleep. Back to open, loving communication with my family. Back to building financial security for my future. Back to having joy and zest for life. Oh yeah, I'm most certainly back to my old man ways.
  4. What's "new light" anyway? It seems to me that the people called apostles in the Bible brought truly new doctrine and practice as well as "ways" of "Christianity" to people. New in terms of having never been taught before, ever. vee pee hardly did that. Especially given his propensity for plagairizing work from books already in print and using wc papers without giving proper credit to the actual authors. Regardless, none of what he taught is something that God revealed to him directly having never been taught in the world before.
  5. Ahhhh, but that's the question I'm more interested in answering. ;)
  6. I seriously doubt he'll have many posts and posters to have to worry about. I would LOVE to see that happen - just because it would be a great experience, not because I'd be delighted if he were to move on.... ;)
  7. Dang, I don't know any apostles, they should definitely be able to shed some new light on the situation. I do have this picture of a guy dressed up as one.....
  8. I hope she wins and wins big!! That's just not right! I thought we were all about religious freedom - WTF?
  10. Belle


    AWESOME IDEA!!! I am so loving these radio spots!!! They're so much fun, more informative and it's just plain cool to get to hear the voices and personalities that go with the words on here.
  12. I'd love to answer your question, Sprawled, but could you clarify just a few things for me? - why doesn't it matter what kind of bulb and wattage it is? Are you saying that bulbs are relatively unimportant in the whole scheme of the question? Why are you picking on light bulbs, what have they ever done to you? - Are we really replacing the bulb or are we M&A'ing it and if so, then what scriptures are you using to justify this? - I prefer the term GSpotters - does that affect the viability of the question? Does it preclude me from being able to answer said question?
  13. Just make sure Mike gets his gold letter engraved invitation. Sounds like it will be right up his alley!
  14. Belle

    american idol

    That was Mandisa and, yes, she was a former contestant. I was crushed when she got voted off. :( I did, however, call Taylor's win from the get-go. Should I buy a lottery ticket this week-end? Awesome show!! I missed part of it and wish I had thought to tape it, but, alas, I enjoyed the last 30 minutes of it.
  15. AMEN TO THAT, ROY!!!! The cafe has taken me from the depths of despair to the heights of semi-sanity. ^_^ From the depths of lonliness to having lots of fun people to fight with. From the depths of internet ignorance to learning cool things like, LMAO, LMFAOPIMP, ROFL, TWIt, MOGFART, etc. From the depths of self-condemnation to the heights of self-righteousness. From the depths of ignorance about movie lines and song lyrics to able to play nicely with others and, actually getting it right sometimes. From THINKING I knew a lot about the Bible to the heights of realizing I don't know jack and that there's tons of jack out there to know. Seriously, GSpot has been a wonderful safe haven for me and there's no way in the world I could repay Paw for the invaluable benefit GSpot and the folks here have been to my life. I try to etanod as often as I can to give Paw a small token of my appreciation. Sure beats giving it to those TWIts I know. ;) Great thread, Roy!! :)
  16. I only pretended to clean the already clean bathroom before a meeting once. How many Hail Mary's is that gonna cost me? or is it Crowns? or devil spirit invitations? or extra ABS I have to give? I get so confused!!!! :wacko:
  17. Belle

    american idol

    Pity, Mark. :( I used to do things with my ex and get excited WITH him on things that I couldn't care less about just so I could spend time with him. But, that's just me.
  18. Belle

    Gretchen Wilson

    A Hearty "He11 Yeah!!!" from one of the redneck girls like her!!!
  19. Belle

    american idol

    GO TAYLOR!!!!!!!
  20. Belle

    Things I Like

    You have fireflies?? They're all but gone from down here. :( I miss fireflies!!!
  21. Belle

    BBQ Season

    Can't flame, ex70's. Sorry, but I didn't do laundry for nearly eight years while I was married. I didn't clean the bathrooms and I hardly did any vacuuming or other cleaning...we won't even talk about yard work and car maintenance.... I had it MADE in that department. My ex looked really good on paper. Granted he worked two days on - one day off and every other week-end was a 3 day week-end, so he had A LOT more time at home than I did. I also made more money and did pretty much all the cooking and kitchen cleaning. My biggest job was kissing his foot and "submitting" to him according to TWIt standards. Sure wouldn't mind having someone else wash clothes and clean the house for me, though. ;) Just not with that kind of tradeoff.
  22. Belle

    Happy Birthday Rascal

    Like this, Garth? Rascal, you WILL look as good, if not better on your 900th!
  23. Dang, Chas! I thought it was from this place......
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