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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Married just shy of eight years - divorced just shy of two years
  2. Belle

    Weenie Roast 2006

    IF Mama or Daddy can make it, I MAY be able to make it. :) Otherwise, I may be SOL because of all the funerals I've had to attend this year..... seems to be my year for dealing with death.
  3. Hmmm....good question. Trust for me initially was the words that people wrote, the heart I felt was expressed in their posts and generally getting to know them better in the chat room. I also tend to trust people who others I already know and trust have said that they know and trust. (did that make any sense at all??? ) What I mean is, all I have to do is ask a few people I already know about a new poster and one of them is BOUND to know the person, or to know someone who knows the person. I think we're only about 3 degrees of separation from each other here. Other folks don't have any impact on my life and I can take it or leave it as far as what they write - those people I don't even think about trusting, I just take 'em at their word or I don't. :) Now, a lot of us have been on here for the full 6 years and then at WayDale before then. I feel like I really know you, and the others who have been around that long. We've "talked" almost daily since then and I think I have a pretty good feel for who/how all of us are in "real life" - like at the Weenie Roast there were no personality surprises, just looks and voice surprises.
  4. Exactly, Dooj! It's the WAY things are said most of the times, not necessarily WHAT is said that gets people into trouble. My ex was great about wording things so that they would sound as nice as possible. If I asked about a blouse or something, he'd say that he really likes X on me better, or that he thinks something else would be more appropriate for the event, or something along those lines. In just about all situations that's one thing he did do very well. It's a great talent to have and, sadly, most people don't cultivate it.
  5. Why, having me on their arm, of course. Seriously, there's just too much to narrow it down, I think. I like a great genuine smile that reaches all the way up to tender, nice eyes. Eye contact, intelligent conversation, great bouts of laughter and witty banter will most certainly get my attention.
  6. Belle

    Cult list

    *shrug* I use the term "high demand religion" after reading Linda's post. I think it communicates well because it doesn't automatically conjure up pictures of handcuffs, cults, kool-aid and people wearing purple with black tennis shoes.
  7. Belle

    For Singles Only !

    Online dating can be fun and I enjoy the flirting and banter. I haven't been back online in a while (just working on me), but I will try it when I'm ready again. FYI - If you're going to "play the field", you set the "friend" boundaries, but you by no means share any information about your plans, activities or anything else with the other men. It's sort of like rubbing it in their face, challenging them to one up the other guys, instigating jealousy or seen as just plain rude. There's a website where people ask others relationship and dating type questions. I've found it to be very useful at times and met some great friends (male and female) on there: Answerology
  8. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, BOWTWI!!!!! HOPE IT'S AS WONDERMOUS AS YOU ARE!! Make sure the Princess treats you like a Queen today!!!
  9. Well, Free, it's been established that everyone on here is free to speak. You've been welcomed and been warned of what kinds of responses your 'holier than thou' attitude may invoke. So, now, speak - start a topic - what's on your mind? Please, do, tell us what your god is working on your heart that so prompted you to begin posting all of a sudden.
  10. Those two threads at the top of the About the Way Forum Definitely the PFAL Errors Thread - The Blue Book Errors thread, too A link to Jerry Barrax's site where there are tons of discussions from WayDale days on PFAL A Night that will Live in Infamy - Radar's thread I know there's more, but I'll have to think and look around some more - those are off the top of my head.
  11. Belle

    Bugs in south Fla.

    Hit the right cloud of them and your car will look black. Definitely don't let them sit around on the car like Evan said. Some people spray Pam or some other nonstick cooking spray to the front of their cars - I've been too chicken to try it - I think it migh mess up the paint as bad as the love bugs.
  12. hee hee hee ..... I'm having the same problem, too. Perfect timing!
  13. They can also subpoena them from TWIts knowing that the tapes are out there, couldn't they? I mean - Moneyhands hasn't ever thrown a tape away in his whole life - AND he types of transcripts of all of them. All they'd have to do is sequester his tapes and files. I'm sure he's not the only WC to do so. He also sends those transcripts out to a bunch of people each week.
  14. Mentor??? Yeah, right! I've NEVER heard that word used in relation to anything TWIt-related. It doesn't change the fact that he wanted to be an exception to the law so he could If he was incorrectly called a minister, then how do you explain him asking for a lighter sentence to RETURN TO HIS MINISTERIAL CAREER? How stupid does TWI think people are? <_<
  15. OMG - I'll never be able to watch those again. :blink: He DOES sound like Foghorn Leghorn!
  16. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, A LA!!! I Hope it's absolutely wondermous!!
  17. Matches Your Score Your scored 2 on the Moral Order axis and -3.5 on the Moral Rules axis. The following items best match your score: 1. System: Conservatism 2. Variation: Moderate Conservatism 3. Ideologies: Capital Republicanism 4. US Parties: Republican Party 5. Presidents: Richard Nixon (95.58%) 6. 2004 Election Candidates: George W. Bush (85.18%), John Kerry (76.93%), Ralph Nader (59.44%) Statistics Of the 192547 people who took the test: 1. 0.5% had the same score as you. 2. 69% were above you on the chart. 3. 25.6% were below you on the chart. 4. 14.5% were to your right on the chart. 5. 77.2% were to your left on the chart. Seems like pretty low "Moral" scores. I don't know....is that good or bad?
  18. I have a bit of information that I have provided for previous lawsuits and will contact you privately about how to send that information to you. :) I also get the current magazine, but have not had time to go through the most recent one yet. I have a lot of teaching tapes from when I was involved (just under 2 years ago) as well and will see if there is anything useful on those tapes.
  19. Craiggers taught on a Sunday service that "mock" and "make sport" were homosexual attacks. He taught several times - one, I believe was the AC special on the field. I have my notes and will look it up. Another time was during the Easter season because "Jesus was tempted in ALL things" and "took on ALL sin" so the ALL things had to include homosexual rape. I'll have to look when I get home. I still have some tapes, too. Maybe it's on one of those.
  20. I think there are a few posters who have been to court regarding custody battles between parents because of the TWIt parent and such. Does anyone remember who they might be? Perhaps they could help, too.
  21. Alright. So what DO you want to talk about? How about starting a discussion? It's the "New Topic" button at the top of the page.
  22. I get the magazine and do stay in touch with a few people who are still involved. PM me if I can be of any help. :)
  23. While I'd love to say he's an imbecile, I can't....I fell for the shenanigans he set in motion. If he's an imbecile, what would that make me? (don't answer that! )
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