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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Freecycle is a site I learned about from Cindy! and have been using it ever since. I've provided cell phones, VCRs, backyard swimming pools, etc. for free to needy people and gotten some pretty cool and much needed things myself. :) Helps keep our landfills less crowded, too!
  2. "Learn and grow in ne areas with the Household Enrichment Series!" 3/4 Page ad for these tapes placed in the middle of one of Bernita Jess's articles on the Eastern Lamp that I believe I have seen in the rag about 10 times during my tenure in TWI. Didn't she die? :( There's no mention of that with her picture. Anyway.... they say that you can increase your understanding in a variety of categories with their thirteen informative and practical teachings presented by the ever so holy staff at HQ. Better Spelling Basics Building an Understanding of Vehicle Purchasing Early History of New Knoxville The First Freedom: Religious Liberty in America Highlights of African History and Culture A history of the Huguenots Ideas to Encourage Reading in Young Children Maintaining Reliable Transportation Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You Powerful Paragraphs Sola Scriptura: An Overview of the Protestant Reformation Some Practical Aspects of Business Etiquette The "Write" Stuff Only available to Way Class Grads for $4 each. So the new money making venture for TWI this year, in addition to the TWO AC Specials is this $52 tape series. I wonder how long before they start pressuring people to buy them. I suspect the WC will shortly have to start "reporting back" on grads who haven't ordered the tapes and WHY they haven't.
  3. And SNACKS!! You have to prove that you have planned for YOUR SNACKS for the AC. Don't think for one minute that TWI is going to be providing one solitary thing beyond "da verd" for your growth.
  4. I have a friend asking if anyone know of a decent hotel in Anchorage Alaska that isnt $150-200 a night!? I'll need one for 3 nights. It's for a 25th High School Reunion. :) Thanks!!
  5. Welp, WE.... who taught them to be like that and where did THEY learn it? Actually, I have a tattoo and have been seriously thinking about the next one. My ears are double-pierced and I've recently started wearing them double again. I have a cell phone, but I'm not really the typical user. I just hate talking on the phone at all regardless. I ALWAYS use my Ma'ams and Sirs!!! Always! But I'm a properly raised southern gal. :) BUT, I do agree with you that society and people in general aren't the same as they used to be. It's a shame to see such decline in morals, but I can't help but think of where they learned that it was okay to be like that. <_< Having been married to a police officer, I've heard all the complaints about parents who are totally self-absorbed and totally ignorant about parenting importance and the needs of their children. :unsure: And, where did THAT generation learn that?
  6. AWESOME!!! And, I don't think I properly welcomed you. :) Welcome! Yes, there's LOTS of information to be found searching through the old posts. LOTS of information. The thing about searching for those is that you see them "in context" - like being a fly on the wall during a particular "conversation" around a particular booth or with the waitress at the counter. The mood, the people, the response, etc. has a lot to do with what and how people share their experiences. Every time someone shares the same experience it is going to have a different "flavor" because of the audience at that time - maybe someone said something that triggered a memory - maybe they felt very comfortable sharing much more of their heart that day - maybe they were more angry about the situation that day and said some things they've never said before - etc - etc - etc. There's no way to pull that kind of information out and place it into a singularly coherent place. Besides that, like you said, it shouldn't be sitting there like a car wreck. The information is here - it's not hidden - it just may take some rolling up the shirt sleeves and spending a little time in the library stacks. :) Besides that, when we take time to read through the older threads, it gives us a sense of the community that's here and the individual personalities of the people who post here. Is getting to know others on here as real people really all that bad? I don't think so, but I'm biased. I, myself, enjoy re-reading some of the older threads and will - GASP - do my own searches when I think of something I want more information on. It's funny to me because I used to be one of the kids in school who NEVER would ask the teacher what a word meant because I didn't want to have to look it up in the dictionary. Now I love looking things up - especially when I have something particular to look for.
  7. Please, y'all! Louise and ex, y'all do not have to justify yourselves to anyone! You don't owe anyone an explanation for why and how you do the things you do. Don't feed the trolls.
  8. *sigh* And, this, dear friends, is why some people have just quit trying. Many of the folks who CAN give first hand accounts no longer frequent the cafe. I hope this thread alone has given some indication of why people should to search out the stories on their own. The search feature does work very well and, because of that, in respect for those who don't want their stories pasted up front, one should be willing to do a little bit of legwork to get answers. Why is it we think nothing of typing in www.dictionary.com or googling something when we want an answer, but when we come to a site like GSpot, we seem to expect everyone to drop everything and answer our questions or provide links to past threads FOR us? :unsure: Am I the only one who searches for a subject before posting a question about it? I do that on every message board / website I participate in. I thought it was just plain common sense to do that. There are many, many, many first hand accounts on these boards - one only needs to take a little bit of time to look for them. GSpot is here to serve but that doesn't mean one should expect to be spoon fed.
  9. You just did that to prepare for David's 10K post, didn't you? ;) We are all anxiously awaiting THE profundity.
  10. Toppers, I think he gets a free cup of coffee AND danish for that awesome achievement. ;) CONGRATS, David!!
  11. I LOVE the name ATLAS for him! But since it's you and Hubby who will be living with it, just know I'm on your side. ;) Changing names isn't a big deal, imo. I got a golden/chow mix from the pound and his original name was "Buster" - BAH!! How boring! My little brother and I named him "Doobie" and he took to it immediately. He was a goofy, silly, sweet, tender doggie. I LOVE golden/chow mixes - Doobie was my second and I wanted a third when my ex insisted we get a full breed from a professional breeder. I love my Vixen, and have had a blast earning titles with her, but would have been just as happy (and had more money LOL!) with a mixed breed. Hmmm......big black lab? How about Neo since he's THE ONE for your family? Insurgent is a name I'm partial to. ;) Boner Bandito Cruncher Fuddles Harley Hermes Hercules Bubba Magnum Moose Rambo Remington (Remy) Renegade Rocco Ruff Satchmo Tank Wookie Zeus
  12. Belle

    Body Worlds

    I am donating my body to science and wouldn't care if that's what they did with it. It's not like I'm using it. Bow, I didn't know that the family had to pay for the transport. I have a friend who's grandmother donated her body and the school paid for the transport. Maybe I just need to get very specific with who it's going to and making sure they pay for all associated costs. The only thing I want my family to have to pay for is the keg party and roast in my honor.
  13. Belle

    Weenie Roast 2006

    I am sad that I will not be able to attend this year. :( I had even bought THE BEST weenie roaster for the gathering.
  14. I concur, TheHighWay! :) Lots of Non-Scum WC on this site and I'm ever so grateful for having the opportunity to get to know y'all.
  15. Craig explained away the "revelation" with his teachings on "revelation changes" based on the circumstances. I can't remember the examples he used, but it was OT stories - I remember that - where God was going to destroy a country or city and then changed his mind. He said that God showed him something along the lines of a Water Balloon busting and all these beautiful flowers springing up and a lush field, but then it withered and died as the water was soaked up and evaporated. Something like that, anyway. That was his "change in revelation" that having the WC full time helped the ministry flourish for a bit, but now it's time for them to go back to work and uncover those "hungering and thirsting" that "the devil has hidden" from us.
  16. I wanted to go Corps so I could TELL people to go witnessing and tell them HOW to do it, but not have to do one whit of the b.s. selling myself. But the thought of jumping out of my career for two to four years didn't sit very well with me. I also knew I'd get kicked out rather quickly for being obstinate and disobedient. .... Hmmmmm.... maybe I should have gone corps. <_<
  17. Belle


    Yes! Thank you!!!! I know that bullying along those lines is the main reason quite a few people no longer frequent here. I must say that my break due to travelling has given me the chance to re-evaluate how important it is to continue trying to help people in the face of such evil (and, yes, I do consider it pure evil).
  18. Belle

    Miss Belle

    I so want to go to both of those! But, alas, the cheapest ticket I've been able to find for KC has been $600!!! Sorry, but that's just way too much - especially considering that doesn't include room & board. :blink: I was soooo looking forward to hugging Thelma Darlene's neck for the first time and catching back up with awesome buddies....not to mention seeing White Dove in drag. Same thing for the Weenie Roast! Sudo, I'm dying to meet you and the Missus in person and will just have to figure out a way to get through your area next time I'm up in the Bible Belt visiting. Right now I have to keep my schedule open to help the folks with their moving needs....especially if'n they plan on getting rid of any of those awesome antiques they have. Aren't I the grand daughter?
  19. I think the teachings had more to do with it than anything else. My ex was extremely obedient and took everything to the extreme (OCD-like, if you will). He wanted so much to be the 100% perfect husband according to TWIt standards and would go to all kinds of extremes to achieve that impossible goal. It made him a great husband on paper, but a very difficult one in "real life". When I finally broke from TWI it was only a matter of time before things went downhill far and fast enough for divorce to become inevitable. Of course, all it would take is a word from the Moneyhands and he would jump. If they even hinted at divorce being the best option, then that's what he was going to do. I suspect, too, that the Moneyhands weren't the only ones "coaching" him on how to "handle" this unruly, disobedient wife. Before we got married we had agreed to have children and, after hearing so many TWIt teachings on not letting "the world" raise you kids, he decided - without any consideration from me - that we weren't going to have any children. Broke my heart, but now I see that it was a good thing that we didn't have kids even if it means I may never get to realize that dream. Not having to fight over custody and how to raise our children made the divorce so much easier.
  20. Thanks, ex! I just e-mailed him. :) I've decided it's time to get rid of those old things. <_<
  21. HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, DEAR GEORGE!!! I HOPE IT'S ABSOLUTELY WONDERMOUS!!! Your Birthday present is on order.....
  22. Belle

    Miss Belle

    ROFLMAO!!! Y'all are too nice (and funny)! Thank you, very much. :wub: You sure know how to make a gal feel special! My family and I had a wonderful time with George and, despite his curmudgeon claim, he's anything but! He's absolutely delightful to be around, an excellent, talented workman and full of the most interesting facts and history of Seattle. My little brother couldn't stop talking about all the things he learned from George, especially as he's been recently very interested in learning about the history of the area. George also has impeccable taste in restaurants and boy did we test it with so many being closed on July 4th! Just a grand ole time meeting yet another wonderful GSpotter in person! I wish we'd had more time to spend together. Been working on recovering from little to no sleep while I was there and trying to get the ever popular and important month end reports completed asap since I didn't get back to work till Thursday and wasn't really productive till Friday. It's been a whirlwind of a summer. I feel like I'm in college again with all the travelling I've been doing. I just wish someone else was footing the bill for all of it. I did say I wanted to spend more time with family and rebuild those bonds that were broken down during my TWIt years....I just didn't expect there to be so many reunions, deaths and a critical divorce this year. :/ I'm sure things will settle down soon and I'll be back on regularly to keep up the gum supply under the counter. Lord knows, I can't afford to go anywhere else! LOL! Seriously, thank you for this thread. It means more than you can imagine. :)
  23. I definitely will try again! I AM trying, actually. Having fun, too. Just haven't found "Mr. Right" yet. I believe in marriage and I believe in finding the right person to be your best friend, lover and confidant - someone you love and who loves you despite your 'humanity' / faults and all. I also still hold fast to my dream of having the family I always wanted and that my ex-husband promised we'd have. I'd still love to have children, but I don't want to do that alone.
  24. Belle

    Chain Gangs

    I don't think it's harsh enough! Sorry, but I think prisons should be the harshest place on the face of the earth. I wish they were more like the prisons in the medieval times - a couple of pieces of bread, some slop and water maybe twice a day. Dark, damp and dirty. Then make them work their butts off. I'll bet the prison population and crime rate would shrink dramatically. When you house, feed, clothe, provide medical care and let criminals live off our taxpayer dollars there's no deterrent - that's why they end up back in prison so soon after being released too many times. I know it's not a popular opinion and I apologize if I've offended anyone, but it really is how I feel. I've always felt like that and being married to a police officer for nearly eight years only reinforced it for me.
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