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Everything posted by Belle

  1. David, the "biblical research" aspect is also gone. All they do now is re-read the same teachings with the occasional new "incident" thrown in for good measure.
  2. LOVE IT!!! Thanks, Satori. :) It's sooooo nice to be able to talk to people these days with no ulterior motive. It's amazing how much nicer they are to me, too. Go figure!
  3. And, Oakspear, I would add to that, ask those same twenty people if they've ever heard of Bullinger and the other men vee pee stole from. ;) CW, I wasn't offended in the slightest and really don't see where anything you wrote was offensive. *shrug* I reckon some people prefer to give TWI the glory for their lives being the way they are instead of God. Those people are probably offended.
  4. TLB, ROFLMAO!!! I think you nailed it, my friend. Abigail, I read through that last night and it sounds exactly like all the other teachings from Donna and I can tell this is going to be the "expected" schedule for families now that the article is out. It's at home, but I'll definitely type up a comprehensive synopsis of it. The one thing I did notice in this rag, supririsingly no mention of money or tithing in the whole rag. I think this has GOT to be a first!! First time I can remember this being the case, anyway. Maybe back in the 70's or 80's they didn't talk about money in every single magazine if not teaching, but that certainly wasn't the case in the 90's. That's really going to put a crimp in our drinking game if they keep it up. :unsure: I also noticed that they are calling themselves Ambassadors again. Hmmmm........ <_<
  5. I dunno, Skyrider. That could be a lot of it, but I know that last year I knew it was the one year anniversary of my divorce and leaving TWI, but had some major things happen and upon talking about it with some professionals, found out that anniversaries CAN trigger things in us without us being aware that's what it is. I can't/won't go into details on the boards, but suffice it to say, I thought I was going to implode and found out that the fact that it was the anniversary of those things could have been a major reason for why things happened like they did. Not saying that's always the case, but it very well could be with some people - especially those who grew up going to ROA every year for many, many years.
  6. Hmmm...... I've never noticed a difference in Vixen. She gets "stripped" though. That's where they pull the hair out instead of cutting it. It's not painful at all, the hair comes out very easily. Cutting Border Terrier hair is a huge - It ruins their coat and the water-resistance of it. She goes from incredibly scruffy, like the dog in "Something about Mary" and "Good Boy", to slick and puppy-like looking. I LOVE IT!!! It's like getting a whole new "hairstyle" and you KNOW how much us gals like that. Now, Duchess I never had groomed, she was part Chow part Golden and I just brushed her a lot, but she had a beautiful coat. Doobie, I did get him a "puppy cut" every summer, but I don't really remember him being affected by it. Of course, he was named "Doobie" for a reason. Here are a couple of "Before" and "After" shots of Vixen's last grooming session. BEFORE AFTER
  7. Tom, QT posted the article today. :) It's down just a wee bit on the list. 15% was mentioned on at least one STS tape, but I can't remember which one off the top of my head. I know that craiggers said that should be the minimum for someone in the grace administration and that we should endeavor to give everything beyond what's required to live on a "need basis". Pay your rent, buy your groceries and then send the rest to us.
  8. Belle

    Two Years

    Thanks y'all! I feel like I've grown 10 years in 1 here. Okay, not really, but it sounds better than, "This one time at band camp....." Linda, I love Alyson Hannigan and consider that a great compliment. Thank you! Strange One - put the next snowcone on my tab! ;) WN! - I'm so glad we've gotten to be such goodfriends and hope to get out there to hug your neck one day! Sunny - Why thank you and I'll gladly have a beer with you! Thelma Darlene Louise - You KNOW the par-tay continues on! I just hate I missed the one in KC, but we'll make up for it! Act2 - Thank you much! And thank you for all your kind words and healing posts, many of which I never told you about how much they touched me. :)
  9. :) Thanks! I concur! Another question: Is there an epidemic of illness in TWI? I was reading through the Sunday service highlights section and was surprised at all the teachings on health. (In my own paraphrased words) April 9 – Steven Daniel There’s no limit to the healing wholeness that God can bring to our lives when we simply believe his word. It’s his will above all things that we, as his kids, experience his prosperity and his healing wholeness in every category of our lives. Our God is a God of love, deliverance and healing. April 16 – Tom Mullins JC came so that men and women could enjoy life to the fullest, have a spiritual connection to God, could walk in peaceful confidence, that we could have robust physical health. April 23 – Aaron Hampton and Mrs. Lou Guigou Our getting healed isn’t dependent upon our genetic history, the circumstances, the environment or the culture. Our healing is dependent upon God and the word of God and the accomplished works of JC. It’s a done deal because by his stripes we were healed. We can weigh any challenge in our lives against the power of God in Christ in us. These healings in the Gospels took place when JC could be at only in one place at a time. Today wherever there is a born-again believer, Christ is present. He demonstrated that the power and authority of God is greater than the power of the adversary. April 30 – Mark Ladwig It is God’s will that we live vital, healthy lives. He never meant for his people to be sick or defeated in any category of life. Where there is sickness, disease or anything that binds or imprisons, the same God that brought to pass healing in the first century church is also able to do the same today. May 7 – Chris Zona In order to receive deliverance in health afflictions, we put God’s word on in our minds according to how it relates to the situation. … We see that the joy of knowing and understanding God’s word brings us strength as we continue to act and receive the victory.
  10. Shortfuse, why? :blink: That makes no sense whatsoever? She's intentionally boring people to death? What happened to the "research" part of their big fat claim? Is that why Sunday services are the same boring drivel, too?
  11. WW, I'm shocked that this article doesn't have anything about money in it!! It's the same ole, same ole though. I could have typed this in my sleep. Trusting God She starts by saying that she loves the words to the chorus that “we sing in our wonderful ministry: God any rivers you think are uncrossable, got any mountains you cannot tunnel through…..” God is the source of our abundance, she says. There is nothing too hard for him. Jeremiah 32:27 …. All abundance that’s available for us originates from God. There’s nothing that our God is not able to do for us according to his word. 2 Cor 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound….. She wants us to read the verse out loud, emphasizing the words “all”, “always” and “every”. It’s like God proclaiming from the mountain top, she says, that he is able to be our complete sufficiency. She wants us to build even greater confidence in our God by exploring first how to trust him involves not leaning on our own understanding and how he has given us access to his rich abundance in the name of Jesus as well as how God wants us to seek him boldly in all areas of life. Examples and instructions are all over the scriptures on trusting God. Prov 3:5 “Trust in the Lord…” Abraham was a great believer who trusted God and got the abundant blessings of God. He didn’t lean on his own understanding. Gen 18:10-12 Abraham and Sarah had passed the normal time in life to have a child…. Same story they always tell…..about five or six paragraphs I’m not going to type – y’all already know the drill. “Even though we learn many useful things from the environment and our experience, information gathered by the five senses is not always reliable or true.” There is only one source for truth that is always reliable and that’s God and his word. This is why we want to grow our believing so that we can have more confidence in the detailed instructions of God’s word and his unlimited power. Let’s look at a couple of records where Simon Peter didn’t trust his five senses only. First, Jesus taught God’s word from a ship belonging to Simon Peter…. Luke 5:3-5 Jesus gave specific instruction to lower the nets (more than one), but Peter (she keeps saying “Simon Peter” – is this a new rule??) decided because of his five senses that there wasn’t any reason to let the nets down. He only dropped one net. Luke 5:6-9 Peter saw that he didn’t believe fully what was made available but rather leaned on his own understanding. This is a great reminder that we want to listen to and obey godly instructions that we are prepared to receive God’s abundance. (hmmmm….. and where does that “instruction” come from, I wonder?? Jesus? Naw, didn’t think so…. ) We build trust in God and avoid exclusively using our own understanding by studying and applying the principles in God’s Word. Then, we practice the word ourselves, we build our confidence and grow in our expectations of what we can get from God. Peter learned obedience, built his confidence and became skilled at carrying out instructions properly. John 21:5,6,10,11 As we continue to observe, obey and faithfully practice God’s clear communication to us, we remember to keep our senses from lowering our expectations. Instead, we trust God. The second aspect to consider is that we can claim access to God in the name of Jesus Christ. “the way truth and life” – “no name under heaven given among men….” It is the name of JC and none other that we are saved and thereby brought into the presence and power of God. She starts telling a personal story about being in Ireland where she was raised, her husband and she stopped to use a phone at a hotel owned by an old family friend. The lady didn’t recognize her after so many years, but as soon as she mentioned her family’s name the lady gave her a huge smile and a big hug, asked about “mama n em” ;) The lady gave them the honeymoon suite and a five-course, silver service meal. They got the best she had to offer. She gained access to far more than they expected because of her family name. It’s an example of how we don’t always get the benefits we have access to. That’s how we utilize the name of JC by which we have access to God. Eph 2:18 Eph 3:12 “Access” means leading or bringing to the presence of anyone. Through JC we have boldness and access to plentiful goodness. When we use JC’s name, we believe and claim our access to the abundance of God. That’s when God can open doors for us. Acts 3 contains the record of a man at the Temple gate called Beautiful….. same story as always …… The man believed and followed the instructions. We have access to God’s abundance (physical, wholeness, mental soundness and spiritual abundance – in the name of JC. JC said, “ I am come that they might have life…” MORE ABUNDANTLY!! These words are already saturated with a liberal measure but God wants us to have it MORE than abundant. We have seen that we grow in confidence as we learn to trust him and not our own five senses. Then we saw how to use the name of Jesus. Now we will consider the supplier of our needs, God, wants us to seek him and to approach him with boldness and assurance. Heb 4:16 God promises to supply all our need “according to his riches in glory” He is absolutely willing and able. The riches of God’s abundance are solid and trustworthy, now and throughout eternity. As his kids we come to him boldly knowing that he will provide and furnish us with every necessity of life and more! God provides us with all our need: food to eat, clothes to wear and much more! A record in Matthew shows this: Matt 6:26, 28, 29, 31-33 Fowls of the air…..your heavenly father knoweth that ye have need of these things ….” God provides for the fowls of the air and carpets the earth with his beauty….. Instead of seeking wealth and riches, we seek God first before everything else, and he adds all good things for our blessing. God is the ultimate provider and his abundance encompasses every aspect of life. We pray confidently knowing that he will hear and supply our requests. We don’t need to be anxious about anything. Phil 4:6 At times we may find ourselves in a situation where we lack wisdom on how to proceed. God promises to provide this need too. James 1:5 God gives liberally. Psalms 119:105 says that his word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path so that it imparts wisdom. God’s word gives us wisdom so that we can move forward confidently. God’s will for us is to trust him wholeheartedly because he loves us and wants us to enjoy his storehouse of overflowing abundance. When we ask him to meet a need and we believe, we are absolutely going to receive far over and above what we dare ask or think. Eph 3:20 God rejoices every time we boldly believe his true and faithful promises like Abraham. Like Peter we grow in our expectations and like the man at the temple we claim God’s wholeness in the name of JC. Receiving God’s abundance involves trusting him rather than leaning to our own understanding. He has provided us with full access to his gracious abundance in the name of his son. With God, rivers are crossable; with God, mountains can be tunneled through…. Expect to receive God’s goodness and his bountiful blessings.
  12. Apples and Oranges, John. Apples: "Truth needs no defense" is a statement made by TWIts and it implies exactly what I said. I stand behind my post. :) Oranges: JC saying, "I am the way the truth and the life" - I made no mention of this and it's totally irrelevant to the subject of this thread. To connect my post to something Jesus said is a total leap of illogic.
  13. WOW! Awesome thread, Abigail! I've learned a lot about Judaism from you this past year and continue to be amazed and enlightened. I have amuch greater respect for Judaism and am truly fascinated and impressed with their encouragement and excitement for actual discussion, questioning and tolerance for differences. I've been, like you did previously, studying all kinds of beliefs, philosophies, and whatnot. Sort of coming up with my own mish-mash of what I tend to believe "right now" like Bramble. :) But that's also subject to change at any moment given whatever I'm pondering at the time. I have begun seeing much more spirituality in the Bible since leaving TWI and the energy and spiritual references such as what you've mentioned here. The gospel of Mary recently found and released to the public also focuses on the connection we all have (all, without exception ). And here I thought that was ground breaking only to find out that the Kabbalah and other Jewish teachings have been saying that for eons. I love the way you explain the ritual and symbolic meanings behind them. It makes so much more sense than doing things out of obligation as well as being expected or required to do them like TWI taught. I just may start lighting candles with you on Friday nights. I really like that and the connection to others you mentioned. The spirit and death are also points on which we agree. Much more, too! Maybe I'm becoming Jewish?
  14. It definitely puts all of us in a precarious predicament if we're still playing that TWIt drinking game. :D I'll have something for you shortly WordGretzky or would that be Mr. Trifecta? ;)
  15. (((((ILB))))) OMG! Girl, I hope you pat yourself on the back for how much you've overcome and how strong you are to have done it! Thank you for sharing your story with us! I've become healthier, too, since leaving TWI, but I had nothing compared to you. It's inspiring and does provide hope that I can also continue to heal. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!
  16. More on the latest rag: Articles – if this ain’t proof that nothing has changed, then I don’t know what is. Trusting God, Our Source of Abundance: We can expect to receive what God has promised us from his word By: Felicia Adams, WC grad of 1984 serving with her husband in International Advanced Leadership Training at hq. Anchoring Our Minds with the Stability of God’s Word By: Rev Rich Prewett, WC grad of 1990 and BC in S.WI The Benefits of Believing Together By: Jeanetter Lomax, WC grad of 1994 serving in International Outreach Dept. at hq Prayer: A powerful part of outreach By: Rev Ray Weidenhammer, emeritus Family WC II and is a HFC in Dunedin, FL Liberty to Serve in God’s Love By: Brian Moynihan, WC grad of 1996 serving on the President’s Cabinet at hq (Is that a full time job? What does that mean he does all day?) The Eastern Lamp By: Bernita Jess, emeritus Family WC I, has contributed to our ministry in the fields of Eastern customs and Aramaic research at The Way International since 1964. Is that misleading if she has been booted from hq? The Foundation of Parenting: God’s Word No author mentioned WC Training update by Bolchak 2005-2006 Leaders Meeting & RC Weekends Letters Anything in particular you want more on?
  17. Well, it seems awfully simple to me: "Difficult verses must be understood in light of the clear verses." This could apply to vee pee, too, no? We have example upon example of places where he blatantly plagarized, stole and otherwise mis-represented himself and this ONE line out of all the books, teachings, classes, etc. ONE LINE, one line that isn't even completely accurate. Sorry, but I just can't chuck the rest of the evidence based on one extremely vague acknowledgement. I'm sure the courts wouldn't either. ;) Speaking of which, can TWI be sued for plaigarism since they are still producing and selling these books that are obviously plagarized?
  18. Excellent points, Abi! So, if we don't tithe then we have no power to fight the devil trying to annihilate us?? THIS is why we were so afraid of someone in our family being killed, getting a terminal illness, losing our job, etc... Heck, even the US was open to destruction if little ole me didn't give at least 10%?? "and your increase in other categories...." - My ex made me tithe off monetary gifts from family members and even tithed off our income tax return!
  19. You didn't screw up, Honey!! Sounds like you were both attracted to each other and were both in a brand new situation and neither one of you knew how to act. Ain't it great feeling like you're in high school again? :D He should have said more than just tell you how good you look and should have asked for your phone number. You could have started a conversation with him, but being caught off guard is perfectly normal - in both cases. All is not lost! Did you recognize the company on the truck? Is the gas station on his route or was he just stopping in to get a drink or something? If it was a route stop, then you could go back at the same time and day next week and see if he is the regular route guy. Next time, start a conversation. Comment on his work, his truck, the weather..... ask an open-ended question .... anything to show you're open to furthering this initial contact. :)
  20. Pipes, I, too, love your ramblings. Ramble On! (I'll let you hum the tune while I type ) Ramble on, And nows the time, the time is now To sing my song. Loss - big loss - I've had to deal with possibly having lost the chance to have my own child and the family I always wanted. That still stings and there isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about that. The other things..... like everyone else has shared ..... the other things have been restored no less than 10-fold in my life. Renewed family relationships that are even closer and tighter than before. Renewed friendships that I never dreamed I would have again. New friends in abundance and a greater appreciation for eople, life and different beliefs. I'm not bitter about my time in TWI. I made the decisions I did and have to live with them. I use them now to help others and to be stronger, wiser and to give in ways I never could or would have before. It's not lingering and dwelling in the past, feeling sorry for ourselves or anything else "bad" or wrong to recognize, question and discuss these feelings as they come up. Never let anyone make you feel bad for that! There will be more days, times, feelings like this come up and some will be new. That's what GSpot is here for, to share a cuppa joe with friends and talk about the changes we're experiencing in our new life ventures. And, just like the real world, we have jerks here, too.
  21. Ditto on WN!'s question and who are the couples living in the chalet? Please. :)
  22. The way I remember it is, "suggestion from leadership is tantamount to a command", so "suggesting" that the tithe would be the minimum and is "expected" pretty much makes it a command. ;) The article QT points out and the Christians Should be Preposterous pamphlet are pretty darn clear on where TWI stands on giving, imo. Argue semantics all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that TWI used spiritual blackmail, threats and coercion to get that "expected" money from folks. Abi, the gun to the head example is excellent and very apropos to how we lived under TWI's rule.
  23. "Those who are hungering and thirsting for truth shall be filled" - or something like that. What do we do when we're hungry or thirsty? WE GO LOOK FOR IT! I don't doubt that TWI showed up when some people needed it most - I believe the people who say they were at wits end and begging God for answers when WOWs knocked on their door. I DO doubt that it was because of TWI but rather believe that it was because of those WOWs with pure hearts to do their best for God being exploited by TWI. Since leaving TWI I have more questions than I did when I got involved! LOL! I've also done more church hopping, book reading, question asking, researching, talking, discussing and looking into all kinds of beliefs. It's been a blast and extremely enlightening. I also think I'm more pleasant to be around because I'm genuinely interested in what people believe and why. I don't ask with an ulterior motive and, even if I don't agree with them, I am thankful for the time they take to share with me. TWI mentality fosters laziness. That's why some people stay - it's like Shawshank Redemption - people are afraid to leave TWI because they will then have to make decisions for themselves. Nobody will be around to tell them what to believe - how to argue back when they are questioned or ridiculed for their beliefs. Nobody to tell them how to maintain their car - how to buy a car - how they should be cleaning their house. For those on staff - they will actually have to go - GASP! - grocery shopping!! and fix their own meals!! OMG! Can you imagine?? Yeppers! Many of us who left in the late 90's, early 00's went through that ourselves even if it was merely second guessing everything we did, decided and thought. It's because we weren't allowed to do those things on our own in TWI - it was all done for us and beware the person who tried to do otherwise.
  24. Thank you so much, QT!!! That's a lot of typing! :) Can you say "spiritual blackmail"? This is only the beginning of things "implied" by TWI regarding what happens when someone doesn't at least tithe to TWI. He told us time and time again that "name brand" stuff was unnecessary. Any TWIt driving a BMW or something nice was seen to be "flaunting" and spending money that should be going to TWI. Why not drive a cheaper car so you can give more to TWI. That's living above your need, isn't it? All this from the man who wore Bruno Magli shoes.... <_< More spiritual blackmail, imo. I can't tell you how much we heard statements like this and how much they impacted how we thought and acted.
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