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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Oh geeze, WG - your post reminds me of how my ex was treated in WC training. FIRST they accuse him of calling his non-TWI girlfriend back in SC and, for some reason I've YET to understand, it was very wrong for him to do that. They went so far as to make him turn in his phone records to make sure he quit calling her...... THEN they dismiss him from training because JANET MYRACLE accused him of being gay! :blink: WTF???? HOW on earth, if he's calling his GIRLfriend do they come to the conclusion that he's gay????????????? :wacko:
  2. Y, I already go to Bike Week in Daytona every year. Y'all come on down here! I even have room for pup tents in my backyard and plenty of floor space for those who prefer to "rough it" in the AC with me.
  3. Belle

    53 Guests Online!

    :ph34r: I'm anonymous. :ph34r:
  4. Yeppers! That's why I insist on giving them money if they insist on leaving the tracts with me. Raf's got some JW's in his family, I think. He can validate what I'm saying. :)
  5. THIS is why I heartily endorse the "ignore" feature.
  6. Come on over, ex! I give a KILLER foot massage! You'll have to bring that handsome hockey player of yours, too! I might be able to swing some discount tickets to see the rat (Disney).
  7. VERY OLD THREAD Maybe this will shed some light on the situation. :)
  8. How do you know this? What are you basing your assumptions on?
  9. Dunno how much you know about the web, but IP addresses for folks are VERY EASY to get and it's VERY EASY to see if those addresses match IP addresses for others.
  10. Ummmm.....Ductape, this guy has been verified as being who he is being exposed as being. If you have nothing to hide, communicate with the utmost integrity as we do and treat people honestly and with respect, then there is nothing to be upset about. ;) Give us a chance and you, too, can enjoy the weenie roasts and fun block parties. It's not about identifying trolls behind every new person, it's about protecting each other. But maybe that's a foreign concept to you? :unsure:
  11. We were supposed to "believe" to stay well and to not trust psychiatrists and therapists (aka "rent a friend" according to lcm) but he was on anti-depressants and constantly going to the doctor, seeing chirproactors.... We were supposed to live on a "need basis" which mean no cable for most of us, but the WC even when living on TWIt paychecks had cable to the max. :blink: We were supposed to live on a "need basis" which meant driving clunkers while the full time WC were driving the latest and greatest in brand new vehicles.... <_< We were supposed to live on a "need basis" which meant not wasting money on gym memberships while Dottie took watercolor and dancing classes and Bob paid for an annual membership to the local swimming pool/gym/park. :unsure:
  12. I think what most people don't get (especially folks new to the site and jerks) is that we're more like family, or a very close little neighborhood here - especially those of us who have been around for years. We know each other better than some of the folks we interact with daily in "real life". There's really only about three or four degrees of separation between all of us because of how much time we've spent online together and because of how small TWI really is/was in the whole scheme of things. We've developed some very, very close friendships over the years and actually have lives outside of GSpot, but those lives often overlap. We talk, write, e-mail, IM and correspond with each other "offline" so to speak - we swap phone numbers, have parties, meet for weddings, weenie roasts and girls' gone wild week-ends. We share pictures of our kids, personal celebrations, life issues..... GSpot is soooooo much more than just a place to talk about TWI. To take advantage of or to hurt one of us is to do that to ALL of us. We love, care for, admire, respect, appreciate each other on various levels. THIS is the fellowship that used to be in TWI but without all the hoops, manipulation, lies and abuse. Thanks, Paw and mods, for taking care of us and to allow us a forum and way to protect one another.
  13. The greatest leaders are first and foremost servants...you know, washing the feet of the disciples. Yet WE were the ones to babysit, clean their house, help them move, do their yardwork, wash their clothes, serve them food and let them go first in line, split mints for them, let them have the best parking spots, keep their glasses filled and "save" them from having to converse with folks they didn't care for....... <_<
  14. Well, during lcm's reign, "not esteeming any day above another" - hence no Merry Christ is Dead, no Ashteroth celebration... He probably would have done away with celebrating anything at all except for perhaps HIS birthday. :blink: They work for free, too. They go door to door out of compulsion, NOT because of free will or because of the "abundance of the Word" living in their soul. ;) They even have to buy the tracts and those magazines they leave on your doorstep. :(
  15. I HATE it when that happens. I guess you let the CAT MAN DU out of the bag, Darlin'. Better put up a FIREBARRIER or the FIREBEEs will get out of the bag, too. :ph34r:
  16. A fool convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
  17. Belle


    Did you tell him that his posse sends our greetings?
  18. Belle

    Pool Table Wanted

    Hey! I've got the Dogs Playing Poker print you can hang in the pool room!
  19. Belle

    Auto Inrurance

    Thanks so much!! GEICO gave me a higher quote, but since I was with them just over a year ago, I'm going to try going the "live person" route instead of just accepting the online quote. I'm also going to check with my grandparents to see if they're on USAA - Daddy wasn't military so I don't qualify according to their site, but I'll try the "live person" route with them too. Looking at all the other options y'all mentioned, too! Such a wealth of information and helpfulness we have here! Thank you so much!
  20. Florida, Ron. Sorry! But, turns out it was a false alarm. I won't be going. :(
  21. Belle

    53 Guests Online!

    *snort* Y'all are just too funny! OutThere - if you're logged in it shows up as you being online or, if you're invisibly logged in, you're an anonymous member. If you're not logged in at all then, yes, you're a lurker aka guest. :ph34r: T-Bone, your Legion Coordinator called, five of you were supposed to be over there mowing his yard and washing his car.
  22. Thanks y'all! I've invited him over here. Hopefully he'll take me up on it. My3Cents, thank YOU! Ya know, I have always heard the purpose of college, more than anything else, was to teach us to think. I've learned so much more about logic, critical thinking, debate, argument, theory and communication here at the Cafe than I ever have in life. Just when I think I'm getting it, I get "snookered" by a red herring. Thank you, sincerely, for pointing that out. It's plain as day once you point it out, but I soooo didn't see it before. :)
  23. ROFLMFAOPIMP!!! Was WC training set up to be like the training the Marines go through? How many of them are killed, abused, assaulted, driven to suicide and having to pay for their own training while being "encouraged to push the edge of the envelope"? When there HAVE been casualties during training who has been faulted? The soldiers for riding in a helicopter that has missed an inspection? The soldier who neglegently fired a rifle that was loaded with flawed ammo? The soldier who drove the Hummer that blew a tire? :unsure:
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