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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Ya know what I find really funny about all this? That Bob & Dottie Moynihan, among others, recognize that TWI is evil to the core. Dottie, specifically, knows and has known about all the sexual abuse, condoned it, supported it and never spoke out about it as was her duty as a TWI-taught "watchman on the tower" - "standing in the gap" leader. YET, she had the nerve to say to me shortly before I was "allowed" to "take a break" from attending fellowship, that "soon, I would begin to see the ministry that I came to know and love get back to that". :blink: There honestly never was a ministry "I knew and loved". I loved what I was learning and "put up with" the rest of it to get to learn. There were a handfull of folks that I truly love and cared about, but there were no "glory days" from 1993 when I got involved till I left two years ago. So, even the long timers like Bob & Dottie KNOW things are rotten, but even they can't make any changes, much as they would like to be able to. It's obvious that they have to work covertly or they will lose the paycheck that they need to survive. Why else would they have moved so far away from their precious grandchildren? Money, money, money..... Love of money...... and Fear, fear, fear..... fear of not being able to make it in "the real world" having never done so before. What's really sad is that they have encouraged and supported their son becoming the same way - dependent on an extremely corrupt, evil, devilish organization for a paycheck and a roof over their head. :huh:
  2. Oh Geeze! Remember the times we'd show up for a fellowship or branch meeting and "Surprise!! We're going witnessing tonight!" :blink: No way to get outta that one!! Whenever someone moved into a new place, before the bags were unpacked, they were "invited" to host fellowship at their place so we could go door to door in the new neighborhood. We had to turn in cards of the number of people we talked to - the number of contacts from THOSE people we talked to - Names and phone numbers of the people who were contacts - then we had to "report back" on those "contacts" and how our "follow up" when with them. In my area, all contacts had to be contacted within 24 hours. Regarding #s. Was it 4,000 we determined a few years ago? We keep hearing about people leaving every day and there are new folks contacting me via PMs who never post, but are either newly out or "on the fence". I think WW's assessment of about 2,000 is probably about right. But Boob and Dootie are in the UK racking up the numbers and running classes left and right, I'm so sure! <_<
  3. I'm sorry, I'm just laughing too hard to breathe, much less come up with a caption to post.....
  4. Excie, you're probably just a smarter version of you. I know my parents are MUCH SMARTER than they ever were when I was living with them. I think they went back to school and got parenting degrees once I moved out. Dunno why since it was a little after the fact. Would that they had been so smart when I was living under their roof. <_< Why do you parents do that, anyway?
  5. Belle

    i'm bummed

    Awwwww, Excie!! I hear ya! My Vixen comes before EVERYTHING and Belle will not be hungry or hot this summer!! My carpet is 20 years old and looks every year of it! The puppy was house-trained on it and it has more spills than I care to mention, but it's just gonna hafta wait. I was bemoaning to my mother about wanting so badly to have a party, but being too embarrassed to have folks over with the way the house looks. She scolded me and reminded me of all the parties and get-togethers we had growing up. Sometimes it was just spaghetti or mac & cheese, but everyone always had a great time and I never once heard anyone talk about the carpet in our home or refuse to come back because the house was not something out of an Architectural Digest magazine. TRUE FRIENDS don't care about appearances - they appreciate the warmth, the friendship, the good company and fun times. :) It reminds me of Erma Bombeck's "If I had my life to live over" column she wrote after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. I no longer wait for "extra special occasions" to break out the good china and crystal..... I no longer wait till the house is in order to have friends over. I pray for this for you as well as pennies from heaven to take care of the things that really bug you. You're absolutely awesome, Excie!! Anyone with a real heart can see through the dirt and unfinished projects in our lives. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER by Erma Bombeck I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner, even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life. I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband. I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love yous".. more "I'm sorrys"... but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it... Live it... and never give it back.
  6. Awwwww, exc! You're such a sweetheart! Just today I was thinking about the times I feel "ignored" on threads. I'll say something that I think contributes to the thread and four or five posts later someone else will say the exact same thing using different words and everyone responds to them. I was starting to feel sorry for myself and having my own little pity party when I remembered the "Thread Killer" thread by the new poster who felt like nobody responded to him/her. I try to respond to everyone on the threads I start, but sometimes the conversation just goes beyond what I can contribute... over my head.... into areas I have no experience or knowledge of..... or I just feel like everyone has already said more than I could ever think of contributing. Thank you for thinking of others. :) It's just another example of why I love you so much!
  7. On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered 'round And they gazed in wide wonder, at the joy they had found The head nurse spoke up, and she said leave this one alone She could tell right away, that I was bad to the bone Blame Kevlar! I just couldn't help myself.
  9. AWESOME, CHAS!!!! We went on family vacations every year while I was growing up and even still get together for a few days or a week every once in a while now that we're all grown. Those are THE BEST memories - even the fights in the back seat of the car and the arguments about WHEN to stop for potty breaks. Especially the, "Are we there yet?" and "You WILL go into this park and you WILL have fun!!! Do you hear me???" Which, of course, lead to the "Are we having fun yet?" questions once inside the park. Y'all are gonna have a blast and this is one of those memories Kristopher will remember forever. "I remember when I got to help plan our family vacation with y'all!" (OK, he probably won't use "y'all", but you get the idea ) We DO want to see pics and hear all about it when y'all get back! Have a blast!!!
  10. Two things come to mind here: WordWolf's signature line Those who forget/ignore the past are doomed to repeat it (or something like that) Those kids would be much better off organizing a mutiny and starting their own group cherry picking the very few redeemable bits about TWI that are/were good. After all, that's all vee pee did, isn't it? THEN they can actually give credit where credit is due...... starting with all the men vee pee plagarized. Who knows? Going through all their teachings, they may even find MORE gems to use as foundational material for their "foundation".
  11. Lifted, the reason why you perhaps haven't gotten the responses you're looking for could be merely due to the fact that: people aren't here every day who could answer - the ones who read it and could answer won't because of how awfully those folks get attacked - that to confirm it, yet not want to reveal one's name would render their account "unreliable" because they have personal reasons for remaining anonymous - that to confirm it, yet not provide enough details based on someone's subjective decision as to what constitutes "enough" renders the confirmer "unreliable" - folks who can confirm have already done so on WayDale or here already and do not care to revisit the memories - or have moved on and no longer frequent the cafe A cursory read through the archives using the search function should provide ample evidence for someone who's willing to accept the testimonies of the many who have already shared that information. WayDale archives would provide even more testimonies, but equally insulting remarks because of how high emotions ran in those days. Tom and WordWolf, I get what you're saying and I highly respect both of you, so I'm very surprised at the discussion between you two. I think in person you would both see what each other is saying better - this is one of those times, imo, where lack of the entire communication environment, body language, tone of voice, eye contact, etc. is contributing to the frustration. Sex in and of itself can be a wonderful thing (or not-so-wonderful ), and not ungodly and sinful. It's the rest of the situation and circumstances that makes it so. Which, in VP's case, is absolutely despicable, even with the women who approached the coach willingly. Some could, and do, argue that point regarding the willing, but I think they would not have been so willing were vee pee just some dirty old man from the barber shop as opposed to his self-proclaimed "MOG" status.
  12. Jard, our BC told my ex that he needed to "test drive that car" before he "bought it" in reference to our marriage. :blink:
  13. LOL! Mama's, by the way, stands for Stickybuns - She's called "TheStickybun Lady" cause she makes them for everyone, but all her friends in KY tell her they KNOW it really stands for Straight KY Bourbon. :D A neighbor's was 2N10SE. Back in WayDale days, I passed a car on the road with EXTWI for a plate. Was way too paranoid to post about it though. I still wonder what it means and who it might be.
  14. Let's just say I'm glad I'm neither "male nor female" nor "both"! Interesting how some folks' minds work, ain't it?
  15. WOW!! I'd think they'd want to have happy motorists everywhere. Can you imagine passing her on the road? I'll bet she gets honks and waves everywhere she drives. My mom's plate says STKYBN - wonder what they think of that one.......... <_< In FL all the "Share the Road" bicycle plates end in EAT ---- makes for some very interesting plates, esecially when the first 3 letters end in 69. My favorite is I69 EAT.
  16. That look on my dog is NOT sheepish...... I think that dog is eyeing the stuffed animal on the shelf immediately to the guy's right.
  17. LOL! David, you might be onto something there! Someone needs to tell him that pizza before bed can do that to folks. ;) What does he mean "IF"??? Someone making that much money and that much noise about having God's ear sure as heck shouldn't be having a problem understanding God, should he?? :unsure:
  18. Free, It IS a blast! I have pics I can't share on here. IF'N ya ever want to come down for Bike Week, I have an extra bedroom and would LOVE to take you over there with me.
  19. Belle

    Caption Contest

    Toppers, ROFLMAO!!!! Imagine how much worse it would be if Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears and Angelina Jolie were there, too!
  20. Have you been? "a bit of immorality" is kind of a major understatement. NOT that I know anything about that or immorality. Jim - I even have TWO showers, 4 sinks and LOTS of soap! Some pics from Burning Man last year:
  21. Guess that means we're safe from any horrible weather-related disasters this year.
  22. Sorry - main rule at my house.... If it's in the "puppy zone" it belongs to the puppy! WTF?? Who hires a DOG to protect stuffed animals??? That's like asking me and Rhino to guard the wine cellar. Dog Property Laws 1. If I like it, it's mine. 2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine. 3. If I can take it from you, it's mine. 4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine. 5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way. 6. If I'm chewing something up, all the pieces are mine. 7. If it just looks like mine, it's mine. 8. If I saw it first, it's mine. 9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine. 10. If it's broken, it's yours. -- Author Unknown
  23. Belle

    Caption Contest

    Now, tell me again why they banned driving on the beach?
  24. Belle

    The Cone of Raf ~~~

  25. Here's one: Pedophilia in Alaska There's many, many, many more threads about pedophilia and TWI hiding the perps. I just actually have to get some work done today.
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