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Everything posted by Belle

  1. They also didn't misrepresent themselves as being 'scholars' either. Even Amos said he didn't know why chose him. Big difference, imo. On here and on John Juedes site there is documentation of side by side forgeries. Juedes has a booklet that details all the plaigarism he found that you can buy for $2.00. I dont have the link but someone should. The sad thing is that vee pee took from these men, but then he added, subtracted and/or twisted it to fit his own desires. Not everything he stole was "truth" or correct and then he just made it worse by mixing it with his lies. I think you'll have no problem with folks agreeing with you there, BUT once someone has mastered Greek, Hebrew, theological studies, it's very, very easy to see that vee pee was full of sh1t - that's why there's no record of any true scholars (folks who know their stuff, whether they believe it or not, whether they learned it for honest reasons or not) jumping ship to join up with vee pee and his "cutting edge research". Once we took our PFAL Colored Glasses off, we could see it, too. There are threads here on Problems with the Blue Book - an in depth discussion of the problems, lies and errors in PFAL as well as many of the other doctrines of TWI. If you're interested, I'll see if I can pull them up. :)
  2. The World Outgames excerpt: Things only got worse for Monroney after high school. While attending the University of Colorado, he found himself getting involved in a religious cult called The Way International that he said derailed his life. "In a lot of ways I suppressed my sexual orientation during that time as well because they taught that being gay was evil and wrong, worse than murder," Monroney said. "It was pretty bad." While in the cult, hr got married and the couple had two children, Elisha and Isiah, 12. But after getting out of the cult, he realized that he no longer had to hide his sexuality from the world. Good on him!
  3. Belle


    Alright, I never was one for arguing about semantics. It seems we do that a lot on here - a lot! I certainly learned how to do it very well in TWI. I could strain gnats with the best of 'em. I've really tried to give that up as it really, usually isn't all that important to begin with. Is it some aspect of TWIt brain that we can't get rid of? Is it something "normal" people do all the time? Is it really that big of a deal? Is it just a certain "personality trait" in some folks? Is it a defense mechanism for some when others disagree with them on something?
  4. Belle

    Called Back

    "Smokey"? Are you sure it's not "Pokey" because of that finger stuck in your ear? :blink: I don't even have the words to express my appreciation for our military and, then to see this sort of thing.... well, just melts my heart. :wub:
  5. Please tell Dr. Becker that I'll be in soon to pay my bill. I'm afraid we've gotten to be very well acquainted, Dr. Becker and I. But, as I always say, "Better to have my foot in my mouth than....."
  6. Sadly, it's true, Groucho. :( A lady in our fellowship had a pool party, invited their friends, some of whom just happened to be TWIts from various fellowships (she did not invite entire fellowships). There was no formality to the party, no teaching, no Bible at all - just a friggin' pool party. M Harmon got all in a tizzy over it and that's when we found out that if more than 3 TWIts are planning to get together they need to get approval from the BC and, that it's extremely rude to NOT invite them. :huh: Your spontanaiety would have gotten you into Big Trouble, Mister! :P Oh, and the alcohol??? No way, Jose!! That's not allowed at any TWIt function!! Even if "said" function isn't a TWIt function but just happens to have TWIts involved.
  7. I see J and M as the same topic as well. I had an extra few minutes and pulled the rest together. These sites most likely have even more and more helpful information than those incredibly $4 tapes. Great sites for most of these topics: 43 Things So Ya Wanna Reading Children Encouraging Young Children to Read Making Reading Fun for Kids Links to a gazillion other places with helpful information on the same topic Government Website on Making Education Fun Cars Chiltons - This is the Bible on car maintenance and repair. My ex always kept a copy of the book for each of our cars handy. Taking Care of the Family Car Car Ownership Responsibilities Car Care Center AAA Every automobile manufacturer also has very specific information on exactly how to maintain their vehicles. Powerful Paragraphs & The “Write” Stuff Guerilla Publicity Clear Writer Powerful Writing Guerilla Marketing protestant reformation Theopedia Founders Library Experience Festival (I bookmarked this site to go back to – looks like lots of good stuff on there. :) ) Business Etiquette Emily Post Cyborlink Business Etiquette Etiquette in Practice Manners International Proper Business Etiquette Career Planning
  8. WordWolf, I forgot about this! Thanks!! I reckon we very well could be seeing more of these exciting topics covered in the upcoming rags. Here are my favorite site for Making a Home-cleaning Schediule That Works for You: Fly Lady - This site is "da bomb" on cleaning schedules Heloise Strats Place - TWITs probably don't need this one And my favorite site name: REAL SIMPLE Really, between Fly Lady and Heloise you've got it covered. Of course, I like my cleaning schedule best: When you can write your name in the dust, it's time to break out the Pledge When you can't find any clean glasses, it's time to wash dishes When there are no more clean clothes, it's time to do laundry When there's something on the floor that the dog won't eat, it's time to mop
  9. ROFLMAOPIMP!!! WW, you are tooooooo funny!!!!
  10. David, I in no way was trying to discredit John. I just never heard anything about him having any formal education and training before or during his TWI years. That was the question and that's what I was trying to answer. :)
  11. Catcup and ResearchGeek were sent to school by TWI, but I'm not sure to what level. I do remember one or both of them posting about things they found that were contradictory to vee pee's teachings and being shut down, as was Shoenheit. Not sure of any formal training or education of John or if he just picked it up. Good question, Mark!
  12. What was the big deal with the "also"s? I never saw where it made that much difference in the interpretation. Arbitrarily deciding which italicized words to keep and which to "scratch out". No basis except to make it fit with whatever vee pee wanted. Sorry, Oak, it looks like my first post was in no way relevant to the topic.
  13. Worse than that, Oak, in everyday conversation or a really good discussion with some friends gets going and - wham! - they say something that really cranks me up and, halfway through whatever I'm saying, I realize I'm parrotting TWI or using something I learned there as a basis for my argument. I have to then backtrack. I've gotten better at noticing it, but it's still there. I've started saying, "some people believe..." or "some churches teach...." no matter what topic I'm on - that way I'm neither condoning it or saying that it's correct. THEN I can determine/decide if it's something I subscribe to or if I'm giving knee-jerk responses. Maybe not the best way to deal with those PFAL-Colored Glasses, but it's the best I've come up with so far.
  14. How nice. Read us the verse and then tell us exactly what we read. I’m so glad she did that; I never would have known what David meant by that verse. What about the mothers and women with long commutes? It’s like that never happens. Now the poor folks who DO commute are going to be hounded to make sure they have all the CDs TWI puts out so they can listen to them over and over and over and over again. This sentence alone is going to give them license to pry into the private lives of their folks. I never felt rejuvinated and refreshed when SITting. Isn’t this telling us to “just have faith”? Don’t they laugh at churches for saying that to folks? Who wants to bet that TWIts have an assigment each week of which aspect of this article to apply in their homes? Who wants to bet they have to teach on it and share how ‘blessed’ they are for following this formula and acting like they’ve never heard this stuff before? It’s so elementary, common sense and totally unreasonable for some households. WG, I don’t like the little robototrons they make children into. SafariVista, my DOG has more freedom, personality and spontaneous play moments than those kids are probably allowed. :( I’m thinking they should just get mother in law tongues – those things can be neglected and ignored while still thriving. I'm sorry, I have to laugh. If I were new to TWI or if some TWIt was "witnessing" to me and showed me this article. I'd run quickly in the other direction! Lindy, I agree, why do they need an article like this? That's the scariest part.
  15. We could do those things then or we could enjoy the week-ends with our family. We could use that time to visit friends on the other side of town, out of town, going to the lake, the beach, the park… doing normal things. We could work in our yard or do other home improvement projects for fun in our house.Like we need someone to tell us when to do those things? Your supposed to change your sheets weekly? How many people, realistically, prepare meals ahead of time? I tried it when I was married, but it’s just no fun spending all day in the kitchen. I guess they are still pushing having day timers and “scheduling the devil out” of your day. I wonder if it’s in 15 minute increments or if they’re allowed larger chunks of time now. Like we don’t know this??? Maybe TWIt is an apt term if they really need someone to tell them these things…. They always use this verse and the one in Proverbs about the virtuous woman getting up before her family to “encourage” folks to get up at unreasonable hours of the morning to follow TWIt doctrine.
  16. Thanks, SafariVista! Just reminds me of how absolutely thankful I am that I don’t have to listen to, read or pretend to live that crap on a regular basis. I’M FREE!!! :D Actually, companies will make anything seem significant to sell their product. *rolleyes* Why would anyone want to start their day peacefully? Seems like a ‘no-brainer’, even for this rube. Even a drug addict would like to start the day peacefully. The next four paragraphs are just different ways of saying, “seek peace and pursue peace.” So redunant! What bothers me is when she quotes a verse and then says the exact same thing that the verse says….. like we can’t read or understand it from just the verse alone? And I’m sorry, but that “umpire” definition and example is so old. I can still repeat it two years later. No Sh1t Sherlock! Could ya help point out some more obvious things for me? This physical stuff: eight hours of sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, easing into the day… all common sense. All taught everywhere and without the mechanical “suggestions”. Those of us from the TWI of the 90’s can see right now how this “routine” is going to be “strongly suggested” at fellowships and then people will be expected to “report back” how “blessed” they are having their children pick out their clothes the night before. Sorry, but some days I change clothes three or four times before feeling comfortable. “Fat days” are the worst! Even if I had set something out the night before, it would most likely be the last thing I felt like when I got up. And, something I never understood…. why set your clothes out the night before? Where do you put them? They slide off the foot of the bed with the way I sleep, most of them are hanging clothes, putting them on the chair is no quicker than pulling them out of the drawer right next to that chair…. Or pulling them out of the closet. Four more paragraphs on sleep and eating. How many times can you say the same thing?
  17. Now she wants us to look at the spiritual side of life in our quest for “the right way” to start our day. 1 Cor 14:4 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself…. She quotes vee pee from RHST saying that to edify means to build up, to make strong. We aren’t strong in our mind because the mind doesn’t understand… This manifestation is the only evidence mentioned in the Bible which is specifically for building up the believer in the spirit. Do you want to be personally edified, built up in the strength of the Lord and have the power of His might in your life? Then you must speak much in tongues. When we speak in tongues, it’s the spirit within us which is in direct communication with God. 1 Cor 14:2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue….. What could be more wonderful than a direct communication with God? She says this is what we are doing when we speak in tongues. She says that we may not always comprehend by our five senses what our SIT specifically does. She says that God’s word, which is his heart, tells us the benefit. So, we trust and obey his word just as a child trusts and obeys his parents, even if he doesn’t completely understand the situation. We speak in tongues much, knowing from the scriptures that it edifies, builds up and strengthens our spiritual faculties. As we begin our day, she says, we want to be spiritually strong, so we speak much in tongues. We have seen that starting our day “the right way” – with God’s peace in our hearts – is available as we prepare by getting a good night’s sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, getting things ready the night before. We begin and live our day in prayerful thanksgiving, singing with grace in our hearts, letting the word dwell in us richly. She says we also speak in tongues much. By taking these believing actions we are pursuing peace and can start our day free of frustration, irritation, rushing and distress. Each week we can choose a category to focus on and develop in our house. We can show people these helpful steps and help them start their days physically, mentally and spiritually “the right way” too.
  18. Psalms 55:17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice. She so eloquently and brilliantly explains this verse to us by saying that David prayed often, starting in the morning and continuing throughout the day. We as believers, she continues, can begin our day with prayer, knowing that God will hear our voice. Ps 5:3 My voice shalt thou hear….. Ps 63:1 O God….early will I seek thee….. She tells us that starting our day thankfully and even with singing is a good thing and it gives boost to our peaceful mental status. Ps 92:1-2 It is a good thing to give thanks….. Ps 59:16-17 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud……. She ways we can sing songs like, “Expect Miracles”, “This is the Day”, and “Rejoice in the Lord Always” and think about how thankful we are to have every need supplied according to the scriptures. Calling to mind the benefits we have builds our believing for the day. She says that we might even continue with these songs and thoughts as we continue our morning activities. Ps. 61:8 So will I sing praise Eph 5:19-20 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns….. Col 3:16 And let the peace of God…. We can plainly see that these ingredients to peaceful living; being thankful and letting scripture richly dwell in us, admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord. With regard to letting the Word dwell in us richly, she says there are a variety of ways we can put the Word in our hearts in the morning, depending on the season of life we’re in. For a believer with no dependents, a rich study of the Bible in the morning can pave the way for a peaceful day. A mother of small children might enjoy fifteen minutes of reading a Church Epistle or Psalms before the kids get up. A father with a long commute could listen to audio of the Bible, STS or Studies in Abundant Living collaterals. A bus ride could provide the time for someone to read the pocket Bible. Whatever means we use, she says, it is necessary for us to have God’s Word as a staple to start our day.
  19. She goes into the Amplified of Col 3:15. Then she says that if our mornings are hectic and getting off to the wrong start, a key deciding factor should be to ask if we’re at peace. If the answer is “not as often as I would like,” then pursue it. This is how…. Consider the physical side of life. she says one very important ingredient to starting the day the “right way” (she uses “right way” constantly through this article – no variation. I wonder why…..) is to be rested. Our bodies need good rest to stay at peak performance. For the average adult, research shows that going to bed in time to receive seven to eight hours of sleep helps the body and mind function to the optimum level. Children, she says, frequently require more than eight hours. Once we’re awake, a breakfast full of nutrition helps contribute to our bodies functioning at its best. She says that getting the best amount of rest and nutritional food rquires thinking ahead to provide them. Preparing on the weekend for the coming week and in the evening for the next day helps us get the day going in “the right way” in such a way as to not leave us feeling rushed or hurried. During our weekends we could prepare ahead for the week by doing the family finances, filling the car with gas, shopping for groceries and preparing healthy meals. Other things we may need to prepare: laundry, ironing, changing sheets and cleaning the house. Having major tasks done ahead of time leaves the weeknights free to take care of day-to-day responsibilities (like TWIt functions??) Some things can be done the night before to help the morning run more smoothly. She says that we should have the children pack their school lunches or “Mom” could set out the next days lunch money. Each member of the family could set out the clothing for the next day and get together needed materials (schoolbooks, homework, permission slips, work papers). In the evening baths or showers could also be taken. Schedules and travel arrangements for after school can be resolved and each person could take a few moments to plan the next day on paper. She says that when responsibilities like these are already taken care of, the morning should run more smoothly and peacefully, provided we get up early enough to carry out the morning’s tasks that remain. Some examples of these are starting the day off with the Father in mind, taking care of personal grooming, eathing and leaving the house on time to not be rushed. Now that she’s helped us consider the physical aspects of starting our day “the right way”, she wants us to consider what we need to do to mentally start our day with God’s peace. She wants us to start the day in prayer with our heavenly Father because it’s a peaceful approach to the day. Mark 1:35 talks about Jesus getting up in the morning to pray. She says he began his day early, in peaceful solitude and in prayer. She says we should be able to see from this verse that he started his day by getting up early enough to have the time to get to a quiet spot and to pray. Prayer in the morning is a key ingredient to starting our day “in the right way” according to the author. She notes, however, that for a mother with small children, this might be as simple as a prayer while she takes a morning bath since it could be the only personal time all day.
  20. Synopsis of “The Foundation of Parenting: God’s Word” an anonymous article in TWI’s latest rag. (I think it’s D. Martindale writing, but have no proof. I will use “she” in reference to the author of the article) How can families start their day the right way? is the subtitle “Every morning millions of people get off to the wrong start!” proclaims a tv commercial. She says that the ad goes on to promote a certain brand of coffee to get the day off on the right foot. With or without coffee, starting the day in the right way ia an important issue in the fast-paced culture we live in. The issue of starting the day right is so significant, according to the author, that companies promote the sale of their products around it. How can believers best get their day started the right way? She says we’re going to consider some helpful steps families can take physically, entally and spiritually to start the day the right way – with the peace of God as the standard. Why would believers want to start their day peacefully? The Bible plainly advises that we seek peace and pursue it. She reminds us of Psalms 34:14 where we are told to depart from evil and doog good; seek peace….. She says that we can see that being at peace requires some effort on our part. Romans 14:19 also tells the believer what God’s heart is for being peaceful, “let us therefore follow after the things that make for peace….” She says the words “follow after” mean to pursue, to seek after eagerly or to earnestly work toward acquiring. Again, she says, we can see that this takes some action. We, as believers, are to pursue, seek after eagerly, and earnestly endeavor to have peace. The bedrock of a believer’s peace is found in what JC accomplished. She uses Romans 5:1 to show that we are justified by faith and so we have peace with God through Jesus. We’re just as if we’d never sinned. We have peace with God because of the prince of peace and all that he accomplished by his life, death, resurrection and then ascension. She reminds us, also, of Col. 3:15 which says, “And let the peace of God rule ….. “ and that the word “rule” is to umpire. The word refers originally to the activity of the umpire at the games who was to direct, arbitrate and decide the competition. The umpire determines the application of the “rule book” in an objective and impartial way in a contest. She says that, as believers, we let the peace of God umpire in the same objective way. We just use God’s “rule book” to determine what to think, what to believe and what action to take as we start our day. I'll complete this as I get time.
  21. Tom, if you'll look up "berk", I'll look up "rubes" and we can both "share what we learned." I don't think it has anything to do with the definition I found on www.urbandictionary.com, so I'll keep looking. :P
  22. Y, take a deep breath. :) It's what we do here - discuss things. We have very different experiences and very different views of even the same experiences. THREE perspectives, if you will... Mine, yours and what really happened. SIT being required to prove one is born again has been discussed here many times. I'll gladly do a search to find the threads for you, if you're genuinely interested. As far as daggers. I try to avoid throwing them, and, if I do, it's in public on the boards. I choose to keep everything public like WW does. PMs are for helping people who don't want to be exposed on the boards or when I want to discuss something further using names, examples, etc. that are not appropriate or safe to share publicly for the WAYGB to see and/or cause more work for moderators. But, no daggers to throw here. You are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. And, hopefully we can discuss the differences with civility or agree to disagree on a topic, yet still respect one another.
  23. Oh, I neglected to mention - it's NOT a "pot luck" it's a "pot bless". ;) Laser technology?? In a group who took five years to change their phone system? Not likely. :huh:
  24. Me too, ex. :) I'm so glad my friends don't subscribe to that notion either or many of them wouldn't be my friends any more. ^_^ I can be pretty stupid sometimes and so can they. The awesome thing about great friends is, we know all the dirt, all the warts, where all the bodies are buried and love each other anyway. :wub:
  25. Yep, SF, that sounds like the TWI I left two years ago. ^_^ ROFLMAO!! What's so wild is that at one time, that was "normal" for me. Don't do anything without getting permission. And remember to "report back" once you've done what you got permission to do. There were probably so many people there because it was announced that there would be a "new person" at the meeting. That means everyone was "strongly encouraged" (required) to be there. I'm shocked that they put you to work for your first meeting. :ph34r: WTF is up with that??? :blink: They innundate people; pester the crap out of 'em and apparently "use" them right off the bat. Imagine - at the next meeting you might get promoted to chair stringing duties. Welcome to the Cafe!!! Folks aren't asked to do anything here except enjoy themselves and treat others nicely. (I put my gum under the counter, but they don't pay me for that. ) Put your next meal on my tab.
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