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Everything posted by Belle

  1. ROFLMAO! Great post, Garth. I still maintain that a bad day in "the real world" is better than any good day in TWIt-ville ever was. What does that say about the godliness of TWI?
  2. Holy KaShmoly, Chas! Seems like just last week you were asking questions about being a first time Mommy! :blink: It IS flying by! Thinking of you this morning and knowing that Kristopher is having a blast and Mom is doing just fine with her new "big boy". Andreas will definitely eat up the one on one time with you, too! Can't wait to hear all about it! Did you take pictures?
  3. Belle

    Dreams DO Come True!

    Thanks so much, Y’all!! I’m just tickled to pieces. Had this grin on my face all week-end and this morning getting to show it off at work. Shoulda seen the face on this one guy I passed this morning. He was really confused and trying to figure out what it was. LOL! David – that’s really cool about the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon! Thanks!! And, no, I took the loooooonnnnnggg way home. *grin* I put about 200 miles on it this week-end. OFM – ROFLMAO!! I think I’m gonna keep thinking on that one. ;) Jim – Thanks a bunch! I’m sure I’ll be picking your brain. I plan to have all my maintenance done at the Subaru dealership where I bought it. Surely, they know how to take care of my new baby, right? Thanks for the links, too! Medic’s Wife – Don’t think I properly welcomed you to the café. WELCOME!! Your husband is a delight and I see he has most excellent taste. :) I agree with you and think I’ll stick to the local sandbox. ;D I love the RAV4 and looked at the CRV, but the Baja stole my heart from the first day I saw one. I’m just tickled pink to have one of my own. It’s such a good feeling to be able to share good news with y’all and have you really happy for me. :) Thank you soooooo much!! I’m so used to trying to hide when good things happen because it made some people in TWI jealous or would generate a bunch of questions to make sure we didn’t “break any rules”. :/ Vixen has given her stamp of approval on it and promptly spread pupkiss all over every window yesterday. I had to clean the windows last night so people could actually see inside when I got to work today. LOL!
  4. Candace Pert has done extensive research and has written the best book I've read so far on our mental health.... "Molecules of Emotion: the Science Behind Mindbody Medicine." She goes into great detail aobut the chemical imbalances, and blood tests are not necessary for a diagnosis. This book and practicing the things she covers has helped me tremendously. I'm also on anti-depressants and in therapy. I think, however, that her research has been as valuable to me as any of the others, but all combined have helped tremendously and, through what I've learned from her and others like her, I expect to maintain a healthy balance in life without medicine once I'm ready.
  5. Yeppers, we do. Everyone, all without exception. There's thorns on them thar roses and there's pits in them thar cherries. It's HOW we deal with our something and how we treat others when dealing with our something that sets us apart from one another. I respectfully disagree with this. I have many, many friends through the internet, quite a few I've been friends with for over 10 years. I've made some great friends here at the cafe that, were we closer to one another, I'd even help move... :) Heck, I'd even help most of them hide a body. Friends are friends because of how we treat each other and the mutual respect, trust, kindness and honesty. When that's violated in (3D or in cyberspace), it's often irreparable. We don't expect our friends to be perfect and we sure as heck know we're not, but there's only so much b.s. that a relationship can withstand - regardless of why the b.s. is happening. I think Mo said it best: I've apologized to those I can for my actions, some have forgiven me, for others it was "too little too late" and I can appreciate that. I put some of those closest to me through the ringer and I have vowed to never let myself get to a place like that again. Taking care of ourselves so that we can be a friend is the best thing we can do for those we love.
  6. I have always loved the Subaru Baja since they first came on the market. When we were shopping for a new car for me in 2004, I really wanted a Baja or a Honda CRV. My ex didn't like either one of them and refused to even consider them. The Baja would have required a loan since we didn't have that much cash, but the Honda we could have afforded. :( We ended up getting a Mazda Protege, which I really like and loved having after putting over 175K miles on my Nissan Sentra.....BUT I had really wanted a Baja or CRV. Well..... today I went to a local Subaru dealer and bought the most beautiful, loaded 2004 Subaru Baja with only 32K miles on it. I got a very sweet deal and only had to finance $6K. I'm such a happy camper!! I must have had the biggest grin on my face driving out of the parking lot and all the way home. Actually, I still have the biggest grin on my face. I know this would have never happened if I was still married and/or still in TWI. It's just so exciting to me to realize how much more wonderful the quality of life is outside the walls of TWI. I hvae a great job, a great house, a beautiful yard, a brilliant dog, incredible neighbors, awesome friends, a family that's priceless and now, my dream truck! I have to pinch myself in the mornings. I'm so sad for those who are still trapped in TWI and even more sorry for those who are fooled into thinking they are the ones living the more abundant life.
  7. Belle

    #90 on your telephone

    And 99% of the time I'm called a b1tch for pointing out that it's fake. :huh: I'm sorry, Suda, I think things like this, ESPECIALLY those with remarkable claims and those that say it's an urgent message should be checked out through Snopes.com before forwarding them. What they do is clog, jam and otherwise overload servers - which doesn't mean much to non-network-nazis, but they are total headaches for them. Futhermore, many, many, many, too many people do not erase all the other e-mail addresses before forwarding stuff like this and it's just awesome fodder for people who SPAM our e-mails. They KNOW these are valid e-mail addresses and copy them off these Urban Legend e-mails so that they can fill our inbox with advertisements about penile enrichment products, hot stock tips and other useless advertisements.... This is why whenever I DO forward an e-mail, I delete all other e-mail addresses and BCC the recipients.... that way if some jerk-wad e-mail collecting person gets ahold of it because of some inconsiderate/unknowing person in the future, I'm the only one affected. It's also the reason why certain people have a certain e-mail address of mine and NOT the one I use for 'REAL' e-mail conversations..... It's a learning thing. Some of us have been around for a while and have learned these lessons the hard way. I remember calling Bob Moynihan in tears because I thought I had sent him a virus attached to some e-mail. I ALWAYS check Snopes.com before forwarding anything! Most times I don't forward them anyway. *shrug* I'd rather be safe than sorry and that means safe from well-meaning e-mails like the one that prompted folks to delete vital files from their hard drive that came out a few years ago and is STILL making the rounds.
  8. I agree, Paw. It also only feeds the monster telling lies about us to the innies. With their mindset, they don't see that TWI is controlling, manipulating and isolating them - what they see is us mean ole "cop outs" ruining their fun. :( Maybe we could set up a system like the TWIts have: Website Finder PM's their assigned five people Each of those five people PM their assigned people Those assigned people PM their assigned people etc etc etc This way we still find out about the site but the WayGB is kept in the dark and the innies get to continue having their fun.
  9. Belle

    The Death Clock

    Wednesday, June 8, 2050 Seconds left to live... 1,381,909,028 Does this mean I need to cancel the spa appointment for that day? :(
  10. Johniam, it seems that you have a problem with the poster rather than the message. What's your next move? To yell "Yo Mama!"? Great mature, intelligent discussion, debate and disagreement, John.
  11. Heck yeah, he'd still be there! Otherwise they wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to keep him on staff even AFTER the lawsuits came out..... "Head of the Research Dept"??? Gimmee a break!! What Research Dept??? <_<
  12. Nowadays, I'd be hurt if they didn't have any 3x5 cards on me. Hi Mr Linder! Hi Meister! Hi Bobby! Hi Dottie!
  13. Belle

    Caption This!!!

    Jonny, you must have been fishing whenever that topic came up. I'm still shocked that you didn't know and, yes, still ROFLMAO!!
  14. ROFLMAO! Y'all are wonderful!! I fill up when I get to 1/4 tank, but sometimes 1/4 inch below E Depends on how much time I have and if it's raining. The question came to mind after reading the TWIt article on proper parenting. It's posted in the About the Way section if you're interested..... but "they" suggest in that article that one fills their car up on the week-ends to make more time during the week. Seemed a little odd to me. I thought most folks filled up when they needed to and not on any "time" schedule. :huh: It's nice to know I'm not the only one who does that. ^_^
  15. Actually, Georgio.... there ARE a few Loys out there. :blink:
  16. Belle


    Tom Strange, shut your mouth! Pulled Pork is da best!! Just for that, I'm going to see if I can't find a cheap ticket to come out there and teach y'all how awesome properly prepared pork can be. So, seriously, first week-end in November? Nov 4 or 5? Where am I to get a cheap ticket to? If'n Mama can get time off, I'll see if she wants to come, too. We've got Smith cousins all over Texas, so I could party with y'all one day and the cuz's another. I can bring some muscadine wine, too!
  17. Linda's incident and the mighty fine article on parenting in the latest rag got me to thinking.... How often do you fill up? Do you only fill the car with gas on week-ends, like TWI suggests? Do you fill up when you get to half a tank or a certain level? Do you only ever put $5-$10 in at a time? It seems idiotic to me to set aside a particular day for getting gas. Maybe I'm strange, but when I need gas I get it - if I don't need it - I don't get it. I can't imagine going to the gas station every Saturday whether I need to or not. What happens if I run low on gas and it's only Wednesday? Do I have to park my car and wait till Saturday? Do I have to call another "believer" to come with me since I'm breaking my schedule? Linda, I hope you report those jerks and stop them from taking advantage of folks. :) I hope you get a full tank of gas for free, at least, out of it, too!
  18. Belle

    Confession of sins

    (((((Abi))))) Our character speaks for itself and yours is impeccable, my dear. If folks haven't already seen Z for who he/she is, then they will soon enough. You do not, nor should you ever be made to feel like you have to share personal and private things on here. :( It really makes me angry that someone has done that. Besides that, you ain't gotten nuthin' on me, Girlfriend. You want to hear some stories that'll make your hair curl just give me a call. I'll share mine and you'll feel much better very quickly! There's a reason I refuse to date guys who plan to get into politics.
  19. Belle

    Weenie Roast 2006

    WOW!!! ALL the Rascals in one place at the same time!! How'd you manage that?? Rascal, you've got one awesome family!!! I love each one of 'em and how you've fostered and encouraged each one to develop according to their very individual personalities. You're just one awesome Mama! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for "Z" to have a little namesake in the Belle family one day. Pity she'll be too young when she's born for me to hook her up with Aaron....
  20. Yes, Tom - it's danteh1 - I just have this innate urge to capitalize everything. Comes from being a typesetter for too many years.
  21. Belle

    Caption This!!!

    ROFLMAO! I can't think of one for laughing so hard. I don't know which is funnier, Tonto's caption or the fact that "Bad Boy Lingo" doesn't get it.
  22. Belle

    Cute PDF writer

    We use them, like Raf said, to maintain the integrity of our documents. Research studies, HIPPA documents and requirements, product information, clinical education forms, practician application instructions, etc. That stuff is important and it's important that it not be edited or accidentally altered in any way.
  23. Belle

    Weenie Roast 2006

    Okay, I'm jealous as He11!!! I didn't know Rascal played the guitar!!!! Rascal, you got some 'splainin to do!!!! And some concerts to make up for!!! I feel cheated!! I'm planning on having a party at my home with my new patio and "landscaping" in October! Any FL folks and those who can make it...... please keep your schedules open for the first or second week-end in October!
  24. You Betcha!!! I'd be one stark raving Beee-otch! Then I would promptly e-mail Todd Ulrich, our "Problem Solver" for the local ABC Station and that gas station would be wishing they'd never implemented that kind of scam, much less, treated you like that. Then I would notify "Chang Gang Charlie" Crist running for Governor for Florida - cause this would have never gotten by when he was in control of those kinds of things. ;) I'll put up with some b.s., but that's just not something you want to eff with, IMO. ESPECIALLY, here in Florida where senior citizens are already taken advantage of in so many ways.
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