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Everything posted by Belle

  1. Belle

    The NEW New Countdown

    Woo Hoo!!! What a great looking couple!! Raf, thank you for humoring me. :) I LOVE to hear about happy countdowns like this and the romantic side of our favorite Greasespots. Take pictures of the whole 300 days and the planning. Planning and taking care of the wedding details is as much fun as the actual wedding day. Those are things to be remembered as well.
  2. Belle

    Fair Time

    Chef, only if it's made with organic barley? How 'bout organic grapes for the wine I love so much? Got plenty of natural herb, OE? Sounds like it could be my kind of fair after all!
  3. Belle

    The Cone of Ernesto

    So glad y'all are all safe and well!! Thanks for letting us know! LOL! - Hurricane on training wheels - LOL!
  4. LOL! I reckon you and Hubby might need to learn Spanish with Kristopher or he and Andreas are going to be able to get away with plotting much mischievousness.
  5. PAULTONY, Welcome to the Cafe!! Specials today are Sloppy Joes and Grilled Cheese Sammiches. May I buy your lunch? I started a new thread so that WW's wouldn't be derailed by my questions. :) I'm curious about the "come back" and why you think that. I'm also curious about the special in Texas. My understanding was that they were planning to have TWO specials - both at HQ - one in November and one in July of next year. Have they changed that too? Thanks!
  6. Wonder if they're going to pay overtime for the folks doing setup for the AC Specials they're having. <_< Naw.... they'll probably ship in the free labor from the WC trainees at Gunnison.
  7. Bringing this back up in light of a recent comment that things have really changed in TWIt-ville.
  8. :blink: There were? :blink: Just kidding! We wouldn't have stuck around if there hadn't been some good people.
  9. Belle

    Fair Time

    Looks like fun! Is cotton candy organic? I love to eat cotton candy when I go to the fair.
  10. Belle

    What a CASA is

    It's not political at all. It's volunteers who GIVE their time to get involved and observe and obtain information that will help the courts make an informed decision, which isn't always easy to do given the work loads on the court system and the child welfare service departments. A co-worker was heavily involved as a child advocate. It's extremely rewarding and awesome for the children. Good on ya, Medic's Wife! It's superb that someone as kind and gentle as you are in there helping out the next generation!
  11. Belle

    Cure for ADD

    Worked at my school too! Some of the worst cases, however, developed a little bit of a nervous tick..... :unsure: LOL! LOVE IT, GEORGE!! Thank you!!!
  12. $2.89 for regular in Orlando. :( I'll be a happy camper when it goes down! What's the lowest price you remember? I think it was .75 in Mississippi when I first got my license in 1983.
  13. Belle

    The NEW New Countdown

    Looks like I need a permission slip to see whatever that link is to, Raf. :( Congratulations on the engagement! She's a very lucky gal and must be very special. :) You know us girls - we want details!!! What kind of ring did you give her? How did you propose? Do you have pictures? What kind of wedding? Outside on the beach?
  14. Belle

    The Cone of Ernesto

    That's really interesting! I've never heard of that. Wow! The things we learn on here. Yeah, this wasn't even as much rain, wind and whatnot that we get during a regular thunderstorm. I did enjoy having a few extra hours at home to catch up on some reading and enjoy listening to the rain out in the FL Room.
  15. Belle

    The NEW New Countdown

    PLEASE tell me we don't have to wait til July 2007 to find out what this one is about! :(
  16. Depends on the folks and the situation. I don't advertise it, but I don't hide it either. I know that having talked about my involvement has given people relief and allowed me to be in a position to help so many people. One girl at a party, when she heard that I had been in a cult, pulled me into a corner to ask some questions and we ended up standing outside for a few hours while she talked to me about sexual abuse that she had been subjected to from her own mother, who was a leader in a similar type group. I was able to give her words of encouragement and comfort even though it was only the first time we had ever met. It was truly humbling that she felt comfortable enough with me to share something so personal, private and scary with me. All the folks at work and in my neighborhood know. For them, it was a relief to find out that there was a reason behind the madness that they had perceived. It was even nicer for them to see me begin acting more "normal" and less paranoid, depressed and just plain "weird". :P Funny to find out what people saw, observed and thought about you once they find out that kind of stuff. I really am thankful that my experiences and the fact that I'm so open about them have enabled me to help people in ways I never would have imgained. ^_^
  17. Belle

    The Cone of Ernesto

    Just cloudy in Orlando, but we're still closing down the plant at 3pm. The Production Line was sent home at 10am. I get to go home at 2pm. 'Twill enjoy relaxing on the couch with a good book and enjoying the pitter patter of raindrops on the roof.
  18. Belle

    The Cone of Ernesto

    Here, we're waiting to see what UPS is going to do. If they aren't shipping, we aren't working. Just no need since nothing will be going out. I'm not going to be putting the wood up over the windows, but I will be bringing in the patio furniture and tiki torches.
  19. Awesome, Oak!! How very cool!! I saw them live at Mud Island before moving to Florida and it has to be one of my favorite concerts I've attended. I can't imagine how exciting it must have been to be in such a friendly, small venue with them just hanging out and jamming with the locals. "Joy to the World" is the first song I learned all the words to.
  20. WN!, I concur! Churches these days are NOTHING like they used to be and certainly NOT A D@MN THING like TWI had us to believe. They also don't teach 1/1000000000th of the things TWI says they do.
  21. NIKA - There are 9 Listings for an Edie Donatelli in NY at Zaba Search. :) The most recent one appears to be from March 2006.
  22. I'm like Jard. I do whatever I'm in the mood to do or have a need for. There's a local Methodist church that I attend. Occasionally I'll go to the Woman's Sunday School and nothing else - other times I go to the "contemporary" service where we sing modern songs, have a band, and the message is very light and not really the focus of the meeting - praising God is - then, when I'm in the mood, I'll dress up and go to what I call "big church" ^_^ It's the "traditional" church service with the beautiful choir, classic hymns and typical sermon. Then again, sometimes, it's just me, alone in my garden pulling weeds. I LOVE the church and the folks. After the "contemporary" service they have what they call "Asbury Cafe" where we sit around with the donuts leftover from the morning, drink coffee, cokes or smoothies and talk about the service or whatever the need is at the time. IF I were to be a more regular member, I'd join the handbell choir. I was in handbells at the church I grew up in and absolutely loved it (and it doesn't require an ability to sing in key). I'm just not ready to commit to anything like that. The church also has the small home groups like Suda mentioned, but the thought of meeting in anyone's home ever again gives me the heebee jeebies. :ph34r: I love, Love, LOVE my life now and the freedom to do whatever I need to for my own peacefulness.
  23. Welcome Prayer Opening Song Announcements Song (optional) Prayer Manifestations Prayer Song Teaching Song You are welcome to leave now GAWD, I still remember M Harmon yelling that we should have AT LEAST two songs, but NOT MORE THAN four songs during fellowship. It was a relief to my fellowhip because we ALWAYS sang sooooo many songs. Whenever I led the meeting, we sang the obligatory TWO and that was it. We also cut out a bunch of the prayers. WTF do you need that many prayers in a meeting that's not supposed to last an hour?? There was a list of seven things lcm required be prayed for at every fellowship. Sounds like they're still doing that. Usually whoever is leading the meeting tries to get them all in so that you don't have to call on so many people to pray. With a group that small, it's a huge time-saver. Sounds like you, Jim and NLL could have a MUCH BETTER "twig" on the water. Wish I could be there too!
  24. Blasphemy!!! Pro Wrestling IS real!!! I read it on the internet!
  25. I tried to participate in the church's "Forty Days of Purpose" small groups. We met in the homes, watched a video and then followed a syllabus.... Not only was the material performance based like TWI, but the whole thing reeked of it. I had to quit going, but not before speaking my peace about the things I disagreed with that the guy was saying. The other girls in our group agreed with me and it was a big deal to me that they allowed me to disagree and to back out of the meetings with no condmenation or judgment. I still avoid any kind of meeting or gathering in a person's home, but do enjoy my church when I go.
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