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Everything posted by Jbarrax

  1. another repeat. We had this one a few weeks ago. :-)
  2. Affirmative. Go, Soul Searcher. :-)
  3. You talk about things that nobody cares You're wearing out things that nobody wears You're calling my name but I gotta make clear I can't say baby where I'll be in a year
  4. Draggin the Line, by Tommy James and the Shondells. Great old song, btw.
  5. Sounds familiar. I think I've seen that first scene, but I can't quite remember where. Hidalgo?
  6. Look at her, a prisoner of the gutters Condemned by every syllable she utters By right she should be taken out and hung, For the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue... How poignant it will be on that inevitable night, when she shows up on my door in tears and rags! Miserable and lonely, repentant and contrite! Shall I take her in, or hurl her to the wolves? Give her kindness, or the treatment she deserves? Will I take her back, or THROW THE BAGGAGE OUT? I give 'er the greatest gift any human being can give to another: Life! I introduced 'er to this here planet, I did, with all its wonders and marvels. The sun that shines, the moon that glows. Hyde Park to walk through on a fine spring night. The 'ole ruddy city o' London to roam around in sellin' 'er bloomin' flow'rs. I give 'er all that.
  7. I believe that one's from Total Recall starring The Governator. That was a good scene. He almost put one over on our hero, but then he started sweating. Then he got dead.
  8. I'm pretty sure that's from a Transformers movie, but I don't know which one.
  9. Right you are George. Some parts I loathed, some I loved. Robert Downey Jr. was teriffic.
  10. Everybody knows you never go full retard. What do you mean? Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. Peter Sellers, "Being There." Infantile, yes. Retarded, no. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard.
  11. Ace Ventura, When Nature Calls.
  12. Jbarrax

    Fond farewell

    I guess I'll take this opportunity, in the twilight of the GSC, to express my immense gratitude to Pawtucket, the mods and the others who have been regulars here at the Cafe for these last ten years. Wow it doesn't really feel like ten years, but it has been that long since Waydale closed and Paw took up the challenge of keeping an online home for the Way's diaspora open. Like many of you, I am deeply saddened at the loss of the Cafe, which seems odd to me because I don't visit nearly as much as I used to, and when I do, these days, it's primarily to hang out with Human, George St George, and Waysider in the Movies, Music and TV booth. Trivial nonsense compared to the transitions we've gone through here. I avoid the political section because I learned a few months ago that I can't hang out there without getting in trouble. Nuff said about that. I don't visit the doctrinal threads as much anymore because the fire seems to have gone out over there. But it was the doctrinal discussions and debates on these forums that have allowed me to make the transition from a close minded Weirwillite to a...well, I'm not sure what I am these days really. But I can cohabitate peacefully now with Catholics, Church of Christ ministers, UU folks and Jehovah's Witnesses without constantly feeling like I need to tell them why they're wrong. But, despite the fact that I can live and work with these folks, I still don't feel like I "belong" anywhere but here, among the Ex-way community. I know many of you have found Church homes and off shoot fellowships. I wish I could say the same, but there's still enough contrarian in me to prohibit me from joining a Church where I have to embrace the Trinity and the Infallability of the Bible in order to fit in. Besides the ability to ask questions and exchange ideas about different views of the Scripture without getting shut down because it contradicts PFAL, the insights shared by those of you who lived and worked with the MOG and his disciples have been indispensable. I think that's the ongoing discussion that most of us have found most healing. The exchanges here and at Waydale have been invaluable to my spiritual growth and for that I will forever be thankful. And I will miss the ability to come here and touch base with the only community where I really feel like I belong. I have seen some of you on the GSC club on facebook, which is refreshing because some of you I'm seeing for the first time without the avatars and pseudonyms, which is refreshing. So if you wanna send a shout out, find me on facebook or email me at jerry.barrax.jr@gmail.com I would really like to send a special thank you to those who have been most integral in helping me grow. I know I'll forget a few, so my apologies to anyone overlooked. But folks like Rafael, ExCathedra, Garth, Linda Z, TheEvan, Steve Lortz, Belle, have been wonderful. Hope to see youse guys at fb or elsewhere. Much love and gratitude to the Cafe! God bless us everyone!
  13. Here's an old favorite I heard on the radio today. And sometimes even now, when I'm feeling lonely and beat I drift back in time and I find my feet
  14. My Generation by the Who btw, The Wichita Lineman is one of my favorite childhood songs. Glenn Campbell was big back then. I also love Rhinestone Cowboy, but I think Wichita Lineman is a better melody. :-)
  15. Rosanna! One of my favorite songs by my favorite band. Toto, that is. But if I'm not mistaken, we just had a quote from this one about two pages ago. (Yep. I posted that one three days ago.) Let's call this a do-over. :-)
  16. I thought the first line, "Ya gotta know the territory" would have given it away since it's the one plastered across a monument in the National Music Museum in honor of the screen writer, Meredith Willson. http://orgs.usd.edu/nmm/Exhibitions/MasonCity/MusicMan.html And it's repeated several times in the opening scene. Oh well.
  17. It is indeed. It's the first starring role for one of today's respected dramatic actors. Here are a few more lines. "Go quickly. If they find out you've seen this, your life will be worth less than a truck load of dead rats in a tampon factory." "Forgive us, Mr Rivers, if we have been less than hospitable. Recently we've had reason to believe there is a traitor in the Resistance. Du Quois, introduce the American to the men. --Very well. This is Chevalier, Montage, Detente, Avant Garde, and Deja Vu. --Have we not met before, Monsieur?" "Latrine! What did you find out, Latrine? - Where are the others? --We never had a chance.It was a slaughter. We must put a stop to these afternoon football games! " "What happened? ---Nigel made me go back to the meter shed. He ordered me to set off the alarm. And what does he want us to do now? Nothing, you numbskull, Nigel's the traitor."
  18. In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky And they Stand there
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