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Everything posted by Plotinus
Thanks everyone! (sorry, I've been occupied these past days)
Would you say it was a favorite book of his? Would you say it was a source used in his own teaching (for what)? I have a nice hardbound copy. I would like to sell it on ebay and would like to use the powerful search term "Wierwille" but only if it has a justifiable relationship to Victor. I bought it in Summer, 1972 according to the inscription - (I was 16) That was the summer I first took the "Advanced Class." This tells me (and my vague memory confirms) that Victor affirmed the value of this book... and what he liked, he used, right? Pax, Plots
(how do u follow a sign-off like that?!) 3-cents, I suggest 2 alternate titles for that article: a.) "Religion - It's What's For Dimmer." b.) "Hail Fredonia" I don't doubt the veracity of the researcher's facts or conclusions. No, I don't - sad sad to say, - sad sad to say However, I am convinced that, if all religious believers and godless hamburger meat natural mans (sic and sic) of good will were to adopt the exact beliefs that I espouse, and partially adopt, that we would see The New Jerusalem descend from heaven like a bride prepared for her bridegroom. (sexy sacred sociological simile) Oh what a day of rejoicing that would be... for me.
Dear L and J, I understand you've sold 60 shirts between school and Rye Presbyterian Church youth and adults (and that RPC donated an extra $150). Congratulations... and thank you! It seems like you have a true grasp of Matt. 25. "insomuch as you have done it for the least of these, you've done it for me" <Ryebred> has given me the details on the Rye orders - we'll get the new orders in tomorrow - those shirts might be ready Friday if they combine the orders for one big run. I'll let you know. Counting your sales in Rye so far, around 250 shirts have sold so far - but that's just the beginning, I hope. Our goal is to get an e-mail about the shirts to every Presby church in the USA this week. Before that we need to do some paperwork for ebay and some banking preparation. By tomorrow noon all the shirt listings should be back on Ebay. Folk can still just search "pcusa shirt" to find them. I hope you have gotten your own shirt and like it. A friend told me today that she sold three from people coming up to her to ask about hers (she just happened to have order forms in her purse). Our church has a huge Rummage sale (Fri. and Sat.) and a kid's lemonade stand, bake sale, and car wash added for Sat - we'll have about 85 t-shirts on-hand, ready to sell also. We're starting to collect health kit stuff too ttp://www.pcusa.org/katrina/kits.htm It's a lot; but it could represent a church (mine) renewing it's commitment to social action. That, plus teaming up with friends, and friends of friends, from my home town and home church is VERY gratifying. Good night. Peace, <Plots> PS: the order form: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/gallery/hro.pdf
That's right, George They're blessed, Baby! My dog, my truck, and my wife came home. latest tweaking is done search Ebay keywords "PCUSA shirt" It's a national phenomena!
I'll continue to tweak the Ebay listing so the best way to find its latest version is to search on key words: "PCUSA shirt." It now accepts checks and money orders: immediate paypal payment is not required. So far, just size xl -5xl black shirts - hopefully tomorrow - other colors and sizes.
We sold 22 more on the ebay site(s) today. new ebay link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...Y_BIN_Stores_IT Item number: 8334848429
Ebay / Paypal Buyers: Wait for an invoice from me as I combine shipping costs - otherwise you'll pay too much, Thanks
You can now buy shirts and pay by Paypal through ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=8334848429 Item number: 8334848429
George, Yes, chicks DO dig guys who wear these shirts - it shows (like you) that they have their heart in the right place. They also want one for themselves! That's really why you ordered three, right? Due to the miracle of e-mail and pdf files and such I'm getting feedback that indicates that this project may be getting to thousands of people/churches. I'm imagining having to recruit dozens of volunteers to come to our church's "Fellowship Hall", working on Saturdays and/or after church on Sundays, packaging up tee shirts (good vision, huh?). We'll have pizza and music and know that we are doing something good and worthwhile together, So keep those orders coming in! Make my dream come true (ie. the pizza and music). If you're having trouble seeing or printing out the order form let me know. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/gallery/hro.pdf Dmiller, thanks - yes, though I'd like an updated situation report on the website. I think they are responding well -and am sure lots of people are experiencing God's love through these trained disaster relief workers. Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Thanks Paw & Ryebred! We started Sunday and have 50 tee shirt orders so far. That's $350; only $9650. to go. Anyone want 1379 Hurricane relief tee shirts?
If you follow the links to learn more about the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance response, you'll eventually get to this page: http://www.pcusa.org/pda/response/usa/hurr...katrina0907.htm PDA serves the ENTIRE community, not just Presbyterians!
If you wish to send the order form to someone without revealing Greasespot proclivities and/or your TWI past... You can download the PDF file to your computer, with a new name, and then send it to them as an attachment to an e-mail. I just tried it; it worked.
Paw, thanks for your help!
Dear Friend, Some friends and I have designed this T-shirt as one of several projects to raise money to benefit relief efforts in the Gulf region. Our goal is to raise $10,000. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/gallery/hro.pdf I hope you will consider buying one (or more). I think you'll agree they are good looking. The two black and red, square-within a square flags are the Coast Guard's symbol for "hurricane." The shirts are 100% cotton and high quality and cost $15.00 each. 100% of the shirt's net profits will go to Gulf relief efforts by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - for more information about PDA, see the web site listed on the order form. They will receive about $7.50 per shirt. Your donation is tax-deductible. To order: print out the order form (black and white print is fine) and mail it with (check or money order) payable to: Townley Church Att: T-shirt 829 Salem Road Union, NJ 07083-7570 If you have any questions please use the church contact information on the form. Please forward this mailing to others who might consider buying one, thanks! All the best, Plots
Kathy, I was moved by your sharing about your sister, Josie. What a start it must have given you to see the title of this thread! Laleo, Thanks for the Auden. His poetry is awesome. My kids enjoyed "Miss Gee" last year. Though, upon being reminded of it, my daughter just pronounced, "That was SO creepy!" http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1298.html
Kathy, I was moved by your sharing about your sister, Josie. What a start it must have given you to see the title of this thread! Laleo, Thanks for the Auden. His poetry is awesome. My kids enjoyed "Miss Gee" last year. Though, upon being reminded of it, my daughter just pronounced, "That was SO creepy!"
Laleo and Satori, What wonderful gifts! I'm passing both along to Sally. Geo., the Haiku too. Satori, that album is healing. I'm going to play it today. Laleo, I re-read the Quartets when they were included in Philip Zaleski's list: "100 Best Spiritual Books of the Twentieth Century." http://www.spiritualityhealth.com/newsh/it.../item_6545.html [i've read or re-read 8 of these since the list came out. Currently enjoying Yeats and Smith.] Thanks guys! Josie's funeral is Monday at 10.
Sally sent me this, this morning: [Auden]Josie passed away at 5:15 this morning.
Wife and dau. and I saw Josie this morning... She knew who we were and sort of smiled. Sally was sitting on the edge of the bed, playing her guitar and singing a Bob Dylan song as we walked in. Wife borrowed the guitar and sang a different Bob Dylan song. Is this a custom I don't know? No knowing how to play guitar, Dau. and I put bread on some boxwood shrubs outside her window to attract songbirds. Hey, I also did a wedding today for an 18 yr. old former youth group member. There were 9 of us. She wore a mini-skirt (poor choice) - his shirt wasn't tucked in. I always tell my son, "Plotiny, tuck in your shirt if you're going to get married." Am I right?
George, No one asked how I do it - but this also explains how I can quiet a bar, of course It's the collar, man, the collar - try it sometime I've even seen it work in a convenience mart. A very expensive jewelry store too (guilt?). - though Lenny Bruce got arrested when he did (he was going door-to-door in Miami collecting money for an 'orphanage'). http://www.augsburgfortress.org/friartuck/...sp?CLSID=153746 Please don't imagine me as the one with the red large print hymnal. My weight is down and I'm pretty fit these days, thank you.. IL'm a tad older than the guy in the midlle and the guy with the coffee cup. Wait! The guy on the left! Oh yea! Rev. Sean Connery! Uh huh... das right! Can I get that photo under my user name?
In Jan. 2001, a guy who bought a video tape claimed it was a copy. He ignored the note I always send saying "If you're not 100% satisfied contact me and I'll make it right." While checking the date just now, I noticed he's never bought or sold anything else on E-bay - It think my curse might have worked. ;)-->
George, I'm just a rev. who can't say no! ..and it helps pay the bills. I do these extra ones entirely on my own time - above and beyond the 55 plus hours a week I put in for the church that's hired me. I feel sometimes like a pop singer having to sing her greatest hit at every concert - but it's ok. Can you see them holding up their BIC lighters?
Dear Sally, Sorry if the other stuff I've sent has not been straighforward enough... For me, the evidence for heaven* is the presence, now, of such kindness in life (from the Beyond). I see graciousness (undeserved divine favor) in so much... -that we are here at all -this mind that can operate so incredibly subtly -sunsets etc. -altruism -in fact, I see it everywhere I take the moment to consider. (I do not think recognizing grace is ignoring evil..) God in everything, giving and loving. For this to cease at any point seems unlikely to me. This grace is so huge so pervasive so seemingly impelled by some force (love?) that it's only logical to me that it wash over and past the point of biological death like an ocean wave Yes, a tsunami of life and grace. Is this Pollyanna-ish? I don't think so. With eyes wide open to the horrors of human and worldy reality, I still see grace far out distancing evil. How can it not, for there is grace in every flutter of a bird (or bat) wing, every beam of sunlight, every molecule of neurotransmitter's journey across the synapses of our brain. Such are my thoughts this early Sunday morning. Peace and love, Plots *note that we haven't really spoken yet of a definition of heaven: -personality survival? Perhpas, but we should beware of imposing our desires on this (present and ) future. We are most spiritual in an enjoying mode - not creating! Also Jesus said "The kingdom of heaven is within you." So, something about heaven is already begun.
What is more likely true. That is why I tell people that the grace they have experienced in this life is most likely continued and unimaginably superceded in the next. Why would it end?