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Kit Sober

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Everything posted by Kit Sober

  1. Christian (There have been a lot of stuff on the other words of the title of the class. . . . ) From P-Mosh Mysogyny is NOT inherent in Christian groups. In TWI, yes, but mysogyny (hatred of women) is not a Christian virtue. :)--> Jesus loves his wife -- the bride of Christ -- so much -- it's unfathomable. :)--> men like that do exist today. In twi I never saw one, although have seen men who love their wives among people who have left twi. :)--> The first flesh-and-blood man who loved his wife like that I saw was in Catholic Church. The second one was, too. I think this is because Catholic church teaches: 1. Reverence for Christ and His Cross 2. Personal accountability for working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. (I was recently reading an article from The Catholic Digest, "Prayers at the Kitchen Sink," which dealt with the living prayer of the work we do day by day, which is a recurring theme in the magazine. :)--> Billy Graham, James Dobson and so many other public Christians do love their wives in a Christian way. In order to last in the mainstream body of Christ you do need to have your house in order. Not the least of an example of this was Johnny Cash. :(--> the phony hypocritical man-use-a-woman we came to experience in twi is not the Normal Christian way. NOTE ON LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE: The best times of CF&S I had in twi were the laughing times. Gary Giles ran a CF&S class and his kindhearted tenderness kept it together with some nice humor. Also on this thread there are some really funny lines. example: Someone says, "offhand comment about masturbation" and later there is a post, "... all masturbation was offhand:)-->" I wish I could go through with a highlighter and mark them. Thanks to all of your for your kindness, :)-->," God [This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 20, 2003 at 11:24.] [This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 20, 2003 at 11:27.]
  2. Well, I am hoping some whiz knows how to whiz-away private topics that are complete. Thanks, :)-->," God
  3. A note on deleted threads. If you can't find a thread, do a "Find" search. (It may have been only moved.) If you still can't find it, email "Contact Us," and most wonderful Pawtucket can figure out what happened to it. :)-->," God
  4. Well the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights seems to love the movie: "The Catalyst" newspaper article about "The Passion" (no pictures) :)-->," God
  5. It is getting earlier in it's sweep across the nite sky. But i keep missing it's set. What time do I need to get up to see it set in the morning? :)-->," God
  6. Dear Oakspear, Authority for Jesus being born Tishri 1 -- makes sense to me. Somethings fit, and some things don't. Hypocricy doesn't fit. Jesus fits. He fits inside me, and I fit inside Him. I started this thread only for people who think Jesus was born Tishri 1 and who may have had some hurt which could be cleared up by making this distinction between 9/11 3BC, which was tishri 1 at that year (as some of us understand it), and 9/11 2001 -- It was a hurtful point to me until it dawned on me that Tishri 1 was the important item, not 9/11. Over in the doctrine forum there is a thread I started regarding the subject of the devil getting kicked out of heaven, and I hoped to get input from some others on the subject. For me, when Fred gets something from Holy Spirit it's the most substantial authority I know. Thread in "doctrine" forum And I did say, "60000 years or so" And I have been enjoying watching mars, linked with war (which we are in), sweep across the sky each nite. Hopefully, :)-->," God
  7. thanks WhiteDove, Here is link to a calendar -- there is a vast resource of stuff on the Internet regarding these things. Jewish Calendar :)-->," God
  8. To set the record straight. 9/11/01 was not Jesus' birthdate. -- 9/11/01 was not the anniversary of His birth. Calculating Jesus? birthdate. . . . Wishing Him happy birthday -- celebrating the birthday of Him so loved. And so much more. Tishri 1 ? 1st day of Rosh Hashanah (Rosh Hashanah is Tishri 1 and Tishri 2) NOTE: Beginning of Day A day on the Jewish calendar begins at sunset. When a date is given for a Jewish holiday, the holiday actually begins at sundown on the preceding day. Rosh Hashanah was 2001 year 9/18. This year, 9/27 · September 30, 2000 (Jewish Year 5761) · September 18, 2001 (Jewish Year 5762) · September 7, 2002 (Jewish Year 5763) · September 27, 2003 (Jewish Year 5764) · September 16, 2004 (Jewish Year 5765) · October 4, 2005 (Jewish Year 5766) · September 23, 2006 (Jewish Year 5767) If you want to see something appropriate for 9/11/01 disasters, look at the sky from about 8:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Southern sky and see Mars. This "closest it's been in 60000 years or so" is the anniversary of the devil getting kicked out of heaven -- his ruler ship here and now is limited as well. hint: I read ahead to the end of the book (you can, too) -- God wins. :)-->," God [This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 11, 2003 at 23:34.]
  9. :)--> It's a place to vent -- let out the steam buildup from varying amounts of pressure-container existence from not being able to express true feelings / personal opinions, etc. And it's so nice for all of us to have a place to speak our piece. :)--> Inspiration for those who are afraid to be a be-leaver. There is really some good living and GOOD loving outside of twi. :)--> Place to learn about computer / internet world. It's the people here and at the fore-runners of WayDale and Trancechat that took the time to show me the way to do stuff on the computer. :)--> There's a place here to grieve for people loved who have fallen asleep. :)--> There's a place here to post prayer requests which get some good praying over. :)--> It's a safe place to kick back and enjoy good food, good fun and games, and pleasant conversation, (Birthday cake is never stale, and the champagne is always bubbly!) p.s. It takes all of the cafe patrons to make this place so nice. :)-->," God
  10. Rafael. Thanks for setting the title straight. Those pictures of the aurora borealis is probably the closest I'll ever get to see it. Fred liked it because it used real concepts to make it. I liked it because of the father/son communication. :)-->," God
  11. bible movies are good -- timeless, really. Fred and I just got "The Bible, In the Beginning" It's a wonderful Life all Elvis movies. White Nights (Gregory Hines and Michail Baryshnikov) Other Gregory Hines movies I love: The Tic Code (an awesome picture of compassion), Tap, and The Cotton Club. :)-->," God [This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 06, 2003 at 17:28.]
  12. :)-->," God (sorry, Pirate, please forgive me, but I couldn't resist.)
  13. Jim Cavaziel -- He has an amazing movie, "Frequency," which a radio ham especially will enjoy because of the accuracy with which ham radio is dealt with. (Fred is a ham.) Cavaziel is also Catholic. One nice thing I like about Catholics is that their religion is generally speaking part of their lifestyle. I.e., a Catholic is more likely to let his life be his sermon. Much of the schools, hospitals, and social service programs have been begun and are staffed today by Catholics. :)-->," God [This message was edited by Kit Sober on September 06, 2003 at 23:20.]
  14. thanks, Pirate. (They didn't have the Reno drive-in Fred and I go to, so I emailed them.) Thanks, again, :)-->," God
  15. I got this jumping clown at Way Dale you are welcome to use :)-->," God
  16. Mars-watching is really for all of us. (Just like the event this celebrates, the casting down of the devil out of heaven, this one's for us.) Anyone can see it. Like a street-light in the sky, it sweeps across the night-time sky just about from dusk to sunrise, southeast to southwest as noted in the first post. I think it's especially neat that APOD picked this picture which was made by a guy in Nevada. (Sin may dwell here but also some wonderful love-ly people, bright stars in the dark nite, live in Nevada as well.) Astronomy question: How long will we be able to watch Mars like this? Hopefully, :)-->," God
  17. From APOD: 8/27/03 picture of the day: :)-->," God
  18. Kit Sober

    This is for Kit

    Well there was Laney College - I worked at the AGE pharmacy across the street frm the Coliseum. "Loaded" memories -- not drug-loaded, just packed-full memories -- from the home of Hell's Angels, Black Panthers and the Way West. . . (Didn't anything good come out of Oakland?) Son Kevin was born at the same time as the superbowl -- If he ever forgets how old he is, he can just check out the Superbowl. . . Hopefully, :)-->," God
  19. Fred thought the reason he saw this movie was to pray for Jack Nicholson especially. Fred was concerned that the depression of the movie would become a reality to Nicholson and get him thinking about dying. (Didn't this course run for Walter Mathau?) Hopefully, :)-->," God
  20. again and again, Happy Anniversary! ! ! And cake, too, for you! :)-->," God
  21. Deep prayer. Doesn't always give you the results you want (healing), but always gives the Lord's hand added strength into the situation. Praying with you and praying for you, :)-->," God
  22. Happy Anniversary George and Suzie:)--> :)--> :)--> :)-->," God [This message was edited by Kit Sober on August 15, 2003 at 18:08.]
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