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Kit Sober

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Everything posted by Kit Sober

  1. Kit Sober

    Katrina animation

    Awesome. Thanks for posting this. Kit
  2. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY How God created mother God took the fragrance of a flower, The majesty of a tree, The gentleness of morning dew, The calm of a quiet sea, The beauty of a twilight hour, The soul of a starry night The laughter of the rippling brook, The grace of a bird in flight, Then God fashioned from these things A creation like no other, And when His masterpiece was through, He called it simply .....MOTHER. My mother kept a garden
  3. Mo, How long does your spring last? How much weeding is there? I got 3 garbage cans of weeds pulled today (and that's not the half of it). But the roses and other things have more room to breath. Spring is so nice.
  4. Those of us who, on Mother's Day, feel bereft, Our celebration may be for the legacy they left. Our moms were for us a cleft in the Rock, Their kindness and love was not empty talk. In honor of them we live. In honor of them we give. And help make their view from heaven, A happy Mother's Day rejoicing.
  5. Kit Sober

    Just Some Quotes

    Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. G. K. Chesterton
  6. Thanks for your time and effort to help me resolve this. These images still show on the old birthday threads -- you can look at the archived birthday threads -- which probably would be ok to be deleted -- and my graphics appear. That's why I thought it was a command issue or a formatting issue, not an issue with the graphic itself. (My signature graphic is at the same place.) You can run an index to see all the different graphics on all my folders at aol except for http://www.members.aol.com/kitsober -- that just brings up a "web page."
  7. Happy Mother's Day Beary nice Jacquie Lawson mother's day card One Flaw In Women Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution. They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart. Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideas. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give. HOWEVER, IF THERE IS ONE FLAW IN WOMEN, IT IS THAT THEY FORGET THEIR WORTH.
  8. Just before the "long time Christian Bookstore" near where I lived at the time folded, I asked the clerk about a "I will set no wicked thing before my eyes Psalm 101.3" desktop item. He laughed and said, "it's a little extreme for me." I was stunned. And then the store closed. Christians cannot make it without extreme integrity -- Without extreme commitment and devotion, which brings extreme help from the Lord. Also the internet I think is becoming our playground, and it provides many avenues to "witness" (show forth) our Christian love and integrity. I believe that the Internet provides a connection fabric for the body of Christ, not to mention the details of Bible study the computer provides. In hope,
  9. my pictures are on http://www.members.aol.com/kitsoberx and now I get a message that says my pictures aren't allowed? ? ? What can I do? (a picture would be http:// www. aol. members/kitsober/birthdays/cake1.gif) Thanks,
  10. Spring cleaning card by Jacqui Lawson Weeds and rubbish be gone! I think that when we get to heaven we will be able to say, "Beds be made" and they will be made (and it will be very good). But until then, the mop and rake, broom and hoe are required for the work. Hope you have fun at it.
  11. I have a new coworker and we laugh together a lot. It's been really nice, and when praying this morning , I asked the Lord why it was so nice to laugh with Lisa I haven't had such a nice time with someone in over 15 years, before the last friend I had died. And I know some really nice people. And the Holy Spirit said, "She would endure torture for you and not betray you. You are safe with her." That was quite a testimony of a friend -- what a friend is, from God's viewpoint.
  12. A friend sent this in email: Da Vinci Code link
  13. The Companion bible is still nice as well as available. Fred just got a new Companion Bible. I also like The Message. But because of the time and heart invested in KJV, it's where I find the shortest distance to the Throne of Grace. Agreed about twi notes. (How foolish we could be!!!!) Kit
  14. Don't forget that things have a way of balancing themselves out. (That which goes around comes around.) One of my favorites is Abigail and Nabal -- Abigail didn't need to dirty herself with fighting. And she got a righteous reward for her diligent Godliness. (I Samuel 25) People like this just eat themselves up. Praying for a resolution from heaven,
  15. This is the subject of a daily devotional I received in email a couple of days ago, the point of which was that we really are all members of the body of Christ and are here on this earth to help each other. "Am I my brother's keeper?" is a question from the first murderer. We are our brother's keeper, to include taking care of the natural resources for our progeny to reaching out to help one another all we have. The concept of helping one another (going beyond preaching at people) is why I have grown into the Catholic church. They are really into helping others - from the local charities to missions abroad which build sanitation and fresh water facilities, schools and orphanages and hospitals as needed to help folks (of course some monasteries make fine wine and fudge to support their endeavors as well). This concept also goes along with the parable of the spoons topic that is going on alongside this one.
  16. Kit Sober

    This Past Week

    Glad to hear you are doing well!!! Welcome back. (No lost email from me. It's just so nice to hear people come back from the hospital and are doing "wonderfully.")
  17. preface: I am on travel about once a month for a week at a time and stay in hotel room at the Casino where I am performing the audit work. 1. This is really true story. 2. Raf I wouldn't throw out the soaps because that is wasteful. (It wouldn't be a happy meeting with my mother in heaven.) 3. I just pile the soaps, coffee and other stuff they keep leaving in the ice bucket, with hope that they will reuse it when I leave. 4. My to-this-day unsolveable dilemma: When housekeeping cleans the toilet, they leave the toilet seat up for room inspection. I have taped notes to the seat, etc. And, after almost 5 years of this have given up. I just return to my room after they have cleaned and put the toilet seat down. My two sons and husband could learn to put the toilet seat down, but not the Peppermill housecleaning staff. (They even leave the toilet seats up in the women's bathroom.) It's a hopeless dilemma I fear. Kit
  18. I tried to post a link to a picture of mine and got an error message. [ i m g ]http://www.members.aol.com/kitsober3/xxxx.art[ / i m g ]
  19. Well I asked a Christian friend who is LDS, and he said this was done by a spinoff bunch, and does not accurately reflect the Church of Latter Day Saints and their philosophy or attitudes or morals. From what he said, this series was intentionally written to stir up controversy and animosity. The LDS have done some lovely movies, as I noted above. This is not like a Greasespot Cafe version of TWI because the "big love" series is speaking lies against the LDS church, whereas a Greasespot Cafe version of twi would be exposing the lies of twi. Here at Greasespot Cafe we don't need to make up lies about twi to ridicule that place. Big difference. LDS is filled with many wonderful Christians who are doing their utmost to give Christ's love into the world. Hopefully,
  20. As a Catholic, I love the sacrament of reconciliation (what they now call the previousy styled confession). I find that it really helps keep me humble, and further clears the way for me to confess to those I have wronged. Another nice thing this sacrament does is to keep me ever aware of my sins, rather than others'. When you go to confesssion, you just never confess someone else's sins, only your own. That's the challenge of personal accountability. (I have never tried to confess someone else's sins in there -- Father forgive my husband he has sinned.... I don't think that would work.) Hopefully,
  21. I think many of us have been there for the miracles upon miracles of healing of high-faith times, but it is callous and cruel to believe that those who don't get "delivered" (In the way we think they should) are in sin of unbelief somehow. Such thinking ridicules the persecuted church -- those being tortured for Christ far beyond what we could even imagine -- and also dear precious saints who do suffer in this earthly body and look forward to the redemption of their flesh if not in this life in that which is to come. (Jim Martin also has been enduring some of this insensitivity from his ex-way Yahoo group in recent days.) I am going through a bitter skin rash situation (on my face where everyone can see -- and it's really ugly), and I got the old "you're not believing" routine (it just comes so natural to any ex-twi person), but the doctor said my problem was that the cream I was using to "heal" it was actually spreading it, and she gave me 4 horse pills, told me to take 2 and then 2 12 hours later, and my skin feels like it is on the way to healing -- and it didn't have anything to do with my unbelief. And the help came with some merciful kindness, some physical instruction, and some medicine to help me along. Maybe if vpw hadn't set such bitter standards against people who were sick, he might have had more merciful and spiritual a life style.
  22. I have attended (and joined) Assembly of God, Baptist, and a couple of non-denomination charismatic churches, and enjoyed it all, learning about other corners of the sheepfold so to speak. My favorite now is Catholic. I have found them to be most humble and interested in helping people (not just preaching to them). It's Catholics that build schools and hospitals, provide sanitation and running water and opportunities for people to have busineses (giving a family a sheep or cow or goat to start off with in their self-improvement). It seems to me that now, at long last, my tithe (whatever you want to call charitable giving) is really helping people have a better life. That to me is a great blessing. It seemed to me that for our recent disasters, Katrina and in Florida, the most efficient and really helpful personal help came from Christian groups that pitched in and gave of their time and life and resources. that was neat to see. One dear true-Christian friend in Louisiana had listened to the Lord and "had plenty of water and food for everyone." I just think Christians should be being about the business of helping out people along the way. Hopefully,
  23. Kit Sober

    Best of Craigslist

    Thanks. Interesing stuff.
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