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Thomas Loy Bumgarner

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Everything posted by Thomas Loy Bumgarner

  1. omg, now the Affordable Care website has infected GSC :biglaugh:/> o
  2. wanted to highlight the last sentence of my reply but don't know how to, as it relates to the original post
  3. zbrick, wow(and I don't mean Word over the World), you still run PFAL classes? In addition to my Lutheran congregation, I host an organic church, egalitarian/equalist which has no offices or titles, and I run Alpha, Open Home/Open Bible, 8 Searching Issues, Purpose Driven Life, Foundations, Christian Believer, Beginings series, Christianity Explored, Discipleship Explored, Reality, Walk the Talk, Life Worth Living, Jesus Lifestyle, Power Surge, Christian Life and Witness, and Beta video classes for free and meals/snacks/refreshments lasting less than 2 hours usually and with small group discussion after the presentation. Far better than Power For Abundant Living/Way of Abundance and Power. I feel sorry for you. btw, read Frank Viola and Leonard Sweet's Jesus: a Theography, much better than Jesus Christ is not God or One God and One Lord from Spirit and Truth Fellowship. by the way(pun intended) is Martindale Peter Pan, Wierwille Captain Hook, and Rivenbark Tinkerbell? :biglaugh:/> guess that makes us Smee and the Lost Boys
  4. wish John Juddes would explore that subject
  5. same with me using Freedom of Information Act. They replied I wasn't a journalist nor police with a warrant.
  6. I would like to know what college courses VPW took at Lakeland and Princeton, and what were his grades. Proably B and C average.
  7. What would our lives been if there had never been TWI at all? Maybe less stress and paranoia
  8. lol sunshine lollipops, rainbows, unicorns, and My Little Pony. btw how does one move the Word(JC)? oh, you mean the Bible. Just pick it up in your hands, hehe
  9. Classes at my church like Alpha, Beginings, Purpose Driven Life, etc are free including the meal, DVD's, books because the congregation bought the materials from the church budget for Christian Education. Now if individuals want to freely donate cash to offset the expenses, then fine. But no mandatory fees. But TWI was money hungry.
  10. Why am I having login problems?

    1. Thomas Loy Bumgarner

      Thomas Loy Bumgarner

      Site won't allow me to post on forums

    2. Human without the bean

      Human without the bean

      the forums seems to be running for me Thomas. Double check your using the correct name and password.That's all I can figure.

    3. Thomas Loy Bumgarner

      Thomas Loy Bumgarner

      for 6 days I couldn't see the forums. I think yahoo has tried to remove me from this site, keeps happening about every 6 months

  11. Removed.... by request. The info points to a specific individual.
  12. Money offerings to denominations, sects, and cults are to pay for full time ordained clergy and staff such as secretaries/communication directors, techers, and musicians as well as for utilities(water/sewer, elctricity, heating/AC), purchasing books, cd's and dvd's, sheet music; physical upkeep of buildings and property, etc. Not exactly what Christ or the apostles had in mind.
  13. you guys, what's inside your brain? apologies to Alec Baldwin and Capital 1
  14. actually Loy is a German name, based on Lutheran pastor Matthias Loy from the 1800's from Ohio.
  15. hi to Linder, Rosie the Riverter and Donna Jean, bet you all are on walkers now and got dentures. TWI's answer to Once Upon A Time(Regina/Cora),Captain Hook and Rumpelstilkin aka as Mr. Gold). This is the Doctor(no,not John Hurt you ninnies). So how is The Way's answer to FBI,CIA,NSA,IRS, and Department of Justice doing these days with your spying and weak terrorism?
  16. gee, Mr. Squirrel, new potential coverts,ehh zombies to take PFAL, oops meant WAP, a new Jesus People Movement instead of San Fransisco to boost attendance for the 60 or less at TWI. Someone contact Hillsong United, Casting Crowns, Lincoln Brewster, Jeremy Camp, 10th Avenue North. Ohh, they have to take Way Corps instruction and Disciples of The Way, and be vetted for brainwashing
  17. gee, I wonder how many TWI people are now working at NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, DOJ, and State? :blink: :unsure: :wacko:
  18. Sky, sorry that "leadership" didn't really get what you were aiming for, otherwise TWI might have turned out differently and possibly gotten some respect from mainline denominational Christianity.
  19. I really prefer Alpha, Beginings, Foundations, Reality, and Open Home/Open Bible with snacks/refreshments/meals, and small group discussions over PFAL/WAP anytime.
  20. TWI is a mere blip in NK area. More people attend Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, UCC, Baptist, Assemblies of God in New Knoxville, New Bremen, Wapokeneta, Sidney, and St. Mary's combined compared to the children of the cornfield cult in 100 mile radius.
  21. Ex, was that the summer of '76? I lived in Greensboro doing summer NC Minuteman program(left in middle of July when I could not get a job)
  22. There are many independent organic, simple churches where there are no ordained clergy in several cities/counties that network together and do not interfere or bully others. Theoretically only Jesus Christ is the only ordained person(any Christian believer can perform weddings, administer Communion, no salaries, etc.). Doglover is right about local churches determining demonstrating God's love(agape), whether Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, food pantries/banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, Goodwill thrift stores, etc. On another thread I suggested Frank Viola's Finding Organic Church, and Re-imagining Church as 2 books talking about simple church(David Cook Publishing in Colorado). Check them out.
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