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Georgio Jessio

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Everything posted by Georgio Jessio

  1. Why am I responding to this? I don't know but I just wanted to pint out: "Well, this black man behind us starts in on me. I tried to ignore him (this was on a Friday night, by the way...crowded) but he kept it up. Finally I asked him how many beers he had. He then got righteously indignant and threatened to get physical with me in the parking lot." So instead of saying nothing to a drunk man, or asking him to leave you alone you said "how many beers did you have" That's called "not rising above the crap" and making a bad situation worse. If he indeed was drunk then you walked right into it. Use wisdom, don't be confrontational to the ignorant and drunk people unless you want problems. Did you expect your statement would defuse the situation? It was ONLY going to make it worse. "he played the democrat card; said Republicans were making all the world's problems (which, to him meant white people)" This seems to be all in your imagination. Did he say that by "Republican" he meant "White people"? Or did you imagine that part? Even so, don't validate him! "Also, he did this right in front of my kid!!! Not smart. What kind of message does it send to a kid if I just sit there and take abuse like that? It says, "How can my dad protect me if he won't even protect himself?" Protect? Were you really in danger? You taught your kid to validate loudmouth drunkards by arguing with them. I would teach my kid that booze is making this guy act like a fool. I don't totally disagree with everything you said but it would be nice if you owned your part in this confrontation.
  2. "Looking down at my "Livestrong" bracelet, I think back to those ROA armbands. Did you ever see anyone get kicked out for not having one, or anyone ever even check for them?" Yes, a couple of times. One time in the 70's there was this amazingly drunk guy walking around. Bless Patrol asked him for a bracelet , he didn't have one so they took him away. Another time, when I was Junior Corps, we had some friends (with fake IDs) come stay with us. On the 3rd day Ch3t St0k1 (F10) found a bottle of Jim Beam in out Teen tEnt area and started checking for wrist bands. Kicked our friends back to Rome City. The ROA was my woodstock. I loved it. But it became more and more structured to the point that it stopped being fun. '86 was the end for me also.
  3. Oh, they believed it. That's the weirdest part. Vic was Joe Pokerface. He taught me alot of things that he knew damn well made no sense and were indefensable. But I, like many, teated him like he was God. So, no, you couldn't tell when he wasn't , uh, being completely truthful.
  4. Evan, if you're Evan P. then you were there when this happened. Also I cannot take credit for "moneyhands" Not sure who started that here but it is pretty funny.
  5. Not only did they tell me that, I think they were thrilled in a sick way. Because they teach that the adversary can possess people and make people levitate and all kinds of supernatural things (Mohammed Ali's "Phantom" knock out, the long jump record = both were acts of the devil) So now they had "proof". I was being groomed to be a future leader, so they just loved the fact that the devil hated me so much (read: was intimidated by me) that he would try to stop me from being able to read. He couldn't attack me personally because I was on God's team so he dematerialized my glasses. Makes perfect sense. It's so sick, they way they think.
  6. TJ (Tick Junior) almost killed me once. Had no idea he was a guard dog.
  7. Which reminds me of another glasses story involving TWI. I think I told this here or at waydale before. Short version. My eyes were starting to go so I was prescribed glasses. This was in Rome City, I was probably around 11 years old. So, like a kid might do, I immediately lost my glasses. They were just gone. We looked for a week. Long story short, Bob Moneyhands and Gr*g Be*na*di*i decided that my glasses were DEMATERIALIZED (remember that advanced class grads?) by the devil so I wouldn't be able to read the bible. Of course they turned up a few days after that. Not because I in fact lost them. No it was because they were REMATERIALIZED by God due to my prayers. Think about how that would effect a kid. I thought I was living in a sci-fi movie for 1/2 my life. Devil spirits everywhere posessing my non-way friends and family, making my glasses vanish and such. It was truly a fantasy world. More like a nightmare.
  8. Other than the fact that I can't spell "museum" I feel mich better now. We were on a tour. I was like 8 years old. They told us not to touch anything. As the tour left the room, I picked up the glasses and they snapped. I almost passed ou from fear and dred. Then a comment was made, quite some time later, about how someone had broken them. More worry. I kept waiting for someone to get revelation that would reveal my secret. For some strange reason that never happened. No one ever knew until today! I carried that dark secret, which seems sily now. But at the time I felt like I defiled the pope. One lense HAHA.
  9. Were there any at all beside Claudette? I doubt she slept with Vic. He always made a point of saying how he had a thing against blacks untill he met her. That was probablt a really bad pick up line.
  10. Clearly Vic was not crazy, just deranged. PS I was the one who accidently broke his glasses on display at the old Lima museaum. Glad I got that off my chest. It happened in 79 and I still feel bad.
  11. You know how "the preachers kid" is always bad? I used to hang out with some of the offspring of the big leaders, including BOT and LC's/RC's. They were often the worst. They were the one's with the fake IDs, the hotel parties, etc. It used to blow my mind that these kids were this bad. I mean, I could be bad too but someof these kids were over the top. But not Br*an Moneyhands. He was always a brown noser and really condesending. He knew who his dad was. He was not afraid to remind you of it. He was my least favorite person of all the Junior Coprs, ever. I KNEW he'd go right up that ladder someday. He has the people skills for it, meaning none. He's brash and arrogant and perfect to run TWI someday. I hope one day to run into him in a dark ally. He, as a "peer", used to humiliate me and others on a regular basis. Sounds like he has the makings of TWI royalty to me. Good luck to him. I seriously hope he is President someday so I can have an excuse to make his life miserable. Not that I hold a grudge or anything. haha OK thats's off my chest.
  12. Wow I don't know what I was on when I wrote "If you wanna cht hit u my email." I'm usually a litte more better a talker than that. Just wanted to let you know, I'm not a maroon. We probably do know each other. Don't be put off by my mastery of Englishness.
  13. Hello and welcome. I was raised in TWI. Got in from age 4 left at age 17. If you wanna cht hit u my email. We may even know each other. I was in from early 70's left in the 80's. I was Junior Corps F9. I went thru much of the same stuff you did and are still going thru. peace
  14. http://www.faithdivine.com/bionewcomb.htm
  15. I was in residence with him. Funny funny man.
  16. Georgio Jessio


    and still know one knows Martha Leberge? Circa 1980/81.
  17. I must say that during the 70's there were people who left and went back. I doubt many of them had declared twi a cult and had seen and understood the pure evil that happens backstage. That's why my friend going back in is so perplexing. I hadn't heard of anyone who left and went back after POP and the whole Martindale fallout. I have never been so dissapointed. I ,however, do have dreams that I go to the ROA even tho I'm out. I go and it's a little different, it's smaller but it's basicly the same old ROA. I see familiar faces and say HI and leave still convinced I am not interested in going back. I also dream about Rome City all the time too. PTSD!
  18. So about 3 years ago I was reunited with my best friend from my junior corps days. We hadn't seen each other in nearly 15 years. I left in the 80's , he left in 99. When I left I was M&A so he refused to speak to me. Then years later I found him on the internet and we were reunited. I , of course, didn't hold the M&A blackballing against him. We were young and brainwashed. We met up , I think I posted the details of this meeting here when it happened. We spoke at length about what a cult TWI is and how destructive it was to our lives. We agreed on everything, it just took him a while longer than i did to see it and get out. Our reunion was so sweet and our friendship hadn't missed a beat. So much so that he was an usher at my wedding 2 years ago. That was a huge thrill for me. Recently I have noticed that he hasn't returned my email, so I sent him another and included the joke: what are you back in The Way? Write back will ya? His reply: well as a matter of fact I have been going to fellowship and it's been a real blessing. But don't worry this won't effect our relationship. Except it has. He doesn't return my calls or email. We were emailing each other once or twice a month then one day he just didn't reply. I sent him another email recently and he tells me he just got married and honey-mooned in New Knoxville!!!!!! I am stunned. He's the only one I have ever heard of who went back! I've lost my friend AGAIN.
  19. I didn't read all five pages, please forgive me if this question is foolish and unlearned: did Harve post here? I haven't been here in a while. What's up with that?
  20. My 2nd year in residence we had THREE corps (8,9,10) because that was the year they switched the program to 2 straight years instead of one in, one in the field and one back in. That year our bedroom was 6 single moms with their teenage sons. That lasted a day. Dot thought we should renew our minds. We talked her out of that silly arrangement. She gave in but reporeved us first.
  21. "Moonlight" Graham from "Field of Dreams" in the Baseball Encyclopedia" Birth Name: Archibald Wright Graham Bats: Left Born On: 11-09-1876 Throws: Right Born In: Fayetteville, North Carolina Height : 5-10½ Died On: 08-25-1965 Weight : 170 Died In: Chisholm, Minnesota First Game: 06-29-1905 College: North Carolina & Maryland Last Game: 06-29-1905 Nickname: Moonlight
  22. "There was Tony Collins of the NE Patriots." Interesting story about him, draw your own conclusion. One year we had a prayer weekend for him because the Pats were playing the Jets. We prayed that "seed boy" Mark Gastineau wouldn't tackle him. Gas was a feared man at the time, freakishly (steroids) strong. TWI said he was possesed and that we didn't want him to knock his seed into Tony. Sure enough, Tony Collins had the greates single rushing yards in Pats histoy and was never tackled by Gas. That record still stands. We took credit for it. Poor Tony has had nothing but problems since then. I also was told that Henry Winkler took PFAL. I think that's crap. The best part of that rumor was the it was a secret, so he woulnd't ruin his career! Then there was Ford Agency model Lake Daily. Where's she now? Paula Smith, tennis pro "chose" to become a lesbian. Island Weiss deals art to the stars : http://www.islandweiss.com/pages/gallery.html Billy Falcon was a major label artist and worked with Bon Jovi. Irving Fryar took PFAL at my house. He's a minister to this day, not with TWI. Tony Phillips of the oakland A's was another troubled dude. Funny how PFAL won't stop you from doing drugs. Dave Garibaldi, still with Tower of Power after his TWI induced hiatus. Most of the others are rumours Dale Earnhart never took the class. Bill Lamb, wrestling coach was never as famous as he was made out to be. "Irving Fryar, of New England Patriots fame, played for the Tampa Bay Bucaneers later on in his career." It was the Miami Dolphins. He's going to be a hall of famer.
  23. MiniCorpsConscript, I was in F9 and was probably there when you were. Yes we were beaten with spoons. Yes the "Hall Moniters" were called ROVERS. We used to "believe God" that we would get a gentle rover. I am here if you need to discuss this , here or in private. We basicly had a thousand parents. Everyone had permission to "reprove" other people's kids. I also have memories of sexual issues but I never knew of anything happening with kids as young as you were. It was all with teens. Welcome to GS and if you ever need to talk, let me know.
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