Georgio Jessio
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Everything posted by Georgio Jessio
Wish I could see it but I have been M&A'd. EDIT* OK I did get in. There are questions being asked and not answered. Surprise surprise. One kid refered to America as a "Juish" nation. Not a direct quote. But questions about The Myth of the 6 million, eve being a lesbian and will you die if you leave TWI are being ignored. One kid did say that Craig's teaching that you could die has been "corrected". Of course there's audio of Donna saying that leaving can kill you but apparently a teaching needs to be CORRECTED before she'll change her mind about something that is obviously wrong (see Naomi Poling). These poor kids.
Not only do they want to forget the past but they want to downplay things like rape as people "letting you down". It's more than just youth at work there. They have been coached. Or is it coaxed?
I sent the MOD this: "Hi , hate to bother you. Just trying to figure out why my post on your WayInt group was deleted. All I said was "They're talking about you" and posted a link to a conversation about your group that was talking place at greasespotcafe.com I didn't post an opinion or flame anyone. I was just interested in the flow of ideas. Debates are better when both sides get to talk. The guy who started that topic wanted to know about the way and about those who oppose the way. How can you be for something if you don't know what the people who are against it have to say? Did I do something wrong?" HER reply: "no it's cool it's just it's not really a 'debate' forum. Everyone is fully aware of the greasespot cafe and I'm supposed to keep it 'debate' free. Questions about the ministry, what they teach, etc.. are fine. But if it gets into pointing fingers and this is wrong and this teaching is right, this person did me wrong, blah blah... it's no good. Never gets anywhere. People will always screw up and disappoint you, and people blame the ministry when someone does something to disappoint them. First and foremost we're here to learn about God and his Word, not to bash on ministries. I've never found a ministry that has rightly divided the word the way the Way does. I've been to plenty of churches believe me. I will unban you as long as you keep it debate free. We have all our answers in the Bible. That is our standard. peace" She, in true TWI fashion, latched onto the word "debate" and disregarded the rest. The entire topic is about TWI vs. Greasepotcafe. How can you have that conversation without a debate? Textbook answers.
I posted a link to this topic and *surprise* it was deleted. ANything but the free exchange of ideas. What are they afraid of? Oh yea, I forgot...Devil Posession. I hate when that happens.
myspace is great for bands and indie film makers. I get more hits and downloads there than I do at my actual web site. It's a great tool, but like Yahoo, AOL and MSN, there are perverts looking for kids to molest. The answer is not to single out one site that has the same problems as all the other sites , but to keep an eye on what your kids are doing and to educate them. Myspace has no unique problems. As for these Way kids and their non sense posts "defending" TWI, don't blame them. I was one of them, years ago. I used to make the same lame arguments, full of holes and lacking logic. They're trained, they're afraid to be wrong because their whole belief system crumbles if the allegations against the way are true. When I figured it out and left (age 17) my life went into a tailspin and it took me years to recover. Not because I left the umbrella of protection but because I was finishing high school and was going to go WOW, then go into The Corps and become a full time Way lifer. Suddenly that plan was out, due to my own choice, but I had no "Plan B". When you give your life to TWI, you can't have a Plan B. You go WOW, you don't have a plan in case WOW isn't for you. You go into the corps, you don't have money put away incase you decide to drop or , worse, in case you get kicked out. So, like adults in TWI but at a more fragile age, alot of these kids CAN'T leave or their entire belief system and many of their goals will be shattered. It's intimidating. It causes you to defend TWI despite the truth. The good news is, alot of these kids seem otherwise bright and will figure it out on through their own experiences.
There is a topic on there about GS Cafe: matt asks: "I have been researching different religions. I ran across The Way during a google search. I was reading a web site called Grease Spot Cafe that is where I found this group. Grease Spot Cafe seems to have a lot of as they say "ex twi" that say there were awful things that went on there. I am just wondering can anyone tell me what is true about the Way International? You all seem like great people here. " some pro TWI replies: "Before leadership changed, The Way had a 'fallout', I guess you could say. They don't really talk about it, but when you look at most new churches there's always so distrubtion. With the new leadership, altough it itsnt really new now, I guess - The Way is about the way it should be. Yes, there is a lot of bad press, but its old press from the 90s mostly. If one person has a bad experience then it gets bigger and bigger. We're still a new way of believing and its bound to ruffle a lot of feathers." another: "Actually the "Way International" has had 2 major fallouts so to say.... One was when the founding president gave up his leadership position (Dr Victor Paul Weirwille). This was due to people following a person ( it would be as catholic priest leaving the vadican because the pope dies or sumthin) And then the second was when the secound president resigned after having some personal problems. (again people followed the person and were hurt by his actions and still hold a grudge this day) But aside from that the way international has its own webpage if you want to check it out. www.theway.org And as in response to other sites people have there own opinion as to what happened to them or what they think the way international does some of it is true some of it is not.... I know alot of people let personal feelings decieded what they say instead of what really happened So if you go off of what ex people say I guess ure getting a old response because the way international is different from what they remeber And research isnt bad but you have 2 watch what you read I could make a website and say the sky is red... I mean its not that hard to make people believe what you say. But I would suggest checking out the actual web site it has alot of good information straight from the church" more: "for your information the way doesnt hide stuff from people... If some one wants to know that information they can go and ask. But since no one ask for that information they dont give it out. It would be the same thing as if some one was in the catholic church they didnt tell people that there priest were rapping young boys so once it was public they said stuff but not tell then. Like our government they dont give out any infornmation till some one does something welcome to the world of politics. Im amazed you dont understand that concept but what ever, and if you were in desire of that information you should of kept it to your self, but it seems you dont have the curtisy to keep peace. so I hope you enjoy your research and some of it might be true and some might not why dont if you want to be a reporter about it go and get more facts from like lets say "The Way International" Sowy to be rude but some people should keep there opinion to there self if all it has is personal gain and it wont help others." "Have you read the Word of God lately? Have you read of how the Church of God fell away from Paul? There is nothing new under the sun, today and forever. Money, Money, Money! Will the world ever learn? What in the world do you need money for Micky? Have you not read, my God will supply all your needs? Why in the world would The Way International proclaim such power packed statements about the true Word of God, on the internet? The Word was meant to be shared on a personal level with time and teaching to allow people to learn and grow. The internet is NOT a personal place, and generally it isn't a somewhere people take the time necessary to fully understand biblical truths. (Sigh) My heart is heavy for you Micky - as it is for all lost believers." "you should get out from in front of your computer and come to a household fellowship if you want to learn about The Way." "for the love of all that is pleasent and good in the world would you quit focusing on the past. I could be making things up, but it seems to me that most of the things you write on these forums have great focus on the past, and the negative. I love learning about the history of my ministry, but your repeating yourself. If I'm wrong than just let these words roll off you, but if I'm not, could you quit bringin me down with all your negativity. "
A couple of thoughts. When Saddam Hussein used to win elections by a 99% margin, nobody bought it. It's absurd to think 100% of registered voters all voted and voted for the same guy. Clearly it's a lie. Yet we believed that PFAL was great as evidenced by the fact that 90% (my made up figure but you get the point) of PFAL grads SIT'd. I can't think of one class where a student didn't SIT. There were some close calls but they almost always SIT'd eventually. That simply cannot be the case. There had to be some faking going on, but you never heard anyone say it. Even tho many of us (including myself) were faking it, did we somehow think we were the only one faking it? This is how I know brainwashing is real. It's unreasonable to think everyone could SIT after the class, it's even more unreasonable that so many faked it but didn't suspect others of faking it. How absurd. Also, if so many people were faking it, how come not ONE leader got the revelation? Not one leader was "walking"? With the amount of fakers out there, this should have been a major issue, a scandal even. No one could sniff out the frauds because they were fakingit too and/or they were afraid of the truth. They, like most of us, would rather have lived in our own made up spiritual utopia where we know God better than anyone. It's infuriating the amount of crap i fell for! even fell for my own lies. I used to write elaborate words of propphecy. people used to comment on how in tune with God i was, especially because I was a teen. I knew I was faking it, yet I believed the hype about how spiritual i was. It's embarresing! I'm just not that dishonest now that Ive been out of TWI for so long. Funny how that happens.
I just had diner with some of my ex junior corps friends (Family 7, 9 and 13). We got around to talking about our loved and departed friend Naomi Poling. Naomi was a beautiful and successful woman. She was always ahead of the rest of us in school and in everything we did. She had natural grace and was looked up to by her peers at an age when kids rarely express such things towards one another. She went on to work for Ron Brown, who was a member of President Clinton's cabinet. She was killed with him in a plane crash along with 50 others. My friends tonight decided to "google" Naomi's name to see what was said about her. It was all glowing reviews. There are scholarships in her name. I had always heard that TWI had somehow blamed her death on the fact that The Polings left TWI. Until tonight I had never heard this from Donna: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/main/real.html I have heard people say that Donna is great and that she shouldn't be blamed for her Husband's sins. That's fine with me because she has sins of her own to answer for. What she said about our friend is inexcusable. She should be ashamed of herself. This link is quicker, I think. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/waydale/realmedia/brown2.rm
"you are implying that there is department at HQ that purposly calles up there source at the paper and forces them a human interest story about the quality of their children. Bull! Rather a jounalist (who are alwyas looking for such stories) probably called up the school and asked if there is any outstanding children showing exceptional potenitial in the humanities and in their studies. They gave them a name and asked the student for an interview. But I am sure in your fantastic mind you came up with some cartoon world where there are people at TWI in a room thinking how they can put a plastic spin on a Orwelllian orgainization. There is no big brother in TWI spinning Rupert Murdoch style news. There is no Public Relations Dept. There may be a public realtions person who carries out these duties when there is a need but there is no group sitting around making these types of plans. Fact!" I write for a paper and have written for many. The chances that some reporter called the school looking for a human interest story are small. Reporters get calls all day for potential stories. They don't need to go find one. It's not like the movies. Most of the people who call newpapers to offer "scoops" are publicists. It's their job. Almost any human interest story, write ups about artists and musicians, anything other than hard news, came from a publicist calling a newspaper. As I said in my 1st post "great PR move". So, in reality, the chances that TWI called a school to get some good press are greater than the chances that the reporter called the school looking for a fluff piece. Fact. I was never told such a thing between 1975-1988. In fact (opens new can of worms) I was told not to go to college but rather to go WOW then go into the corps instead. I was going to be ordained some day. So, no need for community service. It didn't count for much in The Way. So far what we've learned in this thread is that community service is encouraged by TWI not for the purpose of being a good person but rather so you can LOOK like you're a good person. Nice.
Not to be a total downer but as I was reflecting on the March of Dimes incident I am reminded that my mother was one of my sponsers in it. Basicly she commited to 25 cents for every mile I walked. When I got reproved, she refused to pay and so did other believers who pledged. Nothing like making a little kid look like a liar, I had to turn in an empty envelope after telling the March of Dimes and my school that I had secured all these pledges. When your own mom screws you on a charity pledge you know you're brainwashed.
Very new concept and a good PR move. When I was a waykid I was reporoved for doing the March of Dimes. Charities were bad, I was just never told why. I was supposed to have raised money and given it to TWI, that would have beeen the right thing to do. March of Dimes isn't godly, blah blah
My favorite was when we'd be eating in the dining room and Loy would walk in doing the "stay seated" hand gesture, telling us it was OK to not stand this one time. Thanks dude, now I can go back to my cormeal mush. You always knew when he was walking in because you could hear the chairs drag against the floor. When you heard that sound you just jumped up. Like Pavlov.
I had a very weird experience with Wikipedia. I looked up Rome City, Indiana and it had a small section about TWI having a campus there. The sentance at the end says "Famous members of The Way, a non denominational biblical research ministry often considered a cult, include model Lake Daily, art dealer Island Weis, rapper D-Tension and former New England Patriots players Tony Collins and Irving Fryer." I'm rapper D-Tension! When did I get to be so famous? And how was that connection made? Freaky. FYI TWI is listed in the wikipedia cult page.
I'd love to get any of the od Way stuff on vinyl, if you have records get at me!
Medium rock? haha I think Tom might get a lot of crap for playing that spoof these days. It's about as UN PC as possible.
"The band "Breakthrough" started out with the song and album "Breakthrough" Ken Mckaw, Dave Garibaldi, Skip Misquite and others. Kind of a Takit side project. The song "military Man" always cracked me up, with its synth helicopter intro. Vietnam songs were very big at the time. "Acts 29" was listed as a "B*b Stan1ey" album. It was soft rock" Poor Bob thought it was hard rock. haha. Mad Dog! "Kids Sing Along the Way Songs" I'm on that album! "Love Always --- New York Way Prod --- " Billy Falcon, S Perez, joe & ralph and others if I remember right. I have that some where. "Love Letters --- VP Wierwille --- 1979/Music from Love Letters --- ???? - 1979" This was a dreadful album of VPW reading "love" letters. I don't really remember what they were about but I seem to think they were at least in part letters from VP to God or Christ. Music from Love Letters was the horrible background music instrumental version. We were told to SIT to it. GAG. Where is T BurXe "Many Ways" on this List? SOme really un PC stuff on that record. Also Joyful Noise. Anyone remember or witness "We're On God's Team?" Claudette and co. in cheerleader uniforms. haha. Also I was recently thinking of a St**v*ie K cassette that TWI denounced because it was about astrology or something. "Written in the Stars" I made wow burgers with her once.
"If a stranger saw that picture, who would they say the couple were in that picture?" Don and Rosie look cozy. Craig looks like Donna's little brother. Howard looks like he's on a weekend pass. Rosie looks like Craig and Donna's grandma. I just can't get over Craig. What was he thinking? That's just a miserable ensamble, it's unbelievable. I can't stop looking at it.
God told Craig not to wear that but he wasn't walking in the spirit at the time. See what happens when you ignore that still small voice? Dam shame the old camo with sandals look never really caught on. Also, someone should have told Don about the black sox with white shoes rule. Then there's Howard. jeez, all blue with brown boots? Come on guys! Somebody call Queer Eye! Yet they still got it on with the ladies, that whole group must of had some slick pick up lines to overshadow the fashion disasters. You know you're in trouble when Rosie is the only one who has it together. Also points to Donna for getting in on the flip flop craze really early. I once respected these people as my MOG. This photo is proof that brainwashing is real. No rational person would listen to a word that crew had to say if you saw them walking down th street.
What changed with Momentus and what has changed with the tapes? Is JL back? Very curious... I was involved right when they started. (CFS I think?) My first thought was that it was too Way like and that JL, who I loved, was trying to be the next LCM. So I walked away but keep tabs, much like I eye TWI, but with out the malice. I was upset when I went to JL and asked him to officiate my wedding. his reply was that I needed to buy some tapes from him first. That turned me off, even though I felt he was actually being honest with me when he said marriage was for Christians and he wouldn't put his name on a marriage that he wasn't sure was Christian. Still felt like a sales pitch. I was hurt and annoyed. I had known him my entire life, since I was a baby. At this point I look at them as Way Light. They are the same only different. Same taste, fewer side effects. The Momentus thing was another turn off. Also I found I was going to the meetings for Way gossip and enlightenment on TWI. The teaching became irrelevant to me. It felt more like an ex TWI support group than fellowship. I needed that then more than I do now. The internet fills that support and curiosity now. I just can't bring myself to be involved with Way Light and its splintered brethren.
"Toys for the mog....a licoln, top of the line harlys, motor coaches, airplanes, booze, smokes" Hey that wasn't ABS. That year at The Rock, the announced a "secret" gift for Vic. They had an "offering" (fund raiser) "available". (as if we weren't going to kick in the cash) If I remember correctly, we all gave money after the service that night then on the last night they presented Vic with what was clearly a custom Harley. They hit us up for the cash because it was a "gift". My thoughts now are: was it really a secret? I mean, how could it possible be a secret. Everyone knew BUT Vic? I doubt it. They didn't have enough of our money? Now they needed a special collection for a bike they already paid for? How dumb were we?
Fill me in on the Lavay connection. Forgive my ignorence.
Tom, I brought up g spot (haha) and they said "aha! you are just being tricked by a website" No matter how mnay times I told them I had 1st hand experience, they blamed it on gscafe. Georgio, did he actually write "gift of discerning of spirits"?! Yes he did. He said he wished he knew who was telling the truth because I seem so nice for someone who is posessed! That to me was a victory. He was willing to consider the other side! That might even qualify as a miracle...
Here is thw quote about the gay thing: :"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did not change the natural use into that which is against nature:And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient" Romans 1:26-28** reprobate-Rejected by God and without hope of salvation. homosexuality is not a genetic, its a decision" Here's a quote about plagerism "About the plagiarism: I guess you better make him forfeit his academic degree and fire him now. :P Maybe he did, maybe he did not. All I know is, if he did plagiarize, I am glad he did it. Because all of the works that he took thoughts and ideas from would have never been brought up for people to see. I would have never read Bullinger's writings or the works of EW Kenyon. Riiighht, that stuff is way beyond me. Maybe he should have cited his sources or what not, but even if he is guilty of plagiarism, it's too late now because he is dead and buried. Hey, if one thing wrong is done, don't dwell on it, move on and look at the bright side. Look at all these great things that he has written for us, taken from other sources or not! Imitation is the highest form of flattery, as they say. Anybody can write a negative article about someone, expressing bad and unclean things about somebody. But where does it get us? Digging up the dirt on someone doesn't fix anything. We are all, after all, only human. Even as it may be, just a cliche, it's so true. We all make mistakes. Trying to say that someone was a horrible human being that was a drunk and plagiarized doesn't make the roots of the Way International wrong and cultish. Again, don't dwell on the past, live life on what is happening NOW!" I closed by saying "Alright guys, I said my piece. I just want you guys to feel like you can look into these allegations without writing everyone off as posessed. Youth is precious, savour it and good luck" The reply"Technically, there isn't such a thing as luck, since it's all planned out and stuff. But saying good luck and knowing that it's just mainly a closing positive phrase is okay." Like they can't
"And nothing bad has ever happened in their life? How do they know that people who leave TWI have "streaks of bad luck"? Have they talked to people who have left TWI or are they just believing yet another set of lies fed to them by adults who are supposed to be teaching them truth?" They tell the standard story about the guy who quit going to twig. His wife left him, his bussiness went uner, his son died. I told them that it's not wonder they're afraid to question TWI! They're afraid they're life will fall apart. If I believed TWI, I would too. In fact I did. I was ruled by fear in TWI. I think one or two of them are secretly thinking about it. Their inabilty to defend simple truth was getting to them. Today, one of them emailed me and said he wishes he had the gift of discerning spirits to see if I am telling the truth or if I am posessed.