Georgio Jessio
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Everything posted by Georgio Jessio
Sounds like people are doing to her what she did to Craig. Weasle their way in, back room maneuvering and such.
Young, smart, life long member, 2nd generation, good looking, great public speaker, groomed, charsimatic. I don't think he's a puppet. From what I'm told he's been failry critical of the way things are now. Hence the potential for a coup of sorts. I think he has dilusions of a grandiose lifestyle. He's very motivated and relentless and can be very nasty. A true 80's style wayfer.
"They" are guys my age who were in the junior corps and stayed when I left. "They" are not B. Moneyhands. They both are all in leadership positions and recently have been talking to me, almost like pollsters. I think they're trying to take over and get things back to the way it was. ie having a bgger membership (oops) and having it grow. I know they contacted another ex way friend of mine too, asking the same types of questions. Kinda like "we're getting the band back together". They seem to be looking for what worked in the past as a way to perseve their cushy jobs and maybe even get raises. It's a totally corporate attitude.
B. is 39.
You know Dot, it wasn't that hard.We had a few friendly email conversations and then a pleasant phone conversation. They asked what I thought and I said "cult". They chuckled and didn't take it as badly as they should have. This whole thing is weird. It was very calm and friendly but no punches were pulled. I kinda felt bad because the one thing about it was that it was like 20 years had not passed by. We were our old selves, shared some old storeis , had some laughs and it was nice to talk to my old pals. But they made their life choices. I could have been right there with them. But They are them and I am me. I can't exploit people and live with myself. They can.
I live in Mass, work in Nashua. f9.
Mr. Hammeroni, they feel that they needed a den mother after the scandals of the past two presidents. In that way they feel she served a purpose. And yes I am talking about B Moneyhands the son. Not the father. And definetly not the holy spirit.
So, I have some innie friends, in in high places. I grew up with these guys and they haven't spoken to me in years. Recently they found me on line and have been asking me about "the good old days", why I left, what would move me to come back, what's different now that should change, etc. I found this really weird at first (this communication has litterally been happening for a matter of weeks). I have been black lised for 20 years, suddenly my opinion is interesting to these people? It was bugging me so I asked and got a funny answer. Now, normally I would keep something likethis quiet but these wayfers really amaze me. They basicly were open with me about how there is no income and they need to make the way grow again. There's nothing spiritual or even pure of heart about these conversations, it's about money and their careeers, which are falling apart. When I spoke to them I was open about how I think they are in a cult that rules with fear and humiliation. How they all looked the other way on things like rape and child abuse. When I brought that stuff up, they just wanted to change the subject and I was told that "the world" has hardened my heart and I would have made a great leader if I had statyed in. no thanks. So anyway, here's what I learned. A lot of the B.O.D. and other higher ups feel that Roselie was brought in to be a healer and stabilizing influence on an injured Way International. They feel her time and usefulness has passed. She is not and I quote, "A visionary" has "no growth potential" and while she was just what was needed at one time, it's time to move on. So in the next few months, expect a move , possibly a coup that would place Rosie as "retired" with all the benefits that come with that. Expect a young, charismatic, visionary, hot shot with an eye on growth, outreach and marketing who looks and acts the part of a charismatic church leader with a TV ready face to be the new persident. He's a 2nd generation wayfer, a lifer. His name is B. Moneyhands. Do not be surprised if this happens. My old pals are angling for it and when they read this (yes they do read the board here) they are probably going to put me back on the black list. See how things work? It's not about revelation or "hot bible". it's about money.
How do they justify shrinking (shrivled) "membership"? Seriously. What is the company line as it pertains to attendance? Where's the outreach? If I were an innie , that would leave me scracthing my head. I left in 87 for a host of reasons. But if I hadn't I like to think I would leave now simply because there's nothing about it that says "abundant life" or outreach, growth, etc. What ever happened to each one reach one? How do they explain it to the remaining sheep?
You should be paying me to take them.
Child molestations too common in Family Corps
Georgio Jessio replied to Thelema's topic in About The Way
I remember mentioning this on Waydale but it just popped in me head. In Rome City, we Jumir Corps used to have SUPERVISED slumber parties where extreme games of "truth or dare" would go on with kids ranging from 5th grade to seniors in high school. There was a corps woman who would volunteer to be the supervisor. Same woman every time. There were no rules, we were out of control and this woman just let it all happen and even participated once, on a dare to kiss one of the older boys. It makes me siick to think about. -
I remember that joke too. It's a little funnier than the one I have but still not a true knee slapper. As far as I know these jokes did not come from VPW himself. But imagine a catholic saying the same thing about the pope. They wouldn't dare! It would be sacreligious. I'm not trying to be a heavy but it seems like a weird joke to make, to even joke that a man was greater than God and to make that joke at "church"! But , yes, the point is that it made me look like a jerk. As does saying "God Bless You" to everyone you see. That's just forced and not even genuine and makes you look like a weirdo. How are we supposed to "each one reach one" when the first impression we make is a bad one? When thinking of my former Way leaders, sometimes I get mad. Today I just think they were idiots.
So I was in my basement today looking for some old photos when I found my PFAL books. In one of them was this joke, hand written by me because R*b K*ho* and GB told us all to write it down and tell it at school. Now, perhaps I am missing something but aren't jokes supposed to be funny? I remember doing as I was told and telling this joke in school. It set my social life back by leaps and I'm not sure I ever really recovered. The kids thought I was just weird. For once I was happy that I attended a new school every year. Here's the joke, maybe some of you remember it. A priest, a rabbi and Dr. Weirwille were in a boat. The boat starts to sink so the priest gets out of the boat and walks on water back to the safety of the beach. Dr. Weirwille does the same. The rabbi takes one step out of the boat and sinks and drowns. Back at shore the priest looks at Dr. Weriwille and says "you think we should have told him about the rocks?" Dr. Weirwille says "what rocks" Ok, like I said, not funny. It's not funny because it just isn't funny. Never mind the anti semetic undertones. This joke nearly ruined my life, because to a kid, not being hated in school is kind of important. It was bad enough that I tried to get kids to come to twig like I was on commision (we kinda were no?) but then I started telling hateful, stupid jokes with a punchline only I could understand. To this day. I cannot look back on it and laugh.
Child molestations too common in Family Corps
Georgio Jessio replied to Thelema's topic in About The Way
Sorry to shatter anyone's image of GB but he indeed was innapropriate with girls. I remember once he unhooked a 15 year old girls bra. She punched him and he smacked her back and yelled at her for not being able to take a joke. He also used to make comments to the older teen boys about our junior corps girls bodies. It's not exactly rape, but it's not right. He used to freak out, just snap, and beat us and say the most horribly abusive things. Then he'd laugh it off 5 minutes later. His wife was a natural with kids, nothing like him at all. I loved her, feared and hated him. He was not unlike Loy in that he was able to snap on a dime and become violent. -
Crystal's is a real problem. It's a post trauma world many of us ex Rome City kids live in. We are so hurt we almost don't trust ourselves and live in fear of making the same mistakes our parents may have made because we might want to put our *faith* in God and attend a church and instill faith into our kids, but we shudder at the thought. Note to TWI: this is what happens when you abuse people. Years later we are still wounded and it effects our ability to make certain decisions. Thanks!
"Besides exposing them to ridiculous doctrine and the abuses (both physical and verbal) of our peers, there were incidents of actual neglect that still bother me when I think of them." Add "sexual" to that list of abuses. NEGLECT in all caps too. "Bless Patrol (later called "Vigilance Patrol") " Well chalk one up for TWI! "Bless Patrol" was an oxi moron. "Vigilance Patrol" while still a euphamism is more accurate. "These "Rovers" were not all responsible people, and even the dedicated ones were exhausted and overworked." One of my first sexual encounters was with a rover. Rovers were random people left with kids. No training, no screening. No one outside of a cult would even consider this system a good idea. "Prom night. My boy, a high school junior, had a date with a very nice girl from town, for the Prom. But here's how it had to be: SHE paid for his tux rental. SHE drove HER car to pick him up at the Way College campus. SHE bought the flowers - for herself as well as for him. SHE paid for dinner. And HE had to be back at the campus by midnight." Aweful! We were never allowed to participate in a normal way with school activities. I remember I was supposed to bring eggs to home economics and TWI wanted me to pay for them. I had no money, nor did my mom. I got an F. Thanks Moneyahnds! To any parents feeling guilty: You were in a cult. You had the best intentions. You were brainwashed. It's not your fault that your trust was violated and it worked against your kids. Love your kids and move on. You were hurt too. Life goes on, live and learn. Your kids still love you.
I absolutly remember the Ghostbusters thing. What I remember really doing a number on me was the fact that heads did roll and I couldn't see why. When I asked , I was told it was because that entire movie is full of truth and would open my mind to devil spirits because I was still too young to handle them and recognize them. The fact that I asked why was proof that I was spiritually immature. How about that? Ghostbuster: a true story! I fear marshmallows to this day haha TWI was big on using fear to keep us in line. How unGodly.
Please tell me you're joking.
Maybe not but my old pal Chris Newcomb does! http://www.bangormetro.tv/chris/index.html
If Howard Hughes had a computer he would have had a news letter too. MS sucks, I know people with it. No one deserves that.
I relate to every word. Maybe I know you? I was in F9, hit me with a private message if you like. peace
He's the Howard Hughes of way world, except he's not a genius and didn't invent anything or do anything cool. That leaves the only common actors to be paranoia, seclusion and all aroud weirdness. If it weren't so sad it would be funny. But mental illness ain't that funny. Well, it is a little. In this case that jacka** reaped what he sowed. It's funny (not haha funny) but with all the crap I learned, witnessed and experienced with Craig and VPW, it was Chris Geer's "tape to way corps" that led to me leaving. Good job Chris! That tape was designed to make me stay but it moved me to leave and that saved my life.
Long lasting scars, physically, emotionally, sexually. Many of us were abused in every possible way. In residence everyone had parental rights, so I could be spanked, beaten, assaulted (verbally and physically), neglected and controlled by whoever decided to. I could be spoken to our beaten for the same crime, depending who caught me doing whatever it was I did or did not do wrong. I had to miss most social events at school so I could go to twig. We were jerked around , all over the country, never able to establish roots in a community. there's a lot more I can say. It was bad enough before we went into the Corps. But my life became very very difficult, negative and depressing when we went to Rome City. I loved the grounds, made good friends in my peer group but other than that it was pretty much non stop abuse. We coudln't even do our homework. We were the smartest kids in school and we all had bad grades. More than abundant, yea right!
I have the Takit cassette but I've been trying to get the first record (on vinyl) for years. In fact, I'll buy any old TWI vinyl if anyone wants to sell it. Otherwise some mp3's would be awesome! By the way (I mean uh) has anyone posted these former way productions members' myspace pages? Sorry if it's been done. I was excited to see the Press Down page. there are four songs and some amazing video footage. http://www.myspace.com/presseddownshakentogetherrunningover http://www.myspace.com/billyfalcon Billy’s daughter Rose http://www.myspace.com/rosefalconfriends http://www.myspace.com/johnprine Joe Fair’s son: http://www.myspace.com/davidfair steve perez: http://www.myspace.com/dtensionbeats
Broadcast TV and Radio are required to give away a certain amount of free air time to public interest and community based groups. They'll give it away, especially locally, to just about anyone. I'm guessing this was strictly a local spot. I work in radio and we give away 10 second spots all the time to a wide variety of churches and charities. I remember being up late one night in the late 70's in NY. It was either WOR 9 or WPIX 11 in NY, they used to sign off (remember the days before informertials?) at 2 am with a prayer from a different clergy man of varying faiths. I was 1/2 asleep when I hear John Lynn's voice coming from my TV. And to think I took it as a sign of Way Over the World! ha