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Georgio Jessio

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Everything posted by Georgio Jessio

  1. I will read the article about the guns. Nothing would surprise me. I just know that things get blown out of proportion. Belive me I have plenty on TWI that I KNOW is true. There were rumours of orgies, that as a kid I thought were lies. But guess what I saw? Yup. Glow-ry!
  2. When I was 'in' I remember many instances where the media , ex members and other anti way types made false accusations against TWI. With all that was wrong , it's amazing that bad stuff would get made up. But it did. I remember once TWI was in the paper and it said that TWI childern were so hungry they ate out of garbage cans. In fact what it was, was brand new metal bin full of Ice and cans of soda. The paper ran a picture of a child picking thru "the trash". I also heard allegations of TWI stockpiling weapons. While it's true that I did fire my first weapon while in residence, I hardly think it qualified as stockpiling weapons. We were going deer hunting. Just curious if any other false accusations that come to mind? Glow-ry!
  3. Spare the rod, spoil the child was taken to extremes in twi. Their rod wielding policy defied all logic. How many shepards are there with the rod per ****? I'm sure the answer is not 500. But in the family corps almost everyone walked around with a wooden spoon in their back pocket , waiting for a child to be out of line so they can wack him. I felt like I had a thousand parents, and was paranoid that every mis step was going to get me beaten. I once had a guy break a spoon over my back. that sure learned me. In any event, I certainly am not spoiled so I guess it works? oldiesman, the only beings we use pain on as a training method are children, animals and prisoners. If a man hits his wife with a rod he'd get arrested. If your boss used pain when you mess up at work, it would be a dramtic contreversy. But if your child is fresh and talks back WACK. Cool waters, sorry I'm kinda off your point. Glow-ry!
  4. This is one of the biggest conflicts I have when it comes to TWI. I think they were a terrible cult. Words cannot express how I feel about twi. But at the same time, my mother was depressed anbd suicidal, planning her own death. Then one day there was a knock at the door. Door to door witnesses gave her a reason to live. Although I would say it was more the companionship and love bombing than PFAL that saved her life. Glow-ry!
  5. Ok first of all I said McDonald's *represents* the lowest form of emplyment. I'm sorry if I offended with that statement. What I meant was this: I am talking about a potential lawsuit and this dude says go get a job at McDonalds. I don't think I'm higher than anyone, but I do have pride in my work. I didn't feel like the suggestion to get a job at McDonalds was a compliment towards McDonalds. It is culutrally, like I explained, considered not an *ideal* place to work. It is an expression not to be taken liteerally. Many times you will hear someone say things like "I am going to college so I don't have to work at McDonalds". Again I am sorry if I insulted the burger workers of the world. I was one once myself. I know what it's like to work there. I was not being litteral. I would have been just as mad if he said "maybe you should try washing windows" or "perhaps you should try becoming a janitor". All noble professions, all off the point I was making, all a way to tell me to get a job instead of suing. I was mad at the inference that I was tring to get rich quick or was lazy, nothing to do with McDonalds. Like I said that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice. The reasons I don't speak to my mother have very little to do with this money or the fact that she chose to raise me in a clut away from my family. Put it this way, if she were a man people would have no trouble telling me to stay away from her. But people have a hard time picturing themselves cutting off their mother. Trust me when I say , I need to stay away from her for my own sake and for the sake of the children I intend to have someday. The reason I won't "let it go" without looking into it is because of TWI, not because of my mother. I let her go a long time ago and am at peace with that. If I weren't I'd sue her too. And conning someone out of their money IS stealing. Worse even. I'd rather get mugged than have someone steal my child's inheritence by pretending to represent God. That's why I want to sue TWI. They conned my mother out of money that wasn't even hers. Glow-ry!
  6. Laleo, I asked if my options included suing my mother. I never said I was going to sue her. If the only option is to sue her, then I'd forget it. Got it? My issue with you was your "get a job" mentalitly. It wasn't just insensitive, it was mean spirited What's wrong woth Mcdonalds? Uh, I dunno, it's bad for you, it represents the lowest form of emplyment, it was all VPW's idea..take your choice. All I know is: that comment was not intersting, constructive or good advice. Today John Kerry said "yes unemployment is down but it's not real jobs, it's jobs fliipping burgers!" I try not to get too ticked at internet posts, but yours enraged me. Is it so wrong to want what's mine? I don't need a guilt trip from you telling me that raising a child is good enough. You can back peddle if you want but I know what you said and it sucked. Glow-ry!
  7. Well I am not going to sue my mother. What I'm thinking is she was totally brainwashed and therefore was unable to make the right decision. I have many incidents to ack this up that have nothing to do with money. Like I said, I mised my grandfather's funeral because we were out wow, just one state away , but we were told not to go, so we didn't. I was told that my father was posessed by Satan simply because he didn't want me raised in TWI. The list goes on. My mother did not make motherly decisions when it came to raising me. I seriously don't hold her accountable for most of this. She had the worst case of waybrain this side of Mike. If leadership told her to jump off a bridge she would have. Heck, they told her to quit taking her medication and it almost killed her. I think TWI stole my money. Money that , when matured. is a heck of alot more than 3 grand. When I went to college, which I paid out of my pocket, that money WOULD have paid for alot. Tuition has increased alot quicker than inflation, so it would hardly make a dent today. But when I went to school 10 grnd helps. Heck ten grand helps today. But to adress Laleo. I don't know if you think I am some bum that is trying to get rich quick here or what. I have a nice career going, I don't need a job at McDonalds, but thanks for the loving advice. Here's what my money represents to me: my money. It was supposed to go to me but went to a cult instead, at said cult's insitance. They called it a miracle. I call it my money, given to me on account of a very serious car accident that was not my fault. I don't know if you were kidding or are just insenitive or what, but what you said wasn't cool. The law is the law, it doesn't say that my mother gets to spend the money because raising kids is expensive. If 45 year old men can get paid as a way to compensate for being molested by a priest 25 years ago, why can't I have my money? I was physically, mentally and sexually abused by TWI. They tore my family apart and called it "revelation". They stole my money and called it "a miracle". They called my grandfather's death a "trick" to get me to leave the wow field. I can't have any of that back. What's it worth? How much is abuse worth? It nearly ruined my life, so to heck with how much my mother spent to raise me. How much is your sanity, virginity and pain worth? Who steals from her own son to get a worthless theology "degree" from an abusive cult? What kind of church tells her to give them the money? I was raised in the twiight zone. Screw them, give me back my money. They had no right to it in the first place. Glow-ry!
  8. anyone know a lawyer with Way experience. Feel free to email me rather than post any personal info here. info in my profile. Glow-ry!
  9. My mom is not in. We got out in the 80s. She snd I do not speak and our issues are much bigger than this money. I have confronted her about so much that I am not bringing this up to her now. What I have done is contacted the hospital to get my accident report and hospital records back. I am only interested in the truth at this point. I have no idea what the lawyers name was and neither does she. I am looking into it... Glow-ry!
  10. First of all I would never really sue my mom. I was just talking in legal rights terms. I have moved on in many areas, this just always bothered me. I had a friend in a similar situation and his 3 grand matured to ten by the time he was 21. This has been bothering me since the day it happened. When my mother paid that tuition I asked her if she used "my money that I'm supposed to get when I'm 18" That was greated with a smack. I never asked again till I was 17. I was told it was TWI's fault. I guess I'm just screwed. Oh well. I was going to ask a lawyer but figured I'd ask me ex wayfer pals to weigh in first. Thanks to all. Glow-ry!
  11. In 1981 I was out WOW and was hit by a car. I spent weeks in the hospital with serious injuries. Broken femur, ruptured spleen, concusion and eye laceration. When I got out of the hospital the lawsuit against the driver took place. We recieved a settlement for 3,333.33 Big money in those days. The money was supposed to go into an account and handed to me when I was 18. But it didn't. My other gave the money to TWI, who told her it was a gift from God that covered a NEED. The money was used to pay our family corps tuition and fees, which were very much in question as my other missed the deadline. Do I have a case against TWI? Mind you ,my other was totally brainwashed. TWI didn't give us "permission" to attend my grandfather's funeral that same year because we were out WOW and were not allowed to leave the state where we were sent. She did what ever they said. The money should have gone to me for college or what ever. I never saw cent and instead was abused for years in Rome City. I no longer have a relationship with my mother or TWI. So should I sue TWI, my mother, both or no one? Who's at fault? Glow-ry!
  12. "I merely pointed out that I believe you have very little knowledge to discern the very subtle difference" Well thank goodness you weren't assuming things about me an my knowledge. News Flash: Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean that they don't know what they're talking about. Even if you think my exposure to "dr's" tapes was simple. Funny I happen to think my exposure to those tapes was beyond simple. I studied that .... for 20 years. That's practically complex. Especially considering Vic was my buddy and he often taught me directly. Finally: believe it or not, I have POSSESSED the uncanny ability to memorize, yeah even RETEMORIZE, scripture, lines and writings since I was a teen. I am a MAGICAL entity in that WAY. I am so LUCKY to be so CREATIVE. What a COINCIDENCE! I must have been a thespian in a PREVIOUS LIFE. Either that or I FAKED IT without God letting his message CREEP in. I hate to use GOD and CREEP in the same sentence but that's what happens when you're throughly (thru and thru and thru) off the word, marked & avoided and tripped out. Careful, it's contagious ;)--> Glow-ry!
  13. "It shocks me to see such great desire on your part to establish the fakery you think you did in juxtaposition to the desires I had and saw in people decades ago." I'm not talking about anything you saw in people years ago. And I really don't care if you believe me. But, unlike you who is using the word "shock" loosely, I was actually stunned that someone (even you) would deny that I was faking it. I don't know how you can say I wasn't because I was. I had no great desire to establish fakery till you decided I wasn't faking it. "I?m glad for your character successes. You may want to try thinking how you WOULD behave in circumstances of much more extreme pressures applied, and in much more extreme pleasures offered that the adversary can throw at people who are more high priority targets." File that under "you don't know me". I don't say this to brag but: I am the lead vocalist in a seriously successful band. I play shows for a living, in front of thousands of screaming young women. Groupies offer me all kinds of sex, drugs and similar trappings. I know it's not exactly "Cult Leader" but I face pressure and extreme pleasures like you wouldn't believe. And ,unlike a cult leader, it could be considered 'normal' if I caved in and had me some good cocaine and fancy group sex. But no. I'm married and before I was married I was too aware of addiction, diseases, unwanted pregnancy, etc. I love my wife and wouldn't dream of disrespecting her and I am not interested in becoming an addict, fathering children (outside of my marriage), financing abortions, catching herpes and all that good stuff that Vic couldn't resist. I'm not an alcoholic, I don't use my rock star power to take advantage of young women who want me for all the wrong reasons. "Total premeditation is hardly possible." Mike , poetry readings are part of my living. I headline the type readings you referred to. I also have acted in the theater and on film. It's called "memorizing your lines". It's possible. And as for the woman who raised her ex from "the dead". I never denied that she DID save him and maybe even was inspired by God. I was just making the (side) point that Way people are so eager to be perceived as spiritually "on" that they will believe anything that seems like a miracle. My "surety" of fakery is baseless? No dude. I was faking it, of this I'm sure. How about your insitance of legitimacy? How about you defending anything Way-doctrine related , even in the face of obvious fakery. I never said SIT was fake, I never said being raised from the dead is impossible. But you will believe ANYTHING even if the practitioner says he faked it, even if the man wasn't actually raised from the dead, as long as it jives with Vic's dogma. We're never going to see eye to eye on this stuff Mike. Just admit that someone , some where, MAY have been faking it. Or at least acknowledge that an actor might be able to memorize some simple lines. "These things deserve much more thought than you?ve put into it. I challenge you to think it all through from the start. Come back to PFAL and see what you missed." Oh man, you seriously need to quit talking down to me. You have no idea how much time I have put in thinking about this. Stop assuming. How dare you tell me how much time I have put in! You sound liem all the "clergy" I hold in such low regard. You keep doing that to me, assuming I'm inexperienced ,shooting from the hip, haven't thought it through and need MORE pfal. I took that class, I dunno, a thousand times. I had it memorized. I'm all set with PFAL. Come back to planet earth and see what you've missed, I'll be there to help you. I challenge you to exist in reality. You need to put more time into life outside of Saint Vic. These things deserve more time than you have put into it. Glow-ry!
  14. OK but Blazing Saddles is not a lame movie! Glow-ry!
  15. This one is both paranoid and bunk: The Moonies own Entaments baked goods and they put a drug in there food that makes you a) want to become a moonie b) turn you away from TWI. Glow-ry!
  16. We're all sinners so we're all off the word at some point. Funny tho, when I'm off the word, I don't sleep around or twist bible scriptures. So that is NOT what happens when one is off the word. They make it sound like if you're OFF then all hell could break loose, you might be posessed, you might commit murder. It's almost like an insanity defense: "Your honor, I know what I did was terrible but: That's what happens when you're off the word!" Not gulty by reason of being off the word. Glow-ry!
  17. I had a twig leader in the 70s who claimed she raised her ex husband from the dead. He was choking and he turned blue. She prayed over his "dead body". When he didn't rize she pounded his chest, he then puked and woke up. It's a miracle!!!! Well, it was actually a heimlich maneuver of sorts, but dam if she didn't tell everyone that she raised him from the dead. Everyone was so dam blessed that no one questioned it. Glow-ry!
  18. Jane Wiblert became Jane Morris long ago, married to dave Morris in Massachusettes. I am in touch with her son frank. I can send a message along but can't guarentee that she'll reply. She's back in louisiana but is unlisted... Glow-ry!
  19. "my attempt to help you will not work." Wow. Holy arrogant. I don't need your help! I'm fine. You don't know me, what my beliefs are or anything else about me. All you know about me is that I am exTWI and I think Vic was a criminal. The difference between David and Vic is that I don't believe that God worked in Vic. He was a charlatan, a hoaxical plagiarizer and a fraud. "A lot of WHY I was so bold as to stand up to your statement of ?I faked it? is because of it?s affect on others. I think you wanted it to help kill their belief that they had it right. Tearing down believing in PFAL is par for the course here, and your tone seemed to say that you were trying to inject the same doubts in others." Again you don't know me or my intentions or my tone. I am not trying to tear down anyone's believing. Believe what you want, I don't give a rat's a**. All I was doing was being honest and trying to see if others felt the same way. The truth can set you free, especially when one has been living with a burdensome secret that carries doubt and shame along with it. The weight that was lifted from me when openly admitted I was faking it was tremendous. It took alot for me to say that because it was admitting that I lived a lie for many many years. Now you're idea of helping me is to do the very thing you accuse me of: you're trying to kill MY beliefs and place that lie right back on my shoulders. A classic Way tactic.Good thing I know better, good thing I know I was faking it. And as far as Vic's "old man nature" goes: I don't know or care if you think there are degrees of sin. But my old ma nature is to have one too many beers and tell the occasional white lie. But I would never dream of using and twisting scripture to convince women to sleep with me and talk people into giving me their money and dedicating their lives to my alternative teachings. But thanks for the help. Glow-ry!
  20. "Oh, by the way, for you doubting Thomass's, Gods rule: You believe first and than you see!!!" Yeah man , I believed. I really did. I believed to the point that I thought there was something wrong with me. Mike, I don't know what to tell you. I made a conscious effort to fake it. I have never thought for a minute that anyone would try to tell me I wasn't faking it. I figured some would laugh, some would say I did an evil thing, some would feel sorry for me. But you, my man Mike, have taken the cake for most unexpected reply. I have seen you say some ridiculous things, defend VPW (who I say was a scum bag, I have plenty of first hand experience that you would refuse to believe), I've seen you refute the abuse claims, I've seen you defend a ministry built on lies (it didn't snow that day in July, he didn't invent the hook shot, conceive McDonalds or ever receive a doctorate). I've seen you blame others for being "out of fellowship" and not listening to VPW when the king of being "out of fellowship" was Old Vic himself. I can take all that. I think it's twisted, but I can accept your respect for Vic. If you think he was right, great. But you trying to tell me I wasn't faking it is the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever said to me in my life. Straight up. And I've heard some whoppers, I grew up in TWI ,after all! I was told, by Vic, that non believing young ladies were only good for sex, not relationships. I over heard your man Vic tell my mother that "sex falls under the category of need" and "The man of God can meet your needs". I've heard some really weird stuff. I heard my Limb Coordinator say he had to cast out so many spirits from the previous Limb Coordinator that when he did, the man levitated! (total bs according to witnesses he just went in, yelled at him and threw him out) I am not exaggerating. You saying I wasn't faking it is truly most ridiculous thing anyone has ever told me. I didn't think anything I heard while I was "in" could be topped, then along came Mike. Congradu freakin lations. I don't know why I am asking this but you said: So far you are not convincing me very well. Do you remember Dr teaching on Balaam in the Advanced Class? Two questions: 1. what could I ever say that would convince you I was faking it? Seriously. 2. I remember the Advance Class. Asking me if I remember what Vic (why DO you call him Dr? I want to be called Captain, is that all it takes?) said about Balaam is like asking me if I remember what he said about the bible in PFAL. Can you be more vague? Please, refresh my memory. Glow-ry!
  21. Mike said: "There were times that I thought I was faking SIT interpretation or prophesy, yet was told that they hit home by some... at times." I have been thru the very same thing, except I was faking it. I took out a pen and a concordance and found some heavy stuff to say. I wanted to look cool. I wanted to fit in. I wanted my mother to think I was spiritual. Thing is, I BELIEVED everything TWI told me. But the inspiration never came. I did what they said. I breathed. Yet nothing happened. I didn't want to seem less spiritual so I faked it. I knew I was faking it. It was a consius decision, made only after the "real thing" never happened. The fact that you doubt this baffles me. And I'm not alone. Many others faked it too. The pressure to perform was enormous and I didn't want to seem spiritually impotent. Trust me dawg, I faked it. And I did it well. I blessed hearts, hit home and blew minds. Glow-ry!
  22. good points Mike, except I was faking it. Glow-ry!
  23. Mike. We were faking it. love, Georgio Jessio Glow-ry!
  24. I always kinda thought it bordered on possesion. Like I am channeling a message from God that HE controls. That always freaked me out. Glow-ry!
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