FreshAir 99
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Everything posted by FreshAir 99
Yeah....Harve's letter (or whoever wrote it) comes across as condescending and heavy-handed. Typically corporate, untypically Christ-like. IMO twi has ensnared themselves and with gnashing of teeth they will NOT recover. With arrogant pride, they refuse to acknowledge that THEY HAVE STRAYED FAR FROM THE HEART OF GOD. The humble of heart will continue to exit and find a safe, loving haven elsewhere. Fresh
Obviously, twi is "picking a battle that they think they can win." ALL LCM-RELATED BATTLES will be left alone. IMO this situation escalated as a result of twi's hard-heartedness and twisted policies: 1) mark & avoid, 2) sanctified "household" bs and 3) damage control (to name a few). Will twi ever get it RIGHT? The mismanagement of twi and spiritual abuse is a study in "lording over God's heritage." There are MAJOR REASONS why twi continues to spiral downward. Fresh
Wierwille books on eBay - going for HIGH $$$
FreshAir 99 replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in About The Way
Call me skeptical.......but I have often wondered if the bod has instructed DESIGNATED BUYERS to go on ebay and buy twi stuff. IMO they don't want this stuff out there for others to grab.... nor do they like the insinuation that exwayfers are UNLOADING THIS MATERIAL. It raises questions about the integrity of twi. And.......they sure don't need more people ASKING MORE QUESTIONS. :D--> Fresh -
thanks, pirate. appreciate it. Fresh
Fools for owning a home?
FreshAir 99 replied to igotout's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
igotout, Another one of those areas where twi is clueless. It seems to me that they've painted themselves into a corner when lcm, don and howard went public with their "controlling the corps" opinions. This advice is BAD.....but they're sticking to it. So thankful that I jumped on board the homeownership bandwagon and plan to have my house completely paid for in ten years! Wonder what twi's doctrine will be in ten years from now??? And, I wonder how many more corps are going to be scratching their heads wondering how they ever followed such bullshxx from the bot? Maybe this explains why I recently heard that Michael Fxxx has requested to step away from full-time twi employment. He wants to run a branch [and get his OWN job and tuck away his OWN money for his OWN retirement]. How many clergy and corps and faithful have to EXIT TWI'S DOORS for people to awake from this spiritually slumbering slobbering stuff??? Fresh -
Chatty Cathy Happy Birthday 3/19???????
FreshAir 99 replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
ChattyCathy, I'm not much of a singer....... but wanted to chime in here and wish you Happy Day and years and years to follow. Enjoy yourself. :)--> Fresh -
Auzda, Great point! Thanks for posting. :)--> Fresh
NL & Hope, Yeah......the word of Bod. :D--> Aptly pushed by........ the Bod Fraud. :P--> :P--> Fresh
Hope, Just wanted to jump in here and comment on John's letter to Rosie. With deep concerns and systematically explaining many of his observations, John offers to help. What a great letter!! The response by Rosie.... ...house you???? feed you???? show you???? WOW...... so glad I left!!!!!! :D--> :D--> :D--> Fresh
Can Deception Be Adequately Confronted?
FreshAir 99 replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
What Fence? Thanks for qualifying your position. How many hundreds have gone before.... and were silenced via M&A? Or, lawsuits that have been settled out of court -- preventing further exposure? Deceptive tactics? Of course. :D--> Is twi releasing their grip? Begrudgingly, only a little -- and don't raise a stink, or else! ;)--> Fresh -
Reading some posts by those still "in"......... and trying to work within twi's framework, the question that keeps surfacing in my mind is "Can deception be adequately confronted?" First of all, I stayed in twi for about 8 years after the so-called fog years. I was resolved to "fix the potholes" so that the road to harmony would be expedient and profitable. After all, who was I to abandon this highway and take some side-road adventure to follow God's lead?? --> Month after month joined year after year...... and twi's abuse mounted and the deceptions deepened. From my experience, I found that when I could no longer, in confidence, follow twi's lead..... I DID GOD'S WORD and stayed in the ministry. As this pattern was sustained for almost three years, I finally resolved that I'd done my best and walked away. Can Deception Be Adequately Confronted? Fresh
Hope, Thanks for SPEAKING UP. :)--> It matters very little that a handful of posters come to GS and deny the MANY testimonies that have come forward thru the years. Few can dispute that thousands saw enough reason to withdraw and separate THEMSELVES from twi studies and activities. Hiding behind walls of seclusion and denial, twi polishes its form of godliness. Most telling, the Scriptures warn us of leaders like this and their workings of darkness. Let those "defenders of twi" post away........ if twi was a godly ministry, then they would uphold the truth and ABSTAIN FROM ALL APPEARANCE OF EVIL. Quite the contrary, twi embraces it!! :P--> :P--> Fresh
Dot and others, Thanks for adding your insight to this thread. For me, this thread has really answered LOADS OF QUESTIONS that I pondered for years. I even pulled out the book, Born Again To Serve, and read the section regarding BG Leonard..... how enlightening. Even Mrs. W. seems to highlight BG's teachings and knowledge as a turning point in vpw's understanding. Even BG'S CLASS PICTURES...... vpw copied this style after each class. BG LEONARD WAS THE TUPOS, THE STANDARD, THE CATALYST...... for vpw's work application! Then, with Bullinger's research, and Kenyon, and Stiles, and Moseley, and Pillai...... vpw just filled in some pieces. IMO this background check documents vpw's style, his ideas and his work. Thanks again. :)--> :)--> :)--> :)--> :)--> Fresh
Dot Matrix That's an interesting concept and good food for thought. :)--> Thanks, Dot. Fresh
WOW! This thread should be incorporated into a main forum topic to expose vpw's claims of "God teaching him the Word like it hadn't been known since the first century." Even Mrs. Wierwille's book exposes, to a certain degree, the deception. Perhaps, the WayGB will note this and the book will go thru a revision. :P--> Somehow, in some manner......this information ought to be highlighted and easily retrieved from the countless threads on this forum. Thanks Paw for keeping GS up and running. This type of information is invaluable for dismantling twi's claims. Fresh
When vpw boasts in pfal that he did nothing but work the Word year after year to come up with his foundational class.......... it sure looks to be a bit of a s--t--r--e--t--c--h, don't ya think? :P--> :P--> :P--> :P--> :P--> Fresh
igotout, Yeah........that's the slant that vp postured, as if his "research" was in alignment with Dr. E.W. Bullinger's work (totally independent of him). Sheeeeeesh.......as a teenager, I too believed it. Oh, the foolishness and zeal of youth. From what I remember, B.G. Leonard was rarely credited with any of vpw's learning. Perhaps, because vpw copied SO MUCH of it and didn't want to be exposed with fraudulent claims of "God teaching him (vpw) directly." Of course, in the Founders' Room.......FOUNDER OF WHAT???????......in the Auditorium, there are eight or ten pictures of men on the east wall. Pictures include...... E.W. Bullinger, Starr Daily, Bishop KC Pillai, BG Leonard, Rufus Moseley, Glenn Clark (??) and Kenyon. And maybe a couple of others. At the very least, vpw had these pictures displayed to give a semblance of credit due. If vpw would have been forthright about coming forward with this information and COMPILING THE PFAL CLASS FROM THESE MEN'S WORKS....then, to me, it wouldn't be as big a deal. BUT...... to pawn himself off like THE ONLY MAN OF GOD SINCE THE FIRST CENTURY TO HAVE SUCH TRUTH......it turns my stomach. And finally, to even steal the names of MAGGIE MUGGINS, HENRY BOLOKO, AND JOHNNY JUMPUP.......well, that's just really low. Uuuuuugh. Fresh
Why doesn't twi have these "debt policies" in writing? Why doesn't twi state their shifting stance on debt on a Sunday teaching tape? Why are things read at a hh fellowship? Could it be.......twi DOES NOT want to be held to a standard that would clearly point to their shifting in policies? Twi TAUGHT and TEACHES wrong doctrine!! They attempt to conceal this wrong doctrine with more lies and cover-up. How much more obvious can it be??? :D--> Fresh
May I remind the Newer Lurkers and Posters
FreshAir 99 replied to washingtonweather's topic in New Members
Could it be any CLEARER? Thanks WW, Hope and others. Fresh -
John & Hope, Happy Anniversary!!!!! Love you two. If you happen to be traveling to my state, please let me know. It would be wonderful to see you face-to-face. Love you, Fresh
There's Fungus among Us
FreshAir 99 replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Hope, Too funny.......squeezing enough private interpretation into a verse to fit one's inquiry. :D--> To me....... "fungus among us" are not those tenderhearted towards God who are deceived; but rather, those who "underhandedly deal the deception." For example, the leaders at the top who know the abuses, who know HOW the abs is stashed away for self-serving purposes, who carry guns at hq and intimidate all who stand up to the MOG/WOG, who bring other girls into the circle of seduction, etc. etc. I know many good folks.....like Grasshopper......who have valid reasons for staying in the corruption. I don't dispute that. But as mentioned above..... There's fungus among us. Fresh -
The System of Seclusion
FreshAir 99 replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
diazbro, Good post summing up the systematizing and trappings of twi. From one thing to another, there always was another bone to chew on. Also, the pattern surely fits with other outfits.... That's the sum and substance of it. The system of seclusion is the red labeling of every cult. Fresh -
There's Fungus among Us
FreshAir 99 replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Garth, ROFL..........thanks. :)--> Outin88, Right you are.......I will continue to pray for the tenderhearted to be free from this cult. Those "defenders" who come to GS Cafe and scream and slander are deceived too. Guess I should recognize this deception and pray for them too. ;)--> I'll work on it. Thanks. Fresh -
The Scriptures boldly declare that the tares [weeds] grow alongside the wheat. The Scriptures command us to BEWARE of wolves in sheep's clothing. The Scriptures give vivid accounts of MOGs who disobeyed God and moved into idolatry. WHY THEN.......do the twi/vpw/lcm defenders continue to stake their claims on a corporation that is "blessed by God?" Can someone point me to those verses of scripture that command us to stay in a corrupt organization at all costs? I just don't see how those claiming to stand for God continue to stay in a crooked and adulterous outfit. To me.......there's fungus among us. Watch your step. :D--> Fresh
The System of Seclusion
FreshAir 99 replied to FreshAir 99's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
I will agree that through the years I've experienced many godly and wonderful things....MOST ALL, of which, were on the field far away from hq's ruling hand. Oppressive leadership and policies only strive at stifling the believer. But the Scriptures show us, time and time again, that the humble ones were able to move with God IN SPITE OF the "leadership" of the land. Fresh