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Everything posted by fellowshipper

  1. My S excathater lcm uncaps used to talk about Iowa beef smelling like Chanel #5 compared to a devil spirit. "Oh the phrases we can cherish for the rest of our lives".
  2. Now what will the next babbler say?
  3. No, Ala Proclaim I want to be the 200th entry one. It is my calling. Excathedar, I must disagree bigger is better, any girl will tell you that.
  4. Simon do you mean Jesus on on 196 or ambassador one pilot on the end of 197?. Confusing issues here! I never knew those people. When you went on Way staff I was sent out in the field with the rest to move the Verd. We weren't the golden children like the rest of you apple polishers.
  5. Where is Clyde he didn't sponsor me and I came up short on my cigarettes but Gawd was my sufficiency on my tuition. Isn't Gawd great? It was all believer sponsored and look how I turned out.
  6. Simon did he have tears running down his face cuz he was so blessed speaking the wonderful works of Gawd.
  7. Ex, your speaking the wonderful works of God.
  8. Surprisingly enough, he is working Corps principle # 4 "Practicing believing to bring material abundance to you and the ministry". You move your lips your tongue. Just let it flow.Don't hold back. "That's It". Your speaking the wonderful works of Gawd.
  9. If that is tommyboy he is not only tired and grey but a little loner type looking. Are you sure this is not your version of a ....ed off Jesus homeless look alike wanna be?
  10. Niki, do you want me to come over this weekend and fix your TV? Not for you, but for the husband. Priorties are priorities, I have the skills and umpty gump to get on it and finish the desired results. That was a good picture of D.Crowell, but hey ,I will not be deceived, that is a twenty sum plus years photograph, what does he look like now, what are you holding on to, old memories, I too do the same and have changed. " You don't know the meaning of truth".Hummm, maybe some grey hair with wrinkles. Here on the ninth Corps thread,let's be honest we need current information and up to date images on our brothers/sisters in Christ.
  11. Tom Strangle hold, if I thought this was going to be a semantical forum I would have rephrased my words better.
  12. It's just a phrase thang is all.
  13. Well isn't that where you put your dirty laundry?
  14. Had a great day with the kids at school but paid hell when they got home. Oh the teenagers does it ever stop. I am looking for input here. I am going crazy.
  15. Tommy boy fellowshipper is dealing with the kids on the first day return from Summer vacation going back to school. Not a pretty site, seems nothing can console them they are in a freakinging frenzy. Somehow I must deal with my age of 49 to sorta getta along. Can't we all get along? It is a zoo in the Wallace tribe. So can ease up greasy.
  16. One time Simon was talking to Lonnie and said all he ever wanted was a fat girl with a big heart and suddenly realized he was engaged to to Vicky. He winced and rolled his eyes. And gracefully skated away. Niki you need to put it in a form of question. Rules are rules.
  17. I think that song is so pretty. I am older now and looking forward to other songs my children play over and over that I thrive to hear where they are. It sorta makes me feel younger. I likee!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am a tolerent person to give my kids space to grow. Is that wrong?
  18. So you knew it all along. Why change my schedule here.
  19. Simononloan I guess it is from a song that I too can hear the tune in my head. I am drowning here, who was that singer. SURVEY says!
  20. That would be cool to sit and fellowship in the back yard with some adult beverages or sweet tea.
  21. Simon I will just do the minimum aerobic points Niki I am burnt out in blessing the household. I just can't help to think I am being used when you run hither and yon to bless someone.
  22. Home from drill from the city and no I will not come see you until you and your family is settled.
  23. I just got home. Tommy boy is that our Eduardo Di Noto or am I in the wrong church and wrong Pew?
  24. It is a challenge to raise three of mine own alone but I know there is a lotta learning. They are just so dang expensive to get ready for school. If it aint one thing it's another. I just have a suspicion that the schools with all of their smart people plan all of this stuff for their progams. Talk among yourselves
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