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Everything posted by fellowshipper

  1. Tommy blacksheep boy I misread conversation with conversion. I guess your more of a spiritual heavier than I cuz I don't know what that means either. I will just lower my voice and go away. we're all gone now.
  2. Tuttle what is a conversation verification mean? I have been waking up earlier everyday too. It must be something in the air. Like stress.
  3. Were they called Kristons first in Antioch?
  4. Tommy boy, are you full of new wine, seeing it is only the third hour of the day. What ever happened to the two drink limit? Your Corpse d..mit.
  5. The other day while driving down the highway a license plate frame of an Oklahoma tag caught my eye. Oh by the way (if you don't live in Oklahoma your just camping out). The license border said "Got Jesus!" on the the bottom it said "it's hell without him". How witty. I then thought HE LIVES!!
  6. When I studied technology for jet engines they said and engine sucks, blows and goes and our motto was jet engine mechanics use more thrust. Simon I think your answer is in septuagent.
  7. Oklahoma is a very windy state and all others suck.
  8. Simon, I did sell my land with the house of 29 acres and set up deals with two others with five acres apiece. I did not lie to the Holy Ghost and these things are important. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. My kids went to the Grandparents for turkey. I think I will go down to the Jesus Mission to have dinner with the downer and outers. Not! I was invited to go to the neighbors relatives as usual.
  9. Simon, you said to be sure to tithe off of the homes appreciated value. I just have to say I have to go on my first thought here. F..k you.
  10. Here I am send me!!!! I have a buyer for my house. Ya'll pray my transition to the other place is a blessing. My kids are fighting my stance of selling out. Whatever! I own the place. Just pray please. I am stressed out!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I just want some fig pep. It has been so long and I have forgot the dicusting taste I had as a budding Corps guy.
  12. It's so beautiful to see our international brethen still out there.
  13. I think we need some new material.
  14. the balance lies in there is a time to clutter and a time to declutter. If my neighbor had this problem I would have reported it too as I don't want to look at someone elses mess. I would have went over to help if needed but that's not the point. It is a health hazard and public endangerment.
  15. Ex it is ordained to you to SIT for anyone that will post.
  16. niki for now it is fall in okieboogie towns across the state and I so cherish the change from the summer. I enjoy the wind and cold coming upon us. I think winter is coming soon.
  17. Ex you are not a loser you are winner. God gives us grace.YOu are special.
  18. Tommyboy I would like to be blessed by giving but I have learned you can not out give Gawd. The more I give the more he gives back. You will eventually be the loser as he has a bigger source to give.
  19. Es what is mwah please explain.
  20. niki, I wished I could preach the vord like that.
  21. Niki I feel your pain. I have always thought that elections spoil any hopeful things toward what we want. I come to except I am just a small vote in the ocean of doubt.
  22. Today, I listened to the candidates running for office and JFK said we need to work to remain united regardless of results and I really thought that was thoughtful to remind us as a nation to stick together. I know this aint no dagburn political page but more of a goof off page to vent our humor. Thanks for letting me share my heart and sound redundant. Most of all, that I can be me, without the structure. Stucture is bad.
  23. Watching the results of tonights elections was better than sports but not sex. I have to draw the line somewhere.
  24. Niki, Sackcloth does better than anything now-a-days since I am late bloomer on balding and also have to keep a short military haircut. I do not want to argue about politics. Can't we just get along. Oh and OU is kicking butt and I aint talking about Mesas.
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