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Everything posted by fellowshipper
Last night I called Simon. He was down in Florida as a WOW rover moving up towards Chicago as part of his itinerary. Hope he blessed all of the WOW's he visited.
Ex, you never sent me a love note e-mail. Are you really taking care of the needs of the people? I have an inferior complex that must be pampered, I need counseling now and yes it will take time on the trauma of singleing out the club members I was not included with.
I would love to come to Florida and bask in the sun but you'll never see me in a thong or G-string.
igotout, If you are starting another ministry I'm in, just do a sight for the 9th corpse too as we had to be in subjection to youins.
Has everyone sobered up from their new years eve partying zzzzz plural?
Happy New years everyone or for those that hold on to the past ,Happy household holidays.
Simon you go to hell. That was a classical come back.
Simon are you preparing a teaching for this Sundays morning fellowship on mans depravity and Gawds goodness?
Simon to be misunderstood is to be great.
ex, as long as you don't lift a finger towards me, I will be fine. Today was chaotic but approchable. I despise moving as it reminds me of my Corps years, as my multiple wow years. I digress. So is life. If you can not accept change we die. We must move on to the the higher calling. I likee.
I have a lot of friends who have trucks but refuse to help. I got friends who don't have trucks and want to help. I just need to get my needs and wants parallel.
Sorry about the repost. Seems after I do a post now, a popup shows and does not let me see if it is posted or not. It's the work of satan (little s ). These g..da.n popups tell me to be a stronger person and deal with it but somehow I am discouraged from the internet trash. Oh the trials and temptations.
No Niki Fellowscripture hasn't moved yet. Seems people want to sit around and eat all day on Xmas. Where's the love. I am set to move this week. I have to have a new circuit breaker put in because there is no cover and one can't be found for the existing one. All for the low price of $500. I keep telling my Realtor I am paying out more and losing my original expectation than lead to believe. Simon knows that VA loans are hard on the inspections. I told my realtor my concerns and she said I was coming out quite well in the deal and told her so is the realtor at my cost. Talk among yourselves.
Niki, no, fellowscripture is not moved yet. Seems people have such a tradition for when jaja was born they just aint motivated to help. To much food on the table. I am packed somewhat and I called in for back up this weekend. The artillery is showing up. I had to pay over $500 for a new circuit breaker box all because the handy man could not find the cover. Simon knows that anytime you have VA loan buyer the inspection is costly. I keep telling my realtor I am paying out more than I was originally lead to believe. She insists I am making out quite well and I remind her so is the realtor at my cost. Talk among yourselves.
I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season on your hoho relocation if the shoe fits. I will be beginning my trail of tears to my temporary dwelling on happy holiday day.
I hope you don't tell me now that much learning doth make me mad.
You'll have to blow off your dust covered bible and don't worry if you don't know where Proverbs is, there is always an index to help you find it. xoxo
I took Walter Cummins class on the renewed mind. I remember him suggesting to read the verse of proverbs for the day of the month you were reading. I don't know if any of you bastard ninth corpse did but I did for years. Gee aint I righteous!!!! And I still do from time to time. Fellowshippers favorite verse is Proverbs 22:17-21. The epitame of the whole bible pivots on this what did Solomon prep this figure of speech and say in verse nineteen. Talk among yourselves. It set like a diamond so even a fool not err.
The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold
Simon, unfortunately,as a pilot and the arrogance that officers carry being rich kids and a SB he did not seem to hear a word I was saying. He must have uncircumsized ears I don't know. I did try to get to him but it was for nought. As it says in Isaiah his word does not go out void and in this I a bask and stand on solid groundd.
Well we did go down the San Antonio river walk to a steak place and eat steak. Seems the major I was sitting across from was from Pascagoula Miss and was one of the pilots.He was southern baptist and somehow began to talk about tongues. He was'nt speaking the wonderful works of Gawd but about it. He said he prayed to speak but never got it. I sat there quietly sit for him. He felt tongues was least of all of the gifts. I think he's the first SB southern baptist not SOB that showed any interest in tongues. He showed me some interesting things on the flight deck (the cock pit for you civilians)
I just got back from my TDY (temorary duty) and got to be on a plane and got to witness in the cockpit an air-refueling operation and all the while long seeing that boom come down to refull as the pilots corrected movement on the stab,scared the daylights out me. It was exubriating but so frighenening at the speed and altitude over the terrain. I need counseling.
Niki, just have a kegger party before the no alcohol mandate goes into effect at OU.
Niki, this is from a fortynine year old. What does an accountant do when they have constipation? They work it out with a pencil!!
Simon I was trying to follow you on the song. I was song leading and didn't know if that was a two count or a four count. Help me out here, throw me a bone.