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Everything posted by fellowshipper

  1. I concur with you Niki. I feel the same way and will no longer allow anyone of authority to intimidate me or belittle me either. I can be bold as brass.
  2. Just taking it to the top. We have an image here 9th Corps, are you so spirtually asleep.
  3. We had a locked box meeting and just assumed you were backslid.
  4. Well Niki if I could I would come down to visit from the city but I have a test to study for so maybe next time around.
  5. Tom Tuttle you are full of new wine.
  6. Hey how come I aint in the pray LOOP?
  7. I dread all of the believers and corps friends I lost too Tommy Strange. All of the sudden we were cut off of the ministry and on our own. I am glad we have hooked Tom strange. It gives a point of reference to my youth.
  8. tommy strange I feel your pain and understand quite well your thoughts. I am a counselor I can get you through this.
  9. whenever exie speaks it's EXCATHEDRA!
  10. Tommy you ain't turning into a couch potato like me are you? The biggest torture I endured as a young man in the Corps which is years behind me was peer pressure. I am free now.
  11. You can even put it on your fridge Tommy
  12. Tommy boy I prefer mellow stripper. It drives the girls cwazy. It's a magnet name to bring the girls in.
  13. Exie Puppie #2 I couldn't make heads nor tail. Pardon the pun. Who are these people creeping in unawares on our holy sight. I wished we could use our real names and not hide behind a handle.
  14. Excie I wander if it is tongues of angels or men?
  15. maybe he is "holding it forth". Maybe he might get into penal outreach someday. Simon you're getting old. You just have to enhance enrich augment it.
  16. Excid your a WOEman after mine own heart.
  17. Exie, what is your fasination? I am am trained just as you. I am a counselor I can help you with your compulsion to expose us males with what we deal with on a day to day basis. Let's talk. I have an ear. Was that boy circumcised. Ouch!
  18. I will miss donnie too as he was my Corps brother. Life often takes us by surprise and unfortunately we have to adjust as the living.
  19. Tom Strange what is this bleating of the sheep in my ear when you speak of the fellowshipper chart?
  20. I remember on my WOW year in Athens,Ga. they came to our fellowship on night and shared the verd. It was such blessing as we really didn't know what to teach. Gail and Francis were such kind and seasoned WOW rovers.
  21. Simon are you having acid flashbacks from your days with Donnie Fugit? Glad your back from your WOW rovering. I never liked our rovers they always yelled and screamed at us when we were the ones working part time jobs getting recruits for the ministry. Don't get me started.
  22. Ex, Niki, Tuttle, Simon my lost brothr out there witnessing and bringing the children of Gawd back to himmmmmmmmm. YOUR STAFF COMFORTS ME!
  23. My fiancee is involved with a group of girls that refer to themselves as "the ya yas". This is a group of girls varying from believers and non. Ya ya ya. Is this safe? Because as a man I just feel this could be either profitable or un. Talk among yourselves! What do girls speak of among the same sex. Is it like a womans purse a mystery or just something they need to do. The Ya yas. Such a mystery. I just can't feel they are caniving against man
  24. Tuttle is this another tsunami scam. I recall and will remind you. "Much learning doth make thee mad". In a nutshell there it is.
  25. Ex, we are men, they will figure it out. We don't need no female councelling. Hello! The boy's are on a mercinary trip to witness to then Wows on the field. Just let it go.
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