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Psalm 71 one

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Posts posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. We are in a house church. We had been in a church's "cell group", and they did tell us what we were going to study, the couple that led it were very tied into whatever the leaders told us to do. Long story, but eventually five families left that home group--and ultimately that church, (we were labled the mavericks). The church we were attending seems way more "Twi-ish" than this house church we are now in.

    They decided what we would study in the group, they pushed their own promotional class, the people quoted the pastors or other great church leaders as if that was as important as the Bible. We followed the leadership as if we were all a bunch of lemmings.

    When my husband lost his job, he went straight to the pastors--with his tithe of that week--a matter of "trusting God". They told him, "well not see you to fall, Mr Psalm". We got one gift from them-- after being told we had to attend a popular Christian financial class conveniently being offered at the time. the gift was $300. And then in a church-wide meeting they had one Sunday night, they excitedly explained how they were going to be pouring a concrete pad for the church's dumpster-- a mere $3000.

    Makes ya go hmmmm. Wonder if ya take the money out of the megachurches and really gave it to the poor amongst them, what would happen? Each church has it's marketing plan--and who do they usually win-- the "unchurched"?

    I can't actually buy that the organized church is "all bad"--not at all, but I know that in the large one we had attended, Jesus had left the building about the time they built this mamoth of a church building.

    Our Home Church is very much like Mark's report states. as well as what Evan described. At this stage it meets our needs. It is sweet family times, and it often does remind me of the early way twigs--the ones where the money didn't go to hq, the rules weren't handed down from the top, and there was variety in what we did and where we met!

    Can these home churches go in the wrong direction? yeah-- just like the organized church. I think it really depends on the attendees and who they make Lord of their lives. I also think it's very individual. If I am really following the Lord's guidance-- If he wants me in a mega church--that's where I better be--same as with a small group. As long as I can hear His voice, (not the pastor's), and I obey His voice, I can't go wrong. The location I attend for christian fellowship, is the icing--the relationship with Jesus is the cake! :wave:

  2. WOW! thanks for all the birthday food-- er wishes!!

    Did it really show up that I am 100 years old? that's funny! I tried to take the date back even further, but it olny went back to 1906

    My three guys took me out all day-- we went out for breakfast first, then shopping, then to a park-- they hiked, I sat at a picnic table (my ankle wasn't quite ready for uneven terrain!! LOL!). We had a light lunch there, and then we went out to a steak restaurant for dinner. It was a really sweet day!!

    Now what do i have here to throw back? (YER NOT gettin my chocolate cake! HAH!)

    Ice Cream sundae, mix it with turkey bacon, the Chef's dirt and TOTW's duck, some chili, peanut butter, tapioca pudding-- the large pearls, too, --ew, cottage cheese makes an UGLY mucky mess, now, big ole spoon catapult. . .








  3. WAHHHHHH! THEY'RE throwing food at me!!!

    You guys areSOOOOO mean!!! SHEEESSSHHH! You'd never catch ME being so mean!!!

    sniff, sniff, now i have to take a shower!!

    (Psalmie walks outa the room, head hanging low, but an evil gleam in her eye, and flips the switch to the ceiling fan which has been prest at high and loaded with flour!!) :wave:

  4. Dot,

    To get a partial for that area (removeable bridge, in case I have the terms incorrect), the dentist told me would be about $2000. We have no insurance, so I keep living with it. If I was able to do it, I would get a post and crown (I think that's waht it is-- a permanent false tooth) And that would be about $3000.

    Not gonna happen anytime soon, ya know? LOL! No dental schools around here, either, so it's probably going to boil down to having it pulled and living with the gap, eventually.

  5. :confused: oooohhhh, I don't feel so good-- a bit green around the edges--dmiller, what did you put in that food? I love the food fight pictures!! and sorry 'bout the jelly!! maybe I shoulda thrown spaghetti sauce? LOL!

    TOTW--shower? haha!! I'm throwing a pitcher of cold water over the shower curtain!! SPLOOSH!!! :dance:

    (wassamatta? a little cold?? heeheee!!! :who_me: )

    WhiteTurkey! Now you've gone too far! It's paintbal practice for you!! SPLOOSH! SPLAT! POW! SPLATTT!

    oooooh you're sooooo pretty now! pink and green and purple polka-dots! little bit of superglue under one foot-- You're gonna get dizzy hooping around in a circle!!! :biglaugh:

    MOOOOOO---NEYYYYYYYY! I have something for you!!!


    (Bummer-- it won't show up) It was yesterday's corn chowder!

  6. Very interesting stuff! I have a tooth where a root canal was done and the dentist perforated the root. resulting in repeat infections in the jaw. (That is the explanation given to me by a different dentist as to why the tooth still hurts after a root canal--and it makes enough sense-- they showed me the Xray of the perforation) We can't afford to get a bridge or a post and i don't want to just have the tooth pulled--I am already missing a lower molar on the other side. It would make chewing meats or crunchy stuff very difficult, since I already can't chew these on the side w/ the missing tooth.

    I have also had occasional vertigo and something called "optical migraine". There is no pain with that, just a flittering light in the perifery (sp?) of my vision. It really affects my vision, and if I am driving, I have to pull over til it passes. (Smae side as the sore tooth, too) I wonder if that is related? It would be interesting to see a Craniodontist--not that it would be something I could afford, but I still think it's a practice that makes sense.



    (that last was the pie-shooting uzi! LOL)

    OH-- what's this? a confused looking person standing in the middle of the room--just

    waiting to be bombed?


    Oh, Top-of the World, you look so nice with that chocolate pie, spaghetti sauce-jello

    ensemble! :dance:

    (Psalmie pours soda on Mooney's bread, slops jelly at dmiller, and fudge sauce on Krys :who_me:

    Saving the best for BIRD-BRAIN. . . MUD BATH!!!!! HEY! BrownDove! ya don't look so good!!! :rolleyes:

    BYEEEEEEE!!!!!! :wave:


    There! I've been saving all that for a few weeks! That's mudpies (Cuz I ate all the good ones-- couldn't lettem go to waste ya know!), spaghetti sauce, jello and old stale christmas cookies :D :biglaugh::who_me: :P

    My aim's off a bit, though, cuz I'm using the crutches to bat all this stuff-- sorry 'bout the walls, Paw :redface2:

    I'm not really back for good, I'm still having trouble getting around--the cast comes off Friday, and I get a walking boot then. At that time, I can start walking-- with a crutch--very light weight on the ankle, the Dr says it'll take about three weeks to get to the point of walking without the crutches. My family helped me downstairs this morning and I'll be here all day--it takes a lot of effort to get anywhere. My good leg hurts really badly still--I think it's a combination of the fall and all the stress on it from having to use it for all my weight. (That one is another "sloppy joint" both my hips and shoulders move around too much in the sockets--not a dislocarion, but they do move more than they should and it stresses the joint--I will NEVER go to get either hip fixed, though--not after experiencing this operation!) The ankle itself finally doesn't hurt, the non-broken toe still throbs.

    My advice to anyone who may need a surgery like this--make sure you're in good shape beforehand--I had done some light excersizing beforehand, but I was not strong enough to do the crutches too much. My hips and shoulders don't "dislocate" (I know that isn't the correct term, but I don't know the right one-- they "move too much in their sockets"), when I have worked out with weights.

    My hubby and I still like each other-- we each had our own meltdown day, but we've been considerate and much kinder than we would've been a few years ago! That is a miracle, too!

    I appreciate all your well-wishes and prayers. I might get back in here this weekend.

    WhiteDove-- I guess I should be nice to ya for updating everyone-- I'll TRY! heeheehee! :biglaugh:

  9. Well, DANG! It might get cancelled AGAIN!!! Big Ice storm supposed to hit here tomorrow morning. And from what I understand, in this area, they don't have enough trucks to deal with icy weather. <_<

    I guess we hafta wait til tomorrow and see what the roads are like before we know if we're going. If it gets cancelled again, there's gonna be a bored pig flyin around this place. . .

    muhahahaha!!! :biglaugh::biglaugh:

  10. Yep, I'm reschediled for my ankle operation--um, fer Friday--THIS FRIDAY! :D

    There was a cancellation and they called me to see if I wanted it. I needed it done in December to get the "grant" I am getting from them (end of yr charity--fee-free surgery center). I'm done with all my Chrismas shopping--the only thing I can't do is run around like I was gonna do.

    We were planning on taking off from homeschooling from this Friday til Jan 3, anyway. I had figured I'd do some projects around the house, but now, I'm just gonna hafta lay around and read-- poor me! :biglaugh: But the cool thing is the boys won't miss any school cuuza their invalid mudder! :jump:

    They do want one more BP reading tomorrow, though--It should be good--I don't feel as "zingy" as I did a couple weeks ago-- but if it's not right, we have to cancel again <_<

    I'm together, but I'm nervous, too! Pray for me?

    (Edited for spacing the spaces!)

  11. My boys herad me yelling first time I played it! We exploded the pig, wacthed it take that nap, tried to throw stuff at it (that didn't work! LOL!) We were yelling so much my hubby had to come in and hear what the ruckus was all about!!!!

    David, if ya give the piggy bowling balls and books, that;s what will be thrown next food fight! HeyYYYYY! bowling at Birds, Fiddle-Pickers, and anything else that gets in my way. . . THAT COULD BE FUN!!!!! :biglaugh::jump::biglaugh:

  12. I kin help!

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves,

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    And this is how it goes- - -

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves,

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    And this is how it goes- -

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves,

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    And this is how it goes- -

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves,

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    And this is how it goes- -

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves,

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves

    And this is how it goes- -

    If'n that doesn't work, here's a couple peanut butter balls SPLOOT! SPLOOT! one in each ear!!! :wave::biglaugh:

  13. That WAS fun! took me about 5 min, also. David, I LOVE jigsaws--this summer when I went to visit my family, at the campground we all vactaion at, I think we put together all the jigsaws they had at the park!

    We'd get one out and 4-5 of us would sit around and have that sucker done in an afternoon! LOL! My oldest son and I put together a lot too.

    Sudoko puzzles, I really like, but can't get under 8 minutes on the EASY one! :redface:

    (edited cuz i just got the 8 min, 43 second score!)

  14. Sorry it took me so long to get back. . . I hadta go to the car wash after I used the windshield washers. Some Red Bird left droppings all over my new pigmobile. Something was familiar about the Bird--can't quite place it yet. . . :blink:

  15. Why did Dove call you a pig, Moony? :biglaugh:

    He's just a grumpy ole Bird, and gets sooooo upset over a LITTLE BIT of gravy! :P :P

    (shhhhh! don't tell him his birdbath os fulla s'ketti sauce! ;)


    (sneaking off. . . )

  16. Hilarious! I enjoyed making that white bird hit it's head on the globe! heeheehee! :P :biglaugh:

    You'll have to wait on it, but watch when the sleep walker gets to the opposite side of the globe! My sons and I laughed and laughed!

    Ranksarot, Dove, we're NOT doing school right now!! LOL!

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