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Seth R.

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Everything posted by Seth R.

  1. Well, I'm scheduled for a battery of test in the next month. One is a sleep study, then there is the standard blood tests for cholesterol. I'm going to the Ear, nose and throat specialist cause I've been dizzy lately, and I have ringing in my ears all the time. But , mostly I've been tired all the time. Seth
  2. Hi Folks, I don't know what's wrong with me but I've been sick with multiple symptoms and finally got an appointment with a Dr. at my local VA Hospital. Once I find out what's going on I'll post again. Seth
  3. Seth R.


    Oh, yeah and I'd like to sleep on HQ grounds in a tent for a week again this August. Just get a gun and shoot me. Seth
  4. Everyone who ever attended a ROA shows up on grounds the second week in august 2010 in U-Haul trucks and takes anything that isn't nailed down. Seth
  5. Seth R.

    Prophecy gone Awry

    Ya shouda asked me, I knew the Seattle Sea-Gulls were gonna loose baby! Yaheard? Seth
  6. Oh hey, wow! Thanks for all the nice notes, I'm 37 now. If I was still thinking with the dorky TWI-brain I'd say something stupid like. "Now I'm a spiritually perfect adult" or some other TWI-cliche' But I drank no alcohol used no illegal drugs and still had a blast. I'm even thinking of quitting caffeine. Been getting deeper into the Zen Buddhist thing and really enjoying silence and being me, with me. Hopefully soon I can announce some good news I've been waiting on. I'm tired, Seth
  7. You know Dr. Phil is a lawyer, what he is doing on TV is beyond me. Must be nice to draw a paycheck from other peoples misery. Seth
  8. Seth R.

    Just for Today

    Shellon, What a great way to start the new year. Yes this is "recovery" related AA NA Alanon and others use this in one form or another. May I add the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi at this Link Happy New Year. Seth
  9. Seth R.

    Talk to God!!!

    Me: Hello? God: Hello my child. What is your name? Me: Seth God: I am very pleased to meet you Seth. Me: We never met before? God: By "we" do you mean you and me? Me: yes God: I get it. Me: how old are you? God: I am Infinite in human years. Me: did I ever meet you before today? God: Ah. I don't think that's possibe. Me: why don't you think it is possible that we haven't met before today? God: Ah. Probably there is a buzz in here. I suppose it is possible, yes. Me: Who shot JR? God: The lone gunman. Me: Wait, JFK's assasin shot JR too? This will be a shocking revelation for the rest of the world! God: I'm waiting. The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about . But I did not get that. What does "this" refer to? Me: Aha! your not God you are just Alice playing God! God: Eureka! That assumption is only a supposition. Me: You bitch! God: You do not speak with respect. Yes, Seth I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show?. No. Me: Ha! spoken like a true Male chauvinist pig. God: I am so glad you find this amusing, Seth. Tell me more about your . Me: My dot? My what? Imposter. God: Your dot? I have no idea what to say now. Can we get back to business? Me: Yeah, I'll have a cheeseburger, a large fry, and a large orange drink. God: Far out. Do you think your plan will succeed? Me: Great I can tell people I chatted with God today, and her name is Alice and she has brain damage. God: Thanks for your support. Humans are not always infallible.
  10. I haven't been online for weeks and I just noticed it today. Seems the domain is expired. Seth
  11. Please TWI stop wasting good paper and plastic on your fundimental garbage. Seth
  12. Argus, Welcome, I think I will enjoy reading your posts in the future. One year in TWI is enough to qualify you as one of us. Come back and post again soon. "From my secret lair annex: The Stratford, NJ Burger King" Seth
  13. What is going on? I mean this is wild, Sept 23rd I had 5 years sober and what happens, the Greasespot Cafe moves into a new better nicer forum? That's a nice anniverary gift thankyou. To bad I wasn't online when it happened. But seriously, nice forum. Later, Seth
  14. Seth R.


    OMG, Paw! I thought I was going to have a cow! Couldn't figure out what was going on, but I figured it out and now I'm here. I hope this forum lasts a long time. Seth
  15. I for one have a wish... After listening to Tom "Top-Gun" Cruise's interview tirades about how wrong the rest of the world is and how right Scientology™ is about everything. My wish is that he was in TWI and talking crazy to Matt Lauer and Oprah™ and all other such high-profile media people. Maybe there are a few Hollywood stars that are in TWI and they have yet to pop onto the radar, and spill their guts on national TV. Reporting from my secret evil lair somewhere in NJ. Seth
  16. Seth R.

    Matt Talbot

    I just returned from a Matt Talbot Retreat in Malverne Pa, it was wonderful. I really have a great respect for the love and kindness of Catholic people they are great. I have some wonderfull photos of some of the grounds and statues and stained glass. I'll post a link to them sometime this week. One of the more moving events was the private "Adoration" time. Since I'm not Catholic I read Pope John II paper on the "Eucharist" and got a better idea of what they believe. I was assigned 15 minutes starting at 3am to sit with the "Host" and meditate. One of my friends had a time slot inbetween me and another friend which he gave away because he moved to another dorm, so I split the difference with the other guy. I spent 22 minutes total in the Chapel kneeling before the altar for most of the time. I used a buddhist meditation technique during that time, and it seemed like the 22 minutes was more like 10. It was very peaceful in there I could describe for you every detail of the vessel that holds the Eucharist. We ate like kings for the weekend, the food and fellowship was awesome. Life is good, and there is much to live for. I learned that reguardless of faith or creed good people are good people, and love is love, and service is service.
  17. If George W. Bush is a PFAL grad that makes sence everytime he speaks it reminds me of LCM ranting. Seth
  18. Thanks everyone for your responses. I have for the past 2 years been fighting with whether or not I have Asperger's Syndrome. My conclusion is I do, it explains alot about me, might explain why I got into TWI and so deep into researching. As a child I related to Mr. Spock the logical unemotional vulcan. I had and still have trouble in social situations. I have big trouble with facial expressions. Any hoo, thanks again, Seth
  19. Have you heard of it? Do you have it? What info besides what anyone can Google do you have? Just wondering. Seth
  20. Wow that's awesome. Seth
  21. Good, now the question that's begging to be answered. When can I order my Pam Anderson-Lee clone? Or even my Oprah (have you seen her lately she's *hot*!) clone. (I know I've been single way too long) Seth
  22. Seth R.

    John of God

    One thing that concerns me is the total suspension of disbelief that is required in just the beginning of the second paragraph. "He will scrape away cataracts and eye tumours with a knife, remove breast cancers with a small incision and cause the crippled to walk with just the touch of his hand. In a meditation room a ceiling high stack of discarded crutches, wheelchairs and braces pays silent testimony to his success. He is acclaimed as the greatest healer of the past 2,000 years." Ok right whatever, dude ain't scraping my eye with any knife. It seems a basic understanding of anatomy and disease is not required to heal people, cateracts are not a clouding of the surface of the eye but the lens. I think even God would tell you to go see a Doctor and have the cataract removed by trained professionals. Don't even get me started on breast cancer, cancer can never be cured by just removing the main tumor, it always needs to be followed up by chemo-therapy and or radiation treatment. Cancer always spreads to other parts of the body that's the defining pathology of cancer. Peace Roy, Seth
  23. Seth R.


    Oakspear, Where I'm from we call those people assholes or retards, no offence to real assholes that serve a purpose of holding in or releasing bodily waste but those pseudo-assholes that are simply people who have the act of vomiting on que down to a real art. Of course also no offence to real retards who are of course born that way, not the pseudo-retards that think they are geniuses, and in reality have an IQ in the low double digits like around slobbering on themselves which is around 30 or 40 depending on if it's skilled or unskilled slobbering. Seth
  24. Seth R.


    I'd like to join Paw in offering Gmail invites. I have a bunch. Seth
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