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Everything posted by mudflaps
Years ago I heard he was out west some where.I always thought Troy was a really cool guy.
I'm sorry to hear about your father and the mental fight you had to endure after his passing. I think the bottom line is the way does not know how to minister to people when bad things happen,they have nothing comforting to say,they throw out a few verses for you to chew on and say something like "The word will keep you strong". They should be honest and admit they do not have all the answers to life.
You hit the nail on the head with this topic! It is sick and twisted that when someone leaves the corporation of the way members that are still in are hoping bad stuff happens. Yes that's right MEMBERS,I don't buy the freely avail bs.When I was in I honestly never really felt freedom. So does it still p!$$ you innies off that God still loves us and prospers us after we leave the way? I was thinking the other day that the board of dictators probably actually believe that they,not God are in charge,and therefore they tell God who to bless and prosper.
What have you done.. to loosen da ways grip on your mind?
mudflaps replied to Ham's topic in About The Way
One of the first things I did was call December 25th what it really is called,CHRISTMAS! Not ho ho day,not happy household holiday,just good ole'CHRISTMAS. Give money to people that have nothing to do with da way. Shi!Canne$ all the class syllybusses. Stopped saying "the word" when referring to the bible. Instead of rushing home from work to get the house ready for fellowship I now rush home to sit down,relax and drink a few cold ones. Be especially good to all,not just wayfers. -
I think I have been out 6 or 7 years now.I have told many people that since leaving I finally feel like I am having the enjoyable life God intended people to have,my life has honestly never been better,health,relationships,finances,job,spiritually,everything every aspect of life is awesome! I think we are all examples of "God restoring the years the locust has eaten."
Does anyone remember hearing this statement? I must confess in the 90's I bought into this teaching and prayed for wayfers first and foremost.I look back at that and think "How could I have believed such a lie and been so unloving.
I like you and your wife's sense of humor oldskool. It seems like whenever there is someone with more talent than a wayfer the talented individual is said to be evil and have spirits.
Your welcome. That one came straight from a branch coordinator.
Watching for the adversary,that's another wayfer statement I don't miss hearing. I believe the bible and at times everyday life shows that the adversary strikes without cause A.K.A. "Life can be a real b!#%h sometimes". I think it's just another way the b.o.d. shows their egotism,like twi is so on fire spiritually that the adversary has to pay special attention to them. The following are some of my all time favorite b.s. comments I heard through the years about watching for the adversary, "Avoid using the drive thru at restaurants,the drive thru is a front of the adversary to keep believers from going inside and moving the word". "Plan the adversary out of your life". "They did'nt take the class because they let the adversary get to them".
You'r Favorite Example of Way International Double Talk.
mudflaps replied to OldSkool's topic in About The Way
I once had a apprentice corpse person tell me "God tried to tell you but,you were'nt listening."The context of this double talk was usually when the apprentice corps person would forget one of his responsibilities. -
Ten years of not once stepping up to the plate and being a true leader,hides in the shadows and makes a once a year public appearance.As far as I can tell she has not encouraged nor allowed any new research,same old blah,blah,blah rehearsed,regurgitated teachings.And rather than deal with so many of the issues that has caused so many to leave and continue leaving she chooses to ignore those issues or reply with a "Your just being negative attitude."I remember back in I believe it was 2004 she wanted feedback on why the sunday sleeping service attendance was so low,we gave honest feedback on the teachings being boring as one of the reasons why,her response was "Your just being negative." Donna's position does not make alot of sense to me either,I'm sorry her marriage fell apart but,it takes two in a marriage and obviously something was not right in that marriage.I don't believe she should be in a leadership/decision maker position.
TWI - why and what has changed at HQ since the Allen lawsuit.
mudflaps replied to OldSkool's topic in About The Way
Thanks Chockfull,well put.Another one they used to say was "If you want a house why not just believe God for it".I'm thinking wow thanks for that great impartation of wisdom,God please give me the $90,000 I need for a house because I prefer to sit on my a$$ and do nothing and also the biblical research,teaching and fellowship ministry I freely avail myself to does not allow an individual to think for themselves. -
TWI - why and what has changed at HQ since the Allen lawsuit.
mudflaps replied to OldSkool's topic in About The Way
So I take it that twi still punishes wayfers who decide to buy a house?When I was in I referred to it as punishment and a bc said "It's not punishment it's a standard".The dictionary I have defines punishment as inflicting a penalty for an offense.Buy a house no class for you and no fellowship coordinating for you.When I was in there were so many people that were in their late 40's and 50's who had sold their house (under lcm's reign) and were so upset that they had done so,I would be too,most people are paying their house off by the time they are in their 40's and 50's and can sell it for a profit or whatever.twi is so decieved by their debt policy and so many other things. -
I don't miss the following, Being a part of something that treats people so unlovingly. Fellowship Coordinator meetings. Fellowship Coordinator weekly call ins to the Branch Coordinator,nothing like being teathered to a phone once a week. Sitting through the Sunday Service. Nosy people Policies Classes
I was flipping through channels last Sunday morning and a sunday service teaching was being broadcast on a local station.I watched about 5 minutes of the teaching,in my opinion same boring,scripted,lifeless and torture to sit through stuff.Seriously,they need to move on,quit being lazy and do something new.
When I was still doing a fellowship in my home I had a J**l O$***n book sandwiched in my book ends,my branch coordinator was at my house and happened to see the book,I could tell he did'nt like it his comment to me was "Yeah,that guy teaches alot of the stuff Dr. taught 40 years ago."In my opinion it's amusing to me how wayfers get so jealous of other churches success.
I don't know why ,but lately I have been thinking about the absurdity of that statement "plan the adversary out of your life".I used to hear it alot when I went to twi,don't get me wrong I think it's good to have a plan,but think about the arrogance of this statement.For example adversary shows up on a day you did not have him planned in your schedule,do you say "Hey you were'nt supposed to show up today!"Or what about if you get ill,"Hey I was not supposed to get sick till next month!" Or what about when a plant or animal gets sick or gets some type of disease,what did the plant or animal do to deserve that?Something evil?I just think this statement fosters alot of condemnation for people,as if they have done something to deserve adversity in their life.
The last year or so that I was still involved with the twi I stopped witnessing a.k.a. stopped promoting twi.Some of the reasons I stopped were because I thought to myself why would I want to invite someone to be a part of something I myself was sick of,so boring,I mean how many times can volumes 1 thru whatever of studies in abundant living be taught,the ministry of an apostle is not allowed to function in twi,no new light.I also did not want to invite people to be a part of something so deceitful,for example people should be told up front right from the beginning that they will have to be debt free to take certain classes.Since leaving twi I have ran into a couple people still involved,what's funny is one of them referred to my leaving as "no longer fellowshipping",I did not know an individual's "fellowshipping" hinged on whether or not you go to twi.Typical way speak/way brain.
Their no debt policy is such a legalistic joke,I can't believe what I read earlier about how if a debt is in someone else's name it is then o.k. by the way's standards,how can the B.O.D. honestly before God put this spin/loophole in their no debt policy and think they are being honest before God.I imagine they have probably taken some verse out of context to promote this part of the policy.I remember a few years ago being at a hfc mtg. (when I was still part of twi) the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how twi no debt policy was still in full force and nothing had changed about it,I spoke up at the meeting about my disagreement with their policy,I said I don't believe it is right to punish people who have debt (not allowing them to coordinate a fellowship etc.),the response I got back was that it is not punishment it is a ministry standard.I believe the majority of people in that meeting did not agree with the policy,but were afraid to speak up.In my opinion the no debt policy among alot of other things is a big reason the way cannot keep it's followers nor attract new people."Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them".
I went out way disciple and lived with a married couple and another gentlemen (don't know if that counts as a way home).The way home was the worst thing about the way disciple experience.The married couple were apprentice corpse and had some major issues,they continually made false accusations directed at my roomate and I,they wanted to run the house as if a dictatorship,always wanting to be in control.I honestly cannot believe they were even allowed in the corpse program,but knowing what I know now it does not take much to get in the corpse program.They were also pretty lazy,they actually yelled at my roomate and I for not waking them up in the morning because the could not get their own dead a$$@s out of bed.My roomate on the other hand was and is an awesome guy,a friend for life and probably one of the main reasons I got through living in the way home.Anyway hope that helps.
I have been wondering about that too.I hope I am wrong,but in my opinion the "relief" will come by way of the following. 1.The economy issue will be ignored since it is something negative. 2.Tell the people to "plan the adversary out of their lives".That one always makes me laugh,last I knew the adversary will strike without cause. 3.Condemnation 4.Brag about their debt free policy,as if it is the cure all to any financial problems. 5.Last but,not least and you said it best my friend tell em'"Just believe God." And one more thing.I was at the Sunday service that followed the tragic events of 9-11,Rosie made an appearance at that service and basically just talked about how no twi people were harmed on 9-11,her uncompassionate,selfish and unkind words brought tears to my eyes.I thought to myself what about everyone else involved in that day. That example reminds me of how they deal with adversity.
When I left the way three years ago it was strongly encouraged to date "Within the household",as the way calls it,which basically means date people that go to the way.The other dating advice was to invite someone new to fellowship and see if he or she "turns on to the Word".In my opinion a few things you should look out for are the following,certain verses of the bible being used as a wedge against you to make you conform to what they want you to do,if this one is used on you it probably won't be done very blatantly,but subtility.Another would be one of the leaders wanting to meet with you guys,which would be ok,but usually the motive of the meeting is to get you more involved with the way,not a good motive for a minister helping a young couple.When I was in one of my good friends who had went to the way all his life got engaged to a girl who did not go to way functions on a regular basis,somehow the branch coordinator found out about the engagement and asked me if he could meet with them to "help",when I checked with my friend to see if he wanted to meet with him his answer was,"No,I've heard to many horror stories about leadership getting involved with people's relationships."If the current attendance of way functions is as low as when I went they may not bug you much with getting more involved because they don't want to scare you off.At this time that is about all I can think of to look out for,if I think of anymore I'll send it to you.One good thing to remember is they cannot make you do anything.