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Everything posted by FreeAtLast

  1. Have known Mike since I was a kid. They are sweet people. Can't believe he's still in.
  2. Hope it was a great birthday Sushi.
  3. I think that I personally only suffered in the area of education. When I wanted to go to college my limb coordinator told me I needed to go wow which was soon followed by corps. I did manage to get a year of junior college in, but when I realized I wasn't "doing anything for God" is when I finally went into the corps. Heck I am 44 and finally getting that real education. But a lot more good resulted than bad. Yeah I have this perfectionist attitude and I condemn myself when I can't keep up with my life, but I am generally happy. i spent 28 years in the Way I would hate to think that nothing good came from that. Actually I refuse to believe that because I have principle in my life that others don't. Honesty and integrity. No matter what others in the way were doing I did learn those qualities.
  4. Hey guys sorry I have been celebrating a 15th birthday by way of a concert and sleepover. Two great love songs. Bryan Adams is amazing at writing those love songs. Thanks guys.
  5. I found you Johnny. My son aka Fisherman Scott and I enjoyed watching the vid. He thought the steels were awesome. He has caught drums that big but has never been able to fish where there were steelheads. Sad to see that eagle dead.
  6. Ya Johnny, I missed your clip too. It's probably in politics or about the Way since I don't look in those forums. By the way, I think you and your trigger happy honey seem to have a sweet relationship. I am sure you have given her the love she deserves. Go get her a beautiful rose and tell her how much she means to you just because. That oughta melt her heart.
  7. Hey girls this song reminds me of the way every girl would love her guy to feel for her. Plus it's just a pretty song. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
  8. Ham I am so sorry that you have been discriminated against. Thanks for the giggle.
  9. Happy Birthday Bow!!! Hope you had a blast.
  10. Mini, So glad you are seeing a counselor. I did the same and it really helped me piece my life back together. I wasn't born in the way but spent half of my childhood there, and most of my adult years. I am glad I got my kids out. My youngest doesn't even remember it. Stay in counseling and be proud that you stepped out and made something of yourself. Congrats on grad school.
  11. Hey friend hope all is well with you. Have a great day!!

  12. I personally got to rediscover myself. Having spent most of my life in the Way, and it being all I knew throughout my life. It was fun at first, I could be whomever I wanted to be. My counselor was a great help until his death and much of what he taught me sticks with me today. So I guess he is still a great help even though he is no longer with me.
  13. FreeAtLast

    weenie roast

    guess you are all set on maine. Next time maybe we can do it somewhere more central to everyone. Sudo beautiful country just too far for me. If I could make it this year I would. You know KC has great BBQ, Hint Hint. Forfuture plans that is. Oops ended my sentence with a preposition.
  14. Well we are all proud of him. And you too
  15. Happy Birthday Ala!!!!
  16. Congratulations Cman. Hopefully I will be able to post a similar pic in a couple of years. So now what? Job, grad school, bum around?
  17. My mom has it but she stopped the treatments she was given you know my mom's id out here so you might pop her a pm and see if she can give anymore insight.
  18. FreeAtLast

    Age difference

    Well I have dated younger and older and I personally prefer older or within 5 years. But that's my experience, I just find that too much younger and we are in the early 30's and they still seem to have some maturity issues. 8 years isn't that much different though depending on how old you are. I dated a guy 11 years younger and I finally had to get out of that relationship. I got tired of the immaturity, I didn't think I would find that in a 30+ year old man but it was there. It took a few months before I started to see it but once I did I had to break free. I didn't want his little tantrums to be something my kids saw as acceptable and I didn't want his reckless abandon to be emulated either.
  19. Looks like the two drink limit that one of my wow sisters one of my wow years partook of on a regular basis.
  20. FreeAtLast

    I soloed today

    Congrats!! How exciting and you have your own plane.
  21. WhiteDove thanks for posting the link. I hadn't had a chance to call my friend and get that URL for those who are interested. Greasy dude, I guess I would powder your little bottom and help you get rid of that diaper rash. Gosh What sacrifices I make to help you guys out.
  22. Waysider, that wasn't quite how I remembered the song, but I can't believe I am admitting to hearing that one. Thanks for the giggle.
  23. I haven't seen any pics of mr. Elliot as an older fellow. I always enjoyed looking at him and watching the slow cool roles he played. A friend of mine has told me in the past that there is an ex Way dating site that some woman in Colorado set up. If any one is interested in checking it out I can call my friend and ask what the url is.
  24. Ham man you are a noble squirrel.
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