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Everything posted by FreeAtLast

  1. Congrats to Brian, and also to dad for being there the entire time.
  2. Waysider FL sounded more cult like than any other activity the Way could muster up. WOW!!! that is just insane. How long did you stay in the program?
  3. By the time I was in 16th and granduating with the 17th corps the tuition was $4200
  4. Well Tori was my WOW coordinator in 81-82 in Wilmington Ohio. You might try to look for her in NJ. But if I remember correctly she got married. I don't recall what her married name was. But I do know that she has family in NJ.
  5. Welcome!! My brother says it's a kinder gentler ministry. He's one of the Ministry Yes men Revs. But apparently they still haven't taught people to think for themselves and make decisions based on logic. Glad to have you around.
  6. ROFLMAO!!!!! That was one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. OMG!!!
  7. Tom has a point here. If your stories aren't copywritten you could find someone else benefitting from your wit. I have thoroughly enjoyed the tales though.
  8. Bingo Belle. I believe that's why my brother stays. He has a bachelors in Computer Science and is so outdated that he would have a difficult time getting back into the field which makes the way look really good, since they are providing him a paycheck.
  9. YOu know what I just looked at the subject and they are talking about the 9th corps. Jeff and Melva were 17th corps. So weird there is another ex-way with a similar name.
  10. Sorry gotta keep my wholesome image. Can't throw out the thoughts going through my head at the moment. OMG
  11. Last I heard Jeff and Melva were still together but at this point I am not sure of their whereabouts. Did you try to search him in the public records. Not always accurate but you might find a trail to him.
  12. Go for the dream JL. You definitely paint a picture!!!
  13. Sorry to hear that Raf. I am guilty as charged for not heading out there more
  14. Sunesis - you definitely live up to you name. What a well formulated response. You mentioned POP and the mass exodus that followed and how many of the younger people (teens and early 20's) didn't leave. I was among that group. It took me quite a long time after that to leave. The reason wasn't that I viewed the Way as perfect, but I still saw God as a God of grace. I wanted the Way to change, to go back to it's roots. I had to give it the opportunity to make amends. The chance to return to what we knew in the 70's and I was going to help take it there. The Way was all many of us, of the younger group at that time, ever knew. My mom will say now that she prayed to God for a class not a ministry and that she should have taken the class and run. She is always appologizing for getting us in the ministry. But truth is I never blamed her or the ministry for my life because we all must take responsibility for our own actions. When I finally did leave it was because I felt nothing I could ever do will bring back the ministry I knew in the 70's, and the more I tried the more I got beat down by the ministry I had literally given my life to. Stripped of everything even my advanced class status, I finally decided the Way was a dead group with no hope of change. I believed at that point if I stayed I would be a hypocrit. So I finally left. If I believed it couldn't be revived then, how could it be revived now 4 years later when the crud thickens and grace is stripped even more and replaced more and more with legalism. Thanks Sunesis, your post laid it out so clearly where the true heart of the ministry eminated and why it was unsalvagable long before POP.
  15. What a great story. You have an awesome way of telling a story! What an awesome scene.
  16. Mark - I love that 6 flags guy
  17. A very merry unbirthday to all!!!! (Alice in Wonderland reference.)
  18. Noni, welcome. It'll be nice to have another vantage point. Now we need to find an ex Mormon. I have had their missionaries at my door and I don't turn them away just because I remember how I felt when I got turned away going door to door. But recently I had to tell them to stop coming. It sucks hours out of your life. Glad to have you Noni. Glad to see you are breaking the bonds of control
  19. sogwap - I grew up in the Way in the 70's Those of us that were kids back then are too old to care too much now. You are right the enthusiasm of the 70's was lost by the 80's and I even felt out of place in the Way once I was out of high school. (graduated in 81). The only way to still feel connected was traipse up the ladder of responsibility in the Way. But by the late 90's I was kicked out of the corps, and eventually marked and avoided. I was allowed back in but by the new milennium left of my own free will. Those of us who were kids in the 70's are in our late 30's to mid 40's and I don't know any of us who would want to revive the dead horse. I am sure there are a few but not in my circle of friends.
  20. Johnny you got me crying. What a touching story.
  21. What a beautiful family you have Johnny. Gotta get one of your daughter out there so she doesn't feel left out. What is your doggie's name?
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